diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 676deb87..b46adf8e 100644
@@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ software will feel at home.
 1) Configuration
 To configure Wget, run the configure script provided with the
-distribution.  You may use all the standard arguments configure
-scripts take.  The most important ones are:
+distribution.  It will create the Makefiles needed to start the
+compilation.  You may use the standard arguments Autoconf-created
+configure scripts take, the most important ones being:
-  --help                  print help message
+  --help                  display a help message and exit
   --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
                           (/usr/local by default)
@@ -37,39 +38,59 @@ scripts take.  The most important ones are:
   --disable-largefile     omit support for large files
   --disable-ipv6          disable IPv6 support
-So, if you want to configure Wget for installation in your home
-directory, you can type:
+If you want to configure Wget for installation in your home directory,
+you can type:
     ./configure --prefix=$HOME
-You can customize many default settings by editing Makefile and
-config.h.  The program will work very well without your touching these
-files, but it is useful to have a look at things you can change there.
+You can customize many settings simply by editing the Makefiles and
+`src/config.h'.  The defaults should work without intervention, but it
+is useful to have a look at things you can change there.
-If you have OpenSSL libraries installed in one of the default
-directories, such as /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/ssl/lib, you can
-simply `configure --with-ssl'.  If you have it installed elsewhere,
-you need to specify your alternate OpenSSL root directory.  For
-instance, if libcrypto.* and libssl.* are in /opt/openssl/lib, you
+configure will try to find a compiler in your PATH, defaulting to
+`gcc', but falling back to `cc' if the former is unavailable.  This is
+a reasonable default on most Unix-like systems, but sometimes you
+might want to override it.  The compiler choice is overridden with the
+value of the `CC' environment variable.  For example, to force
+compilation with the Unix `cc' compiler, invoke configure like this:
+    ./configure CC=cc
+This assumes that `cc' is in your path -- if it is not, simply replace
+"cc" with "/path/to/cc".  Note that environment variables that affect
+configure can be set with the usual shell syntax `var=value
+./configure' (assuming an sh-compatible shell).  In addition to that,
+configure allows environment variables to be specified as arguments in
+the form "var=value", which are shell-independent.
+Environment variables that affect `configure' include: CFLAGS for
+compilation flags, LDFLAGS for linker flags, and CPPFLAGS for
+preprocessor flags.
+If you have OpenSSL libraries installed at one of the default
+locations, such as the system library directories or /usr/local/lib or
+/usr/local/ssl/lib, configure will autodetect them.  If they are
+installed elsewhere, you need to specify the OpenSSL root directory.
+For instance, if libcrypto.* and libssl.* are in /opt/openssl/lib, you
 need to `configure --with-ssl=/opt/openssl'.
 To configure Wget on Windows, read the instructions in
-`windows/README'. If this doesn't work for any reason, talk to the
-Windows developers listed there; I do not maintain the port.  That
-does not apply to the "Cygwin" environment, where Wget should compile
-out of the box as described here.
+`windows/README'.  If this doesn't work for any reason, talk to the
+Windows developers listed there; I do not maintain the port.  Those
+instructions do not apply to the "Cygwin" environment, where Wget
+should build out of the box as described here.
 2) Compilation
-To compile the program, type make and cross your fingers.  If you do
-not have an ANSI compiler, Wget will try to KNR-ize its sources "on
-the fly".  This should make GNU Wget compilable on almost any
-Unix-like system out there.
+To compile GNU Wget after it has been configured, simply type make.
+If you do not have an ISO C (C89) compiler, Wget will try to K&R-ize
+its sources on the fly.  This should make GNU Wget compilable on
+almost any Unix-like system you are likely to encounter.
-After the compilation a ready to use `wget' executable should reside
-in the src directory.  I do not have any kind of test-suite as of this
-moment, but it should be easy enough to test whether the basic stuff
+After the compilation a ready-to-use `wget' executable should reside
+in the src directory.  At this point there is no formal test suite for
+testing the binary, but it should be easy enough to test whether the
+basic functionality works.
 3) Installation
@@ -78,11 +99,11 @@ configure.  The standard prefix is "/usr/local/", which can be changed
 using the `--prefix' configure option.
 The installation process will copy the wget binary to $PREFIX/bin,
-install the wget.info* info pages to $PREFIX/info, the autogenerated
+install the wget.info* info pages to $PREFIX/info, the generated
 manual page (where available) wget.1 to $PREFIX/man/man1, and the
 default config file to $PREFIX/etc, unless a config file already
 exists there.  You can customize these directories either through the
 configuration process or making the necessary changes in the Makefile.
-To delete the files created by Wget installation, you can use make
+To delete the files created by Wget installation, you can use `make