New test: Metalink shall not concatenate '/' to an empty directory prefix

* testenv/ Add new file
* testenv/ New file.
  Metalink/XML empty directory prefix (--directory-prefix '') tests

Detect a '/' character wrongfully concatenated to an empty directory
prefix '' (not NULL), resulting in an absolute path as '/dir/file',
instead than 'dir/file'.
This commit is contained in:
Matthew White 2016-08-27 16:16:35 +02:00
parent 9532861aef
commit 64ab90ee66
2 changed files with 194 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ if METALINK_IS_ENABLED \ \ \ \ \ \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import exit
from test.http_test import HTTPTest
from misc.wget_file import WgetFile
import hashlib
This is to test Metalink/XML with an empty directory prefix.
With --trust-server-names, trust the metalink:file names.
Without --trust-server-names, don't trust the metalink:file names:
use the basename of --input-metalink, and add a sequential number
(e.g. .#1, .#2, etc.).
Strip the directory from unsafe paths.
############# File Definitions ###############################################
bad = "Ouch!"
File1 = "Would you like some Tea?"
File1_lowPref = "Do not take this"
File1_sha256 = hashlib.sha256 (File1.encode ('UTF-8')).hexdigest ()
File2 = "This is gonna be good"
File2_lowPref = "Not this one too"
File2_sha256 = hashlib.sha256 (File2.encode ('UTF-8')).hexdigest ()
File3 = "A little more, please"
File3_lowPref = "That's just too much"
File3_sha256 = hashlib.sha256 (File3.encode ('UTF-8')).hexdigest ()
File4 = "Maybe a biscuit?"
File4_lowPref = "No, thanks"
File4_sha256 = hashlib.sha256 (File4.encode ('UTF-8')).hexdigest ()
File5 = "More Tea...?"
File5_lowPref = "I have to go..."
File5_sha256 = hashlib.sha256 (File5.encode ('UTF-8')).hexdigest ()
MetaXml = \
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metalink version="3.0" xmlns="">
<name>GNU Wget</name>
<name>GNU GPL</name>
<identity>Wget Test Files</identity>
<description>Wget Test Files description</description>
<file name="subdir/File1">
<hash type="sha256">{{FILE1_HASH}}</hash>
<url type="http" preference="35">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/wrong_file</url>
<url type="http" preference="40">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/404</url>
<url type="http" preference="25">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File1_lowPref</url>
<url type="http" preference="30">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File1</url>
<file name="/subdir/File2"> <!-- rejected by libmetalink -->
<hash type="sha256">{{FILE2_HASH}}</hash>
<url type="http" preference="35">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/wrong_file</url>
<url type="http" preference="40">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/404</url>
<url type="http" preference="25">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File2_lowPref</url>
<url type="http" preference="30">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File2</url>
<file name="~/subdir/File3"> <!-- rejected by libmetalink -->
<hash type="sha256">{{FILE3_HASH}}</hash>
<url type="http" preference="35">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/wrong_file</url>
<url type="http" preference="40">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/404</url>
<url type="http" preference="25">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File3_lowPref</url>
<url type="http" preference="30">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File3</url>
<file name="../subdir/File4"> <!-- rejected by libmetalink -->
<hash type="sha256">{{FILE4_HASH}}</hash>
<url type="http" preference="35">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/wrong_file</url>
<url type="http" preference="40">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/404</url>
<url type="http" preference="25">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File4_lowPref</url>
<url type="http" preference="30">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File4</url>
<file name="subdir/File5">
<hash type="sha256">{{FILE5_HASH}}</hash>
<url type="http" preference="35">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/wrong_file</url>
<url type="http" preference="40">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/404</url>
<url type="http" preference="25">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File5_lowPref</url>
<url type="http" preference="30">http://{{SRV_HOST}}:{{SRV_PORT}}/File5</url>
wrong_file = WgetFile ("wrong_file", bad)
File1_orig = WgetFile ("File1", File1)
File1_down = WgetFile ("subdir/File1", File1)
File1_nono = WgetFile ("File1_lowPref", File1_lowPref)
# rejected by libmetalink
File2_orig = WgetFile ("File2", File2)
File2_nono = WgetFile ("File2_lowPref", File2_lowPref)
# rejected by libmetalink
File3_orig = WgetFile ("File3", File3)
File3_nono = WgetFile ("File3_lowPref", File3_lowPref)
# rejected by libmetalink
File4_orig = WgetFile ("File4", File4)
File4_nono = WgetFile ("File4_lowPref", File4_lowPref)
File5_orig = WgetFile ("File5", File5)
File5_down = WgetFile ("subdir/File5", File5)
File5_nono = WgetFile ("File5_lowPref", File5_lowPref)
MetaFile = WgetFile ("test.metalink", MetaXml)
WGET_OPTIONS = "--trust-server-names --directory-prefix '' --input-metalink test.metalink"
WGET_URLS = [[]]
Files = [[
File1_orig, File1_nono,
File2_orig, File2_nono,
File3_orig, File3_nono,
File4_orig, File4_nono,
File5_orig, File5_nono
Existing_Files = [MetaFile]
ExpectedReturnCode = 0
ExpectedDownloadedFiles = [
################ Pre and Post Test Hooks #####################################
pre_test = {
"ServerFiles" : Files,
"LocalFiles" : Existing_Files
test_options = {
"WgetCommands" : WGET_OPTIONS,
"Urls" : WGET_URLS
post_test = {
"ExpectedFiles" : ExpectedDownloadedFiles,
"ExpectedRetcode" : ExpectedReturnCode
http_test = HTTPTest (
### Get and use dynamic server sockname
srv_host, srv_port = http_test.servers[0].server_inst.socket.getsockname ()
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{FILE1_HASH}}', File1_sha256)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{FILE2_HASH}}', File2_sha256)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{FILE3_HASH}}', File3_sha256)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{FILE4_HASH}}', File4_sha256)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{FILE5_HASH}}', File5_sha256)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{SRV_HOST}}', srv_host)
MetaXml = MetaXml.replace('{{SRV_PORT}}', str (srv_port))
MetaFile.content = MetaXml
err = http_test.begin ()
exit (err)