Łukasz Magiera 7961d7f4a3 ForceSubType
2019-06-16 18:15:35 +02:00

51 lines
1.3 KiB

package event
import (
type SubSettings struct {
forcedType reflect.Type
type SubOption func(*SubSettings) error
func ForceSubType(evtType interface{}) SubOption {
return func(s *SubSettings) error {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(evtType)
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.New("ForceSubType called with non-pointer type")
s.forcedType = typ
return nil
type EmitterSettings struct {}
type EmitterOption func(*EmitterSettings)
type Bus interface {
// Subscribe creates new subscription. Failing to drain the incoming channel
// will cause publishers to get blocked
// evtTypes only accepts typed nil pointers, and uses the type information to
// select output type
// Example:
// sub, cancel, err := eventbus.Subscribe(new(os.Signal))
// defer cancel()
// evt := (<-sub).(os.Signal) // guaranteed to be safe
Subscribe(typedChan interface{}, opts ...SubOption) (CancelFunc, error)
Emitter(eventType interface{}, opts ...EmitterOption) (EmitFunc, CancelFunc, error)
// EmitFunc emits events. If any channel subscribed to the topic is blocked,
// calls to EmitFunc will block
// Calling this function with wrong event type will cause a panic
type EmitFunc func(event interface{})
type CancelFunc func()