Vijo Cherian 2a96249469 Added new tests for SSL
* tests/Test-https-badcerts.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-clientcert.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-crl.px : New file
* tests/Test-https-weboftrust.px : New file
* tests/certs/interca.conf : New file
* tests/certs/rootca.conf : New file
* tests/certs/test-ca-key.pem : New file

Added all new SSL / HTTPS tests to make check
Added Test for SSL Web of Trust, accept only if CA chain of trust is intact.
Added a test script for client certificate
Added Test for crlfile option of wget
Added test to make sure that wget doesn't accept expired or invalid certs

Some clean up : 1, Removed cause of warnings from perl & other cosmetic changes
                2, Fix  make -j 4 check such that it passes all tests
2017-05-04 16:51:49 +02:00

159 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use SSLTest;
# code, msg, headers, content
my %urls = (
'/somefile.txt' => {
code => "200",
msg => "Dontcare",
headers => {
"Content-type" => "text/plain",
content => "blabla",
# Skip the test if openssl is not available
my $ossl = `openssl version`;
unless ($ossl =~ m/OpenSSL 1/)
exit 77;
my $cdir = $ENV{'PWD'};
# HOSTALIASES env variable allows us to create hosts file alias.
my $testhostname = "WgetTestingServer";
my $testhostfile = "$cdir/wgethosts";
open(my $fh, '>', $testhostfile);
print $fh "$testhostname\n";
close $fh;
$ENV{'HOSTALIASES'} = "$cdir/wgethosts";
# Create certindex
open CERTID, ">", "$cdir/certs/certindex" or
warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certindex";
close CERTID;
# Create certserial
open CERTSN, ">", "$cdir/certs/certserial" or
warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/certserial";
print CERTSN "1122";
close CERTSN;
# Create crlnumber
open CRLN, ">", "$cdir/certs/crlnumber" or
warn "Cannot overwrite file $cdir/certs/crlnumber";
print CRLN "1122";
close CRLN;
my $caconf = "$cdir/certs/rootca.conf";
my $cacrt = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-cert.pem";
my $cakey = "$cdir/certs/test-ca-key.pem";
# Prepare expired server certificate
my $servercrt = "certs/tmpserver3.crt";
my $serverkey = "certs/tmpserver3.key";
my $servercsr = "$cdir/certs/tmpserver3.csr";
my $enddate = strftime "%y%m%d%H%M%S%z", localtime(time-86400);
my $startdate = strftime "%y%m%d%H%M%S%z", localtime(time+86400);
my $serversubj = "/C=US/ST=CA/L=Server Mystery Spot/O=Serv/CN=".
my $servercmd = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
" -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
" -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
"openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext ".
"-enddate $enddate -in $servercsr".
" -out $servercrt";
my $servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
uniq | wc -l`;
# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
exit 77; # skip
# Try Wget using SSL with expired cert. Expect Failure.
my $port = 60443;
my $cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
" https://$testhostname:$port/somefile.txt";
my $expected_error_code = 5;
my %existing_files = (
my %expected_downloaded_files = (
'somefile.txt' => {
content => "blabla",
my $sslsock = SSLTest->new(cmdline => $cmdline,
input => \%urls,
errcode => $expected_error_code,
existing => \%existing_files,
output => \%expected_downloaded_files,
certfile => $servercrt,
keyfile => $serverkey,
lhostname => $testhostname,
sslport => $port);
if ($sslsock->run() == 0)
exit -1;
print "Test successful.\n";
system("/bin/rm $servercrt $serverkey $servercsr");
$servercmd = "openssl genrsa -out $serverkey 4096 && openssl req -new".
" -sha256 -key $serverkey -out $servercsr -days 365 ".
" -subj \"$serversubj\" &&".
"openssl ca -batch -config $caconf -notext ".
" -startdate $startdate -in $servercsr".
" -out $servercrt";
$servercheck =`(openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in $servercrt | openssl md5 ;
openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in $serverkey | openssl md5) |
uniq | wc -l`;
# Check if certificate and key are made correctly.
unless(-e $servercrt && -e $serverkey && $servercheck == 1)
exit 77; # skip
# Retry the test with --no-check-certificate. expect success
$port = 50443;
$cmdline = $WgetTest::WGETPATH . " --ca-certificate=$cacrt".
" https://$testhostname:$port/somefile.txt";
$expected_error_code = 5;
my $retryssl = SSLTest->new(cmdline => $cmdline,
input => \%urls,
errcode => $expected_error_code,
existing => \%existing_files,
output => \%expected_downloaded_files,
certfile => $servercrt,
keyfile => $serverkey,
lhostname => $testhostname,
sslport => $port);
if ($retryssl->run() == 0)
exit 0;
exit -1;
# vim: et ts=4 sw=4