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# Copyright 2023 Memgraph Ltd.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the file licenses/BSL.txt; by using this file, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Business Source
# License, and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Business Source License.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
# licenses/APL.txt.
from workloads.base import Workload
class Supernode(Workload):
NAME = "supernode"
def indexes_generator(self):
return [
("CREATE INDEX ON :Supernode;", {}),
("CREATE INDEX ON :Supernode(id);", {}),
("CREATE INDEX ON :Node;", {}),
("CREATE INDEX ON :Node(id);", {}),
def dataset_generator(self):
queries = []
queries.append(("CREATE (:Supernode {id: $id});", {"id": 1}))
for i in range(0, Supernode.CARDINALITY):
queries.append(("CREATE (:Node {id: $id});", {"id": i}))
queries.append(("MATCH (s:Supernode), (n:Node) CREATE (s)<-[:EDGE]-(n)", {}))
return queries
def benchmark__test__merge_supernode_edges(self):
return ("MATCH (s:Supernode), (n:Node) MERGE (s)<-[:EDGE]-(n);", {})
def benchmark__test__merge_supernode_edges_other_way(self):
return ("MATCH (s:Supernode), (n:Node) MERGE (n)-[:EDGE]->(s);", {})
def benchmark__test__unwind_supernode_with_writes(self):
return (f"UNWIND range(1, {Supernode.CARDINALITY}) AS x MATCH (s:Supernode) SET s.prop = x", {})