// Package metrics provides metrics collection and reporting interfaces for libp2p.
package metrics

import (


// BandwidthCounter tracks incoming and outgoing data transferred by the local peer.
// Metrics are available for total bandwidth across all peers / protocols, as well
// as segmented by remote peer ID and protocol ID.
type BandwidthCounter struct {
	totalIn  flow.Meter
	totalOut flow.Meter

	protocolIn  flow.MeterRegistry
	protocolOut flow.MeterRegistry

	peerIn  flow.MeterRegistry
	peerOut flow.MeterRegistry

// NewBandwidthCounter creates a new BandwidthCounter.
func NewBandwidthCounter() *BandwidthCounter {
	return new(BandwidthCounter)

// LogSentMessage records the size of an outgoing message
// without associating the bandwidth to a specific peer or protocol.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) LogSentMessage(size int64) {

// LogRecvMessage records the size of an incoming message
// without associating the bandwith to a specific peer or protocol.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) LogRecvMessage(size int64) {

// LogSentMessageStream records the size of an outgoing message over a single logical stream.
// Bandwidth is associated with the given protocol.ID and peer.ID.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) LogSentMessageStream(size int64, proto protocol.ID, p peer.ID) {

// LogRecvMessageStream records the size of an incoming message over a single logical stream.
// Bandwidth is associated with the given protocol.ID and peer.ID.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) LogRecvMessageStream(size int64, proto protocol.ID, p peer.ID) {

// GetBandwidthForPeer returns a Stats struct with bandwidth metrics associated with the given peer.ID.
// The metrics returned include all traffic sent / received for the peer, regardless of protocol.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) GetBandwidthForPeer(p peer.ID) (out Stats) {
	inSnap := bwc.peerIn.Get(string(p)).Snapshot()
	outSnap := bwc.peerOut.Get(string(p)).Snapshot()

	return Stats{
		TotalIn:  int64(inSnap.Total),
		TotalOut: int64(outSnap.Total),
		RateIn:   inSnap.Rate,
		RateOut:  outSnap.Rate,

// GetBandwidthForProtocol returns a Stats struct with bandwidth metrics associated with the given protocol.ID.
// The metrics returned include all traffic sent / recieved for the protocol, regardless of which peers were
// involved.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) GetBandwidthForProtocol(proto protocol.ID) (out Stats) {
	inSnap := bwc.protocolIn.Get(string(proto)).Snapshot()
	outSnap := bwc.protocolOut.Get(string(proto)).Snapshot()

	return Stats{
		TotalIn:  int64(inSnap.Total),
		TotalOut: int64(outSnap.Total),
		RateIn:   inSnap.Rate,
		RateOut:  outSnap.Rate,

// GetBandwidthTotals returns a Stats struct with bandwidth metrics for all data sent / recieved by the
// local peer, regardless of protocol or remote peer IDs.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) GetBandwidthTotals() (out Stats) {
	inSnap := bwc.totalIn.Snapshot()
	outSnap := bwc.totalOut.Snapshot()

	return Stats{
		TotalIn:  int64(inSnap.Total),
		TotalOut: int64(outSnap.Total),
		RateIn:   inSnap.Rate,
		RateOut:  outSnap.Rate,

// GetBandwidthByPeer returns a map of all remembered peers and the bandwidth
// metrics with respect to each. This method may be very expensive.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) GetBandwidthByPeer() map[peer.ID]Stats {
	peers := make(map[peer.ID]Stats)

	bwc.peerIn.ForEach(func(p string, meter *flow.Meter) {
		id := peer.ID(p)
		snap := meter.Snapshot()

		stat := peers[id]
		stat.TotalIn = int64(snap.Total)
		stat.RateIn = snap.Rate
		peers[id] = stat

	bwc.peerOut.ForEach(func(p string, meter *flow.Meter) {
		id := peer.ID(p)
		snap := meter.Snapshot()

		stat := peers[id]
		stat.TotalOut = int64(snap.Total)
		stat.RateOut = snap.Rate
		peers[id] = stat

	return peers

// GetBandwidthByProtocol returns a map of all remembered protocols and
// the bandwidth metrics with respect to each. This method may be moderately
// expensive.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) GetBandwidthByProtocol() map[protocol.ID]Stats {
	protocols := make(map[protocol.ID]Stats)

	bwc.protocolIn.ForEach(func(p string, meter *flow.Meter) {
		id := protocol.ID(p)
		snap := meter.Snapshot()

		stat := protocols[id]
		stat.TotalIn = int64(snap.Total)
		stat.RateIn = snap.Rate
		protocols[id] = stat

	bwc.protocolOut.ForEach(func(p string, meter *flow.Meter) {
		id := protocol.ID(p)
		snap := meter.Snapshot()

		stat := protocols[id]
		stat.TotalOut = int64(snap.Total)
		stat.RateOut = snap.Rate
		protocols[id] = stat

	return protocols

// Reset clears all stats.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) Reset() {



// TrimIdle trims all timers idle since the given time.
func (bwc *BandwidthCounter) TrimIdle(since time.Time) {