mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 20:40:29 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ include("ts-core:ts-json")
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package cn.tursom.core.sequence
class CacheSequence<T>(
private val sequence: Sequence<T>,
) : Sequence<T> {
private var list: MutableList<T>? = null
override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> = list?.iterator() ?: CacheSequenceIterator(sequence.iterator(), ArrayList())
inner class CacheSequenceIterator(
private val iterator: Iterator<T>,
private val list: MutableList<T>,
) : Iterator<T> {
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = if (iterator.hasNext()) {
} else {
this@CacheSequence.list = list
override fun next(): T {
val next = iterator.next()
return next
fun <T> Sequence<T>.cache() = CacheSequence(this)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
kotlin("plugin.allopen") version "1.5.21"
dependencies {
implementation("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3", "3.8.1")
testApi(group = "junit", name = "junit", version = "4.13.2")
artifacts {
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjvm-default=all"
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ plugins {
dependencies {
api("cglib", "cglib", "3.3.0")
implementation("org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3", "3.8.1")
testApi(group = "junit", name = "junit", version = "4.13.2")
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
class ListProxy<T : ProxyMethod> : MutableProxy<T> {
private val proxyList: MutableList<T> = ArrayList()
override fun addProxy(proxy: T): Int {
return proxyList.size - 1
override fun addAllProxy(proxy: Collection<T>?): Boolean {
return proxyList.addAll(proxy!!)
override fun removeProxy(proxy: T) {
override fun removeProxy(index: Int) {
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<T> {
return proxyList.iterator()
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
class ListProxyContainer : MutableProxyContainer {
private val proxyList: MutableList<ProxyMethod> = ArrayList()
override fun addProxy(proxy: ProxyMethod): Int {
return proxyList.size - 1
override fun addAllProxy(proxy: Collection<ProxyMethod>?): Boolean {
return proxyList.addAll(proxy!!)
override fun removeProxy(proxy: ProxyMethod) {
override fun removeProxy(index: Int) {
override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<ProxyMethod> {
return proxyList.iterator()
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
interface MutableProxy<T : ProxyMethod> : Proxy<T> {
fun addProxy(proxy: T): Int
fun addAllProxy(proxy: Collection<T>?): Boolean
fun removeProxy(proxy: T)
fun removeProxy(index: Int)
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
interface MutableProxyContainer : ProxyContainer {
fun addProxy(proxy: ProxyMethod): Int
fun addAllProxy(proxy: Collection<ProxyMethod>?): Boolean
fun removeProxy(proxy: ProxyMethod)
fun removeProxy(index: Int)
@ -1,46 +1,42 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
interface Proxy<out T : ProxyMethod> : Iterable<T> {
data class Result<out R>(
val result: R,
val success: Boolean = false,
object Proxy {
private val cache = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, Class<*>>()
companion object {
val failed: Result<*> = Result<Any?>(null, false)
fun <R> of(): Result<R?> {
return of(null)
private fun <T> getTarget(clazz: Class<T>): Class<T> = cache.computeIfAbsent(clazz) {
val enhancer = Enhancer()
enhancer.setCallbackFilter { 0 }
* 返回一个临时使用的 Result 对象
* 因为是临时对象,所以不要把这个对象放到任何当前函数堆栈以外的地方
* 如果要长期储存对象请 new Result
fun <R> of(result: R): Result<R> {
return Result(result, true)
fun <R> failed(): Result<R> {
return failed.uncheckedCast()
operator fun <T> get(clazz: Class<T>, builder: (Class<T>) -> T): Pair<T, MutableProxyContainer> {
val target = getTarget(clazz)
val container = ListProxyContainer()
synchronized(target) {
Enhancer.registerCallbacks(target, arrayOf(ProxyInterceptor(container)))
return builder(target) to container
inline fun <T : ProxyMethod> Proxy<T>.forEachProxy(action: (T) -> Unit) {
for (t in this) {
inline fun <reified T> get() = get(T::class.java)
inline fun <reified T> get(
argumentTypes: Array<out Class<*>>,
arguments: Array<out Any?>,
) = get(T::class.java, argumentTypes, arguments)
operator fun <T> get(clazz: Class<T>): Pair<T, MutableProxyContainer> = get(clazz, Class<T>::newInstance)
operator fun <T> get(
clazz: Class<T>,
argumentTypes: Array<out Class<*>>,
arguments: Array<out Any?>,
): Pair<T, MutableProxyContainer> = get(clazz) {
inline fun <R, T : ProxyMethod> Proxy<T>.forFirstProxy(action: (T) -> Proxy.Result<R>?): Proxy.Result<R> {
for (t in this) {
val result = action(t)
if (result != null && result.success) {
return result
return Proxy.failed()
@ -1,115 +1,47 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
import cn.tursom.proxy.annotation.ForEachProxy
import cn.tursom.proxy.annotation.ForFirstProxy
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.*
interface ProxyContainer<T : ProxyMethod> {
val proxy: Proxy<T>
* will be call when proxy method invoke.
* 在代理方法被调用时,该方法会被调用
fun onProxy(method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy): Proxy.Result<*>? {
var handler = ProxyContainerHandlerCache.getHandler(method)
if (handler != null) {
return handler(this, method, args, proxy)
for (annotation in method.annotations) when (annotation) {
is ForEachProxy -> {
handler = onForeachProxy(annotation)
is ForFirstProxy -> {
handler = onForFirstProxy(annotation)
if (handler == null) {
handler = ProxyContainerHandlerCache.callSuper
ProxyContainerHandlerCache.setHandler(method, handler)
return handler(this, method, args, proxy)
import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
data class ProxyResult<out R>(
val result: R,
val success: Boolean = false,
) {
companion object {
private val errMsgSearchList = arrayOf("%M", "%B", "%A")
fun onForFirstProxy(forFirstProxy: ForFirstProxy) = { o: Any, m: Method, a: Array<out Any?>, p: MethodProxy ->
onForFirstProxy(o, m, a, p, forFirstProxy, when (forFirstProxy.value.size) {
0 -> emptyList()
1 -> listOf(forFirstProxy.value[0].java)
else -> forFirstProxy.value.asSequence().map { it.java }.toSet()
val failed: ProxyResult<*> = ProxyResult<Any?>(null, false)
fun <R> of(): ProxyResult<R?> {
return of(null)
private fun onForFirstProxy(
obj: Any,
method: Method,
args: Array<out Any?>,
proxy: MethodProxy?,
forFirstProxy: ForFirstProxy,
classes: Collection<Class<*>>,
): Proxy.Result<*> {
if (obj !is ProxyContainer<*>) return Proxy.failed<Any>()
val result = obj.proxy.forFirstProxy { p ->
if (classes.isEmpty() || classes.stream().anyMatch { c: Class<*> -> c.isInstance(p) }) {
return@forFirstProxy p.onProxy(obj, method, args, proxy)
} else {
return@forFirstProxy Proxy.failed()
if (result.success) {
return result
// when request not handled
if (forFirstProxy.must) {
// generate error message
var errMsg: String = forFirstProxy.errMsg
if (errMsg.isBlank()) {
errMsg = "no proxy handled on method %M"
val replacementList = arrayOfNulls<String>(errMsgSearchList.size)
// todo use efficient contains
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[0])) {
replacementList[0] = method.toString()
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[1])) {
replacementList[1] = obj.toString()
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[2])) {
replacementList[2] = Arrays.toString(args)
errMsg = StringUtils.replaceEach(errMsg, errMsgSearchList, replacementList)
throw forFirstProxy.errClass.java.getConstructor(String::class.java).newInstance(errMsg)
return Proxy.failed
* 返回一个临时使用的 Result 对象
* 因为是临时对象,所以不要把这个对象放到任何当前函数堆栈以外的地方
* 如果要长期储存对象请 new Result
fun <R> of(result: R): ProxyResult<R> {
return ProxyResult(result, true)
private fun onForeachProxy(forEachProxy: ForEachProxy) = onForeachProxy(when (forEachProxy.value.size) {
0 -> emptyList()
1 -> listOf(forEachProxy.value[0].java)
else -> forEachProxy.value.asSequence().map { it.java }.toSet()
private fun onForeachProxy(
classes: Collection<Class<*>>,
) = label@{ o: Any, m: Method, a: Array<out Any?>, proxy1: MethodProxy ->
if (o !is ProxyContainer<*>) return@label Proxy.failed
o.proxy.forEachProxy { p ->
if (classes.isEmpty() || classes.any { c: Class<*> -> c.isInstance(p) }) {
p.onProxy(o, m, a, proxy1)
fun <R> failed(): ProxyResult<R> {
return failed.uncheckedCast()
interface ProxyContainer : Iterable<ProxyMethod> {
inline fun ProxyContainer.forEachProxy(action: (ProxyMethod) -> Unit) {
for (t in this) {
inline fun <R> ProxyContainer.forFirstProxy(action: (ProxyMethod) -> ProxyResult<R>?): ProxyResult<R> {
for (t in this) {
val result = action(t)
if (result != null && result.success) {
return result
return ProxyResult.failed()
@ -5,18 +5,21 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object ProxyContainerHandlerCache {
private val handlerMap: MutableMap<Method, (Any, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> Proxy.Result<Any?>> =
private val handlerMap: MutableMap<Method, (Any, ProxyContainer, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> ProxyResult<Any?>> =
val callSuper = { obj: Any, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy ->
Proxy.of<Any?>(proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args))
val callSuper = { obj: Any, _: ProxyContainer, _: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy ->
ProxyResult.of<Any?>(proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args))
val empty = { obj: Any, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy -> Proxy.failed<Any?>() }
val empty = { _: Any, _: ProxyContainer, _: Method, _: Array<out Any?>, _: MethodProxy -> ProxyResult.failed<Any?>() }
fun getHandler(method: Method): ((Any, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> Proxy.Result<Any?>)? {
fun getHandler(method: Method): ((Any, ProxyContainer, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> ProxyResult<Any?>)? {
return handlerMap[method]
fun setHandler(method: Method, onProxy: ((Any, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> Proxy.Result<Any?>)?) {
fun setHandler(
method: Method,
onProxy: ((Any, ProxyContainer, Method, Array<out Any?>, MethodProxy) -> ProxyResult<Any?>)?,
) {
handlerMap[method] = onProxy ?: callSuper
@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.*
class ProxyInterceptor : MethodInterceptor {
class ProxyInterceptor(
private val container: ProxyContainer = ListProxyContainer(),
) : MethodInterceptor {
companion object {
private val HANDLE_DEQUE_THREAD_LOCAL = ThreadLocal<ArrayDeque<Any>>()
private val parameterTypes = arrayOf(Method::class.java, Array<Any>::class.java, MethodProxy::class.java)
@ -23,47 +25,19 @@ class ProxyInterceptor : MethodInterceptor {
return method.name == name && parameterTypes.contentEquals(getParameterTypes(method))
private fun isOnProxyMethod(method: Method): Boolean {
fun isOnProxyMethod(method: Method): Boolean {
return equalsMethod(method, "onProxy", parameterTypes)
private val handleDeque: ArrayDeque<Any>
get() {
var objectArrayDeque = HANDLE_DEQUE_THREAD_LOCAL.get()
if (objectArrayDeque == null) {
objectArrayDeque = ArrayDeque()
return objectArrayDeque
fun <T> getHandle(): T {
return handleDeque.first as T
private fun push(obj: Any) {
private fun pop() {
override fun intercept(obj: Any, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy): Any? {
return try {
if (obj is ProxyContainer<*> && !isOnProxyMethod(method)) {
val result = obj.onProxy(method, args, proxy)
if (result != null && result.success) {
return result.result
if (!isOnProxyMethod(method)) {
val result = ProxyRunner.onProxy(obj, container, method, args, proxy)
if (result != null && result.success) {
return result.result
proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args)
} finally {
return proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args)
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
interface ProxyMethod {
fun onProxy(obj: Any?, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy?): Proxy.Result<*>? {
fun onProxy(obj: Any?, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy): ProxyResult<*>? {
val selfMethod: Method
val handlerCacheMap = getHandlerCacheMap(javaClass)
val methodResult = handlerCacheMap[method]
if (methodResult != null) {
return if (methodResult.success) {
Proxy.of(methodResult.result(this, *args))
ProxyResult.of(methodResult.result(this, *args))
} else {
try {
@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ interface ProxyMethod {
selfMethod = javaClass.getMethod(methodName, *method.parameterTypes)
selfMethod.isAccessible = true
handlerCacheMap[method] = Proxy.Result(selfMethod, true)
handlerCacheMap[method] = ProxyResult(selfMethod, true)
} catch (e: Exception) {
handlerCacheMap[method] = Proxy.failed()
return Proxy.failed<Any>()
handlerCacheMap[method] = ProxyResult.failed()
return ProxyResult.failed<Any>()
return Proxy.of<Any>(selfMethod(this, *args))
return ProxyResult.of<Any>(selfMethod(this, *args))
companion object {
private val handlerCacheMapMap: MutableMap<Class<out ProxyMethod>, MutableMap<Method, Proxy.Result<Method>>> =
private val handlerCacheMapMap: MutableMap<Class<out ProxyMethod>, MutableMap<Method, ProxyResult<Method>>> =
fun getHandlerCacheMap(type: Class<out ProxyMethod>): MutableMap<Method, Proxy.Result<Method>> {
fun getHandlerCacheMap(type: Class<out ProxyMethod>): MutableMap<Method, ProxyResult<Method>> {
var handlerCacheMap = handlerCacheMapMap[type]
if (handlerCacheMap == null) synchronized(handlerCacheMapMap) {
handlerCacheMap = handlerCacheMapMap[type]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
package cn.tursom.proxy
import cn.tursom.proxy.annotation.ForEachProxy
import cn.tursom.proxy.annotation.ForFirstProxy
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.*
object ProxyRunner {
private val errMsgSearchList = arrayOf("%M", "%B", "%A")
* will be call when proxy method invoke.
* 在代理方法被调用时,该方法会被调用
fun onProxy(obj: Any, c: ProxyContainer, method: Method, args: Array<out Any?>, proxy: MethodProxy): ProxyResult<*> {
var handler = ProxyContainerHandlerCache.getHandler(method)
if (handler != null) {
return handler(obj, c, method, args, proxy)
for (annotation in method.annotations) when (annotation) {
is ForEachProxy -> {
handler = onForeachProxy(annotation)
is ForFirstProxy -> {
handler = onForFirstProxy(annotation)
if (handler == null) {
//handler = ProxyContainerHandlerCache.callSuper
handler = onForFirstProxy(ForFirstProxy.EMPTY)
ProxyContainerHandlerCache.setHandler(method, handler)
return handler(obj, c, method, args, proxy)
fun onForFirstProxy(forFirstProxy: ForFirstProxy) =
{ o: Any, c: ProxyContainer, m: Method, a: Array<out Any?>, p: MethodProxy ->
onForFirstProxy(o, c, m, a, p, forFirstProxy, when (forFirstProxy.value.size) {
0 -> emptyList()
1 -> listOf(forFirstProxy.value[0].java)
else -> forFirstProxy.value.asSequence().map { it.java }.toSet()
private fun onForFirstProxy(
obj: Any,
container: ProxyContainer,
method: Method,
args: Array<out Any?>,
proxy: MethodProxy,
forFirstProxy: ForFirstProxy,
classes: Collection<Class<*>>,
): ProxyResult<*> {
val result = container.forFirstProxy { p ->
if (classes.isEmpty() || classes.stream().anyMatch { c: Class<*> -> c.isInstance(p) }) {
return@forFirstProxy p.onProxy(obj, method, args, proxy)
} else {
return@forFirstProxy ProxyResult.failed
if (result.success) {
return result
// when request not handled
if (forFirstProxy.must) {
// generate error message
var errMsg: String = forFirstProxy.errMsg
if (errMsg.isBlank()) {
errMsg = "no proxy handled on method %M"
val replacementList = arrayOfNulls<String>(errMsgSearchList.size)
// todo use efficient contains
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[0])) {
replacementList[0] = method.toString()
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[1])) {
replacementList[1] = obj.toString()
if (errMsg.contains(errMsgSearchList[2])) {
replacementList[2] = Arrays.toString(args)
errMsg = StringUtils.replaceEach(errMsg, errMsgSearchList, replacementList)
throw forFirstProxy.errClass.java.getConstructor(String::class.java).newInstance(errMsg)
return ProxyResult.failed
private fun onForeachProxy(forEachProxy: ForEachProxy) = onForeachProxy(when (forEachProxy.value.size) {
0 -> emptyList()
1 -> listOf(forEachProxy.value[0].java)
else -> forEachProxy.value.asSequence().map { it.java }.toSet()
private fun onForeachProxy(
classes: Collection<Class<*>>,
) = label@{ o: Any, c: ProxyContainer, m: Method, a: Array<out Any?>, proxy1: MethodProxy ->
c.forEachProxy { p ->
if (classes.isEmpty() || classes.any { c: Class<*> -> c.isInstance(p) }) {
p.onProxy(o, m, a, proxy1)
@ -14,4 +14,8 @@ annotation class ForFirstProxy(
val must: Boolean = false,
val errMsg: String = "",
val errClass: KClass<out RuntimeException> = RuntimeException::class,
) {
companion object {
val EMPTY = ForFirstProxy()
@ -2,36 +2,30 @@ package cn.tursom.proxy
import cn.tursom.proxy.Example.GetA
import cn.tursom.proxy.annotation.ForEachProxy
import net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer
import org.junit.Test
class Example {
open class TestClass protected constructor() : ProxyContainer<ProxyMethod> {
open class TestClass protected constructor() {
open val a: Int = 0
override val proxy = ListProxy<ProxyMethod>()
fun interface GetA : ProxyMethod {
fun getA(): Int
private val enhancer = Enhancer()
init {
fun test() {
val testClass = enhancer.create() as TestClass
testClass.proxy.addProxy(GetA {
println("on proxy method")
repeat(3) {
val (t, container) = Proxy.get<TestClass>()
container.addProxy(GetA {
println("on proxy method")
@ -6,93 +6,129 @@ import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
import java.lang.reflect.Method
inline fun <R> Class<*>.getDeclaredMethod(
returnType: Class<*>,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
staticReturn: (method: Method) -> R,
returnType: Class<*>,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
staticReturn: (method: Method) -> R,
): R? {
val method = this.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, false, getMethod)
if (method != null) return staticReturn(method)
return null
val method = this.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, false, getMethod)
if (method != null) {
return staticReturn(method)
return null
inline fun <reified R : Any> Any.getMethod(
name: String,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
): (() -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ method(this).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod(name, returnType, getMethod)
name: String,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
): (() -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ method(this).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod(name, returnType, onGetMethod, getMethod)
inline fun <reified R : Any, reified T1> Any.getMethod1(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type)
): ((T1) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ method(this, it).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod1(name, returnType, arg1Type, getMethod)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type)
): ((T1) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ method(this, it).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod1(name, returnType, arg1Type, onGetMethod, getMethod)
inline fun <reified R : Any, reified T1, reified T2> Any.getMethod2(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type)
): ((T1, T2) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2 -> method(this, v1, v2).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod2(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, getMethod)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type)
): ((T1, T2) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2 -> method(this, v1, v2).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod2(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, onGetMethod, getMethod)
inline fun <reified R : Any, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3> Any.getMethod3(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod3(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, getMethod)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod3(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, onGetMethod, getMethod)
inline fun <reified R : Any, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4> Any.getMethod4(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod4(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, getMethod)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod4(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, onGetMethod, getMethod)
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5> Any.getMethod5(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod5(name, returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type, getMethod)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod5(
returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type,
onGetMethod, getMethod
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5, reified T6> Any.getMethod6(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
arg6Type: Class<T6> = T6::class.java,
clazz: Class<*> = javaClass,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type, arg6Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) -> R)? = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6).uncheckedCast() }
} ?: clazz.getStaticDeclaredMethod6(
returnType, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type, arg6Type,
onGetMethod, getMethod
@ -6,71 +6,96 @@ import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
import java.lang.reflect.Method
inline fun <This, reified R> Class<*>.getMethod(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = { getMethodFully(name) },
): (This.() -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ method(this).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
): (This.() -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ method(this).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1> Class<*>.getMethod1(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = { getMethodFully(name, arg1Type) },
): (This.(T1) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ method(this, it).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = { getMethodFully(name, arg1Type) },
): (This.(T1) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ method(this, it).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1, reified T2> Class<*>.getMethod2(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = { getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type) },
): (This.(T1, T2) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2 -> method(this, v1, v2).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = { getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type) },
): (This.(T1, T2) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2 -> method(this, v1, v2).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3> Class<*>.getMethod3(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4> Class<*>.getMethod4(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<in T4> = T4::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<in T4> = T4::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5> Class<*>.getMethod5(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<in T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<in T5> = T5::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5).uncheckedCast() }
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<in T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<in T5> = T5::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5).uncheckedCast() }
inline fun <This, reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5, reified T6> Class<*>.getMethod6(
name: String,
returnType: Class<out R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<in T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<in T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<in T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<in T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<in T5> = T5::class.java,
arg6Type: Class<in T6> = T6::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type, arg6Type)
): (This.(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) -> R)? = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod) { method ->
{ v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 -> method(this, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6).uncheckedCast() }
@ -4,195 +4,223 @@ package cn.tursom.reflect
import cn.tursom.core.allMethodsSequence
import cn.tursom.core.companionObjectInstanceOrNull
import cn.tursom.core.sequence.cache
import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
import java.lang.reflect.Method
inline fun <reified T> getType() = T::class.java
fun main() {
println(Int::class.java canCast getType<Byte>())
println(Int::class.java canCast getType<Int>())
infix fun Class<*>.canCast(target: Class<*>): Boolean {
return (target == Any::class.java || this == target) || (
this == Void.TYPE || this == Void::class.java
//(this == Void.TYPE || this == Void::class.java) &&
// (target == Unit::class.java || target == Void.TYPE || target == Void::class.java)
) || (
(this == Byte::class.java || this == getType<Byte>()) &&
(target == Byte::class.java || target == getType<Byte>())
) || (
(this == Short::class.java || this == getType<Short>()) &&
(target == Short::class.java || target == getType<Short>())
) || (
(this == Int::class.java || this == getType<Int>()) &&
(target == Int::class.java || target == getType<Int>())
) || (
(this == Long::class.java || this == getType<Long>()) &&
(target == Long::class.java || target == getType<Long>())
) || (
(this == Float::class.java || this == getType<Float>()) &&
(target == Float::class.java || target == getType<Float>())
) || (
(this == Double::class.java || this == getType<Double>()) &&
(target == Double::class.java || target == getType<Double>())
) || (
(this == Boolean::class.java || this == getType<Boolean>()) &&
(target == Boolean::class.java || target == getType<Boolean>())
) || (
(this == Char::class.java || this == getType<Char>()) &&
(target == Char::class.java || target == getType<Char>())
) || target.isAssignableFrom(this)
infix fun Class<*>.canCast(target: Class<*>): Boolean {
return (target == Any::class.java || this == target) || (
(this == Void.TYPE || this == Void::class.java) &&
(target == Unit::class.java || target == Void.TYPE || target == Void::class.java)
) || (
(this == Byte::class.java || this == getType<Byte>()) &&
(target == Byte::class.java || target == getType<Byte>())
) || (
(this == Short::class.java || this == getType<Short>()) &&
(target == Short::class.java || target == getType<Short>())
) || (
(this == Int::class.java || this == getType<Int>()) &&
(target == Int::class.java || target == getType<Int>())
) || (
(this == Long::class.java || this == getType<Long>()) &&
(target == Long::class.java || target == getType<Long>())
) || (
(this == Float::class.java || this == getType<Float>()) &&
(target == Float::class.java || target == getType<Float>())
) || (
(this == Double::class.java || this == getType<Double>()) &&
(target == Double::class.java || target == getType<Double>())
) || (
(this == Boolean::class.java || this == getType<Boolean>()) &&
(target == Boolean::class.java || target == getType<Boolean>())
) || (
(this == Char::class.java || this == getType<Char>()) &&
(target == Char::class.java || target == getType<Char>())
) || target.isAssignableFrom(this)
infix fun Array<out Class<*>>.match(types: Array<out Class<*>>): Boolean {
forEachIndexed { index, clazz ->
if (!(types[index] canCast clazz)) return false
return true
private fun Method.match(name: String, vararg type: Class<*>): Boolean {
if (this.name != name) return false
if (this.parameterTypes.size != type.size) return false
this.parameterTypes.forEachIndexed { index, clazz ->
if (!(type[index] canCast clazz)) return false
return true
if (this.name != name) return false
if (this.parameterTypes.size != type.size) return false
return this.parameterTypes match type
fun Class<*>.getFirstMatchMethod(
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
): Method? {
allMethodsSequence.forEach { method ->
if (method.match(name, *type)) {
return method
allMethodsSequence.forEach { method ->
if (method.match(name, type = type)) {
return method
return null
return null
fun Class<*>.getMethodFully(
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
): Method? {
val scanMethod = scanMethod(name, *type)
return (scanMethod.firstOrNull { method ->
method.parameterTypes.forEachIndexed { index, clazz ->
if (type[index] != clazz) return@firstOrNull false
} ?: scanMethod.firstOrNull())
val scanMethod = scanMethod(name, type = type)
return scanMethod.firstOrNull { method ->
method.parameterTypes.forEachIndexed { index, clazz ->
if (type[index] != clazz) return@firstOrNull false
} ?: scanMethod.firstOrNull()
fun Class<*>.scanMethod(
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
): List<Method> {
return buildList {
allMethodsSequence.forEach { method ->
if (method.match(name, *type)) add(method)
name: String,
vararg type: Class<*>,
): Sequence<Method> {
return allMethodsSequence.filter { method ->
method.match(name, type = type)
inline fun Class<*>.getDeclaredMethod(
returnType: Class<*>,
isStatic: Boolean = true,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
returnType: Class<*>,
isStatic: Boolean = true,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
) = try {
val method = getMethod()
method?.isAccessible = true
if (method != null && method.isStatic() == isStatic && method.returnType canCast returnType) method
else null
val method = getMethod()
method?.isAccessible = true
if (method != null && method.isStatic() == isStatic && method.returnType canCast returnType) method
else null
} catch (e: Exception) {
inline fun <R> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType: Class<*>,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
staticReturn: (method: Method, companionObjectInstance: Any?) -> R,
returnType: Class<*>,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method?,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
staticReturn: (method: Method, companionObjectInstance: Any?) -> R,
): R? {
val method = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, true, getMethod)
if (method != null) return staticReturn(method, null)
val method = getDeclaredMethod(returnType, true, getMethod)
if (method != null) {
return staticReturn(method, null)
val companionObjectInstance = kotlin.companionObjectInstanceOrNull ?: return null
val companionObjectClazz = companionObjectInstance.javaClass
val companionMethod = companionObjectClazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, false, getMethod)
if (companionMethod != null) return staticReturn(companionMethod, companionObjectInstance)
val companionObjectInstance = kotlin.companionObjectInstanceOrNull ?: return null
val companionObjectClazz = companionObjectInstance.javaClass
val companionMethod = companionObjectClazz.getDeclaredMethod(returnType, false, getMethod)
if (companionMethod != null) {
return staticReturn(companionMethod, companionObjectInstance)
return null
return null
inline fun <reified R : Any> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
): (() -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { method(companion).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod1(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type)
): ((T1) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1 -> method(companion, v1).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod2(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type)
): ((T1, T2) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1, v2 -> method(companion, v1, v2).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod3(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1, v2, v3 -> method(companion, v1, v2, v3).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod4(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1, v2, v3, v4 -> method(companion, v1, v2, v3, v4).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod5(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type)
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1, v2, v3, v4, v5 -> method(companion, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5).uncheckedCast() } }
inline fun <reified R, reified T1, reified T2, reified T3, reified T4, reified T5, reified T6> Class<*>.getStaticDeclaredMethod6(
name: String,
returnType: Class<R> = R::class.java,
arg1Type: Class<T1> = T1::class.java,
arg2Type: Class<T2> = T2::class.java,
arg3Type: Class<T3> = T3::class.java,
arg4Type: Class<T4> = T4::class.java,
arg5Type: Class<T5> = T5::class.java,
arg6Type: Class<T6> = T6::class.java,
onGetMethod: (Method) -> Unit = {},
getMethod: Class<*>.() -> Method? = {
getMethodFully(name, arg1Type, arg2Type, arg3Type, arg4Type, arg5Type, arg6Type)
): ((T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) -> R)? = getStaticDeclaredMethod(
returnType, getMethod, onGetMethod
) { method, companion -> { v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6 -> method(companion, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6).uncheckedCast() } }
@ -8,51 +8,51 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
object InstantAllocator {
enum class AllocateFunction { INSTANCE, UNSAFE, KOBJECT, NONE }
enum class AllocateFunction { INSTANCE, UNSAFE, KOBJECT, NONE }
private val allocateFunctionMap = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, AllocateFunction>()
private val allocateFunctionMap = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, AllocateFunction>()
operator fun <T> invoke(clazz: Class<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(clazz, unsafe)
operator fun <T> invoke(clazz: Class<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(clazz, unsafe)
inline operator fun <reified T : Any> invoke(unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(T::class.java, unsafe)
inline operator fun <reified T : Any> invoke(unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(T::class.java, unsafe)
operator fun <T : Any> get(clazz: KClass<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(clazz.java, unsafe)
operator fun <T : Any> get(clazz: KClass<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T = get(clazz.java, unsafe)
operator fun <T> get(clazz: Class<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T {
return when (allocateFunctionMap[clazz]) {
null -> try {
val newInstance = clazz.newInstance()
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.INSTANCE
} catch (e: Exception) {
val kClass = clazz.kotlin
val objectInstance = kClass.objectInstance
if (objectInstance != null) {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.KOBJECT
} else if (unsafe) try {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.UNSAFE
} catch (e: Exception) {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.NONE
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
} else {
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
AllocateFunction.INSTANCE -> clazz.newInstance()
AllocateFunction.UNSAFE -> if (unsafe) {
} else {
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
AllocateFunction.KOBJECT -> clazz.kotlin.objectInstance!!
AllocateFunction.NONE -> throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
operator fun <T> get(clazz: Class<out T>, unsafe: Boolean = true): T {
return when (allocateFunctionMap[clazz]) {
null -> try {
val newInstance = clazz.newInstance()
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.INSTANCE
} catch (e: Exception) {
val kClass = clazz.kotlin
val objectInstance = kClass.objectInstance
if (objectInstance != null) {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.KOBJECT
} else if (unsafe) try {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.UNSAFE
} catch (e: Exception) {
allocateFunctionMap[clazz] = AllocateFunction.NONE
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
} else {
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
AllocateFunction.INSTANCE -> clazz.newInstance()
AllocateFunction.UNSAFE -> if (unsafe) {
} else {
throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
AllocateFunction.KOBJECT -> clazz.kotlin.objectInstance!!
AllocateFunction.NONE -> throw NoSuchMethodException("${clazz.name}:<init>()")
@ -8,265 +8,265 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
private val fieldModifiersField: Field? = try {
Field::class.java.getDeclaredField("modifiers").apply {
isAccessible = true
Field::class.java.getDeclaredField("modifiers").apply {
isAccessible = true
} catch (e: Throwable) {
var fieldModifiers: (Field, Int) -> Unit = { field, modifer ->
fieldModifiersField!!.set(field, modifer)
var fieldModifiers: (Field, Int) -> Unit = { field, modifier ->
fieldModifiersField!!.set(field, modifier)
var Field.public: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PUBLIC
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PUBLIC
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.private: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PRIVATE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PRIVATE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.protected: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PROTECTED
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.PROTECTED
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.static: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.STATIC
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.STATIC
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.final: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.FINAL
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.FINAL
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.synchronized: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.volatile: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.VOLATILE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.VOLATILE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.transient: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.TRANSIENT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.TRANSIENT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.native: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.NATIVE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.NATIVE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.`interface`: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isInterface(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.INTERFACE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isInterface(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.INTERFACE
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.abstract: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.ABSTRACT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.ABSTRACT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
var Field.strict: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.STRICT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
get() = Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
set(value) {
val modifier = Modifier.STRICT
if (value) {
modifiers or modifier
} else {
modifiers and modifier.inv()
fun Member.isPublic(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isPrivate(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isProtected(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isStatic(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isFinal(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isSynchronized(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isVolatile(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isTransient(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isNative(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isInterface(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isInterface(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isInterface(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isAbstract(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
fun Member.isStrict(): Boolean {
return Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
return Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isPublic: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isPublic(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isPrivate: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isPrivate(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isProtected: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isProtected(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isStatic: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isStatic(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isFinal: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isFinal(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isSynchronized: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isSynchronized(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isVolatile: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isVolatile(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isTransient: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isTransient(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isNative: Boolean
get() = Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isNative(this.modifiers)
//val Class<*>.isInterface: Boolean
// get() = Modifier.isInterface(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isAbstract
get() = Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isAbstract(this.modifiers)
val Class<*>.isStrict
get() = Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
get() = Modifier.isStrict(this.modifiers)
@ -3,34 +3,34 @@ package cn.tursom.reflect
import java.lang.reflect.Method
interface MethodFilter {
fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method>
fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method>
companion object
companion object
class Arg1MethodFilter<R>(
val prevFilter: ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>,
val prevFilter: ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>,
) : MethodFilter {
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return prevFilter.filterMethod(clazz).filter { method ->
method.parameterCount == 1
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return prevFilter.filterMethod(clazz).filter { method ->
method.parameterCount == 1
fun <T> filter(clazz: Class<T>): Sequence<T.() -> R> {
return filterMethod(clazz).map {
it.invoke(this) as R
fun <T> filter(clazz: Class<T>): Sequence<T.() -> R> {
return filterMethod(clazz).map {
it.invoke(this) as R
fun filter(obj: Any): Sequence<() -> R> {
return filterMethod(obj.javaClass).map {
it.invoke(obj) as R
fun filter(obj: Any): Sequence<() -> R> {
return filterMethod(obj.javaClass).map {
it.invoke(obj) as R
@ -3,29 +3,29 @@ package cn.tursom.reflect
import java.lang.reflect.Method
class NoargMethodFilter<R>(
val prevFilter: ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>,
val prevFilter: ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>,
) : MethodFilter {
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return prevFilter.filterMethod(clazz).filter { method ->
method.parameterCount == 0
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return prevFilter.filterMethod(clazz).filter { method ->
method.parameterCount == 0
fun <T> filter(clazz: Class<T>): Sequence<T.() -> R> {
return filterMethod(clazz).map {
it.invoke(this) as R
fun <T> filter(clazz: Class<T>): Sequence<T.() -> R> {
return filterMethod(clazz).map {
it.invoke(this) as R
fun filter(obj: Any): Sequence<() -> R> {
return filterMethod(obj.javaClass).map {
it.invoke(obj) as R
fun filter(obj: Any): Sequence<() -> R> {
return filterMethod(obj.javaClass).map {
it.invoke(obj) as R
fun <R> ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>.noarg() = NoargMethodFilter(this)
@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ import cn.tursom.core.allMethodsSequence
import java.lang.reflect.Method
class ReturnTypeMethodFilter<R>(
val returnType: Class<R>,
val returnType: Class<R>,
) : MethodFilter {
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return clazz.allMethodsSequence.filter { method ->
val methodReturnType = if (
method.returnType == Void.TYPE ||
method.returnType == Void::class.java
) Unit::class.java else method.returnType
override fun filterMethod(clazz: Class<*>): Sequence<Method> {
return clazz.allMethodsSequence.filter { method ->
val methodReturnType = if (
method.returnType == Void.TYPE ||
method.returnType == Void::class.java
) Unit::class.java else method.returnType
companion object
companion object
inline fun <reified R> MethodFilter.Companion.returnType() = ReturnTypeMethodFilter(R::class.java)
@ -13,35 +13,35 @@ inline fun <reified T : Annotation> Method.getAnnotation(): T? = getAnnotation(T
operator fun Class<*>.contains(obj: Any): Boolean = isInstance(obj)
fun <T> Class<*>.getStaticField(name: String): T? {
val staticField = getDeclaredField(name)
if (staticField.isStatic()) {
staticField.isAccessible = true
return staticField.get(null).uncheckedCast()
val staticField = getDeclaredField(name)
if (staticField.isStatic()) {
staticField.isAccessible = true
return staticField.get(null).uncheckedCast()
val companionObjectInstance = kotlin.companionObjectInstanceOrNull
if (companionObjectInstance != null) {
return companionObjectInstance[name]?.uncheckedCast()
val companionObjectInstance = kotlin.companionObjectInstanceOrNull
if (companionObjectInstance != null) {
return companionObjectInstance[name]?.uncheckedCast()
return null
return null
inline fun <reified C : Any, T> getStaticField(name: String): T? {
return C::class.java.getStaticField(name)
return C::class.java.getStaticField(name)
fun <T : Enum<out T>> Class<out T>.valueOf(value: String): T? {
var valueOf: Method? = null
return try {
valueOf = getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String::class.java)
valueOf.invoke(null, value) as T
var valueOf: Method? = null
return try {
valueOf = getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String::class.java)
valueOf.invoke(null, value) as T
} catch (e: Exception) {
try {
valueOf?.invoke(null, value.toUpperCase()) as? T?
} catch (e: Exception) {
try {
valueOf?.invoke(null, value.toUpperCase()) as? T?
} catch (e: Exception) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
plugins {
kotlin("plugin.allopen") version "1.5.21"
dependencies {
api("com.esotericsoftware", "reflectasm", "1.11.9")
testApi(group = "junit", name = "junit", version = "4.13.2")
artifacts {
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjvm-default=all"
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package cn.tursom.reflect.asm
import com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.FieldAccess
import java.lang.reflect.Field
@Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "unused")
class ReflectAsmField(
val fieldAccess: FieldAccess,
val index: Int,
) {
val name: String get() = fieldAccess.fieldNames[index]
val type: Class<*> get() = fieldAccess.fieldTypes[index]
val field: Field get() = fieldAccess.fields[index]
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package cn.tursom.reflect.asm
import cn.tursom.core.toUpperCase
import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
import com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.MethodAccess
class ReflectAsmKtField<T, V>(
private val getterMethodAccess: MethodAccess,
private val getterIndex: Int,
private val setterMethodAccess: MethodAccess?,
private val setterIndex: Int,
) {
val settable get() = setterMethodAccess != null
operator fun get(obj: T): V = getterMethodAccess.invoke(obj, getterIndex).uncheckedCast()
operator fun set(obj: T, value: V) {
setterMethodAccess!!.invoke(obj, setterIndex, value)
companion object {
inline operator fun <reified T, reified R> get(fieldName: String): ReflectAsmKtField<T, R> {
val getterName = "get" + fieldName.toUpperCase(0)
val setterName = "set" + fieldName.toUpperCase(0)
val (getterMethodAccess, getterIndex) = ReflectAsmUtils.getMethod(T::class.java,
getterName, returnType = R::class.java)!!
val (setterMethodAccess, setterIndex) = ReflectAsmUtils.getMethod(T::class.java,
setterName, R::class.java) ?: (null to -1)
return ReflectAsmKtField(getterMethodAccess, getterIndex, setterMethodAccess, setterIndex)
@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package cn.tursom.reflect.asm
import cn.tursom.reflect.canCast
import cn.tursom.reflect.match
import com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.FieldAccess
import com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm.MethodAccess
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
object ReflectAsmUtils {
private val fieldAccessMap = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, List<FieldAccess>>()
private val methodAccessMap = ConcurrentHashMap<Class<*>, List<MethodAccess>>()
val Class<*>.fieldAccessList: List<FieldAccess>
get() = fieldAccessMap[this] ?: run {
var analyzeFieldAccessClass = this
val fieldAccessList = ArrayList<FieldAccess>()
while (analyzeFieldAccessClass != Any::class.java) {
try {
analyzeFieldAccessClass = analyzeFieldAccessClass.superclass
} catch (_: Exception) {
fieldAccessMap[this] = fieldAccessList
fun getField(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, type: Class<*> = Any::class.java): Pair<FieldAccess, Int>? {
clazz.fieldAccessList.forEach { fieldAccess ->
try {
val index = fieldAccess.getIndex(fieldName)
if (fieldAccess.fieldTypes[index] canCast type) {
return fieldAccess to index
} catch (_: Exception) {
return null
inline fun <reified T, reified R> getField(fieldName: String): Pair<FieldAccess, Int>? =
getField(T::class.java, fieldName, R::class.java)
fun getReflectAsmField(clazz: Class<*>, fieldName: String, type: Class<*> = Any::class.java): ReflectAsmField? {
val (fieldAccess, index) = getField(clazz, fieldName, type) ?: return null
return ReflectAsmField(fieldAccess, index)
inline fun <reified T, reified R> getReflectAsmField(fieldName: String): ReflectAsmField? =
getReflectAsmField(T::class.java, fieldName, R::class.java)
val Class<*>.methodAccessList: List<MethodAccess>
get() = methodAccessMap[this] ?: run {
var analyzeFieldAccessClass = this
val fieldAccessList = ArrayList<MethodAccess>()
while (analyzeFieldAccessClass != Any::class.java) {
try {
analyzeFieldAccessClass = analyzeFieldAccessClass.superclass
} catch (_: Exception) {
methodAccessMap[this] = fieldAccessList
fun getMethod(
clazz: Class<*>,
methodName: String,
vararg paramTypes: Class<*>,
returnType: Class<*> = Any::class.java,
): Pair<MethodAccess, Int>? {
clazz.methodAccessList.forEach { methodAccess ->
repeat(methodAccess.methodNames.size) { i ->
if (methodAccess.methodNames[i] == methodName && methodAccess.parameterTypes[i] match paramTypes &&
methodAccess.returnTypes[i] canCast returnType
) {
return methodAccess to i
return null
fun getMethod(method: Method): Pair<MethodAccess, Int>? = getMethod(
paramTypes = method.parameterTypes,
returnType = method.returnType,
inline fun <reified T, reified R> getMethod0(methodName: String): (T.() -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java, methodName, returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return {
methodAccess.invoke(this, index) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified R> getMethod1(methodName: String): (T.(A1) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java, methodName, A1::class.java, returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified A2, reified R> getMethod2(methodName: String): (T.(A1, A2) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java,
returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1, a2 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1, a2) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified A2, reified A3, reified R> getMethod3(methodName: String): (T.(A1, A2, A3) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java,
returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1, a2, a3 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1, a2, a3) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified A2, reified A3, reified A4, reified R>
getMethod4(methodName: String): (T.(A1, A2, A3, A4) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java,
returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1, a2, a3, a4 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1, a2, a3, a4) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified A2, reified A3, reified A4, reified A5, reified R>
getMethod5(methodName: String): (T.(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java,
returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) as R
inline fun <reified T, reified A1, reified A2, reified A3, reified A4, reified A5, reified A6, reified R>
getMethod6(methodName: String): (T.(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) -> R)? {
val (methodAccess, index) = getMethod(T::class.java,
returnType = R::class.java)
?: return null
return { a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ->
methodAccess.invoke(this, index, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) as R
@ -11,10 +11,19 @@ dependencies {
// for support ExtSqlDialect
api(group = "org.ktorm", name = "ktorm-core", version = "3.4.1")
compileOnly(group = "com.google.code.gson", name = "gson", version = "2.8.9")
testApi(group = "junit", name = "junit", version = "4.13.2")
testApi(group = "org.xerial", name = "sqlite-jdbc", version = "")
testApi(group = "org.ktorm", name = "ktorm-support-sqlite", version = "3.4.1")
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package cn.tursom.database.ktorm.ext
import org.ktorm.expression.ScalarExpression
import org.ktorm.expression.SqlExpression
import org.ktorm.schema.SqlType
class DirectSqlExpression<T : Any>(
val sql: String,
override val sqlType: SqlType<T>,
override val isLeafNode: Boolean = false,
override val extraProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap(),
) : ScalarExpression<T>() {
companion object {
val visitor = { expr: SqlExpression, builder: StringBuilder ->
if (expr is DirectSqlExpression<*>) {
} else {
infix fun <T : Any> SqlType<T>.sql(sql: String) = DirectSqlExpression(sql, this)
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package cn.tursom.database.ktorm.ext
import cn.tursom.core.allFieldsSequence
import cn.tursom.core.reflect.InstantAllocator
import cn.tursom.proxy.Proxy
import org.ktorm.database.Database
import org.ktorm.database.SqlDialect
import org.ktorm.database.detectDialectImplementation
import org.ktorm.expression.SqlFormatter
class ExtSqlDialect(
private val sqlDialect: SqlDialect = detectDialectImplementation(),
) : SqlDialect by sqlDialect {
override fun createSqlFormatter(database: Database, beautifySql: Boolean, indentSize: Int): SqlFormatter {
val formatter = sqlDialect.createSqlFormatter(database, beautifySql, indentSize)
val (proxyFormatter, container) = Proxy[formatter.javaClass, InstantAllocator::get]
run {
val extSqlFormatter = ExtSqlFormatter(formatter)
formatter.javaClass.allFieldsSequence.forEach { field ->
field.isAccessible = true
field.set(proxyFormatter, field.get(formatter))
return proxyFormatter
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package cn.tursom.database.ktorm.ext
import cn.tursom.proxy.ProxyMethod
import cn.tursom.reflect.asm.ReflectAsmKtField
import org.ktorm.expression.SqlExpression
import org.ktorm.expression.SqlFormatter
class ExtSqlFormatter(
private val prevFormatter: SqlFormatter,
) : ProxyMethod {
companion object {
private val builderField = ReflectAsmKtField.get<SqlFormatter, StringBuilder>("_builder")
private val visitorList = ArrayList<(expr: SqlExpression, builder: StringBuilder) -> Boolean>()
fun registerVisitor(visitor: (expr: SqlExpression, builder: StringBuilder) -> Boolean) {
fun visitUnknown(expr: SqlExpression): SqlExpression {
val builder = builderField[prevFormatter]
visitorList.forEach {
if (it(expr, builder)) {
return expr
return expr
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package cn.tursom.database.ktorm.ext
import cn.tursom.database.ktorm.ext.DirectSqlExpression.Companion.sql
import org.junit.Test
import org.ktorm.database.Database
import org.ktorm.dsl.eq
import org.ktorm.schema.IntSqlType
import org.sqlite.SQLiteDataSource
internal class ExtSqlDialectTest {
fun createSqlFormatter() {
val database = Database.connect(SQLiteDataSource().let {
it.url = "jdbc:sqlite::memory:"
}, dialect = ExtSqlDialect())
val formatter = database.dialect.createSqlFormatter(database, false, 2)
formatter.visit(IntSqlType sql "select count(*) from user u where u.uid = subscribe.mid" eq 0)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user