mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 05:40:12 +08:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
buildscript {
ext.kotlinVersion = '1.4.31'
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlinVersion"
allprojects {
apply plugin: "maven-publish"
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'maven'
group 'cn.tursom'
version '0.1'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlinVersion"
api "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlinVersion"
api "com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.2"
testImplementation group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
compileKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
kotlinOptions.useIR = true
compileTestKotlin {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
kotlinOptions.useIR = true
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
//classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
artifacts {
archives sourcesJar
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/tursom/TursomServer")
credentials {
//username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
username = "tursom"
password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("PASSWORD")
publications {
gpr(MavenPublication) {
sourceSets {
all {
languageSettings {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
ext["netty.version"] = "4.1.59.Final"
ext["excludeTest"] = { project: Project, tasks: TaskContainer ->
if (project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.firstOrNull { taskName ->
} == null) {
tasks {
test { enabled = false }
testClasses { enabled = false }
compileTestJava { enabled = false }
compileTestKotlin { enabled = false }
processTestResources { enabled = false }
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.31"
allprojects {
group = "cn.tursom"
version = "0.2"
repositories {
tasks.withType<JavaCompile> {
tasks.withType<KotlinCompile>().configureEach {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn"
if (project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames.firstOrNull { taskName ->
} == null) {
tasks.withType<Test> {
enabled = false
(rootProject.ext["excludeTest"] as (Project, TaskContainer) -> Unit)(project, tasks)
dependencies {
testImplementation(group = "junit", name = "junit", version = "4.12")
val commonVersion = "1.0.RELEASE"
api("com.ddbes", "common-kotlin", commonVersion)
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
rootProject.name = 'TursomServer'
include 'web', 'aop', 'database', 'utils', 'utils:xml', 'utils:async-http', 'web:netty-web'
include 'socket', 'socket:socket-async'
include 'AsyncSocket'
include 'log'
include 'json'
include 'utils:yaml'
include 'web:web-coroutine'
include 'microservices'
include 'database:database-mysql'
include 'database:mongodb'
include 'database:mongodb:mongodb-async'
include 'database:redis'
include 'utils:ws-client'
include 'utils:mail'
include 'utils:csv'
include 'utils:delegation'
include 'utils:observer'
include 'utils:TrafficForward'
include 'utils:performance-test'
include 'utils:math'
include 'utils:json'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
rootProject.name = "TursomServer"
include("ts-core", "ts-core:ts-buffer", "ts-core:ts-encrypt", "ts-core:ts-datastruct")
//include("web", "aop", "database", "utils", "utils:xml", "utils:async-http", "web:netty-web")
//include("socket", "socket:socket-async")
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
* HOOK java.nio.HeapByteBuffer
object HeapByteBufferUtil {
private val field = ByteBuffer::class.java.getDeclaredField("offset")
init {
field.isAccessible = true
fun wrap(array: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = array.size - offset): ByteBuffer {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(array, 0, offset + size)
//return if (offset == 0) buffer else {
// buffer.position(offset)
// buffer.slice()
if (offset > 0) field.set(buffer, offset)
return buffer
fun wrap(string: String) = wrap(string.toByteArray())
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import java.io.File
import java.util.*
class RandomCode {
private val randomCode = "${randomInt(10000000, 99999999)}"
override fun toString(): String {
return randomCode
fun showCode(codeName: String = "passcode", filepath: String? = null) {
println("$codeName: $randomCode")
filepath ?: return
val file = File(filepath)
file.writeText("$codeName = $randomCode")
companion object {
private fun randomInt(min: Int, max: Int) = Random().nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
class ContainMap<K>(override val keys: Set<K>) : Map<K, Boolean> {
override val entries: Set<Map.Entry<K, Boolean>> = EntrySet(keys)
override val size: Int get() = keys.size
override val values: Collection<Boolean> = listOf(true)
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean = keys.contains(key)
override fun containsValue(value: Boolean): Boolean = true
override fun get(key: K): Boolean = keys.contains(key)
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = keys.isEmpty()
private class EntrySet<K>(val keys: Set<K>) : Set<Map.Entry<K, Boolean>> {
override val size: Int get() = keys.size
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = keys.isEmpty()
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Boolean>> = EntrySerIterator(keys)
override fun contains(element: Map.Entry<K, Boolean>): Boolean = keys.contains(element.key) == element.value
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Map.Entry<K, Boolean>>): Boolean {
elements.forEach { if (contains(it).not()) return false }
return true
private class EntrySerIterator<K>(keys: Set<K>) : Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Boolean>> {
private val iterator = keys.iterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): Map.Entry<K, Boolean> = Entry(iterator.next(), true)
private class Entry<K>(override val key: K, override val value: Boolean) : Map.Entry<K, Boolean>
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
class KPropertyEntriesIterator(val target: Any, propertyMap: Map<String, KProperty1<Any, *>>) : Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Any?>> {
private val iterator = propertyMap.iterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): Map.Entry<String, Any?> {
val entry = iterator.next()
return object : Map.Entry<String, Any?> {
override val key: String = entry.key
override val value: Any? get() = entry.value.get(target)
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
import kotlin.concurrent.read
import kotlin.concurrent.write
class ReadWriteMap<K, V>(val map: MutableMap<K, V>) : MutableMap<K, V> {
private val lock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
override val size: Int get() = lock.read { map.size }
override val entries get() = lock.read { map.entries }
override val keys get() = lock.read { map.keys }
override val values get() = lock.read { map.values }
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean = lock.read { map.containsKey(key) }
override fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean = lock.read { map.containsValue(value) }
override fun get(key: K): V? = lock.read { map.get(key) }
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = lock.read { map.isEmpty() }
override fun clear() = lock.write { map.clear() }
override fun put(key: K, value: V): V? = lock.write { map.put(key, value) }
override fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>) = lock.write { map.putAll(from) }
override fun remove(key: K): V? = lock.write { map.remove(key) }
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
class ReversedList<E>(
val list: List<E>
) : List<E> by list {
override fun get(index: Int): E = list[size - index - 1]
override fun indexOf(element: E): Int {
val lastIndexOf = list.lastIndexOf(element)
return if (lastIndexOf >= 0) size - lastIndexOf else -1
override fun lastIndexOf(element: E): Int {
val indexOf = list.indexOf(element)
return if (indexOf >= 0) size - indexOf else -1
override fun iterator(): Iterator<E> = listIterator()
override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<E> = listIterator(0)
override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<E> = ReverseListIterator(list.listIterator(size - index))
override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<E> {
return ReversedList(list.subList(size - toIndex, size - fromIndex))
override fun toString(): String {
val iterator = iterator()
return buildString {
iterator.forEach {
if (iterator.hasNext()) append(", ")
private class ReverseListIterator<E>(val listIterator: ListIterator<E>) : ListIterator<E> {
override fun hasNext(): Boolean = listIterator.hasPrevious()
override fun next(): E = listIterator.previous()
override fun nextIndex(): Int = listIterator.previousIndex()
override fun hasPrevious(): Boolean = listIterator.hasNext()
override fun previous(): E = listIterator.next()
override fun previousIndex(): Int = listIterator.nextIndex()
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
class SetMap<K>(private val set: Set<K>) : Map<K, Unit> {
override val keys: Set<K>
get() = set
override val size: Int
get() = set.size
override val values: Collection<Unit> = listOf()
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean {
return set.contains(key)
override fun containsValue(value: Unit): Boolean {
return true
override fun get(key: K): Unit? {
return if (set.contains(key)) Unit else null
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
return size == 0
override val entries: Set<Map.Entry<K, Unit>> = object : Set<Map.Entry<K, Unit>> {
override val size: Int
get() = set.size
override fun contains(element: Map.Entry<K, Unit>): Boolean {
return set.contains(element.key)
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Map.Entry<K, Unit>>): Boolean {
elements.forEach {
if (!set.contains(it.key)) return false
return true
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean {
return size == 0
override fun iterator(): Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Unit>> {
return SetMapIterator(set)
class SetMapIterator<K>(set: Set<K>) : Iterator<Map.Entry<K, Unit>> {
private val iterator = set.iterator()
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return iterator.hasNext()
override fun next(): Map.Entry<K, Unit> {
return Entry(iterator.next())
data class Entry<K>(override val key: K) : Map.Entry<K, Unit> {
override val value: Unit
get() = Unit
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
interface SimpMap<K, V> : MutableMap<K, V> {
* @return prev value
operator fun set(key: K, value: V)
infix fun delete(key: K): V?
fun setAndGet(key: K, value: V): V? {
val prev = get(key)
set(key, value)
return prev
override fun put(key: K, value: V): V? = setAndGet(key, value)
override fun remove(key: K): V? = delete(key)
* 清空整个表
override fun clear()
fun first(): V?
override infix fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>) {
from.forEach { (k, u) ->
set(k, u)
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference
class SoftArrayMap<K, V>(val map: MutableMap<K, SoftReference<V>>) : MutableMap<K, V> {
constructor(initialCapacity: Int = 16) : this(HashMap(initialCapacity))
override val size: Int get() = map.size
override val entries: MutableSet<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> get() = throw NotImplementedError()
override val keys: MutableSet<K> get() = map.keys
override val values: MutableCollection<V> get() = throw NotImplementedError()
override fun put(key: K, value: V): V? = map.put(key, SoftReference(value))?.get()
override fun remove(key: K): V? = map.remove(key)?.get()
override fun clear() = map.clear()
override fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean = map.containsKey(key)
override fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean = map.containsValue(SoftReference(value))
override fun get(key: K): V? = map[key]?.get()
override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = map.isEmpty()
override fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>) = from.forEach { (k, u) -> map.put(k, SoftReference(u)) }
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct.async.interfaces
interface AsyncCollection<out E> {
val size: Int
suspend fun isEmpty(): Boolean
suspend infix fun contains(element: @UnsafeVariance E): Boolean
suspend infix fun containsAll(elements: AsyncCollection<@UnsafeVariance E>): Boolean
suspend fun forEach(action: suspend (E) -> Boolean): Boolean
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct.async.interfaces
interface AsyncMap<K, V> : AsyncCollection<Map.Entry<K, V>> {
override val size: Int
val entries: AsyncSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>
val keys: AsyncSet<K>
val values: AsyncCollection<V>
suspend infix fun containsKey(key: K): Boolean
suspend infix fun containsValue(value: V): Boolean
suspend infix fun get(key: K): V?
override suspend fun isEmpty(): Boolean
suspend fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean = !isEmpty()
override suspend fun contains(element: Map.Entry<K, V>): Boolean {
return get(element.key) == element.value
override suspend fun containsAll(elements: AsyncCollection<Map.Entry<K, V>>): Boolean {
return elements.forEach { contains(it) }
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct.async.interfaces
interface AsyncPotableMap<K, V> : AsyncMap<K, V> {
suspend fun clear()
suspend fun set(key: K, value: V): V?
suspend fun putIfAbsent(key: K, value: V): Boolean
suspend infix fun putAll(from: Map<out K, V>)
suspend infix fun remove(key: K): V?
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.datastruct.async.interfaces
interface AsyncPotableSet<K> : AsyncSet<K> {
suspend fun clear(): AsyncPotableSet<K>
suspend fun put(key: K): AsyncPotableSet<K>
suspend fun putIfAbsent(key: K): Boolean
suspend infix fun putAll(from: Set<K>): AsyncPotableSet<K>
suspend infix fun remove(key: K): AsyncPotableSet<K>
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class ControlCharRegexUnit(private val char: Char) : RegexUnit {
constructor(char: ControlCharRegexUnit) : this(char.char)
override fun toString() = "\\c$char"
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class GetMatchingUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override val unit: String?
get() = toString()
override fun toString(): String = "($subUnit)"
@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
* 使用 regex 函数创建一个正则对象
* 字符串前加 + 表示一个字符串单元,任何时候都会作为一个独立单元存在
* 字符串前加 - 表示一个字符串,不会作为一个独立单元处理
* 注意,我们不支持原始的字符串对象,请使用 + 或 - 将其打包
* 在 RegexMaker 对象头部的这些对象都是字符转义,请根据需要使用
* uppercase,lowercase 与 numbers 都是字符列表,用于表示在其范围内的单个字符
* 使用 Char.control 获得控制字符转义
* 接下来是连接两个正则单元用的方法,我们可以用 (单元1) link (单元2),(单元1) also (单元2),甚至是 (单元1)(单元2) 的形式连接两个单元
* 当然,现在我们也可以用 + 甚至是 - 来连接两个单元了
* 接着是创建单元组的方法,toSet 不建议使用,建议使用 ((单元1) or (单元2) or ...) 的形式创建一个单元组
* 后面跟着的就都是表示重复次数的方法,(单元)-次数n 表示最多重复n次,相应的 * 与 .. 表示精确的 n 次,%表示至少 n 次
* 我们还可以使用 (单元)-(min..max)的形式指定重复区间,对于这个接口,-、*、% 与 .. 的效果相同,范围区间还可以使用(min to max)的形式
* 有时候,- 会导致运算符优先级的问题,这时我们可以用 / 来代替
* 如果我们想匹配属于某一组的单个字符,可以使用 (开始字符 % 结束字符) 的形式,使用 and、also、link 或者 + 将多个字符组单元相连
* 我们还可以在一个 CharRange 或 Pair<Char, Char> 前面加 + 生成字符组
* 或者我们也可以手动指定使用哪些字符,使用 list 方法,字符串会被转义成一个字符组单元
* 如果你对自己足够有信心,也可以在字符串前面加 !,这会直接生成一个字符组对象,不经检查
* 比如下面这句就是一个合法的表达式
* '1' % '2' / 5 + list("ABC-\\") * lowercase * numbers % (2 to 3) + uppercase + any % 3 + caret % 1 + +"还行" * 2
* 运行后会生成
* [1-2]{0,5}[ABC\-\\a-z0-9]{2,3}[A-Z].{3,}\^+(还行){2}
@Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "DuplicatedCode")
object RegexMaker {
operator fun String.unaryPlus() = StringRegexUnit(this)
operator fun String.unaryMinus() = UnitRegexUnit(this)
operator fun RegexUnit.unaryPlus() = GetMatchingUnit(this)
operator fun RegexUnit.unaryMinus() = NonGetMatchingUnit(this)
val Any.str
get() = +toString()
val Any.unit
get() = -toString()
val slush = -"\\\\"
val point = -"\\."
val caret = -"\\^"
val dollar = -"\\$"
val plus = -"\\+"
val minus = -"\\-"
val star = -"\\*"
val roundBrackets = -"\\("
val squareBrackets = -"\\["
val curlyBrackets = -"\\{"
val backslash = -"\\\\"
val verticalBar = -"\\|"
val questionMark = -"\\?"
val nextPage = -"\\f"
val nextLine = -"\\n"
val enter = -"\\r"
val blankCharacter = -"\\s"
val nonBlankCharacter = -"\\S"
val tab = -"\\t"
val verticalTab = -"\\v"
val wordBoundary = -"\\b"
val nonWordBoundary = -"\\B"
val number = -"\\d"
val nonNumber = -"\\D"
val pageBreak = -"\\f"
val lineBreak = -"n"
val carriageReturn = -"\\r"
val lettersNumbersUnderscores = -"\\w"
val nonLettersNumbersUnderscores = -"\\W"
* @warning except \n
val any = -"."
val beg = -"^"
val begin = -"^"
val end = -"$"
val empty = -"()"
val uppercase = 'A' % 'Z'
val lowercase = 'a' % 'z'
val numbers = '0' % '9'
val Char.control
get() = ControlCharRegexUnit(this)
infix fun RegexUnit.link(target: RegexUnit) = +"$this$target"
infix fun RegexUnit.link(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = +"$this${target()}"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).link(target: RegexUnit) = +"${this()}$target"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).link(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = +"${this()}${target()}"
infix fun RegexUnit.also(target: RegexUnit) = this link target
infix fun RegexUnit.also(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = this link target
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).also(target: RegexUnit) = this link target
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).also(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = this link target
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.plus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.plus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).plus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).plus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
val Iterable<RegexUnit>.toSet: StringRegexUnit?
get() {
val iterator = iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
forEach {
return StringRegexUnit(stringBuilder.toString())
val Array<out RegexUnit>.toSet: StringRegexUnit?
get() {
val iterator = iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
forEach {
return StringRegexUnit(stringBuilder.toString())
infix fun RegexUnit.or(target: RegexUnit): StringRegexUnit {
val unit = this.unit
val targetUnit = target.unit
return +when {
unit == null -> targetUnit ?: ""
targetUnit == null -> unit
else -> "$unit|$targetUnit"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).or(target: RegexUnit) = this() or target
val RegexUnit.onceMore
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 1, -1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).onceMore
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), 1, -1)
val RegexUnit.anyTime
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, -1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).anyTime
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), -1)
val RegexUnit.onceBelow
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, 1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).onceBelow
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), 0, 1)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
fun RegexUnit.timeRange(from: Int, to: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, from, to)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
fun (() -> RegexUnit).timeRange(from: Int, to: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), from, to)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: Int) = this repeat times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: IntRange) = this repeat times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = this repeat times
operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(from: Int, to: Int) = this.timeRange(from, to)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: Int) = this()(unit)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: IntRange) = this()(unit)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: Pair<Int, Int>) = this()(unit)
operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(from: Int, to: Int) = this().timeRange(from, to)
infix fun RegexUnit.upTo(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeatTime(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeatLast(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix fun RegexUnit.last(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).upTo(times: Int) = this() upTo times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeatTime(times: Int) = this() repeatTime times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeatLast(times: Int) = this() repeatLast times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).last(times: Int) = this() last times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.div(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(times: Int) = this() rem times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(times: Int) = this() times times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(times: Int) = this() minus times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).div(times: Int) = this() div times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: Int) = this() rangeTo range
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() rem range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(range: IntRange) = this() rem range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(range: IntRange) = this() times range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() times range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(range: IntRange) = this() minus range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() minus range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: IntRange) = this() rangeTo range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() rangeTo range
infix fun Char.list(target: Char) = UnitListRegexUnit(this, target)
infix operator fun Char.rem(char: Char) = UnitListRegexUnit(this, char)
operator fun CharRange.unaryPlus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun CharRange.unaryMinus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun CharRange.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.unaryPlus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.unaryMinus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
infix operator fun UnitListRegexUnit.invoke(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = this and unitList
object UnitList {
const val hyphen = "\\-"
const val slush = "\\\\"
operator fun invoke(action: UnitList.() -> Any) = !this.action()
class UnitListCheckException : Exception()
operator fun String.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Any.not() = !toString()
private val listChar = Regex("[-\\\\]")
* 获取str的字面符号表示的字符表
fun list(str: String): UnitListRegexUnit {
if (!listChar.containsMatchIn(str)) {
return !str
val sb = StringBuilder()
str.forEach { c ->
when (c) {
'\\', '-', ':' -> sb.append("\\")
return !sb
val RegexUnit.nonGetMatch get() = NonGetMatchingUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookAheadPositiveAssert get() = LookAheadPositiveAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookAheadNegativeAssert get() = LookAheadNegativeAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookBehindPositiveAssert get() = LookBehindPositiveAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookBehindNegativeAssert get() = LookBehindNegativeAssertUnit(this)
fun make(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = this.func()
operator fun invoke(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = this.func()
fun regex(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = Regex(RegexMaker.func().toString())
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
interface RegexUnit {
val unit: String? get() = toString()
val regex get() = toString().toRegex()
override fun toString(): String
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
* 将 ${repeatUnit} 匹配 ${from} 到 ${to} 次
* 匹配任意次数 如果 ${from} < 0
* 精确匹配 ${from} 次 如果 ${to} == 0
* 最少匹配 ${from} 次 如果 ${to} < 0
class RepeatRegexUnit(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, from: Int, to: Int = 0) : RegexUnit {
constructor(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, range: IntRange) : this(repeatUnit, range.start, range.last)
constructor(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, range: Pair<Int, Int>) : this(repeatUnit, range.first, range.second)
private val str = when {
from < 0 -> "*"
to == 0 -> when (from) {
0 -> null
1 -> ""
else -> "{$from}"
to < 0 -> when (from) {
0 -> "*"
1 -> "+"
else -> "{$from,}"
to == 1 && from == 0 -> "?"
to == from -> when (from) {
0 -> null
1 -> ""
else -> "{$from}"
else -> "{$from,$to}"
}?.let { range ->
repeatUnit?.unit?.let {
if (it.isNotEmpty()) "$it$range"
else ""
} ?: ""
override val unit = if (str.isEmpty()) {
} else {
override fun toString() = str
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class StringRegexUnit(private val str: String) : RegexUnit {
constructor(str: StringRegexUnit) : this(str.str)
override val unit = when (str.length) {
0 -> null
1 -> str
else -> "($str)"
override fun toString() = str
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class UnitListRegexUnit(private val valList: String) : RegexUnit {
constructor(from: Char, to: Char) : this("$from-$to")
constructor(range: Pair<Char, Char>) : this("${range.first}-${range.second}")
constructor(range: CharRange) : this("${range.first}-${range.last}")
constructor(range: UnitListRegexUnit) : this(range.valList)
val reverse
get() = UnitListRegexUnit(if (valList.first() == '^') valList.drop(1) else "^$valList")
operator fun not() = reverse
infix operator fun plus(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix operator fun times(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun also(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun and(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun link(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
override fun toString() = "[$valList]"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
plugins {
dependencies {
compileOnly(group = "com.google.code.gson", name = "gson", version = "2.8.6")
(rootProject.ext["excludeTest"] as (Project, TaskContainer) -> Unit)(project, tasks)
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package cn.tursom.core
import java.io.File
import java.net.URL
import java.net.URLClassLoader
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.jar.JarFile
@ -60,11 +59,13 @@ object ClassLoaderUtil {
for (childFile in childFiles) {
if (childFile.isDirectory) {
if (childPackage) {
} else {
val childFilePath: String = childFile.path
@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ open class NonLockLinkedList<T> {
private class TaskListNode<T>(
val data: T,
@Volatile var next: TaskListNode<T>?
val data: T,
@Volatile var next: TaskListNode<T>?
class NotSupportedException : Exception()
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Modifier
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.collections.HashMap
import kotlin.collections.HashSet
object Parser {
private val dateFormat = ThreadLocalSimpleDateFormat()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import java.io.File
import java.util.*
class RandomCode {
private val randomCode = "${randomInt(10000000, 99999999)}"
override fun toString(): String {
return randomCode
fun showCode(codeName: String = "passcode", filepath: String? = null) {
println("$codeName: $randomCode")
filepath ?: return
val file = File(filepath)
file.writeText("$codeName = $randomCode")
companion object {
private fun randomInt(min: Int, max: Int) = Random().nextInt(max) % (max - min + 1) + min
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import cn.tursom.core.datastruct.ReversedList
import cn.tursom.core.datastruct.StepList
import com.google.gson.Gson
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder
import sun.reflect.Reflection
@ -19,8 +17,6 @@ import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.collections.HashSet
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.coroutines.resume
@ -386,35 +382,6 @@ fun Any.serialize(): ByteArray {
return outputStream.toByteArray()
operator fun <E> List<E>.get(startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size, step: Int = 1): List<E> {
if (step <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("step($step) is negative or zero")
val fromIndex = when {
startIndex < 0 -> size + startIndex
startIndex >= size -> size
else -> startIndex
val toIndex = when {
endIndex < 0 -> size + endIndex + 1
endIndex >= size -> size
else -> endIndex
var targetList = if (fromIndex > toIndex) ReversedList(subList(toIndex, fromIndex)) else subList(fromIndex, toIndex)
if (step != 1) targetList = targetList step step
return targetList
operator fun <E> List<E>.get(intProgression: IntProgression): List<E> {
val first = intProgression.first
val last = intProgression.last
val step = intProgression.step
return when {
step == 0 -> get(first, last + if (last < 0) 0 else 1, 1)
step < 0 -> get(first + if (last > 0 && first >= 0) 1 else 0, last, -step)
else -> get(first, last + if (last < 0) 0 else 1, step)
infix fun <E> List<E>.step(step: Int): List<E> = StepList(this, step)
inline infix fun String.ifEmpty(ifEmpty: () -> String) = if (isNotEmpty()) this else ifEmpty()
inline infix fun String.ifBlank(ifBlank: () -> String) = if (isNotBlank()) this else ifBlank()
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class ControlCharRegexUnit(private val char: Char) : RegexUnit {
constructor(char: ControlCharRegexUnit) : this(char.char)
override fun toString() = "\\c$char"
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class GetMatchingUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override val unit: String?
get() = toString()
override fun toString(): String = "($subUnit)"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class LookAheadNegativeAssertUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override fun toString(): String = "(?=$subUnit)"
override fun toString(): String = "(?=$subUnit)"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class LookAheadPositiveAssertUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override fun toString(): String = "(?=$subUnit)"
override fun toString(): String = "(?=$subUnit)"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class LookBehindNegativeAssertUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override fun toString(): String = "(?<!$subUnit)"
override fun toString(): String = "(?<!$subUnit)"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class LookBehindPositiveAssertUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override fun toString(): String = "(?<=$subUnit)"
override fun toString(): String = "(?<=$subUnit)"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class NonGetMatchingUnit(val subUnit: RegexUnit) : RegexUnit {
override fun toString(): String = "(?:$subUnit)"
override fun toString(): String = "(?:$subUnit)"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
* 使用 regex 函数创建一个正则对象
* 字符串前加 + 表示一个字符串单元,任何时候都会作为一个独立单元存在
* 字符串前加 - 表示一个字符串,不会作为一个独立单元处理
* 注意,我们不支持原始的字符串对象,请使用 + 或 - 将其打包
* 在 RegexMaker 对象头部的这些对象都是字符转义,请根据需要使用
* uppercase,lowercase 与 numbers 都是字符列表,用于表示在其范围内的单个字符
* 使用 Char.control 获得控制字符转义
* 接下来是连接两个正则单元用的方法,我们可以用 (单元1) link (单元2),(单元1) also (单元2),甚至是 (单元1)(单元2) 的形式连接两个单元
* 当然,现在我们也可以用 + 甚至是 - 来连接两个单元了
* 接着是创建单元组的方法,toSet 不建议使用,建议使用 ((单元1) or (单元2) or ...) 的形式创建一个单元组
* 后面跟着的就都是表示重复次数的方法,(单元)-次数n 表示最多重复n次,相应的 * 与 .. 表示精确的 n 次,%表示至少 n 次
* 我们还可以使用 (单元)-(min..max)的形式指定重复区间,对于这个接口,-、*、% 与 .. 的效果相同,范围区间还可以使用(min to max)的形式
* 有时候,- 会导致运算符优先级的问题,这时我们可以用 / 来代替
* 如果我们想匹配属于某一组的单个字符,可以使用 (开始字符 % 结束字符) 的形式,使用 and、also、link 或者 + 将多个字符组单元相连
* 我们还可以在一个 CharRange 或 Pair<Char, Char> 前面加 + 生成字符组
* 或者我们也可以手动指定使用哪些字符,使用 list 方法,字符串会被转义成一个字符组单元
* 如果你对自己足够有信心,也可以在字符串前面加 !,这会直接生成一个字符组对象,不经检查
* 比如下面这句就是一个合法的表达式
* '1' % '2' / 5 + list("ABC-\\") * lowercase * numbers % (2 to 3) + uppercase + any % 3 + caret % 1 + +"还行" * 2
* 运行后会生成
* [1-2]{0,5}[ABC\-\\a-z0-9]{2,3}[A-Z].{3,}\^+(还行){2}
@Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "DuplicatedCode")
object RegexMaker {
operator fun String.unaryPlus() = StringRegexUnit(this)
operator fun String.unaryMinus() = UnitRegexUnit(this)
operator fun RegexUnit.unaryPlus() = GetMatchingUnit(this)
operator fun RegexUnit.unaryMinus() = NonGetMatchingUnit(this)
val Any.str
get() = +toString()
val Any.unit
get() = -toString()
val slush = -"\\\\"
val point = -"\\."
val caret = -"\\^"
val dollar = -"\\$"
val plus = -"\\+"
val minus = -"\\-"
val star = -"\\*"
val roundBrackets = -"\\("
val squareBrackets = -"\\["
val curlyBrackets = -"\\{"
val backslash = -"\\\\"
val verticalBar = -"\\|"
val questionMark = -"\\?"
val nextPage = -"\\f"
val nextLine = -"\\n"
val enter = -"\\r"
val blankCharacter = -"\\s"
val nonBlankCharacter = -"\\S"
val tab = -"\\t"
val verticalTab = -"\\v"
val wordBoundary = -"\\b"
val nonWordBoundary = -"\\B"
val number = -"\\d"
val nonNumber = -"\\D"
val pageBreak = -"\\f"
val lineBreak = -"n"
val carriageReturn = -"\\r"
val lettersNumbersUnderscores = -"\\w"
val nonLettersNumbersUnderscores = -"\\W"
* @warning except \n
val any = -"."
val beg = -"^"
val begin = -"^"
val end = -"$"
val empty = -"()"
val uppercase = 'A' % 'Z'
val lowercase = 'a' % 'z'
val numbers = '0' % '9'
val Char.control
get() = ControlCharRegexUnit(this)
infix fun RegexUnit.link(target: RegexUnit) = +"$this$target"
infix fun RegexUnit.link(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = +"$this${target()}"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).link(target: RegexUnit) = +"${this()}$target"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).link(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = +"${this()}${target()}"
infix fun RegexUnit.also(target: RegexUnit) = this link target
infix fun RegexUnit.also(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = this link target
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).also(target: RegexUnit) = this link target
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).also(target: (() -> RegexUnit)) = this link target
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.plus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.plus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).plus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).plus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(unit: () -> RegexUnit) = this link unit
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(unit: RegexUnit) = this link unit
val Iterable<RegexUnit>.toSet: StringRegexUnit?
get() {
val iterator = iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
forEach {
return StringRegexUnit(stringBuilder.toString())
val Array<out RegexUnit>.toSet: StringRegexUnit?
get() {
val iterator = iterator()
if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null
val stringBuilder = StringBuilder()
forEach {
return StringRegexUnit(stringBuilder.toString())
infix fun RegexUnit.or(target: RegexUnit): StringRegexUnit {
val unit = this.unit
val targetUnit = target.unit
return +when {
unit == null -> targetUnit ?: ""
targetUnit == null -> unit
else -> "$unit|$targetUnit"
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).or(target: RegexUnit) = this() or target
val RegexUnit.onceMore
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 1, -1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).onceMore
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), 1, -1)
val RegexUnit.anyTime
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, -1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).anyTime
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), -1)
val RegexUnit.onceBelow
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, 1)
val (() -> RegexUnit).onceBelow
get() = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), 0, 1)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeat(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
fun RegexUnit.timeRange(from: Int, to: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, from, to)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeat(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), times)
fun (() -> RegexUnit).timeRange(from: Int, to: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this(), from, to)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: Int) = this repeat times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: IntRange) = this repeat times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(times: Pair<Int, Int>) = this repeat times
operator fun RegexUnit.invoke(from: Int, to: Int) = this.timeRange(from, to)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: Int) = this()(unit)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: IntRange) = this()(unit)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(unit: Pair<Int, Int>) = this()(unit)
operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).invoke(from: Int, to: Int) = this().timeRange(from, to)
infix fun RegexUnit.upTo(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeatTime(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix fun RegexUnit.repeatLast(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix fun RegexUnit.last(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).upTo(times: Int) = this() upTo times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeatTime(times: Int) = this() repeatTime times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).repeatLast(times: Int) = this() repeatLast times
infix fun (() -> RegexUnit).last(times: Int) = this() last times
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times, -1)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.div(times: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, 0, times)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: Int) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(times: Int) = this() rem times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(times: Int) = this() times times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(times: Int) = this() minus times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).div(times: Int) = this() div times
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: Int) = this() rangeTo range
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rem(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.times(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.minus(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: IntRange) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun RegexUnit.rangeTo(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = RepeatRegexUnit(this, range)
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() rem range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rem(range: IntRange) = this() rem range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(range: IntRange) = this() times range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).times(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() times range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(range: IntRange) = this() minus range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).minus(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() minus range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: IntRange) = this() rangeTo range
infix operator fun (() -> RegexUnit).rangeTo(range: Pair<Int, Int>) = this() rangeTo range
infix fun Char.list(target: Char) = UnitListRegexUnit(this, target)
infix operator fun Char.rem(char: Char) = UnitListRegexUnit(this, char)
operator fun CharRange.unaryPlus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun CharRange.unaryMinus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun CharRange.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.unaryPlus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.unaryMinus() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Pair<Char, Char>.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
infix operator fun UnitListRegexUnit.invoke(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = this and unitList
object UnitList {
const val hyphen = "\\-"
const val slush = "\\\\"
operator fun invoke(action: UnitList.() -> Any) = !this.action()
class UnitListCheckException : Exception()
operator fun String.not() = UnitListRegexUnit(this)
operator fun Any.not() = !toString()
private val listChar = Regex("[-\\\\]")
* 获取str的字面符号表示的字符表
fun list(str: String): UnitListRegexUnit {
if (!listChar.containsMatchIn(str)) {
return !str
val sb = StringBuilder()
str.forEach { c ->
when (c) {
'\\', '-', ':' -> sb.append("\\")
return !sb
val RegexUnit.nonGetMatch get() = NonGetMatchingUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookAheadPositiveAssert get() = LookAheadPositiveAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookAheadNegativeAssert get() = LookAheadNegativeAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookBehindPositiveAssert get() = LookBehindPositiveAssertUnit(this)
val RegexUnit.lookBehindNegativeAssert get() = LookBehindNegativeAssertUnit(this)
fun make(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = this.func()
operator fun invoke(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = this.func()
fun regex(func: RegexMaker.() -> RegexUnit) = Regex(RegexMaker.func().toString())
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
interface RegexUnit {
val unit: String? get() = toString()
val regex get() = toString().toRegex()
override fun toString(): String
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
* 将 ${repeatUnit} 匹配 ${from} 到 ${to} 次
* 匹配任意次数 如果 ${from} < 0
* 精确匹配 ${from} 次 如果 ${to} == 0
* 最少匹配 ${from} 次 如果 ${to} < 0
class RepeatRegexUnit(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, from: Int, to: Int = 0) : RegexUnit {
constructor(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, range: IntRange) : this(repeatUnit, range.start, range.last)
constructor(repeatUnit: RegexUnit?, range: Pair<Int, Int>) : this(repeatUnit, range.first, range.second)
private val str = when {
from < 0 -> "*"
to == 0 -> when (from) {
0 -> null
1 -> ""
else -> "{$from}"
to < 0 -> when (from) {
0 -> "*"
1 -> "+"
else -> "{$from,}"
to == 1 && from == 0 -> "?"
to == from -> when (from) {
0 -> null
1 -> ""
else -> "{$from}"
else -> "{$from,$to}"
}?.let { range ->
repeatUnit?.unit?.let {
if (it.isNotEmpty()) "$it$range"
else ""
} ?: ""
override val unit = if (str.isEmpty()) {
} else {
override fun toString() = str
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class StringRegexUnit(private val str: String) : RegexUnit {
constructor(str: StringRegexUnit) : this(str.str)
override val unit = when (str.length) {
0 -> null
1 -> str
else -> "($str)"
override fun toString() = str
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class UnitListRegexUnit(private val valList: String) : RegexUnit {
constructor(from: Char, to: Char) : this("$from-$to")
constructor(range: Pair<Char, Char>) : this("${range.first}-${range.second}")
constructor(range: CharRange) : this("${range.first}-${range.last}")
constructor(range: UnitListRegexUnit) : this(range.valList)
val reverse
get() = UnitListRegexUnit(if (valList.first() == '^') valList.drop(1) else "^$valList")
operator fun not() = reverse
infix operator fun plus(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix operator fun times(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun also(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun and(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
infix fun link(unitList: UnitListRegexUnit) = UnitListRegexUnit("$valList${unitList.valList}")
override fun toString() = "[$valList]"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cn.tursom.core.regex
class UnitRegexUnit(override val unit: String) : RegexUnit {
constructor(unit: UnitRegexUnit) : this(unit.unit)
override fun toString() = unit
constructor(unit: UnitRegexUnit) : this(unit.unit)
override fun toString() = unit
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class BufferedStorageHandler<T>(
private val writeHandler: (list: Collection<T>) -> Unit
) : StorageHandler<T> {
private val onWrite = AtomicBoolean(false)
private var msgList = ConcurrentLinkedQueue<T>()
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ class NonLockTaskQueue : TaskQueue {
private class TaskListNode(
override val timeout: Long,
override val task: () -> Unit,
override val createTime: Long,
@Volatile var next: TaskListNode?
override val timeout: Long,
override val task: () -> Unit,
override val createTime: Long,
@Volatile var next: TaskListNode?
) : TimerTask {
override var canceled: Boolean = false
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class SynchronizedTaskQueue : TaskQueue {
inner class TaskNode(
override val timeout: Long,
override val task: () -> Unit,
@Volatile var prev: TaskNode?,
@Volatile var next: TaskNode?,
override val createTime: Long = CurrentTimeMillisClock.now
override val timeout: Long,
override val task: () -> Unit,
@Volatile var prev: TaskNode?,
@Volatile var next: TaskNode?,
override val createTime: Long = CurrentTimeMillisClock.now
) : TimerTask {
override var canceled: Boolean = false
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
plugins {
dependencies {
(rootProject.ext["excludeTest"] as (Project, TaskContainer) -> Unit)(project, tasks)
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package cn.tursom.core
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
* HOOK java.nio.HeapByteBuffer
object HeapByteBufferUtil {
private val field = ByteBuffer::class.java.getDeclaredField("offset")
init {
field.isAccessible = true
fun wrap(array: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = array.size - offset): ByteBuffer {
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(array, 0, offset + size)
//return if (offset == 0) buffer else {
// buffer.position(offset)
// buffer.slice()
if (offset > 0) field.set(buffer, offset)
return buffer
fun wrap(string: String) = wrap(string.toByteArray())
@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ class Snowflake(
}, updateRateMs, updateRateMs, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
override fun toString() = "Snowflake(workerId=${nodeId
}, timestamp=0x${timestamp.toHexString(false)
override fun toString() = "Snowflake(workerId=${
}, timestamp=0x${
}, seed=0x${seed.get().toHexString(false)})"
enum class WorkMode {
@ -5,5 +5,10 @@ class ClosedBufferException : Exception {
constructor(message: String?) : super(message)
constructor(message: String?, cause: Throwable?) : super(message, cause)
constructor(cause: Throwable?) : super(cause)
constructor(message: String?, cause: Throwable?, enableSuppression: Boolean, writableStackTrace: Boolean) : super(message, cause, enableSuppression, writableStackTrace)
constructor(message: String?, cause: Throwable?, enableSuppression: Boolean, writableStackTrace: Boolean) : super(
@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ import cn.tursom.core.buffer.impl.ListByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.core.forEachIndex
import cn.tursom.core.toBytes
import java.io.Closeable
import java.io.IOException
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import kotlin.math.min
interface MultipleByteBuffer : List<ByteBuffer>, Closeable, ByteBuffer {
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package cn.tursom.core.buffer.impl
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.buffer.MultipleByteBuffer
class ArrayByteBuffer(
override vararg val buffers: ByteBuffer
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cn.tursom.core.buffer.impl
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.core.HeapByteBufferUtil
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ByteBuffer
class HeapByteBuffer(
private var buffer: java.nio.ByteBuffer,
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ open class ListByteBuffer(val bufferList: List<ByteBuffer>) : MultipleByteBuffer
return readOperator!!.get()
override fun put(byte: Byte) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package cn.tursom.core.buffer.impl
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.buffer.MarkableByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ByteBuffer
import cn.tursom.core.buffer.ProxyByteBuffer
class MarkedByteBuffer(override val agent: ByteBuffer) : ProxyByteBuffer, MarkableByteBuffer, ByteBuffer by agent {
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