/* * Copyright (c) 2022 tursom. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a GPL-3 * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ package lang type Comparable[T any] interface { Compare(t T) int } func Compare[T any, E Comparable[T]](e E, t T) int { //if e == nil { // panic(exceptions.NewNPE("LessThan compare from an null object", true)) //} return e.Compare(t) } func LessThan[T any, E Comparable[T]](e E, t T) bool { return e.Compare(t) < 0 } func MoreThan[T any, E Comparable[T]](e E, t T) bool { return e.Compare(t) > 0 } func LessThanEqual[T any, E Comparable[T]](e E, t T) bool { return e.Compare(t) <= 0 } func MoreThanEqual[T any, E Comparable[T]](e E, t T) bool { return e.Compare(t) >= 0 }