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synced 2025-03-27 20:40:27 +08:00
add valgrind support, sync parent / child (client / server) Fixed the missing synchronization between server and client. Without this, we experienced random test failures. Also added valgrind support.
163 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File
163 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Simulate a tunneling proxy to a HTTPS URL that needs authentication.
# Use two connections (Connection: close)
use strict;
use warnings;
use WgetFeature qw(https);
use WgetTests; # For $WGETPATH.
my $cert_path;
my $key_path;
my $srcdir;
if (@ARGV) {
$srcdir = shift @ARGV;
} elsif (defined $ENV{srcdir}) {
$srcdir = $ENV{srcdir};
if (defined $srcdir) {
$key_path = "$srcdir/certs/server-key.pem";
$cert_path = "$srcdir/certs/server-cert.pem";
} else {
$key_path = "certs/server-key.pem";
$cert_path = "certs/server-cert.pem";
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Request;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
my $SOCKET = HTTP::Daemon->new (LocalAddr => 'localhost',
ReuseAddr => 1) or die "Cannot create server!!!";
sub get_request {
my $conn = shift;
my $content = '';
my $line;
while (defined ($line = <$conn>)) {
$content .= $line;
last if $line eq "\r\n";
my $rqst = HTTP::Request->parse($content)
or die "Couldn't parse request:\n$content\n";
return $rqst;
sub do_server {
my ($synch_callback) = @_;
my $s = $SOCKET;
my $conn;
my $rqst;
my $rspn;
my %options = (
SSL_server => 1,
SSL_passwd_cb => sub { return "Hello"; });
$options{SSL_cert_file} = $cert_path if ($cert_path);
$options{SSL_key_file} = $key_path if ($key_path);
my @options = %options;
# sync with the parent
# Simulate a HTTPS proxy server with tunneling.
for my $expect_inner_auth (0, 1) {
$conn = $s->accept;
$rqst = $conn->get_request;
die "Method not CONNECT\n" if ($rqst->method ne 'CONNECT');
$rspn = HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK');
# Now switch from plain to SSL (for simulating a transparent tunnel
# to an HTTPS server).
$conn = IO::Socket::SSL->new_from_fd($conn->fileno, @options)
or die "Couldn't initiate SSL";
$rqst = &get_request($conn)
or die "Didn't get proxied request\n";
unless ($expect_inner_auth) {
die "Early proxied auth\n" if $rqst->header('Authorization');
$rspn = HTTP::Response->new(401, 'Unauthorized', [
'WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic realm="gondor"',
Connection => 'close'
} else {
die "No proxied auth\n" unless $rqst->header('Authorization');
$rspn = HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK', [
'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
'Connection' => 'close',
], "foobarbaz\n");
print STDERR "=====\n";
print STDERR $rspn->as_string;
print STDERR "\n=====\n";
print $conn $rspn->as_string;
undef $conn;
undef $s;
sub fork_server {
pipe(FROM_CHILD, TO_PARENT) or die "Cannot create pipe!";
select((select(TO_PARENT), $| = 1)[0]);
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid < 0) {
die "Cannot fork";
} elsif ($pid == 0) {
# child
do_server(sub { print TO_PARENT "SYNC\n"; close TO_PARENT });
exit 0;
} else {
# parent
close TO_PARENT;
chomp(my $line = <FROM_CHILD>);
return $pid;
unlink "needs-auth.txt";
my $pid = &fork_server;
my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --user=fiddle-dee-dee"
. " --password=Dodgson -e https_proxy=localhost:{{port}}"
. " --no-check-certificate"
. " https://no.such.domain/needs-auth.txt";
$cmdline =~ s/{{port}}/$SOCKET->sockport()/e;
my $valgrind = $ENV{VALGRIND_TESTS};
if (!defined $valgrind || $valgrind eq "" || $valgrind == 0) {
# Valgrind not requested - leave $cmdline as it is
} elsif ($valgrind == 1) {
$cmdline = "valgrind --error-exitcode=301 --leak-check=yes --track-origins=yes " . $cmdline;
} else {
$cmdline = $valgrind . " " . $cmdline;
my $code = system($cmdline . " 2>&1") >> 8;
unlink "needs-auth.txt";
warn "Got code: $code\n" if $code;
kill ('TERM', $pid);
exit ($code != 0);