#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sys import exit from WgetTest import HTTPTest, WgetFile """ This test ensures that Wget correctly handles responses to HEAD requests and does not actually download any data """ TEST_NAME = "HEAD Requests" ############# File Definitions ############################################### File1 = "You shall not pass!" A_File = WgetFile ("File1", File1) WGET_OPTIONS = "-d --method=HEAD" WGET_URLS = ["File1"] Files = [A_File] ExpectedReturnCode = 0 ExpectedDownloadedFiles = [] ################ Pre and Post Test Hooks ##################################### pre_test = { "ServerFiles" : Files, } test_options = { "WgetCommands" : WGET_OPTIONS, "Urls" : WGET_URLS } post_test = { "ExpectedFiles" : ExpectedDownloadedFiles, "ExpectedRetcode" : ExpectedReturnCode } err = HTTPTest ( name=TEST_NAME, pre_hook=pre_test, test_params=test_options, post_hook=post_test ).begin () exit (err)