diff --git a/settings.gradle.kts b/settings.gradle.kts
index be17148..139e338 100644
--- a/settings.gradle.kts
+++ b/settings.gradle.kts
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ include("ts-web:ts-web-coroutine")
 //include("web", "aop", "database", "utils", "utils:xml", "utils:async-http", "web:netty-web")
 //include("socket", "socket:socket-async")
diff --git a/ts-core/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/core/ScheduledExecutorPool.kt b/ts-core/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/core/ScheduledExecutorPool.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be89dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts-core/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/core/ScheduledExecutorPool.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package cn.tursom.core
+import java.util.concurrent.*
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+class ScheduledExecutorPool(
+  private val threadCount: Int = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2,
+  private val threadFactory: ThreadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory(),
+) {
+  private val scheduledExecutorQueue = ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Pair<Thread, ScheduledExecutorService>>()
+  private var initCount = AtomicInteger()
+  init {
+    initOne()
+  }
+  private fun initOne() {
+    if (initCount.incrementAndGet() < threadCount) {
+      val executor: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor {
+        threadFactory.newThread(it)
+      }
+      val countDownLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
+      executor.execute {
+        scheduledExecutorQueue.addFirst(Thread.currentThread() to executor)
+        countDownLatch.countDown()
+      }
+      countDownLatch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+    } else {
+      initCount.decrementAndGet()
+    }
+  }
+  fun get(): Pair<Thread, ScheduledExecutorService> {
+    if (initCount.get() < threadCount) {
+      initOne()
+    }
+    val pair = scheduledExecutorQueue.poll()
+    scheduledExecutorQueue.add(pair)
+    return pair
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ts-core/ts-log/build.gradle.kts b/ts-core/ts-log/build.gradle.kts
index 8dd694c..379c050 100644
--- a/ts-core/ts-log/build.gradle.kts
+++ b/ts-core/ts-log/build.gradle.kts
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ plugins {
 dependencies {
-  implementation(project(":"))
+  implementation(project(":ts-core"))
   api(group = "org.slf4j", name = "slf4j-api", version = "1.7.29")
   api(group = "ch.qos.logback", name = "logback-core", version = "1.2.3")
   api(group = "ch.qos.logback", name = "logback-classic", version = "1.2.3")
diff --git a/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/Slf4j.kt b/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/Slf4j.kt
index e6bc0b6..1cec382 100644
--- a/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/Slf4j.kt
+++ b/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/Slf4j.kt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package cn.tursom.log
 import org.slf4j.Logger
-interface Slf4j : TrySlf4j {
+interface Slf4j : TrySlf4j, Logger {
   override val log: Logger
   override val logger get() = log
   override val sfl4j get() = log
diff --git a/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/impl/Slf4jImpl.kt b/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/impl/Slf4jImpl.kt
index f35ce1a..4bf8d70 100644
--- a/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/impl/Slf4jImpl.kt
+++ b/ts-core/ts-log/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/log/impl/Slf4jImpl.kt
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 package cn.tursom.log.impl
+import cn.tursom.core.getCallerClassName
 import cn.tursom.log.Slf4j
 import org.slf4j.Logger
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import sun.reflect.Reflection
 import kotlin.reflect.KClass
 import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmName
-open class Slf4jImpl(
+open class Slf4jImpl constructor(
+  @field:Transient
   override val log: Logger,
 ) : Slf4j, Logger by log {
   constructor(name: String? = null) : this(LoggerFactory.getLogger(name ?: loggerName))
@@ -27,20 +28,8 @@ open class Slf4jImpl(
   companion object {
     private val thisClassName = listOf(this::class.java.name.dropLast(10), this::class.java.name)
     private val loggerName: String
-      get() = getCallerClassName() ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
-    private fun getCallerClassName(): String? {
-      var clazz: Class<*>?
-      var callStackDepth = 1
-      do {
-        @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
-        clazz = Reflection.getCallerClass(callStackDepth++)
-        if (clazz?.name !in thisClassName) {
-          break
-        }
-      } while (clazz != null)
-      return clazz?.name
-    }
+      get() = getCallerClassName(thisClassName)?.substringBefore('$')
+        ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
     inline fun getLogger(name: String): Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(name)
diff --git a/ts-database/ts-mongodb/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/mongodb/MongoUtil.kt b/ts-database/ts-mongodb/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/mongodb/MongoUtil.kt
index 19bc5e0..11cf2f5 100644
--- a/ts-database/ts-mongodb/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/mongodb/MongoUtil.kt
+++ b/ts-database/ts-mongodb/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/mongodb/MongoUtil.kt
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ object MongoUtil {
   private fun Map<*, *>.convert(): Document {
     val doc = Document()
-    forEach { any, u ->
+    forEach { (any, u) ->
       any ?: return@forEach
       doc[any.toString()] = u.convert() ?: return@forEach
diff --git a/ts-database/ts-redis/build.gradle.kts b/ts-database/ts-redis/build.gradle.kts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5655897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts-database/ts-redis/build.gradle.kts
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+plugins {
+  kotlin("jvm")
+  `maven-publish`
+dependencies {
+  api(project(":"))
+  implementation(project(":ts-core"))
+  implementation(project(":ts-core:ts-log"))
+  api(group = "redis.clients", name = "jedis", version = "3.3.0")
+(rootProject.ext["excludeTest"] as (Project, TaskContainer) -> Unit)(project, tasks)
+tasks.register("install") {
+  finalizedBy(tasks["publishToMavenLocal"])
+publishing {
+  publications {
+    create<MavenPublication>("maven") {
+      groupId = project.group.toString()
+      artifactId = project.name
+      version = project.version.toString()
+      from(components["java"])
+      try {
+        artifact(tasks["sourcesJar"])
+      } catch (e: Exception) {
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/ts-database/ts-redis/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/redis/AsyncJedis.kt b/ts-database/ts-redis/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/redis/AsyncJedis.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06e7ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts-database/ts-redis/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/database/redis/AsyncJedis.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,1695 @@
+package cn.tursom.database.redis
+import cn.tursom.core.ScheduledExecutorPool
+import cn.tursom.core.uncheckedCast
+import cn.tursom.log.Slf4j
+import cn.tursom.log.impl.Slf4jImpl
+import redis.clients.jedis.*
+import redis.clients.jedis.commands.ProtocolCommand
+import redis.clients.jedis.params.GeoRadiusParam
+import redis.clients.jedis.params.SetParams
+import redis.clients.jedis.params.ZAddParams
+import redis.clients.jedis.params.ZIncrByParams
+import java.io.Closeable
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
+import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
+import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
+import kotlin.coroutines.resume
+import kotlin.coroutines.suspendCoroutine
+ * 将Jedis的pipeline封装成协程操作的类
+ * Jedis的pipeline可以在巨量(十万以上)并发时提供极高(6至7倍)的吞吐量,这对提高系统并发非常有帮助
+ */
+@Suppress("unused", "SpellCheckingInspection", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "CanBeParameter")
+class AsyncJedis(
+    val jedisPool: JedisPool,
+    @Volatile
+    var syncDelay: Long = SYNC_DELAY,
+    var maxDelayCount: Int = MAX_DELAY_COUNT,
+    val syncCycle: Long = 1000,
+) : Closeable {
+    companion object : Slf4j by Slf4jImpl() {
+        const val SYNC_DELAY = 0L
+        const val MAX_DELAY_COUNT = 1000
+        fun Pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength(): Int = getPipelinedResponseLength.invoke(this).uncheckedCast()
+        private val threadId = AtomicInteger(0)
+        private val threadPool = ScheduledExecutorPool {
+            val thread = Thread(it)
+            thread.name = "AsyncJedisWorker-${threadId.incrementAndGet()}"
+            thread.isDaemon = true
+            thread
+        }
+        private val responseSet = Response::class.java.getDeclaredField("set").apply {
+            isAccessible = true
+        }
+        private val getPipelinedResponseLength =
+            Queable::class.java.getDeclaredMethod("getPipelinedResponseLength").apply {
+                isAccessible = true
+            }
+        private val Response<*>.set: Boolean get() = responseSet[this].uncheckedCast()
+        private val pipelineClientField = MultiKeyPipelineBase::class.java.getDeclaredField("client").apply {
+            isAccessible = true
+        }
+        private val Pipeline.client get() = pipelineClientField.get(this).uncheckedCast<Client>()
+    }
+    private val syncThread: Thread
+    private val syncExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService
+    private val workExecutor: ScheduledExecutorService
+    private val taskLock = ReentrantLock()
+    private val pipelines = ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Pipeline>()
+    private val tasks = ConcurrentLinkedDeque<() -> Boolean>()
+    private val handleRequest = AtomicInteger(0)
+    init {
+        val workThreadAndExecutor = threadPool.get()
+        syncThread = workThreadAndExecutor.first
+        syncExecutor = workThreadAndExecutor.second
+        workExecutor = syncExecutor
+        //workExecutor = threadPool.get().second
+        pipelines.add(jedisPool.resource.pipelined())
+    }
+    private val updateSyncDelayFuture =
+        syncExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(::updateSyncDelay, 100, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+    private val scheduledFuture =
+        syncExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(::sync, syncCycle, syncCycle, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
+    private val syncing = AtomicBoolean(false)
+    override fun close() {
+        syncNow()
+        scheduledFuture.cancel(false)
+        updateSyncDelayFuture.cancel(true)
+    }
+    /**
+     * 通知AsyncJedis进行管道数据刷新同步,非阻塞
+     */
+    fun sync() {
+        // 判断是否有正在运行中的任务
+        if (tasks.isEmpty() && pipelines.none { pipeline -> pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength() != 0 }) {
+            if (Thread.currentThread() == syncThread) {
+                syncing.set(false)
+            }
+            return
+        }
+        // 判断当前线程是否是工作线程
+        // 管道的同步是线程不安全的代码,只能在单线程中运行
+        if (Thread.currentThread() != syncThread) {
+            // 判断是否已经有同步任务存在
+            if (syncing.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
+                // 提交同步请求
+                syncExecutor.execute(::sync)
+            }
+            return
+        }
+        // 计算正在提交的任务数是否超过缓冲上限
+        if (syncDelay != 0L && pipelines.sumOf { pipeline -> pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength() } < maxDelayCount) {
+            // 没有超过缓冲上限,则延迟后进行刷新
+            syncExecutor.schedule(::syncNow, syncDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+        } else {
+            // 已经超过缓冲上限,马上进行刷新
+            syncNow()
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * 立即进行数据同步操作
+     * 线程不安全,只能在工作线程中运行
+     */
+    private fun syncNow() {
+        trace("sync now ${Thread.currentThread().name} ${syncThread.name} ${Thread.currentThread() == syncThread} ${pipelines.size}")
+        // 如果当前线程不是工作线程,则向工作线程提交任务
+        if (Thread.currentThread() != syncThread) {
+            trace("current thread is not work thread")
+            syncExecutor.execute(::syncNow)
+            return
+        }
+        taskLock.withLock {
+            debug("sync get lock ${Thread.currentThread().name} ${syncThread.name} ${Thread.currentThread() == syncThread} ${pipelines.size}")
+            try {
+                val resource = jedisPool.resource
+                pipelines.addFirst(resource.pipelined())
+                resource.close()
+                val iterator = pipelines.iterator()
+                iterator.next()
+                // 遍历管道列表,同步数据
+                iterator.forEach { pipeline ->
+                    debug(
+                        "AsyncJedis command syncing, pipeline remain {}, tasks size: {} ",
+                        pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength(),
+                        tasks.size
+                    )
+                    pipeline.sync()
+                    debug("pipeline sync finished, remain {}", pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength())
+                    // 如果所有数据皆已同步
+                    if (pipeline.getPipelinedResponseLength() == 0) {
+                        iterator.remove()
+                        pipeline.close()
+                    }
+                }
+            } catch (e: Exception) {
+                error("an exception caused on pipeline sync", e)
+            }
+        }
+        //workExecutor.execute {
+        // 遍历任务列表,清除已完成的任务
+        val notHandledTasks = ArrayList<() -> Boolean>()
+        var task = tasks.poll()
+        while (task != null) {
+            debug("task {} handle", task)
+            if (!task()) {
+                notHandledTasks.add(task)
+            }
+            task = tasks.poll()
+        }
+        tasks.addAll(notHandledTasks)
+        debug("sync finished")
+        syncing.set(false)
+        //}
+    }
+    private var lowerTime = 0
+    private fun updateSyncDelay() {
+        val handleRequest = handleRequest.getAndSet(0)
+        if (handleRequest > 10000) {
+            syncDelay = 5
+            lowerTime = 0
+        } else {
+            if (++lowerTime > 10) {
+                syncDelay = 0
+            }
+        }
+        //println("${ThreadLocalSimpleDateFormat.cn.format(System.currentTimeMillis())} handle request per second: $handleRequest, sync delay: $syncDelay")
+    }
+    suspend operator fun <T> invoke(action: (Pipeline) -> Response<T>): T {
+        return suspendCoroutine { cont ->
+            taskLock.withLock {
+                val pipeline = pipelines.first
+                val response = action(pipeline)
+                tasks.add {
+                    if (response.set) {
+                        handleRequest.incrementAndGet()
+                        cont.resume(response.get())
+                        true
+                    } else {
+                        false
+                    }
+                }
+                sync()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    operator fun <T> invoke(action: (Pipeline) -> Response<T>, onComplete: (T) -> Unit) {
+        taskLock.withLock {
+            val pipeline = pipelines.first
+            val response = action(pipeline)
+            tasks.add {
+                if (response.set) {
+                    handleRequest.incrementAndGet()
+                    onComplete(response.get())
+                    true
+                } else {
+                    false
+                }
+            }
+            sync()
+        }
+    }
+    suspend fun append(key: String, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.append(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun append(key: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.append(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun blpop(key: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.blpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun brpop(key: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.blpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun blpop(key: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.blpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun brpop(key: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.blpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun decr(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.decr(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun decr(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.decr(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun decrBy(key: String, decrement: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.decrBy(key, decrement)
+    }
+    suspend fun decrBy(key: ByteArray, decrement: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.decrBy(key, decrement)
+    }
+    suspend fun del(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.del(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun del(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.del(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun unlink(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.unlink(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun unlink(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.unlink(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun echo(string: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.echo(string)
+    }
+    suspend fun echo(string: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.echo(string)
+    }
+    suspend fun exists(key: String): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.exists(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun exists(key: ByteArray): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.exists(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun expire(key: String, seconds: Int): Long? = invoke {
+        it.expire(key, seconds)
+    }
+    suspend fun expire(key: ByteArray, seconds: Int): Long? = invoke {
+        it.expire(key, seconds)
+    }
+    suspend fun expireAt(key: String, unixTime: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.expireAt(key, unixTime)
+    }
+    suspend fun expireAt(key: ByteArray, unixTime: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.expireAt(key, unixTime)
+    }
+    suspend fun get(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.get(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun get(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.get(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun getbit(key: String, offset: Long): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.getbit(key, offset)
+    }
+    suspend fun getbit(key: ByteArray, offset: Long): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.getbit(key, offset)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitpos(key: String, value: Boolean): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitpos(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitpos(key: String, value: Boolean, params: BitPosParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitpos(key, value, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitpos(key: ByteArray, value: Boolean): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitpos(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitpos(key: ByteArray, value: Boolean, params: BitPosParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitpos(key, value, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun getrange(key: String, startOffset: Long, endOffset: Long): String? = invoke {
+        it.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset)
+    }
+    suspend fun getSet(key: String, value: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.getSet(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun getSet(key: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.getSet(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun getrange(key: ByteArray, startOffset: Long, endOffset: Long): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset)
+    }
+    suspend fun hdel(key: String, vararg field: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hdel(key, *field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hdel(key: ByteArray, vararg field: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hdel(key, *field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hexists(key: String, field: String): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.hexists(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hexists(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.hexists(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hget(key: String, field: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.hget(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hget(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.hget(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hgetAll(key: String): Map<String, String>? = invoke {
+        it.hgetAll(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hgetAll(key: ByteArray): Map<ByteArray, ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.hgetAll(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hincrBy(key: String, field: String, value: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hincrBy(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hincrBy(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray, value: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hincrBy(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hkeys(key: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.hkeys(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hkeys(key: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.hkeys(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hlen(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hlen(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hmget(key: String, vararg fields: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.hmget(key, *fields)
+    }
+    suspend fun hmget(key: ByteArray, vararg fields: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.hmget(key, *fields)
+    }
+    suspend fun hmset(key: String, hash: Map<String, String>): String? = invoke {
+        it.hmset(key, hash)
+    }
+    suspend fun hmset(key: ByteArray, hash: Map<ByteArray, ByteArray>): String? = invoke {
+        it.hmset(key, hash)
+    }
+    suspend fun hset(key: String, field: String, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hset(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hset(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hset(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hset(key: String, hash: Map<String, String>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hset(key, hash)
+    }
+    suspend fun hset(key: ByteArray, hash: Map<ByteArray, ByteArray>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hset(key, hash)
+    }
+    suspend fun hsetnx(key: String, field: String, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hsetnx(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hsetnx(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hsetnx(key, field, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hvals(key: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.hvals(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun hvals(key: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.hvals(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun incr(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.incr(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun incr(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.incr(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun incrBy(key: String, increment: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.incrBy(key, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun incrBy(key: ByteArray, increment: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.incrBy(key, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun lindex(key: String, index: Long): String? = invoke {
+        it.lindex(key, index)
+    }
+    suspend fun lindex(key: ByteArray, index: Long): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.lindex(key, index)
+    }
+    suspend fun linsert(key: String, where: ListPosition, pivot: String, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.linsert(key, where, pivot, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun linsert(key: ByteArray, where: ListPosition, pivot: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.linsert(key, where, pivot, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun llen(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.llen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun llen(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.llen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpop(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.lpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpop(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.lpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpush(key: String, vararg string: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lpush(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpush(key: ByteArray, vararg string: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lpush(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpushx(key: String, vararg string: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lpushx(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun lpushx(key: ByteArray, vararg bytes: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lpushx(key, *bytes)
+    }
+    suspend fun lrange(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.lrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun lrange(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.lrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun lrem(key: String, count: Long, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lrem(key, count, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun lrem(key: ByteArray, count: Long, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.lrem(key, count, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun lset(key: String, index: Long, value: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.lset(key, index, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun lset(key: ByteArray, index: Long, value: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.lset(key, index, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun ltrim(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): String? = invoke {
+        it.ltrim(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun ltrim(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): String? = invoke {
+        it.ltrim(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun move(key: String, dbIndex: Int): Long? = invoke {
+        it.move(key, dbIndex)
+    }
+    suspend fun move(key: ByteArray, dbIndex: Int): Long? = invoke {
+        it.move(key, dbIndex)
+    }
+    suspend fun persist(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.persist(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun persist(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.persist(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpop(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.rpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpop(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.rpop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpush(key: String, vararg string: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.rpush(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpush(key: ByteArray, vararg string: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.rpush(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpushx(key: String, vararg string: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.rpushx(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun rpushx(key: ByteArray, vararg string: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.rpushx(key, *string)
+    }
+    suspend fun sadd(key: String, vararg member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.sadd(key, *member)
+    }
+    suspend fun sadd(key: ByteArray, vararg member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.sadd(key, *member)
+    }
+    suspend fun scard(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.scard(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun scard(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.scard(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun set(key: String, value: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.set(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun set(key: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.set(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun set(key: String, value: String, params: SetParams): String? = invoke {
+        it.set(key, value, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun set(key: ByteArray, value: ByteArray, params: SetParams): String? = invoke {
+        it.set(key, value, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun setbit(key: String, offset: Long, value: Boolean): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.setbit(key, offset, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setbit(key: ByteArray, offset: Long, value: ByteArray): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.setbit(key, offset, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setex(key: String, seconds: Int, value: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.setex(key, seconds, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setex(key: ByteArray, seconds: Int, value: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.setex(key, seconds, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setnx(key: String, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.setnx(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setnx(key: ByteArray, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.setnx(key, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setrange(key: String, offset: Long, value: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.setrange(key, offset, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun setrange(key: ByteArray, offset: Long, value: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.setrange(key, offset, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun sismember(key: String, member: String): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.sismember(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun sismember(key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray): Boolean? = invoke {
+        it.sismember(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun smembers(key: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.smembers(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun smembers(key: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.smembers(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun sort(key: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.sort(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun sort(key: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.sort(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun sort(key: String, sortingParameters: SortingParams): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.sort(key, sortingParameters)
+    }
+    suspend fun sort(key: ByteArray, sortingParameters: SortingParams): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.sort(key, sortingParameters)
+    }
+    suspend fun spop(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.spop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun spop(key: String, count: Long): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.spop(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun spop(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.spop(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun spop(key: ByteArray, count: Long): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.spop(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun srandmember(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.srandmember(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun srandmember(key: String, count: Int): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.srandmember(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun srandmember(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.srandmember(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun srandmember(key: ByteArray, count: Int): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.srandmember(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun srem(key: String, vararg member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.srem(key, *member)
+    }
+    suspend fun srem(key: ByteArray, vararg member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.srem(key, *member)
+    }
+    suspend fun strlen(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.strlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun strlen(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.strlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun substr(key: String, start: Int, end: Int): String? = invoke {
+        it.substr(key, start, end)
+    }
+    suspend fun substr(key: ByteArray, start: Int, end: Int): String? = invoke {
+        it.substr(key, start, end)
+    }
+    suspend fun touch(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.touch(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun touch(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.touch(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun ttl(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.ttl(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun ttl(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.ttl(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun type(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.type(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun type(key: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.type(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: String, score: Double, member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, score, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: String, score: Double, member: String, params: ZAddParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, score, member, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: String, scoreMembers: Map<String, Double>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, scoreMembers)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: String, scoreMembers: Map<String, Double>, params: ZAddParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: ByteArray, score: Double, member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, score, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: ByteArray, score: Double, member: ByteArray, params: ZAddParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, score, member, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: ByteArray, scoreMembers: Map<ByteArray, Double>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, scoreMembers)
+    }
+    suspend fun zadd(key: ByteArray, scoreMembers: Map<ByteArray, Double>, params: ZAddParams): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcard(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcard(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcard(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcard(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcount(key: String, min: Double, max: Double): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcount(key: String, min: String, max: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcount(key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zcount(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zincrby(key: String, increment: Double, member: String): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zincrby(key, increment, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zincrby(key: String, increment: Double, member: String, params: ZIncrByParams): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zincrby(key, increment, member, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zincrby(key: ByteArray, increment: Double, member: ByteArray): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zincrby(key, increment, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zincrby(key: ByteArray, increment: Double, member: ByteArray, params: ZIncrByParams): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zincrby(key, increment, member, params)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrange(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrange(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(key: String, min: Double, max: Double): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(key: String, min: String, max: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(
+        key: String, min: Double, max: Double, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(
+        key: String, min: String, max: String, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(
+        key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScore(
+        key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(key: String, min: Double, max: Double): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(key: String, min: String, max: String): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: String, min: Double, max: Double,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: String, min: String, max: String,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(key: String, max: Double, min: Double): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, max: Double, min: Double): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(key: String, max: String, min: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(
+        key: String, max: Double, min: Double, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(
+        key: String, max: String, min: String, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(
+        key: ByteArray, max: Double, min: Double, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScore(
+        key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, offset: Int,
+        count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key: String, max: Double, min: Double): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key: String, max: String, min: String): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key: ByteArray, max: Double, min: Double): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: String, max: Double, min: Double,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: String, max: String, min: String,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: ByteArray, max: Double, min: Double,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(
+        key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeWithScores(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeWithScores(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeWithScores(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeWithScores(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrank(key: String, member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrank(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrank(key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrank(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrem(key: String, vararg members: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrem(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrem(key: ByteArray, vararg members: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrem(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByRank(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByRank(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByRank(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByRank(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByScore(key: String, min: Double, max: Double): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByScore(key: String, min: String, max: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, min: Double, max: Double): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByScore(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByScore(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrange(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrange(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrange(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeWithScores(key: String, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeWithScores(key: ByteArray, start: Long, stop: Long): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, stop)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrank(key: String, member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrank(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrank(key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrank(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zscore(key: String, member: String): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zscore(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zscore(key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray): Double? = invoke {
+        it.zscore(key, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmax(key: String): Tuple? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmax(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmax(key: ByteArray): Tuple? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmax(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmax(key: String, count: Int): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmax(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmax(key: ByteArray, count: Int): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmax(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmin(key: String): Tuple? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmin(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmin(key: ByteArray): Tuple? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmin(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmin(key: ByteArray, count: Int): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmin(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zpopmin(key: String, count: Int): Set<Tuple>? = invoke {
+        it.zpopmin(key, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zlexcount(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zlexcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zlexcount(key: String, min: String, max: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zlexcount(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByLex(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByLex(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByLex(key: String, min: String, max: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByLex(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByLex(
+        key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrangeByLex(
+        key: String, min: String, max: String,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByLex(key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByLex(key: String, max: String, min: String): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByLex(
+        key: ByteArray, max: ByteArray, min: ByteArray,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zrevrangeByLex(
+        key: String, max: String, min: String,
+        offset: Int, count: Int,
+    ): Set<String>? = invoke {
+        it.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByLex(key: ByteArray, min: ByteArray, max: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun zremrangeByLex(key: String, min: String, max: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitcount(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitcount(key: String, start: Long, end: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitcount(key, start, end)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitcount(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitcount(key: ByteArray, start: Long, end: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.bitcount(key, start, end)
+    }
+    suspend fun dump(key: String): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.dump(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun dump(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.dump(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun migrate(
+        host: String, port: Int,
+        key: String, destinationDb: Int, timeout: Int,
+    ): String? = invoke {
+        it.migrate(host, port, key, destinationDb, timeout)
+    }
+    suspend fun migrate(
+        host: String, port: Int,
+        key: ByteArray, destinationDb: Int, timeout: Int,
+    ): String? = invoke {
+        it.migrate(host, port, key, destinationDb, timeout)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectRefcount(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectRefcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectRefcount(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectRefcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectEncoding(key: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.objectEncoding(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectEncoding(key: ByteArray): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.objectEncoding(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectIdletime(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectIdletime(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectIdletime(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectIdletime(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectFreq(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectFreq(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun objectFreq(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.objectFreq(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun pexpire(key: String, milliseconds: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pexpire(key, milliseconds)
+    }
+    suspend fun pexpire(key: ByteArray, milliseconds: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pexpire(key, milliseconds)
+    }
+    suspend fun pexpireAt(key: String, millisecondsTimestamp: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pexpireAt(key, millisecondsTimestamp)
+    }
+    suspend fun pexpireAt(key: ByteArray, millisecondsTimestamp: Long): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pexpireAt(key, millisecondsTimestamp)
+    }
+    suspend fun pttl(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pttl(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun pttl(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pttl(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun restore(key: String, ttl: Int, serializedValue: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.restore(key, ttl, serializedValue)
+    }
+    suspend fun restore(key: ByteArray, ttl: Int, serializedValue: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.restore(key, ttl, serializedValue)
+    }
+    suspend fun restoreReplace(key: String, ttl: Int, serializedValue: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.restoreReplace(key, ttl, serializedValue)
+    }
+    suspend fun restoreReplace(key: ByteArray, ttl: Int, serializedValue: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.restoreReplace(key, ttl, serializedValue)
+    }
+    suspend fun incrByFloat(key: String, increment: Double): Double? = invoke {
+        it.incrByFloat(key, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun incrByFloat(key: ByteArray, increment: Double): Double? = invoke {
+        it.incrByFloat(key, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun psetex(key: String, milliseconds: Long, value: String): String? = invoke {
+        it.psetex(key, milliseconds, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun psetex(key: ByteArray, milliseconds: Long, value: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.psetex(key, milliseconds, value)
+    }
+    suspend fun hincrByFloat(key: String, field: String, increment: Double): Double? = invoke {
+        it.hincrByFloat(key, field, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun hincrByFloat(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray, increment: Double): Double? = invoke {
+        it.hincrByFloat(key, field, increment)
+    }
+    suspend fun pfadd(key: ByteArray, vararg elements: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pfadd(key, *elements)
+    }
+    suspend fun pfcount(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pfcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun pfadd(key: String, vararg elements: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pfadd(key, *elements)
+    }
+    suspend fun pfcount(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.pfcount(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun geoadd(key: ByteArray, longitude: Double, latitude: Double, member: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun geoadd(key: ByteArray, memberCoordinateMap: Map<ByteArray, GeoCoordinate>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap)
+    }
+    suspend fun geoadd(key: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double, member: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member)
+    }
+    suspend fun geoadd(key: String, memberCoordinateMap: Map<String, GeoCoordinate>): Long? = invoke {
+        it.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap)
+    }
+    suspend fun geodist(key: ByteArray, member1: ByteArray, member2: ByteArray): Double? = invoke {
+        it.geodist(key, member1, member2)
+    }
+    suspend fun geodist(key: ByteArray, member1: ByteArray, member2: ByteArray, unit: GeoUnit): Double? = invoke {
+        it.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun geodist(key: String, member1: String, member2: String): Double? = invoke {
+        it.geodist(key, member1, member2)
+    }
+    suspend fun geodist(key: String, member1: String, member2: String, unit: GeoUnit): Double? = invoke {
+        it.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun geohash(key: ByteArray, vararg members: ByteArray): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.geohash(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun geohash(key: String, vararg members: String): List<String>? = invoke {
+        it.geohash(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun geopos(key: ByteArray, vararg members: ByteArray): List<GeoCoordinate>? = invoke {
+        it.geopos(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun geopos(key: String, vararg members: String): List<GeoCoordinate>? = invoke {
+        it.geopos(key, *members)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadius(
+        key: ByteArray, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusReadonly(
+        key: ByteArray, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadius(
+        key: ByteArray, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusReadonly(
+        key: ByteArray, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadius(
+        key: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusReadonly(
+        key: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadius(
+        key: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusReadonly(
+        key: String, longitude: Double, latitude: Double,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusReadonly(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMember(
+        key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMemberReadonly(
+        key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMember(
+        key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMemberReadonly(
+        key: ByteArray, member: ByteArray,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMember(
+        key: String, member: String,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMemberReadonly(
+        key: String, member: String,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMember(
+        key: String, member: String,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun georadiusByMemberReadonly(
+        key: String, member: String,
+        radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, param: GeoRadiusParam,
+    ): List<GeoRadiusResponse>? = invoke {
+        it.georadiusByMemberReadonly(key, member, radius, unit, param)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitfield(key: String, vararg elements: String): List<Long>? = invoke {
+        it.bitfield(key, *elements)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitfield(key: ByteArray, vararg elements: ByteArray): List<Long>? = invoke {
+        it.bitfield(key, *elements)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitfieldReadonly(key: ByteArray, vararg arguments: ByteArray): List<Long>? = invoke {
+        it.bitfieldReadonly(key, *arguments)
+    }
+    suspend fun bitfieldReadonly(key: String, vararg arguments: String): List<Long>? = invoke {
+        it.bitfieldReadonly(key, *arguments)
+    }
+    suspend fun hstrlen(key: String, field: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hstrlen(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun hstrlen(key: ByteArray, field: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.hstrlen(key, field)
+    }
+    suspend fun xadd(key: String, id: StreamEntryID, hash: Map<String, String>) =
+        xadd(key, id, hash, Long.MAX_VALUE, true)
+    suspend fun xadd(key: ByteArray, id: ByteArray, hash: Map<ByteArray, ByteArray>) =
+        xadd(key, id, hash, Long.MAX_VALUE, true)
+    suspend fun xadd(
+        key: String,
+        id: StreamEntryID,
+        hash: Map<String, String>,
+        maxLen: Long,
+        approximateLength: Boolean,
+    ): StreamEntryID? = invoke {
+        it.xadd(key, id, hash, maxLen, approximateLength)
+    }
+    suspend fun xadd(
+        key: ByteArray,
+        id: ByteArray,
+        hash: Map<ByteArray, ByteArray>,
+        maxLen: Long,
+        approximateLength: Boolean,
+    ): ByteArray? = invoke {
+        it.xadd(key, id, hash, maxLen, approximateLength)
+    }
+    suspend fun xlen(key: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun xlen(key: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xlen(key)
+    }
+    suspend fun xrange(key: String, start: StreamEntryID, end: StreamEntryID, count: Int): List<StreamEntry>? = invoke {
+        it.xrange(key, start, end, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun xrange(key: ByteArray, start: ByteArray, end: ByteArray, count: Int): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.xrange(key, start, end, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun xrevrange(key: String, end: StreamEntryID, start: StreamEntryID, count: Int): List<StreamEntry>? =
+        invoke {
+            it.xrevrange(key, start, end, count)
+        }
+    suspend fun xrevrange(key: ByteArray, end: ByteArray, start: ByteArray, count: Int): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.xrevrange(key, start, end, count)
+    }
+    suspend fun xack(key: String, group: String, vararg ids: StreamEntryID): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xack(key, group, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun xack(key: ByteArray, group: ByteArray, vararg ids: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xack(key, group, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupCreate(key: String, groupname: String, id: StreamEntryID, makeStream: Boolean): String? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupCreate(key, groupname, id, makeStream)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupCreate(key: ByteArray, groupname: ByteArray, id: ByteArray, makeStream: Boolean): String? =
+        invoke {
+            it.xgroupCreate(key, groupname, id, makeStream)
+        }
+    suspend fun xgroupSetID(key: String, groupname: String, id: StreamEntryID): String? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupSetID(key, groupname, id)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupSetID(key: ByteArray, groupname: ByteArray, id: ByteArray): String? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupSetID(key, groupname, id)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupDestroy(key: String, groupname: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupDestroy(key, groupname)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupDestroy(key: ByteArray, groupname: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupDestroy(key, groupname)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupDelConsumer(key: String, groupname: String, consumername: String): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupDelConsumer(key, groupname, consumername)
+    }
+    suspend fun xgroupDelConsumer(key: ByteArray, groupname: ByteArray, consumername: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xgroupDelConsumer(key, groupname, consumername)
+    }
+    suspend fun xpending(
+        key: String,
+        groupname: String,
+        start: StreamEntryID,
+        end: StreamEntryID,
+        count: Int,
+        consumername: String,
+    ): List<StreamPendingEntry>? = invoke {
+        it.xpending(key, groupname, start, end, count, consumername)
+    }
+    suspend fun xpending(
+        key: ByteArray,
+        groupname: ByteArray,
+        start: ByteArray,
+        end: ByteArray,
+        count: Int,
+        consumername: ByteArray,
+    ): List<StreamPendingEntry>? = invoke {
+        it.xpending(key, groupname, start, end, count, consumername)
+    }
+    suspend fun xdel(key: String, vararg ids: StreamEntryID): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xdel(key, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun xdel(key: ByteArray, vararg ids: ByteArray): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xdel(key, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun xtrim(key: String, maxLen: Long, approximateLength: Boolean): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xtrim(key, maxLen, approximateLength)
+    }
+    suspend fun xtrim(key: ByteArray, maxLen: Long, approximateLength: Boolean): Long? = invoke {
+        it.xtrim(key, maxLen, approximateLength)
+    }
+    suspend fun xclaim(
+        key: String, group: String, consumername: String, minIdleTime: Long,
+        newIdleTime: Long, retries: Int, force: Boolean, vararg ids: StreamEntryID,
+    ): List<StreamEntry>? = invoke {
+        it.xclaim(key, group, consumername, minIdleTime, newIdleTime, retries, force, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun xclaim(
+        key: ByteArray, group: ByteArray, consumername: ByteArray, minIdleTime: Long,
+        newIdleTime: Long, retries: Int, force: Boolean, vararg ids: ByteArray,
+    ): List<ByteArray>? = invoke {
+        it.xclaim(key, group, consumername, minIdleTime, newIdleTime, retries, force, *ids)
+    }
+    suspend fun sendCommand(sampleKey: String, cmd: ProtocolCommand, vararg args: String): Any? = invoke {
+        it.sendCommand(sampleKey, cmd, *args)
+    }
+    suspend fun sendCommand(sampleKey: ByteArray, cmd: ProtocolCommand, vararg args: ByteArray): Any? = invoke {
+        it.sendCommand(sampleKey, cmd, *args)
+    }
diff --git a/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/AsyncIterator.kt b/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/AsyncIterator.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99bc7c6..0000000
--- a/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/AsyncIterator.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-package cn.tursom.utils
-interface AsyncIterator<T> {
-  /**
-   * Returns the next element in the iteration.
-   */
-  suspend operator fun next(): T
-  /**
-   * Returns `true` if the iteration has more elements.
-   */
-  suspend operator fun hasNext(): Boolean
-suspend inline fun <T> AsyncIterator<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit) {
-  while (hasNext()) {
-    val element = next()
-    action(element)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/GsonDataTypeAdaptor.kt b/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/GsonDataTypeAdaptor.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 82ccca6..0000000
--- a/utils/src/main/kotlin/cn/tursom/utils/GsonDataTypeAdaptor.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-package cn.tursom.utils
-import cn.tursom.core.cast
-import com.google.gson.Gson
-import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
-import com.google.gson.TypeAdapter
-import com.google.gson.TypeAdapterFactory
-import com.google.gson.internal.LinkedTreeMap
-import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken
-import com.google.gson.stream.JsonReader
-import com.google.gson.stream.JsonToken
-import com.google.gson.stream.JsonWriter
-class GsonDataTypeAdaptor internal constructor(private val gson: Gson) : TypeAdapter<Map<String, Any>?>() {
-  override fun write(out: JsonWriter, value: Map<String, Any>?) {
-    if (value == null) {
-      out.nullValue()
-      return
-    }
-    out.beginObject()
-    value.forEach { (t, u) ->
-      out.name(t)
-      System.err.println(u)
-      gson.getAdapter(Any::class.java).write(out, u)
-    }
-    out.endObject()
-  }
-  override fun read(`in`: JsonReader): Map<String, Any> = readInternal(`in`).cast()
-  private fun readInternal(`in`: JsonReader): Any? {
-    return when (`in`.peek()) {
-      JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY -> {
-        val list: MutableList<Any?> = ArrayList()
-        `in`.beginArray()
-        while (`in`.hasNext()) {
-          list.add(readInternal(`in`))
-        }
-        `in`.endArray()
-        list
-      }
-      JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT -> {
-        val map: MutableMap<String, Any?> = LinkedTreeMap()
-        `in`.beginObject()
-        while (`in`.hasNext()) {
-          map[`in`.nextName()] = readInternal(`in`)
-        }
-        `in`.endObject()
-        map
-      }
-      JsonToken.STRING -> `in`.nextString()
-      JsonToken.NUMBER -> {
-        //将其作为一个字符串读取出来
-        val numberStr: String = `in`.nextString()
-        //返回的numberStr不会为null
-        if (numberStr.contains(".") || numberStr.contains("e")
-          || numberStr.contains("E")
-        ) {
-          numberStr.toDouble()
-        } else numberStr.toLong()
-      }
-      JsonToken.BOOLEAN -> `in`.nextBoolean()
-      JsonToken.NULL -> {
-        `in`.nextNull()
-        null
-      }
-      else -> throw IllegalStateException()
-    }
-  }
-  companion object {
-    val FACTORY: TypeAdapterFactory = object :
-      TypeAdapterFactory {
-      override fun <T> create(gson: Gson, type: TypeToken<T>): TypeAdapter<T>? {
-        return if (type.rawType == Map::class.java) {
-          GsonDataTypeAdaptor(gson).cast()
-        } else null
-      }
-    }
-    val gson = GsonBuilder()
-      .registerTypeAdapterFactory(FACTORY)
-      .create()
-  }
\ No newline at end of file