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import os
import shutil
import shlex
import sys
import traceback
import HTTPServer
import http.client
import re
from subprocess import call
from ColourTerm import printer
""" A Custom Exception raised by the Test Environment. """
class TestFailed (Exception):
def __init__ (self, error):
self.error = error
""" Class that defines methods common to both HTTP and FTP Tests. """
class CommonMethods:
TestFailed = TestFailed
def init_test_env (self, name):
testDir = name + "-test"
os.mkdir (testDir)
except FileExistsError:
shutil.rmtree (testDir)
os.mkdir (testDir)
os.chdir (testDir)
self.tests_passed = True
def get_domain_addr (self, addr):
self.port = str (addr[1])
return addr[0] + ":" + str(addr[1]) + "/"
def exec_wget (self, options, urls, domain):
cmd_line = self.get_cmd_line (options, urls, domain)
params = shlex.split (cmd_line)
retcode = call (params)
return retcode
def get_cmd_line (self, options, urls, domain):
TEST_PATH = os.path.abspath (".")
WGET_PATH = os.path.join (TEST_PATH, "..", "..", "src", "wget")
WGET_PATH = os.path.abspath (WGET_PATH)
cmd_line = WGET_PATH + " " + options + " "
for url in urls:
cmd_line += domain + url + " "
print (cmd_line)
return cmd_line
def __test_cleanup (self):
testDir = self.name + "-test"
os.chdir ('..')
if os.getenv ("NO_CLEANUP") is None:
shutil.rmtree (testDir)
except Exception as ae:
print ("Unknown Exception while trying to remove Test Environment.")
def _exit_test (self):
self.__test_cleanup ()
def begin (self):
return 0 if self.tests_passed else 100
""" Methods to check if the Test Case passes or not. """
def __gen_local_filesys (self):
file_sys = dict ()
for parent, dirs, files in os.walk ('.'):
for name in files:
onefile = dict ()
# Create the full path to file, removing the leading ./
# Might not work on non-unix systems. Someone please test.
filepath = os.path.join (parent, name)
file_handle = open (filepath, 'r')
file_content = file_handle.read ()
onefile['content'] = file_content
filepath = filepath[2:]
file_sys[filepath] = onefile
file_handle.close ()
return file_sys
def __check_downloaded_files (self, exp_filesys):
local_filesys = self.__gen_local_filesys ()
for files in exp_filesys:
if files.name in local_filesys:
local_file = local_filesys.pop (files.name)
if files.content != local_file ['content']:
raise TestFailed ("Contents of " + files.name + " do not match")
raise TestFailed ("Expected file " + files.name + " not found")
if local_filesys:
print (local_filesys)
raise TestFailed ("Extra files downloaded.")
""" Test Rule Definitions """
""" This should really be taken out soon. All this extra stuff to ensure
re-use of old code is crap. Someone needs to re-write it. The new rework
branch is much better written, but integrating it requires effort.
All these classes should never exist. The whole server needs to modified.
class Authentication:
def __init__ (self, auth_obj):
self.auth_type = auth_obj['Type']
self.auth_user = auth_obj['User']
self.auth_pass = auth_obj['Pass']
class ExpectHeader:
def __init__ (self, header_obj):
self.headers = header_obj
class RejectHeader:
def __init__ (self, header_obj):
self.headers = header_obj
class Response:
def __init__ (self, retcode):
self.response_code = retcode
class SendHeader:
def __init__ (self, header_obj):
self.headers = header_obj
def get_server_rules (self, file_obj):
""" The handling of expect header could be made much better when the
options are parsed in a true and better fashion. For an example,
see the commented portion in Test-basic-auth.py.
server_rules = dict ()
for rule in file_obj.rules:
r_obj = getattr (self, rule) (file_obj.rules[rule])
server_rules[rule] = r_obj
return server_rules
""" Pre-Test Hook Function Calls """
def ServerFiles (self, server_files):
file_list = dict ()
server_rules = dict ()
for file_obj in server_files:
file_list[file_obj.name] = file_obj.content
rule_obj = self.get_server_rules (file_obj)
server_rules[file_obj.name] = rule_obj
self.server.server_conf (file_list, server_rules)
def LocalFiles (self, local_files):
for file_obj in local_files:
file_handler = open (file_obj.name, "w")
file_handler.write (file_obj.content)
file_handler.close ()
""" Test Option Function Calls """
def WgetCommands (self, command_list):
pattern = re.compile ('\{\{\w+\}\}')
match_obj = pattern.search (command_list)
if match_obj is not None:
rep = match_obj.group()
temp = getattr (self, rep.strip ('{}'))
command_list = command_list.replace (rep, temp)
self.options = command_list
def Urls (self, url_list):
self.urls = url_list
""" Post-Test Hook Function Calls """
def ExpectedRetcode (self, retcode):
if self.act_retcode != retcode:
pr = "Return codes do not match.\nExpected: " + str(retcode) + "\nActual: " + str(self.act_retcode)
raise TestFailed (pr)
def ExpectedFiles (self, exp_filesys):
self.__check_downloaded_files (exp_filesys)
""" Class for HTTP Tests. """
class HTTPTest (CommonMethods):
# Temp Notes: It is expected that when pre-hook functions are executed, only an empty test-dir exists.
# pre-hook functions are executed just prior to the call to Wget is made.
# post-hook functions will be executed immediately after the call to Wget returns.
def __init__ (
name="Unnamed Test",
self.HTTP_setup (name, pre_hook, test_params, post_hook)
except TestFailed as tf:
printer ("RED", "Error: " + tf.error)
self.act_retcode = 100
self.tests_passed = False
except Exception as ae:
printer ("RED", "Unhandled Exception Caught.")
print ( ae.__str__ ())
traceback.print_exc ()
self.act_retcode = 100
printer ("GREEN", "Test Passed")
self._exit_test ()
def HTTP_setup (self, name, pre_hook, test_params, post_hook):
self.name = name
printer ("BLUE", "Running Test " + self.name)
self.init_test_env (name)
self.server = self.init_HTTP_Server ()
self.domain = self.get_domain_addr (self.server.server_address)
for pre_hook_func in pre_hook:
assert hasattr (self, pre_hook_func)
except AssertionError as ae:
self.stop_HTTP_Server (self.server)
raise TestFailed ("Pre Test Function " + pre_hook_func + " not defined.")
getattr (self, pre_hook_func) (pre_hook[pre_hook_func])
for test_func in test_params:
assert hasattr (self, test_func)
except AssertionError as ae:
self.stop_HTTP_Server (self.server)
raise TestFailed ("Test Option " + test_func + " unknown.")
getattr (self, test_func) (test_params[test_func])
HTTPServer.spawn_server (self.server)
self.act_retcode = self.exec_wget (self.options, self.urls, self.domain)
self.stop_HTTP_Server ()
for post_hook_func in post_hook:
assert hasattr (self, post_hook_func)
except AssertionError as ae:
raise TestFailed ("Post Test Function " + post_hook_func + " not defined.")
getattr (self, post_hook_func) (post_hook[post_hook_func])
def init_HTTP_Server (self):
server = HTTPServer.create_server ()
return server
#server = HTTPServer.HTTPd ()
#server.start (self)
#return server
def stop_HTTP_Server (self):
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection (self.domain.strip ('/'))
conn.request ("QUIT", "/")
self.fileSys = HTTPServer.ret_fileSys ()
conn.getresponse ()
#server.stop ()
""" WgetFile is a File Data Container object """
class WgetFile:
def __init__ (
content="Test Contents",
self.name = name
self.content = content
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.rules = rules