#!/bin/bash -eu # # (C)2017 Tim Ruehsen tim.ruehsen@gmx.de # # View the coverage report for one or more fuzzers. # 1. execute 'make fuzz-coverage' in the top directory # 2. execute './view-coverage.sh <fuzz target(s)> # Example with single fuzzer: # ./view-coverage.sh wget_options_fuzzer # Example with two fuzzers: # ./view-coverage.sh wget_options_fuzzer wget_html_parse_fuzzer if test -z "$1"; then echo "Usage: $0 <fuzz target(s)>" echo "Example: $0 wget_options_fuzzer" exit 1 fi #fuzzer="./"$1 LCOV_INFO=coverage.info #./coverage.sh $fuzzer #lcov --capture --initial --directory ../src/.libs --directory . --output-file $LCOV_INFO #lcov --capture --directory ../src/.libs --output-file $LCOV_INFO #lcov --remove $LCOV_INFO '*/test_linking.c' '*/css_tokenizer.lex' '*/<stdout>' '*/*.h' -o $LCOV_INFO #genhtml --prefix . --ignore-errors source $LCOV_INFO --legend --title "$1" --output-directory=lcov lcov --zerocounters --directory ../src/ lcov --capture --initial --directory ../src/.libs --directory . --output-file $LCOV_INFO make check TESTS="$*" CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) --coverage" LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS) --coverage" lcov --capture --directory ../src/.libs --output-file $LCOV_INFO lcov --remove $LCOV_INFO '*/css_tokenizer.lex' '*/*.h' -o $LCOV_INFO genhtml --prefix . --ignore-errors source $LCOV_INFO --legend --title "$*" --output-directory=lcov xdg-open lcov/index.html