add curry

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@ -4,133 +4,129 @@ import com.ddbes.kotlin.util.removeLastChars
import org.junit.Test
class CurryBuilder {
fun buildCurryClass() {
fun buildInvokeMethod() {
fun buildMethodInvoker() {
fun args(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("a${it + 1}, ")
fun buildCurryClass() {
fun args(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) = buildString {
(fromIndex..toIndex).forEach {
append("a${it}, ")
fun buildInvokeMethod() {
fun types(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("T${it + 1}, ")
fun buildMethodInvoker() {
fun types(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) = buildString {
(fromIndex..toIndex).forEach {
append("T${it}, ")
fun args(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("a${it + 1}, ")
fun argsWithType(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("a${it + 1}: T${it + 1}, ")
fun args(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) = buildString {
(fromIndex..toIndex).forEach {
append("a${it}, ")
fun buildCurryClass(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
val invokeAction = "action$index($args)"
println(buildString {
append("open class Curry$index<$types, R>(\n")
append(" val action$index: ($argsWithType) -> R,\n")
append(") : Curry${index - 1}<${types(index - 1)}, Curry1<T$index, R>>({ ${args(index - 1)} ->\n")
append(" Curry1 { a$index ->\n")
append(" action$index($args)\n")
append(" }\n")
append("}) {\n")
if (index > 2) (1..index - 2).forEach { overrideInvoke ->
" override operator fun invoke(${argsWithType(overrideInvoke)}): Curry${index - overrideInvoke}<${
types(overrideInvoke + 1, index)
}, R> = Curry${index - overrideInvoke} { ${args(overrideInvoke + 1, index)} ->\n"
append(" $invokeAction\n")
append(" }\n")
append(" open operator fun invoke($argsWithType): R = $invokeAction\n")
fun buildCurryMethod(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println(buildString {
append("fun <$types, R> curry(action: ($types) -> R) =\n")
append(" Curry$index { $argsWithType ->\n")
append(" action($args)\n")
append(" }\n")
fun buildInvokeMethod(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println(buildString {
append("operator fun <$types, R> ")
repeat(index - 1) {
append("Curry1<T${it + 1}, ")
append("Curry1<T$index, R>", ">".repeat(index - 1), ".invoke($argsWithType): R {\n")
append(" return if (this is Curry$index) {\n")
append(" uncheckedCast<Curry$index<$types, R>>()($args)\n")
append(" } else {\n")
append(" invoke")
repeat(index) { an ->
append("(a${an + 1})")
append(" }\n")
fun buildMethodInvoker(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println("operator fun <$types, R> (($types) -> R).invoke() = curry(this)")
(1 until index).forEach { argCount ->
"operator fun <$types, R> (($types) -> R).invoke(${argsWithType(argCount)}) = " +
fun types(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("T${it + 1}, ")
fun types(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) = buildString {
(fromIndex..toIndex).forEach {
append("T${it}, ")
fun argsWithType(index: Int) = buildString {
repeat(index) {
append("a${it + 1}: T${it + 1}, ")
fun buildCurryClass(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
val invokeAction = "action$index($args)"
println(buildString {
append("open class Curry$index<$types, R>(\n")
append(" val action$index: ($argsWithType) -> R,\n")
append(") : Curry${index - 1}<${types(index - 1)}, Curry1<T$index, R>>({ ${args(index - 1)} ->\n")
append(" Curry1 { a$index ->\n")
append(" action$index($args)\n")
append(" }\n")
append("}) {\n")
if (index > 2) (1..index - 2).forEach { overrideInvoke ->
append(" override operator fun invoke(${argsWithType(overrideInvoke)}): Curry${index - overrideInvoke}<${
types(overrideInvoke + 1, index)
}, R> = Curry${index - overrideInvoke} { ${args(overrideInvoke + 1, index)} ->\n")
append(" $invokeAction\n")
append(" }\n")
append(" open operator fun invoke($argsWithType): R = $invokeAction\n")
fun buildCurryMethod(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println(buildString {
append("fun <$types, R> curry(action: ($types) -> R) =\n")
append(" Curry$index { $argsWithType ->\n")
append(" action($args)\n")
append(" }\n")
fun buildInvokeMethod(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println(buildString {
append("operator fun <$types, R> ")
repeat(index - 1) {
append("Curry1<T${it + 1}, ")
append("Curry1<T$index, R>", ">".repeat(index - 1), ".invoke($argsWithType): R {\n")
append(" return if (this is Curry$index) {\n")
append(" uncheckedCast<Curry$index<$types, R>>()($args)\n")
append(" } else {\n")
append(" invoke")
repeat(index) { an ->
append("(a${an + 1})")
append(" }\n")
fun buildMethodInvoker(index: Int) {
val args = args(index)
val argsWithType = argsWithType(index)
val types = types(index)
println("operator fun <$types, R> (($types) -> R).invoke() = curry(this)")
(1 until index).forEach { argCount ->
println("operator fun <$types, R> (($types) -> R).invoke(${argsWithType(argCount)}) = " +