
281 lines
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import sys
import mgp
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain, repeat
from inspect import cleandoc
from typing import List, Tuple
import networkx as nx
except ImportError as import_error:
'NOTE: Please install networkx to be able to use graph_analyzer '
'module. Using Python:\n'
+ sys.version +
raise import_error
# Imported last because it also depends on networkx.
from mgp_networkx import MemgraphMultiDiGraph # noqa E402
def help() -> mgp.Record(name=str, value=str):
'''Shows manual page for graph_analyzer.'''
records = []
def make_records(name, doc):
return (mgp.Record(name=n, value=v) for n, v in
zip(chain([name], repeat('')), cleandoc(doc).splitlines()))
for func in (help, analyze, analyze_subgraph):
records.extend(make_records("Procedure '{}'".format(func.__name__),
for m, v in _get_analysis_mapping().items():
records.extend(make_records("Analysis '{}'".format(m), v.__doc__))
return records
def analyze(context: mgp.ProcCtx,
analyses: mgp.Nullable[List[str]] = None
) -> mgp.Record(name=str, value=str):
Shows graph information.
In case of multiple results, only the first 10 will be shown.
The optional parameter is a list of graph analyses to run.
If NULL, all available analyses are run.
Example call (give all information):
CALL graph_analyzer.analyze() YIELD *;
Example call (with parameter):
CALL graph_analyzer.analyze(['nodes', 'edges']) YIELD *;
g = MemgraphMultiDiGraph(ctx=context)
recs = _analyze_graph(context, g, analyses)
return [mgp.Record(name=name, value=value) for name, value in recs]
def analyze_subgraph(context: mgp.ProcCtx,
vertices: mgp.List[mgp.Vertex],
edges: mgp.List[mgp.Edge],
analyses: mgp.Nullable[List[str]] = None
) -> mgp.Record(name=str, value=str):
Shows subgraph information.
In case of multiple results, only the first 10 will be shown.
The optional parameter is a list of graph analyses to run.
If NULL, all available analyses are run.
Example call (give all information):
MATCH (n)-[e]->(m) WITH
collect(n) AS nodes,
collect(e) AS edges
CALL graph_analyzer.analyze_subgraph(nodes, edges) YIELD *
RETURN name, value;
Example call (with parameter):
MATCH (n)-[e]->(m) WITH
collect(n) AS nodes,
collect(e) AS edges
CALL graph_analyzer.analyze_subgraph(nodes, edges, ['nodes', 'edges'])
RETURN name, value;
vertices, edges = map(set, [vertices, edges])
g = nx.subgraph_view(
lambda n: n in vertices,
lambda n1, n2, e: e in edges)
recs = _analyze_graph(context, g, analyses)
return [mgp.Record(name=name, value=value) for name, value in recs]
def _get_analysis_mapping():
return OrderedDict([
('nodes', _number_of_nodes),
('edges', _number_of_edges),
('bridges', _bridges),
('articulation_points', _articulation_points),
('avg_degree', _avg_degree),
('sorted_nodes_degree', _sorted_nodes_degree),
('self_loops', _self_loops),
('is_bipartite', _is_bipartite),
('is_planar', _is_planar),
('is_biconnected: ', _is_biconnected),
('is_weakly_connected', _is_weakly_connected),
('number_of_weakly_components', _weakly_components),
('is_strongly_connected', _is_strongly_connected),
('strongly_components', _strongly_components),
('is_dag', _is_dag),
('is_eulerian', _is_eulerian),
('is_forest', _is_forest),
('is_tree', _is_tree)])
def _get_analysis_func(name: str):
_name_to_proc = _get_analysis_mapping()
return _name_to_proc.get(name.lower())
def _get_analysis_funcs():
return _get_analysis_mapping().values()
def _analyze_graph(context: mgp.ProcCtx,
g: nx.MultiDiGraph,
analyses: List[str]
) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
functions = (_get_analysis_funcs() if analyses is None
else [_get_analysis_func(name) for name in analyses])
records = []
for index, f in enumerate(functions):
if f is None:
raise KeyError('Graph analysis is not supported: ' +
name, value = f(g)
if isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple)):
value = list(value)[:_MAX_LIST_SIZE]
records.append((name, str(value)))
return records
def _number_of_nodes(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Returns number of nodes.'''
return 'Number of nodes', nx.number_of_nodes(g)
def _number_of_edges(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Returns number of edges.'''
return 'Number of edges', nx.number_of_edges(g)
def _avg_degree(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, float]:
'''Returns average degree.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
_, number_of_edges = _number_of_edges(g)
avg_degree = (0 if number_of_nodes == 0
else number_of_edges / number_of_nodes)
return 'Average degree', avg_degree
def _sorted_nodes_degree(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, List[int]]:
'''Returns list of sorted nodes degree. [(node_id, degree), ...]'''
nodes_degree = [(n, for n in g.nodes()]
nodes_degree.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return 'Sorted nodes degree', nodes_degree
def _self_loops(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Returns number of self loops.'''
return 'Self loops', sum((1 if e[0] == e[1] else 0 for e in g.edges()))
def _is_bipartite(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is bipartite.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.bipartite.basic.is_bipartite(g))
return 'Is bipartite', ret
def _is_planar(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is planar.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.planarity.check_planarity(g)[0])
return 'Is planar', ret
def _is_biconnected(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Check if graph is biconnected.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.is_biconnected(nx.MultiDiGraph.to_undirected(g)))
return 'Is biconnected', ret
def _is_weakly_connected(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Check if graph is weakly connected.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = False if number_of_nodes == 0 else nx.is_weakly_connected(g)
return 'Is weakly connected', ret
def _is_strongly_connected(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is strongly connected.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = False if number_of_nodes == 0 else nx.is_strongly_connected(g)
return 'Is strongly connected', ret
def _is_dag(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Check if graph is directed acyclic graph (DAG)'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.dag.is_directed_acyclic_graph(g))
return 'Is DAG', ret
def _is_eulerian(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is Eulerian.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.euler.is_eulerian(g))
return 'Is eulerian', ret
def _is_forest(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is forest, all components must be trees.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.tree.recognition.is_forest(g))
return 'Is forest', ret
def _is_tree(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
'''Checks if graph is tree.'''
_, number_of_nodes = _number_of_nodes(g)
ret = (False if number_of_nodes == 0
else nx.algorithms.tree.recognition.is_tree(g))
return 'Is tree', ret
def _bridges(g: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> Tuple[str, int]:
'''Returns number of bridges, multiple edges between same nodes are
mapped to one edge.'''
return 'Number of bridges', sum(1 for _ in nx.bridges(nx.Graph(g)))
def _articulation_points(g: nx.MultiDiGraph):
'''Returns number of articulation points.'''
undirected = nx.MultiDiGraph.to_undirected(g)
return ('Number of articulation points',
sum(1 for _ in nx.articulation_points(undirected)))
def _weakly_components(g: nx.MultiDiGraph):
'''Returns number of weakly components.'''
comps = nx.algorithms.components.number_weakly_connected_components(g)
return 'Number of weakly connected components', comps
def _strongly_components(g: nx.MultiDiGraph):
'''Returns number of strongly connected components.'''
comps = nx.algorithms.components.number_strongly_connected_components(g)
return 'Number of strongly connected components', comps