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# Copyright 2017 "Neo Technology",
# Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB (
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Feature: FunctionsAcceptance
Scenario: Run coalesce
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ({name: 'Emil Eifrem', title: 'CEO'}), ({name: 'Nobody'})
When executing query:
RETURN coalesce(a.title,
Then the result should be:
| coalesce(a.title, |
| 'CEO' |
| 'Nobody' |
And no side effects
Scenario: Functions should return null if they get path containing unbound
Given any graph
When executing query:
WITH null AS a
OPTIONAL MATCH p = (a)-[r]->()
RETURN length(nodes(p)), type(r), nodes(p), relationships(p)
Then the result should be:
| length(nodes(p)) | type(r) | nodes(p) | relationships(p) |
| null | null | null | null |
And no side effects
Scenario: `split()`
Given any graph
When executing query:
UNWIND split('one1two', '1') AS item
RETURN count(item) AS item
Then the result should be:
| item |
| 2 |
And no side effects
Scenario: `properties()` on a node
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (n:Person {name: 'Popeye', level: 9001})
When executing query:
MATCH (p:Person)
RETURN properties(p) AS m
Then the result should be:
| m |
| {name: 'Popeye', level: 9001} |
And no side effects
Scenario: `properties()` on a relationship
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (n)-[:R {name: 'Popeye', level: 9001}]->(n)
When executing query:
MATCH ()-[r:R]->()
RETURN properties(r) AS m
Then the result should be:
| m |
| {name: 'Popeye', level: 9001} |
And no side effects
Scenario: `properties()` on a map
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN properties({name: 'Popeye', level: 9001}) AS m
Then the result should be:
| m |
| {name: 'Popeye', level: 9001} |
And no side effects
Scenario: `properties()` failing on an integer literal
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN properties(1)
Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: InvalidArgumentType
Scenario: `properties()` failing on a string literal
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN properties('Cypher')
Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: InvalidArgumentType
Scenario: `properties()` failing on a list of booleans
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN properties([true, false])
Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: InvalidArgumentType
Scenario: `properties()` on null
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN properties(null)
Then the result should be:
| properties(null) |
| null |
And no side effects
Scenario: `reverse()`
Given any graph
When executing query:
RETURN reverse('raksO')
Then the result should be:
| reverse('raksO') |
| 'Oskar' |
And no side effects
Scenario: `exists()` with dynamic property lookup
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (:Person {prop: 'foo'}),
When executing query:
MATCH (n:Person)
WHERE exists(n['prop'])
Then the result should be:
| n |
| (:Person {prop: 'foo'}) |
And no side effects
Scenario Outline: `exists()` with literal maps
Given any graph
When executing query:
WITH <map> AS map
RETURN exists( AS exists
Then the result should be:
| exists |
| <result> |
And no side effects
| map | result |
| {name: 'Mats', name2: 'Pontus'} | true |
| {name: null} | false |
| {notName: 0, notName2: null} | false |
Scenario Outline: IS NOT NULL with literal maps
Given any graph
When executing query:
WITH <map> AS map
Then the result should be:
| <result> |
And no side effects
| map | result |
| {name: 'Mats', name2: 'Pontus'} | true |
| {name: null} | false |
| {notName: 0, notName2: null} | false |
Scenario Outline: `percentileDisc()`
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ({prop: 10.0}),
({prop: 20.0}),
({prop: 30.0})
And parameters are:
| params | p |
| percentile | <p> |
When executing query:
RETURN percentileDisc(n.prop, $percentile) AS p
Then the result should be:
| p |
| <result> |
And no side effects
| p | result |
| 0.0 | 10.0 |
| 0.5 | 20.0 |
| 1.0 | 30.0 |
Scenario Outline: `percentileCont()`
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ({prop: 10.0}),
({prop: 20.0}),
({prop: 30.0})
And parameters are:
| params | p |
| percentile | <p> |
When executing query:
RETURN percentileCont(n.prop, $percentile) AS p
Then the result should be:
| p |
| <result> |
And no side effects
| p | result |
| 0.0 | 10.0 |
| 0.5 | 20.0 |
| 1.0 | 30.0 |
Scenario Outline: `percentileCont()` failing on bad arguments
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ({prop: 10.0})
And parameters are:
| param | <percentile> |
When executing query:
RETURN percentileCont(n.prop, $param)
Then a ArgumentError should be raised at runtime: NumberOutOfRange
| percentile |
| 1000 |
| -1 |
| 1.1 |
Scenario Outline: `percentileDisc()` failing on bad arguments
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ({prop: 10.0})
And parameters are:
| param | <percentile> |
When executing query:
RETURN percentileDisc(n.prop, $param)
Then a ArgumentError should be raised at runtime: NumberOutOfRange
| percentile |
| 1000 |
| -1 |
| 1.1 |
Scenario: `percentileDisc()` failing in more involved query
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
UNWIND range(0, 10) AS i
WITH s, i
UNWIND range(0, i) AS j
CREATE (s)-[:REL]->()
When executing query:
WITH n, size([(n)-->() | 1]) AS deg
WHERE deg > 2
WITH deg
RETURN percentileDisc(0.90, deg), deg
Then a ArgumentError should be raised at runtime: NumberOutOfRange
Scenario: `type()`
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ()-[:T]->()
When executing query:
MATCH ()-[r]->()
RETURN type(r)
Then the result should be:
| type(r) |
| 'T' |
And no side effects
Scenario: `type()` on two relationships
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ()-[:T1]->()-[:T2]->()
When executing query:
MATCH ()-[r1]->()-[r2]->()
RETURN type(r1), type(r2)
Then the result should be:
| type(r1) | type(r2) |
| 'T1' | 'T2' |
And no side effects
Scenario: `type()` on null relationship
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
When executing query:
RETURN type(r)
Then the result should be:
| type(r) |
| null |
And no side effects
Scenario: `type()` on mixed null and non-null relationships
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ()-[:T]->()
When executing query:
OPTIONAL MATCH (a)-[r:T]->()
RETURN type(r)
Then the result should be:
| type(r) |
| 'T' |
| null |
And no side effects
Scenario: `type()` handling Any type
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ()-[:T]->()
When executing query:
MATCH (a)-[r]->()
WITH [r, 1] AS list
RETURN type(list[0])
Then the result should be:
| type(list[0]) |
| 'T' |
And no side effects
Scenario Outline: `type()` failing on invalid arguments
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE ()-[:T]->()
When executing query:
MATCH p = (n)-[r:T]->()
RETURN [x IN [r, <invalid>] | type(x) ] AS list
Then a TypeError should be raised at runtime: InvalidArgumentValue
| invalid |
| 0 |
| 1.0 |
| true |
| '' |
| [] |
Scenario: `labels()` should accept type Any
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (:Foo), (:Foo:Bar)
When executing query:
WITH [a, 1] AS list
RETURN labels(list[0]) AS l
Then the result should be (ignoring element order for lists):
| l |
| ['Foo'] |
| ['Foo', 'Bar'] |
And no side effects
Scenario: `labels()` should accept type Any
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (:Foo), (:Foo:Bar)
When executing query:
MATCH p = (a)
RETURN labels(p) AS l
Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: InvalidArgumentType
Scenario: `labels()` should accept type Any
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (:Foo), (:Foo:Bar)
When executing query:
WITH [a, 1] AS list
RETURN labels(list[1]) AS l
Then a TypeError should be raised at runtime: InvalidArgumentValue
Scenario: `exists()` is case insensitive
Given an empty graph
And having executed:
CREATE (a:X {prop: 42}), (:X)
When executing query:
RETURN n, EXIsTS(n.prop) AS b
Then the result should be:
| n | b |
| (:X {prop: 42}) | true |
| (:X) | false |
And no side effects