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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Part of this code was borrowed from Richard Jones's Net::FTPServer
# http://www.annexia.org/freeware/netftpserver
package FTPServer;
use strict;
use Cwd;
use Socket;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Seekable;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $log = undef;
my $GOT_SIGURG = 0;
# connection states
my %_connection_states = (
'NEWCONN' => 0x01,
'WAIT4PWD' => 0x02,
'LOGGEDIN' => 0x04,
'TWOSOCKS' => 0x08,
# subset of FTP commands supported by these server and the respective
# connection states in which they are allowed
my %_commands = (
# Standard commands from RFC 959.
'CWD' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN} |
# 'EPRT' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
# 'EPSV' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
'LIST' => $_connection_states{TWOSOCKS},
# 'LPRT' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
# 'LPSV' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
'PASS' => $_connection_states{WAIT4PWD},
'PASV' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
'PORT' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
'PWD' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN} |
'QUIT' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN} |
'REST' => $_connection_states{TWOSOCKS},
'RETR' => $_connection_states{TWOSOCKS},
'SYST' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN},
'TYPE' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN} |
'USER' => $_connection_states{NEWCONN},
# From ftpexts Internet Draft.
'SIZE' => $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN} |
sub _CWD_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $path) = @_;
local $_;
my $newdir = $conn->{dir};
# If the path starts with a "/" then it's an absolute path.
if (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$newdir = "";
$path =~ s,^/+,,;
# Split the path into its component parts and process each separately.
my @elems = split /\//, $path;
foreach (@elems) {
if ($_ eq "" || $_ eq ".") {
# Ignore these.
} elsif ($_ eq "..") {
# Go to parent directory.
if ($newdir eq "") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 Directory not found.\r\n";
$newdir = substr ($newdir, 0, rindex ($newdir, "/"));
} else {
# Go into subdirectory, if it exists.
$newdir .= ("/" . $_);
if (! -d $conn->{rootdir} . $newdir) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 Directory not found.\r\n";
$conn->{dir} = $newdir;
sub _LIST_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $path) = @_;
# This is something of a hack. Some clients expect a Unix server
# to respond to flags on the 'ls command line'. Remove these flags
# and ignore them. This is particularly an issue with ncftp 2.4.3.
$path =~ s/^-[a-zA-Z0-9]+\s?//;
my $dir = $conn->{dir};
print STDERR "_LIST_command - dir is: $dir\n";
# Absolute path?
if (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$dir = "/";
$path =~ s,^/+,,;
# Parse the first elements of the path until we find the appropriate
# working directory.
my @elems = split /\//, $path;
my ($wildcard, $filename);
local $_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @elems; ++$i) {
$_ = $elems[$i];
my $lastelement = $i == @elems-1;
if ($_ eq "" || $_ eq ".") { next } # Ignore these.
elsif ($_ eq "..") {
# Go to parent directory.
unless ($dir eq "/") {
$dir = substr ($dir, 0, rindex ($dir, "/"));
} else {
if (!$lastelement) { # These elements can only be directories.
unless (-d $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $_) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
$dir .= $_;
} else { # It's the last element: check if it's a file, directory or wildcard.
if (-f $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $_) {
# It's a file.
$filename = $_;
} elsif (-d $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $_) {
# It's a directory.
$dir .= $_;
} elsif (/\*/ || /\?/) {
# It is a wildcard.
$wildcard = $_;
} else {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
print STDERR "_LIST_command - dir is: $dir\n" if $log;
print {$conn->{socket}} "150 Opening data connection for file listing.\r\n";
# Open a path back to the client.
my $sock = __open_data_connection ($conn);
unless ($sock) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "425 Can't open data connection.\r\n";
# If the path contains a directory name, extract it so that
# we can prefix it to every filename listed.
my $prefix = (($filename || $wildcard) && $path =~ /(.*\/).*/) ? $1 : "";
print STDERR "_LIST_command - prefix is: $prefix\n" if $log;
# OK, we're either listing a full directory, listing a single
# file or listing a wildcard.
if ($filename) { # Single file.
__list_file ($sock, $prefix . $filename);
} else { # Wildcard or full directory $dirh.
unless ($wildcard) {
# Synthesize (fake) "total" field for directory listing.
print $sock "total 1 \r\n";
foreach (__get_file_list ($conn->{rootdir} . $dir, $wildcard)) {
__list_file ($sock, $prefix . $_);
unless ($sock->close) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 Error closing data connection: $!\r\n";
print {$conn->{socket}} "226 Listing complete. Data connection has been closed.\r\n";
sub _PASS_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $pass) = @_;
# TODO: implement authentication?
print STDERR "switching to LOGGEDIN state\n" if $log;
$conn->{state} = $_connection_states{LOGGEDIN};
if ($conn->{username} eq "anonymous") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "202 Anonymous user access is always granted.\r\n";
} else {
print {$conn->{socket}} "230 Authentication not implemented yet, access is always granted.\r\n";
sub _PASV_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $rest) = @_;
# Open a listening socket - but don't actually accept on it yet.
"0" =~ /(0)/; # Perl 5.7 / IO::Socket::INET bug workaround.
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => '0',
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1,
Proto => 'tcp',
unless ($sock) {
# Return a code 550 here, even though this is not in the RFC. XXX
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 Can't open a listening socket.\r\n";
$conn->{passive} = 1;
$conn->{passive_socket} = $sock;
# Get our port number.
my $sockport = $sock->sockport;
# Split the port number into high and low components.
my $p1 = int ($sockport / 256);
my $p2 = $sockport % 256;
$conn->{state} = $_connection_states{TWOSOCKS};
# We only accept connections from localhost.
print {$conn->{socket}} "227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,$p1,$p2)\r\n";
sub _PORT_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $rest) = @_;
# The arguments to PORT are a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2 where a1 is the
# most significant part of the address (eg. 127,0,0,1) and
# p1 is the most significant part of the port.
unless ($rest =~ /^\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})/) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "501 Syntax error in PORT command.\r\n";
# Check host address.
unless ($1 > 0 && $1 < 224 &&
$2 >= 0 && $2 < 256 &&
$3 >= 0 && $3 < 256 &&
$4 >= 0 && $4 < 256) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "501 Invalid host address.\r\n";
# Construct host address and port number.
my $peeraddrstring = "$1.$2.$3.$4";
my $peerport = $5 * 256 + $6;
# Check port number.
unless ($peerport > 0 && $peerport < 65536) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "501 Invalid port number.\r\n";
$conn->{peeraddrstring} = $peeraddrstring;
$conn->{peeraddr} = inet_aton ($peeraddrstring);
$conn->{peerport} = $peerport;
$conn->{passive} = 0;
$conn->{state} = $_connection_states{TWOSOCKS};
print {$conn->{socket}} "200 PORT command OK.\r\n";
sub _PWD_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $rest) = @_;
# See RFC 959 Appendix II and draft-ietf-ftpext-mlst-11.txt section 6.2.1.
my $pathname = $conn->{dir};
$pathname =~ s,/+$,, unless $pathname eq "/";
$pathname =~ tr,/,/,s;
print {$conn->{socket}} "257 \"$pathname\"\r\n";
sub _REST_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $restart_from) = @_;
unless ($restart_from =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*|0)$/) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "501 REST command needs a numeric argument.\r\n";
$conn->{restart} = $1;
print {$conn->{socket}} "350 Restarting next transfer at $1.\r\n";
sub _RETR_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $path) = @_;
my $dir = $conn->{dir};
# Absolute path?
if (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$dir = "/";
$path =~ s,^/+,,;
$path = "." if $path eq "";
# Parse the first elements of path until we find the appropriate
# working directory.
my @elems = split /\//, $path;
my $filename = pop @elems;
foreach (@elems) {
if ($_ eq "" || $_ eq ".") {
next # Ignore these.
} elsif ($_ eq "..") {
# Go to parent directory.
unless ($dir eq "/") {
$dir = substr ($dir, 0, rindex ($dir, "/"));
} else {
unless (-d $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $_) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
$dir .= $_;
unless (defined $filename && length $filename) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
if ($filename eq "." || $filename eq "..") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 RETR command is not supported on directories.\r\n";
my $fullname = $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $filename;
unless (-f $fullname) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 RETR command is only supported on plain files.\r\n";
# Try to open the file.
unless (open (FILE, '<', $fullname)) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
print {$conn->{socket}} "150 Opening " .
($conn->{type} eq 'A' ? "ASCII mode" : "BINARY mode") .
" data connection for file $filename.\r\n";
# Open a path back to the client.
my $sock = __open_data_connection ($conn);
unless ($sock) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "425 Can't open data connection.\r\n";
# What mode are we sending this file in?
unless ($conn->{type} eq 'A') # Binary type.
my ($r, $buffer, $n, $w);
# Restart the connection from previous point?
if ($conn->{restart}) {
# VFS seek method only required to support relative forward seeks
# In Perl = 5.00503, SEEK_CUR is exported by IO::Seekable,
# in Perl >= 5.6, SEEK_CUR is exported by both IO::Seekable
# and Fcntl. Hence we 'use IO::Seekable' at the top of the
# file to get this symbol reliably in both cases.
sysseek (FILE, $conn->{restart}, SEEK_CUR);
$conn->{restart} = 0;
# Copy data.
while ($r = sysread (FILE, $buffer, 65536))
# Restart alarm clock timer.
alarm $conn->{idle_timeout};
for ($n = 0; $n < $r; )
$w = syswrite ($sock, $buffer, $r - $n, $n);
# Cleanup and exit if there was an error.
unless (defined $w) {
close $sock;
close FILE;
print {$conn->{socket}} "426 File retrieval error: $!. Data connection has been closed.\r\n";
$n += $w;
# Transfer aborted by client?
if ($GOT_SIGURG) {
close $sock;
close FILE;
print {$conn->{socket}} "426 Transfer aborted. Data connection closed.\r\n";
# Cleanup and exit if there was an error.
unless (defined $r) {
close $sock;
close FILE;
print {$conn->{socket}} "426 File retrieval error: $!. Data connection has been closed.\r\n";
} else { # ASCII type.
# Restart the connection from previous point?
if ($conn->{restart}) {
for (my $i = 0; $i < $conn->{restart}; ++$i) {
getc FILE;
$conn->{restart} = 0;
# Copy data.
while (defined ($_ = <FILE>)) {
# Remove any native line endings.
# Restart alarm clock timer.
alarm $conn->{idle_timeout};
# Write the line with telnet-format line endings.
print $sock "$_\r\n";
# Transfer aborted by client?
if ($GOT_SIGURG) {
close $sock;
close FILE;
print {$conn->{socket}} "426 Transfer aborted. Data connection closed.\r\n";
unless (close ($sock) && close (FILE)) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File retrieval error: $!.\r\n";
print {$conn->{socket}} "226 File retrieval complete. Data connection has been closed.\r\n";
sub _SIZE_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $path) = @_;
my $dir = $conn->{dir};
# Absolute path?
if (substr ($path, 0, 1) eq "/") {
$dir = "/";
$path =~ s,^/+,,;
$path = "." if $path eq "";
# Parse the first elements of path until we find the appropriate
# working directory.
my @elems = split /\//, $path;
my $filename = pop @elems;
foreach (@elems) {
if ($_ eq "" || $_ eq ".") {
next # Ignore these.
} elsif ($_ eq "..") {
# Go to parent directory.
unless ($dir eq "/") {
$dir = substr ($dir, 0, rindex ($dir, "/"));
} else {
unless (-d $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $_) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
$dir .= $_;
unless (defined $filename && length $filename) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 File or directory not found.\r\n";
if ($filename eq "." || $filename eq "..") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 SIZE command is not supported on directories.\r\n";
my $fullname = $conn->{rootdir} . $dir . $filename;
unless (-f $fullname) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 SIZE command is only supported on plain files.\r\n";
my $size = 0;
if ($conn->{type} eq 'A') {
# ASCII mode: we have to count the characters by hand.
unless (open (FILE, '<', $filename)) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "550 Cannot calculate size of $filename.\r\n";
$size++ while (defined (getc(FILE)));
close FILE;
} else {
# BINARY mode: we can use stat
$size = (stat($filename))[7];
print {$conn->{socket}} "213 $size\r\n";
sub _SYST_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $dummy) = @_;
print {$conn->{socket}} "215 UNIX Type: L8\r\n";
sub _TYPE_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $type) = @_;
# See RFC 959 section 5.3.2.
if ($type =~ /^([AI])$/i) {
$conn->{type} = 'A';
} elsif ($type =~ /^([AI])\sN$/i) {
$conn->{type} = 'A';
} elsif ($type =~ /^L\s8$/i) {
$conn->{type} = 'L8';
} else {
print {$conn->{socket}} "504 This server does not support TYPE $type.\r\n";
print {$conn->{socket}} "200 TYPE changed to $type.\r\n";
sub _USER_command
my ($conn, $cmd, $username) = @_;
print STDERR "username: $username\n" if $log;
$conn->{username} = $username;
print STDERR "switching to WAIT4PWD state\n" if $log;
$conn->{state} = $_connection_states{WAIT4PWD};
if ($conn->{username} eq "anonymous") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "230 Anonymous user access granted.\r\n";
} else {
print {$conn->{socket}} "331 Password required.\r\n";
sub __open_data_connection
my $conn = shift;
my $sock;
if ($conn->{passive}) {
# Passive mode - wait for a connection from the client.
accept ($sock, $conn->{passive_socket}) or return undef;
} else {
# Active mode - connect back to the client.
"0" =~ /(0)/; # Perl 5.7 / IO::Socket::INET bug workaround.
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (LocalAddr => '',
PeerAddr => $conn->{peeraddrstring},
PeerPort => $conn->{peerport},
Proto => 'tcp',
Type => SOCK_STREAM) or return undef;
return $sock;
sub __list_file
my $sock = shift;
my $filename = shift;
# Get the status information.
my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
$atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks)
= lstat $filename;
# If the file has been removed since we created this
# handle, then $dev will be undefined. Return immediately.
return unless defined $dev;
# Generate printable user/group.
my $user = getpwuid ($uid) || "-";
my $group = getgrgid ($gid) || "-";
# Permissions from mode.
my $perms = $mode & 0777;
# Work out the mode using special "_" operator which causes Perl
# to use the result of the previous stat call.
$mode = (-f _ ? 'f' :
(-d _ ? 'd' :
(-l _ ? 'l' :
(-p _ ? 'p' :
(-S _ ? 's' :
(-b _ ? 'b' :
(-c _ ? 'c' : '?')))))));
# Generate printable date (this logic is taken from GNU fileutils:
# src/ls.c: print_long_format).
my $time = time;
my $fmt;
if ($time > $mtime + 6 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 || $time < $mtime - 60 * 60) {
$fmt = "%b %e %Y";
} else {
$fmt = "%b %e %H:%M";
my $fmt_time = strftime $fmt, localtime ($mtime);
# Generate printable permissions.
my $fmt_perms = join "",
($perms & 0400 ? 'r' : '-'),
($perms & 0200 ? 'w' : '-'),
($perms & 0100 ? 'x' : '-'),
($perms & 040 ? 'r' : '-'),
($perms & 020 ? 'w' : '-'),
($perms & 010 ? 'x' : '-'),
($perms & 04 ? 'r' : '-'),
($perms & 02 ? 'w' : '-'),
($perms & 01 ? 'x' : '-');
# Printable file type.
my $fmt_mode = $mode eq 'f' ? '-' : $mode;
# If it's a symbolic link, display the link.
my $link;
if ($mode eq 'l') {
$link = readlink $filename;
die "readlink: $!" unless defined $link;
my $fmt_link = defined $link ? " -> $link" : "";
# Display the file.
my $line = sprintf
("%s%s%4d %-8s %-8s %8d %s %s%s\r\n",
$sock->print ($line);
sub __get_file_list
my $dir = shift;
my $wildcard = shift;
opendir (DIRHANDLE, $dir)
or die "Cannot open directory!!!";
my @allfiles = readdir DIRHANDLE;
my @filenames = ();
if ($wildcard) {
# Get rid of . and ..
@allfiles = grep !/^\.{1,2}$/, @allfiles;
# Convert wildcard to a regular expression.
$wildcard = __wildcard_to_regex ($wildcard);
@filenames = grep /$wildcard/, @allfiles;
} else {
@filenames = @allfiles;
closedir (DIRHANDLE);
return sort @filenames;
sub __wildcard_to_regex
my $wildcard = shift;
$wildcard =~ s,([^?*a-zA-Z0-9]),\\$1,g; # Escape punctuation.
$wildcard =~ s,\*,.*,g; # Turn * into .*
$wildcard =~ s,\?,.,g; # Turn ? into .
$wildcard = "^$wildcard\$"; # Bracket it.
return $wildcard;
my %_attr_data = ( # DEFAULT
_localAddr => 'localhost',
_localPort => 8021,
_reuseAddr => 1,
_rootDir => Cwd::getcwd(),
sub _default_for
my ($self, $attr) = @_;
sub _standard_keys
keys %_attr_data;
sub new {
my ($caller, %args) = @_;
my $caller_is_obj = ref($caller);
my $class = $caller_is_obj || $caller;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
foreach my $attrname ($self->_standard_keys()) {
my ($argname) = ($attrname =~ /^_(.*)/);
if (exists $args{$argname}) {
$self->{$attrname} = $args{$argname};
} elsif ($caller_is_obj) {
$self->{$attrname} = $caller->{$attrname};
} else {
$self->{$attrname} = $self->_default_for($attrname);
return $self;
sub run
my ($self, $synch_callback) = @_;
my $initialized = 0;
# turn buffering off on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# initialize command table
my $command_table = {};
foreach (keys %_commands) {
my $subname = "_${_}_command";
$command_table->{$_} = \&$subname;
my $old_ils = $/;
$/ = "\r\n";
# create server socket
"0" =~ /(0)/; # Perl 5.7 / IO::Socket::INET bug workaround.
my $server_sock = IO::Socket::INET->new (LocalHost => $self->{_localAddr},
LocalPort => $self->{_localPort},
Listen => 1,
Reuse => $self->{_reuseAddr},
Proto => 'tcp',
Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "bind: $!";
if (!$initialized) {
$initialized = 1;
$SIG{CHLD} = sub { wait };
# the accept loop
while (my $client_addr = accept (my $socket, $server_sock))
# turn buffering off on $socket
select((select($socket), $|=1)[0]);
# find out who connected
my ($client_port, $client_ip) = sockaddr_in ($client_addr);
my $client_ipnum = inet_ntoa ($client_ip);
# print who connected
print STDERR "got a connection from: $client_ipnum\n" if $log;
# fork off a process to handle this connection.
# my $pid = fork();
# unless (defined $pid) {
# warn "fork: $!";
# sleep 5; # Back off in case system is overloaded.
# next;
# }
if (1) { # Child process.
# install signals
$SIG{URG} = sub {
$SIG{PIPE} = sub {
print STDERR "Client closed connection abruptly.\n";
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
print STDERR "Connection idle timeout expired. Closing server.\n";
print STDERR "in child\n" if $log;
my $conn = {
'socket' => $socket,
'state' => $_connection_states{NEWCONN},
'dir' => '/',
'restart' => 0,
'idle_timeout' => 60, # 1 minute timeout
'rootdir' => $self->{_rootDir},
print {$conn->{socket}} "220 GNU Wget Testing FTP Server ready.\r\n";
# command handling loop
for (;;) {
print STDERR "waiting for request\n" if $log;
last unless defined (my $req = <$socket>);
# Remove trailing CRLF.
$req =~ s/[\n\r]+$//;
print STDERR "received request $req\n" if $log;
# Get the command.
# See also RFC 2640 section 3.1.
unless ($req =~ m/^([A-Z]{3,4})\s?(.*)/i) {
# badly formed command
exit 0;
# The following strange 'eval' is necessary to work around a
# very odd bug in Perl 5.6.0. The following assignment to
# $cmd will fail in some cases unless you use $1 in some sort
# of an expression beforehand.
# - RWMJ 2002-07-05.
eval '$1 eq $1';
my ($cmd, $rest) = (uc $1, $2);
# Got a command which matches in the table?
unless (exists $command_table->{$cmd}) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "500 Unrecognized command.\r\n";
# Command requires user to be authenticated?
unless ($_commands{$cmd} | $conn->{state}) {
print {$conn->{socket}} "530 Not logged in.\r\n";
# Handle the QUIT command specially.
if ($cmd eq "QUIT") {
print {$conn->{socket}} "221 Goodbye. Service closing connection.\r\n";
# Run the command.
&{$command_table->{$cmd}} ($conn, $cmd, $rest);
} else { # Father
close $socket;
$/ = $old_ils;
# vim: et ts=4 sw=4