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synced 2025-03-22 12:50:07 +08:00
This test is flaking on windows when using the leveldb datastore. Hopefully, this extra check will help us narrow it down.
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package test
import (
pstore "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peerstore"
var addressBookSuite = map[string]func(book pstore.AddrBook) func(*testing.T){
"AddAddress": testAddAddress,
"Clear": testClearWorks,
"SetNegativeTTLClears": testSetNegativeTTLClears,
"UpdateTTLs": testUpdateTTLs,
"NilAddrsDontBreak": testNilAddrsDontBreak,
"AddressesExpire": testAddressesExpire,
"ClearWithIter": testClearWithIterator,
"PeersWithAddresses": testPeersWithAddrs,
"CertifiedAddresses": testCertifiedAddresses,
type AddrBookFactory func() (pstore.AddrBook, func())
func TestAddrBook(t *testing.T, factory AddrBookFactory) {
for name, test := range addressBookSuite {
// Create a new peerstore.
ab, closeFunc := factory()
// Run the test.
t.Run(name, test(ab))
// Cleanup.
if closeFunc != nil {
func testAddAddress(ab pstore.AddrBook) func(*testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("add a single address", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(1)
ab.AddAddr(id, addrs[0], time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("idempotent add single address", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(1)
ab.AddAddr(id, addrs[0], time.Hour)
ab.AddAddr(id, addrs[0], time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("add multiple addresses", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(3)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("idempotent add multiple addresses", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(3)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("adding an existing address with a later expiration extends its ttl", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(3)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, time.Second)
// same address as before but with a higher TTL
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs[2:], time.Hour)
// after the initial TTL has expired, check that only the third address is present.
time.Sleep(1200 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs[2:], ab.Addrs(id))
// make sure we actually set the TTL
ab.UpdateAddrs(id, time.Hour, 0)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("adding an existing address with an earlier expiration never reduces the expiration", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(3)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
// same address as before but with a lower TTL
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs[2:], time.Second)
// after the initial TTL has expired, check that all three addresses are still present (i.e. the TTL on
// the modified one was not shortened).
time.Sleep(2100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
t.Run("adding an existing address with an earlier expiration never reduces the TTL", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(1)
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, 4*time.Second)
// 4 seconds left
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
// 1 second left
ab.AddAddrs(id, addrs, 3*time.Second)
// 3 seconds left
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// 2 seconds left.
// We still have the address.
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, ab.Addrs(id))
// The TTL wasn't reduced
ab.UpdateAddrs(id, 4*time.Second, 0)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, ab.Addrs(id))
func testClearWorks(ab pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
ids := GeneratePeerIDs(2)
addrs := GenerateAddrs(5)
ab.AddAddrs(ids[0], addrs[0:3], time.Hour)
ab.AddAddrs(ids[1], addrs[3:], time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs[0:3], ab.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs[3:], ab.Addrs(ids[1]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, ab.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs[3:], ab.Addrs(ids[1]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, ab.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, ab.Addrs(ids[1]))
func testSetNegativeTTLClears(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(100)
m.SetAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs, m.Addrs(id))
// remove two addresses.
m.SetAddr(id, addrs[50], -1)
m.SetAddr(id, addrs[75], -1)
// calculate the survivors
survivors := append(addrs[0:50], addrs[51:]...)
survivors = append(survivors[0:74], survivors[75:]...)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, survivors, m.Addrs(id))
// remove _all_ the addresses
m.SetAddrs(id, survivors, -1)
if len(m.Addrs(id)) != 0 {
t.Error("expected empty address list after clearing all addresses")
// add half, but try to remove more than we added
m.SetAddrs(id, addrs[:50], time.Hour)
m.SetAddrs(id, addrs, -1)
if len(m.Addrs(id)) != 0 {
t.Error("expected empty address list after clearing all addresses")
// try to remove the same addr multiple times
m.SetAddrs(id, addrs[:5], time.Hour)
repeated := make([]multiaddr.Multiaddr, 10)
for i := 0; i < len(repeated); i++ {
repeated[i] = addrs[0]
m.SetAddrs(id, repeated, -1)
if len(m.Addrs(id)) != 4 {
t.Errorf("expected 4 addrs after removing one, got %d", len(m.Addrs(id)))
func testUpdateTTLs(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("update ttl of peer with no addrs", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
// Shouldn't panic.
m.UpdateAddrs(id, time.Hour, time.Minute)
t.Run("update to 0 clears addrs", func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
addrs := GenerateAddrs(1)
// Shouldn't panic.
m.SetAddrs(id, addrs, time.Hour)
m.UpdateAddrs(id, time.Hour, 0)
if len(m.Addrs(id)) != 0 {
t.Error("expected no addresses")
t.Run("update ttls successfully", func(t *testing.T) {
ids := GeneratePeerIDs(2)
addrs1, addrs2 := GenerateAddrs(2), GenerateAddrs(2)
// set two keys with different ttls for each peer.
m.SetAddr(ids[0], addrs1[0], time.Hour)
m.SetAddr(ids[0], addrs1[1], time.Minute)
m.SetAddr(ids[1], addrs2[0], time.Hour)
m.SetAddr(ids[1], addrs2[1], time.Minute)
// Sanity check.
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1, m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
// Will only affect addrs1[0].
// Badger does not support subsecond TTLs.
// https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger/issues/339
m.UpdateAddrs(ids[0], time.Hour, 1*time.Second)
// No immediate effect.
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1, m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
// After a wait, addrs[0] is gone.
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:2], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
// Will only affect addrs2[0].
m.UpdateAddrs(ids[1], time.Hour, 1*time.Second)
// No immediate effect.
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:2], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
// First addrs is gone in both.
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2[1:], m.Addrs(ids[1]))
func testNilAddrsDontBreak(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
id := GeneratePeerIDs(1)[0]
m.SetAddr(id, nil, time.Hour)
m.AddAddr(id, nil, time.Hour)
func testAddressesExpire(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
ids := GeneratePeerIDs(2)
addrs1 := GenerateAddrs(3)
addrs2 := GenerateAddrs(2)
m.AddAddrs(ids[0], addrs1, time.Hour)
m.AddAddrs(ids[1], addrs2, time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1, m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.AddAddrs(ids[0], addrs1, 2*time.Hour)
m.AddAddrs(ids[1], addrs2, 2*time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1, m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.SetAddr(ids[0], addrs1[0], 100*time.Microsecond)
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:3], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.SetAddr(ids[0], addrs1[2], 100*time.Microsecond)
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:2], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.SetAddr(ids[1], addrs2[0], 100*time.Microsecond)
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:2], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs2[1:], m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.SetAddr(ids[1], addrs2[1], 100*time.Microsecond)
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, addrs1[1:2], m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
m.SetAddr(ids[0], addrs1[1], 100*time.Microsecond)
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, m.Addrs(ids[0]))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, nil, m.Addrs(ids[1]))
func testClearWithIterator(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
ids := GeneratePeerIDs(2)
addrs := GenerateAddrs(100)
// Add the peers with 50 addresses each.
m.AddAddrs(ids[0], addrs[:50], pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
m.AddAddrs(ids[1], addrs[50:], pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
if all := append(m.Addrs(ids[0]), m.Addrs(ids[1])...); len(all) != 100 {
t.Fatal("expected pstore to contain both peers with all their maddrs")
// Since we don't fetch these peers, they won't be present in cache.
if all := append(m.Addrs(ids[0]), m.Addrs(ids[1])...); len(all) != 50 {
t.Fatal("expected pstore to contain only addrs of peer 2")
if all := append(m.Addrs(ids[0]), m.Addrs(ids[1])...); len(all) != 0 {
t.Fatal("expected pstore to contain no addresses")
func testPeersWithAddrs(m pstore.AddrBook) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
// cannot run in parallel as the store is modified.
// go runs sequentially in the specified order
// see https://blog.golang.org/subtests
t.Run("empty addrbook", func(t *testing.T) {
if peers := m.PeersWithAddrs(); len(peers) != 0 {
t.Fatal("expected to find no peers")
t.Run("non-empty addrbook", func(t *testing.T) {
ids := GeneratePeerIDs(2)
addrs := GenerateAddrs(10)
m.AddAddrs(ids[0], addrs[:5], pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
m.AddAddrs(ids[1], addrs[5:], pstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
if peers := m.PeersWithAddrs(); len(peers) != 2 {
t.Fatal("expected to find 2 peers")
func testCertifiedAddresses(m pstore.AddrBook) func(*testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
cab := m.(pstore.CertifiedAddrBook)
priv, _, err := test.RandTestKeyPair(crypto.Ed25519, 256)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error generating testing keys: %v", err)
id, _ := peer.IDFromPrivateKey(priv)
allAddrs := GenerateAddrs(10)
certifiedAddrs := allAddrs[:5]
uncertifiedAddrs := allAddrs[5:]
rec1 := peer.NewPeerRecord()
rec1.PeerID = id
rec1.Addrs = certifiedAddrs
signedRec1, err := record.Seal(rec1, priv)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating signed routing record: %v", err)
rec2 := peer.NewPeerRecord()
rec2.PeerID = id
rec2.Addrs = certifiedAddrs
signedRec2, err := record.Seal(rec2, priv)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error creating signed routing record: %v", err)
// add a few non-certified addrs
m.AddAddrs(id, uncertifiedAddrs, time.Hour)
// make sure they're present
AssertAddressesEqual(t, uncertifiedAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
// add the signed record to addr book
accepted, err := cab.ConsumePeerRecord(signedRec2, time.Hour)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error adding signed routing record to addrbook: %v", err)
if !accepted {
t.Errorf("should have accepted signed peer record")
// the non-certified addrs should be gone & we should get only certified addrs back from Addrs
// AssertAddressesEqual(t, certifiedAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, allAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
// PeersWithAddrs should return a single peer
if len(m.PeersWithAddrs()) != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected PeersWithAddrs to return 1, got %d", len(m.PeersWithAddrs()))
// Adding an old record should fail
accepted, err = cab.ConsumePeerRecord(signedRec1, time.Hour)
if accepted {
t.Error("We should have failed to accept a record with an old sequence number")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error, got: %s", err)
// once certified addrs exist, trying to add non-certified addrs should have no effect
// m.AddAddrs(id, uncertifiedAddrs, time.Hour)
// AssertAddressesEqual(t, certifiedAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
// XXX: Disabled until signed records are required
m.AddAddrs(id, uncertifiedAddrs, time.Hour)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, allAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
// we should be able to retrieve the signed peer record
rec3 := cab.GetPeerRecord(id)
if rec3 == nil || !signedRec2.Equal(rec3) {
t.Error("unable to retrieve signed routing record from addrbook")
// Adding a new envelope should clear existing certified addresses.
// Only the newly-added ones should remain
certifiedAddrs = certifiedAddrs[:3]
rec4 := peer.NewPeerRecord()
rec4.PeerID = id
rec4.Addrs = certifiedAddrs
signedRec4, err := record.Seal(rec4, priv)
test.AssertNilError(t, err)
accepted, err = cab.ConsumePeerRecord(signedRec4, time.Hour)
test.AssertNilError(t, err)
if !accepted {
t.Error("expected peer record to be accepted")
// AssertAddressesEqual(t, certifiedAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
AssertAddressesEqual(t, allAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
// update TTL on signed addrs to -1 to remove them.
// the signed routing record should be deleted
// m.SetAddrs(id, certifiedAddrs, -1)
// XXX: Disabled until signed records are required
m.SetAddrs(id, allAddrs, -1)
if len(m.Addrs(id)) != 0 {
t.Error("expected zero certified addrs after setting TTL to -1")
if cab.GetPeerRecord(id) != nil {
t.Error("expected signed peer record to be removed when addresses expire")
// Test that natural TTL expiration clears signed peer records
accepted, err = cab.ConsumePeerRecord(signedRec4, time.Second)
if !accepted {
t.Error("expected peer record to be accepted")
test.AssertNilError(t, err)
AssertAddressesEqual(t, certifiedAddrs, m.Addrs(id))
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
if cab.GetPeerRecord(id) != nil {
t.Error("expected signed peer record to be removed when addresses expire")
// adding a peer record that's signed with the wrong key should fail
priv2, _, err := test.RandTestKeyPair(crypto.Ed25519, 256)
test.AssertNilError(t, err)
env, err := record.Seal(rec4, priv2)
test.AssertNilError(t, err)
accepted, err = cab.ConsumePeerRecord(env, time.Second)
if accepted || err == nil {
t.Error("expected adding a PeerRecord that's signed with the wrong key to fail")