diff --git a/testenv/Makefile.am b/testenv/Makefile.am
index 39ae3497..8f1b5f4a 100644
--- a/testenv/Makefile.am
+++ b/testenv/Makefile.am
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ if HAVE_PYTHON3
     Test-cookie-expires.py                          \
     Test-cookie.py                                  \
     Test-Head.py                                    \
+    Test--https.py                                  \
+    Test--https-crl.py                              \
+    Test-hsts.py                                    \
     Test-O.py                                       \
     Test-Post.py                                    \
     Test-504.py                                     \
diff --git a/testenv/Test-hsts.py b/testenv/Test-hsts.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..42909294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testenv/Test-hsts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from sys import exit
+from test.http_test import HTTPTest
+from test.base_test import HTTP, HTTPS
+from misc.wget_file import WgetFile
+import time
+import os
+This test makes sure Wget can parse a given HSTS database and apply the indicated HSTS policy.
+def hsts_database_path():
+    hsts_file = ".wget-hsts-testenv"
+    return os.path.abspath(hsts_file)
+def create_hsts_database(path, host, port):
+    # we want the current time as an integer,
+    # not as a floating point
+    curtime = int(time.time())
+    max_age = "123456"
+    f = open(path, "w")
+    f.write("# dummy comment\n")
+    f.write(host + "\t" + str(port) + "\t0\t" + str(curtime) + "\t" + max_age + "\n")
+    f.close()
+TEST_NAME = "HSTS basic test"
+File_Name = "hw"
+File_Content = "Hello, world!"
+File = WgetFile(File_Name, File_Content)
+Hsts_File_Path = hsts_database_path()
+CAFILE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getenv('srcdir', '.'), 'certs', 'ca-cert.pem'))
+WGET_OPTIONS = "--hsts-file=" + Hsts_File_Path + " --ca-certificate=" + CAFILE
+WGET_URLS = [[File_Name]]
+Files = [[File]]
+Servers = [HTTPS]
+Requests = ["http"]
+ExpectedReturnCode = 0
+ExpectedDownloadedFiles = [File]
+pre_test = {
+        "ServerFiles"   : Files,
+        "Domains"       : ["localhost"]
+post_test = {
+        "ExpectedFiles"     : ExpectedDownloadedFiles,
+        "ExpectedRetCode"   : ExpectedReturnCode,
+test_options = {
+        "WgetCommands"  : WGET_OPTIONS,
+        "Urls"          : WGET_URLS
+test = HTTPTest(
+        name = TEST_NAME,
+        pre_hook = pre_test,
+        post_hook = post_test,
+        test_params = test_options,
+        protocols = Servers,
+        req_protocols = Requests
+# start the web server and create the temporary HSTS database
+create_hsts_database(Hsts_File_Path, 'localhost', test.port)
+err = test.begin()
+# remove the temporary HSTS database
diff --git a/testenv/conf/domains.py b/testenv/conf/domains.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac03fe19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testenv/conf/domains.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from conf import hook
+class Domains:
+    def __init__(self, domains):
+        self.domains = domains
+    def __call__(self, test_obj):
+        test_obj.domains = self.domains
diff --git a/testenv/test/base_test.py b/testenv/test/base_test.py
index 3b989100..c5b82bea 100644
--- a/testenv/test/base_test.py
+++ b/testenv/test/base_test.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class BaseTest:
         * instantiate_server_by(protocol)
-    def __init__(self, name, pre_hook, test_params, post_hook, protocols):
+    def __init__(self, name, pre_hook, test_params, post_hook, protocols, req_protocols):
         Define the class-wide variables (or attributes).
         Attributes should not be defined outside __init__.
@@ -36,14 +36,23 @@ class BaseTest:
         self.post_configs = post_hook or {}
         self.protocols = protocols
+        if req_protocols is None:
+            self.req_protocols = map(lambda p: p.lower(), self.protocols)
+        else:
+            self.req_protocols = req_protocols
         self.servers = []
         self.domains = []
+        self.ports = []
+        self.addr = None
         self.port = -1
         self.wget_options = ''
         self.urls = []
         self.tests_passed = True
+        self.ready = False
         self.ret_code = 0
@@ -63,9 +72,12 @@ class BaseTest:
     def get_domain_addr(self, addr):
         # TODO if there's a multiple number of ports, wouldn't it be
         # overridden to the port of the last invocation?
+        # Set the instance variables 'addr' and 'port' so that
+        # they can be queried by test cases.
+        self.addr = str(addr[0])
         self.port = str(addr[1])
-        return '%s:%s' % (addr[0], self.port)
+        return [self.addr, self.port]
     def server_setup(self):
         print_blue("Running Test %s" % self.name)
@@ -77,7 +89,8 @@ class BaseTest:
             # ports and etc.
             # so we should record different domains respect to servers.
             domain = self.get_domain_addr(instance.server_address)
-            self.domains.append(domain)
+            self.domains.append(domain[0])
+            self.ports.append(domain[1])
     def exec_wget(self):
         cmd_line = self.gen_cmd_line()
@@ -122,9 +135,10 @@ class BaseTest:
             cmd_line = '%s %s ' % (wget_path, wget_options)
-        for protocol, urls, domain in zip(self.protocols,
-                                          self.urls,
-                                          self.domains):
+        for req_protocol, urls, domain, port in zip(self.req_protocols,
+                                                    self.urls,
+                                                    self.domains,
+                                                    self.ports):
             # zip is function for iterating multiple lists at the same time.
             # e.g. for item1, item2 in zip([1, 5, 3],
             #                              ['a', 'e', 'c']):
@@ -134,7 +148,8 @@ class BaseTest:
             # 5 e
             # 3 c
             for url in urls:
-                cmd_line += '%s://%s/%s ' % (protocol.lower(), domain, url)
+                cmd_line += '%s://%s:%s/%s ' % (req_protocol, domain, port, url)
diff --git a/testenv/test/http_test.py b/testenv/test/http_test.py
index 32a3335a..5a13d4f6 100644
--- a/testenv/test/http_test.py
+++ b/testenv/test/http_test.py
@@ -17,19 +17,34 @@ class HTTPTest(BaseTest):
-                 protocols=(HTTP,)):
+                 protocols=(HTTP,),
+                 req_protocols=None):
         super(HTTPTest, self).__init__(name,
-                                       protocols)
+                                       protocols,
+                                       req_protocols)
+    def setup(self):
+        self.ready = True
     def begin(self):
+        if not self.ready:
+            # this is to maintain compatibility with scripts that
+            # don't call setup()
+            self.setup()
         with self:
-            self.do_test()
-            print_green('Test Passed.')
-        return super(HTTPTest, self).begin()
+            # If any exception occurs, self.__exit__ will be immediately called.
+            # We must call the parent method in the end in order to verify
+            # whether the tests succeeded or not.
+            if self.ready:
+                self.do_test()
+                print_green("Test Passed.")
+            else:
+                self.tests_passed = False
+            super(HTTPTest, self).begin()
     def instantiate_server_by(self, protocol):
         server = {HTTP: HTTPd,