/* * Copyright (c) 2022 tursom. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a GPL-3 * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ package lang import "strconv" type UInt16 uint16 func CastUInt16(v any) (uint16, bool) { switch i := v.(type) { case int: return uint16(i), true case int8: return uint16(i), true case int16: return uint16(i), true case int32: return uint16(i), true case int64: return uint16(i), true case uint: return uint16(i), true case uint8: return uint16(i), true case uint16: return i, true case uint32: return uint16(i), true case uint64: return uint16(i), true case float32: return uint16(i), true case float64: return uint16(i), true case Number: return uint16(i.ToUInt64().V()), true default: return 0, false } } func EqualsUInt16(i1 Number, i2 any) bool { i2, ok := CastUInt16(i2) return ok && i2 == i1.ToUInt64().V() } func (i UInt16) V() uint16 { return uint16(i) } func (i *UInt16) P() *uint16 { return (*uint16)(i) } func (i UInt16) String() string { return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(i), 10) } func (i UInt16) AsObject() Object { return i } func (i UInt16) Equals(e Object) bool { return EqualsUInt16(i, e) } func (i UInt16) ToString() String { return NewString(i.String()) } func (i UInt16) HashCode() int32 { return HashUInt16(uint16(i)) } func (i UInt16) Compare(t UInt16) int { switch { case i > t: return 1 case i == t: return 0 default: return -1 } } func (i UInt16) ToInt64() Int64 { return Int64(i) } func (i UInt16) ToUInt64() UInt64 { return UInt64(i) } func (i UInt16) ToFloat64() Float64 { return Float64(i) } func HashUInt16(i uint16) int32 { return HashUInt32(uint32(i)) }