diff --git a/src/html.c b/src/html.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab05679..00000000
--- a/src/html.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,684 +0,0 @@
-/* A simple HTML parser.
- Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-This file is part of Wget.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
-# include
-# include
-#include "wget.h"
-#include "url.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "ftp.h"
-#include "html.h"
-#ifndef errno
-extern int errno;
-static state_t global_state;
-struct tag_attr {
- char *tag;
- char *attr;
-/* Match a string against a null-terminated list of identifiers. */
-static int
-idmatch (struct tag_attr *tags, const char *tag, const char *attr)
- int i, j;
- if (tag == NULL || attr == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = 0; tags[i].tag; i++)
- /* Loop through all the tags wget ever cares about. */
- if (!strcasecmp (tags[i].tag, tag) && !strcasecmp (tags[i].attr, attr))
- /* The tag and attribute matched one of the ones wget cares about. */
- {
- if (opt.ignore_tags)
- /* --ignore-tags was specified. Do not match these specific tags.
- --ignore-tags takes precedence over --follow-tags, so we process
- --ignore first and fall through if there's no match. */
- for (j = 0; opt.ignore_tags[j] != NULL; j++)
- /* Loop through all the tags this user doesn't care about. */
- if (strcasecmp(opt.ignore_tags[j], tag) == EQ)
- return FALSE;
- if (opt.follow_tags)
- /* --follow-tags was specified. Only match these specific tags, so
- return FALSE if we don't match one of them. */
- {
- for (j = 0; opt.follow_tags[j] != NULL; j++)
- /* Loop through all the tags this user cares about. */
- if (strcasecmp(opt.follow_tags[j], tag) == EQ)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE; /* wasn't one of the explicitly desired tags */
- }
- /* If we get to here, --follow-tags isn't being used, and --ignore-tags,
- if specified, didn't include this tag, so it's okay to follow. */
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE; /* not one of the tag/attribute pairs wget ever cares about */
-/* Parse BUF (a buffer of BUFSIZE characters) searching for HTML tags
- describing URLs to follow. When a tag is encountered, extract its
- components (as described by html_allow[] array), and return the
- address and the length of the string. Return NULL if no URL is
- found. */
-const char *
-htmlfindurl (const char *buf, int bufsize, int *size, int init,
- int dash_p_leaf_HTML)
- const char *p, *ph;
- state_t *s = &global_state;
- /* NULL-terminated list of tags and modifiers someone would want to
- follow -- feel free to edit to suit your needs: */
- static struct tag_attr html_allow[] = {
- { "script", "src" },
- { "img", "src" },
- { "img", "href" },
- { "body", "background" },
- { "frame", "src" },
- { "iframe", "src" },
- { "fig", "src" },
- { "overlay", "src" },
- { "applet", "code" },
- { "script", "src" },
- { "embed", "src" },
- { "bgsound", "src" },
- { "img", "lowsrc" },
- { "input", "src" },
- { "layer", "src" },
- { "table", "background"},
- { "th", "background"},
- { "td", "background"},
- /* Tags below this line are treated specially. */
- { "a", "href" },
- { "area", "href" },
- { "base", "href" },
- { "link", "href" },
- { "link", "rel" },
- { "meta", "content" },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- if (init)
- {
- DEBUGP (("Resetting a parser state.\n"));
- memset (s, 0, sizeof (*s));
- }
- while (1)
- {
- const char* link_href = NULL;
- const char* link_rel = NULL;
- int link_href_saved_size = 0; /* init. just to shut up warning */
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- /* Let's look for a tag, if we are not already in one. */
- if (!s->at_value)
- {
- /* Find '<'. */
- if (*buf != '<')
- for (; bufsize && *buf != '<'; ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- /* Skip spaces. */
- for (++buf, --bufsize; bufsize && ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>';
- ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- p = buf;
- /* Find the tag end. */
- for (; bufsize && !ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>' && *buf != '=';
- ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- if (*buf == '=')
- {
- /* is illegal. Just skip it. */
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- continue;
- }
- if (p == buf)
- {
- /* *buf == '>'. */
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- continue;
- }
- s->tag = strdupdelim (p, buf);
- if (*buf == '>')
- {
- xfree (s->tag);
- s->tag = NULL;
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else /* s->at_value */
- {
- /* Reset AT_VALUE. */
- s->at_value = 0;
- /* If in quotes, just skip out of them and continue living. */
- if (s->in_quote)
- {
- s->in_quote = 0;
- for (; bufsize && *buf != s->quote_char; ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- }
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- if (*buf == '>')
- {
- FREE_MAYBE (s->tag);
- FREE_MAYBE (s->attr);
- s->tag = s->attr = NULL;
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* Find the attributes. */
- do
- {
- FREE_MAYBE (s->attr);
- s->attr = NULL;
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- /* Skip the spaces if we have them. We don't have them at
- places like .
- ^ no spaces here */
- if (ISSPACE (*buf))
- for (++buf, --bufsize; bufsize && ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>';
- ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize || *buf == '>')
- break;
- if (*buf == '=')
- {
- /* This is the case of , which is
- illegal. Just skip it. */
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- continue;
- }
- p = buf;
- /* Find the attribute end. */
- for (; bufsize && !ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>' && *buf != '=';
- ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize || *buf == '>')
- break;
- /* Construct the attribute. */
- s->attr = strdupdelim (p, buf);
- /* Now we must skip the spaces to find '='. */
- if (*buf != '=')
- {
- for (; bufsize && ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>';
- ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize || *buf == '>')
- break;
- }
- /* If we still don't have '=', something is amiss. */
- if (*buf != '=')
- continue;
- /* Find the beginning of attribute value by skipping the
- spaces. */
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- for (; bufsize && ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>'; ++buf, --bufsize);
- if (!bufsize || *buf == '>')
- break;
- ph = NULL;
- /* The value of an attribute can, but does not have to be
- quoted. */
- if (*buf == '\"' || *buf == '\'')
- {
- s->in_quote = 1;
- s->quote_char = *buf;
- p = buf + 1;
- for (++buf, --bufsize;
- bufsize && *buf != s->quote_char && *buf != '\n';
- ++buf, --bufsize)
- if (!ph && *buf == '#' && *(buf - 1) != '&')
- ph = buf;
- if (!bufsize)
- {
- s->in_quote = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (*buf == '\n')
- {
- /* #### Is the following logic good?
- Obviously no longer in quote. It might be well
- to check whether '>' was encountered, but that
- would be encouraging writers of invalid HTMLs,
- and we don't want that, now do we? */
- s->in_quote = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- p = buf;
- for (; bufsize && !ISSPACE (*buf) && *buf != '>';
- ++buf, --bufsize)
- if (!ph && *buf == '#' && *(buf - 1) != '&')
- ph = buf;
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- }
- /* If '#' was found unprotected in a URI, it is probably an
- HTML marker, or color spec. */
- *size = (ph ? ph : buf) - p;
- /* The URI is liable to be returned if:
- 1) *size != 0;
- 2) its tag and attribute are found in html_allow. */
- if (*size && idmatch (html_allow, s->tag, s->attr))
- {
- if (strcasecmp(s->tag, "a") == EQ ||
- strcasecmp(s->tag, "area") == EQ)
- {
- /* Only follow these if we're not at a -p leaf node, as they
- always link to external documents. */
- if (!dash_p_leaf_HTML)
- {
- s->at_value = 1;
- return p;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (s->tag, "base") &&
- !strcasecmp (s->attr, "href"))
- {
- FREE_MAYBE (s->base);
- s->base = strdupdelim (p, buf);
- }
- else if (strcasecmp(s->tag, "link") == EQ)
- {
- if (strcasecmp(s->attr, "href") == EQ)
- {
- link_href = p;
- link_href_saved_size = *size; /* for restoration below */
- }
- else if (strcasecmp(s->attr, "rel") == EQ)
- link_rel = p;
- if (link_href != NULL && link_rel != NULL)
- /* Okay, we've now seen this tag's HREF and REL
- attributes (they may be in either order), so it's now
- possible to decide if we want to traverse it. */
- if (!dash_p_leaf_HTML ||
- strncasecmp(link_rel, "stylesheet",
- sizeof("stylesheet") - 1) == EQ)
- /* In the normal case, all tags are fair game.
- In the special case of when -p is active, however, and
- we're at a leaf node (relative to the -l max. depth) in
- the HTML document tree, the only tag we'll
- follow is a , as it's necessary
- for displaying this document properly. We won't follow
- other tags, like , for
- instance, as they refer to external documents.
- Note that the above strncasecmp() will incorrectly
- consider something like ' tag, size is currently set to the size for
- REL's value -- set it to what it was when we were
- looking at HREF's value. */
- *size = link_href_saved_size;
- s->at_value = 1;
- return link_href;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcasecmp (s->tag, "meta") &&
- !strcasecmp (s->attr, "content"))
- {
- /* Some pages use a META tag to specify that the page
- be refreshed by a new page after a given number of
- seconds. We need to attempt to extract an URL for
- the new page from the other garbage present. The
- general format for this is:
- So we just need to skip past the "0; URL="
- garbage to get to the URL. META tags are also
- used for specifying random things like the page
- author's name and what editor was used to create
- it. So we need to be careful to ignore them and
- not assume that an URL will be present at all. */
- for (; *size && ISDIGIT (*p); p++, *size -= 1);
- if (*p == ';')
- {
- for (p++, *size -= 1;
- *size && ISSPACE (*p);
- p++, *size -= 1) ;
- if (!strncasecmp (p, "URL=", 4))
- {
- p += 4, *size -= 4;
- s->at_value = 1;
- return p;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- s->at_value = 1;
- return p;
- }
- }
- /* Exit from quote. */
- if (*buf == s->quote_char)
- {
- s->in_quote = 0;
- ++buf, --bufsize;
- }
- } while (*buf != '>');
- FREE_MAYBE (s->tag);
- FREE_MAYBE (s->attr);
- s->tag = s->attr = NULL;
- if (!bufsize)
- break;
- }
- FREE_MAYBE (s->tag);
- FREE_MAYBE (s->attr);
- FREE_MAYBE (s->base);
- memset (s, 0, sizeof (*s)); /* just to be sure */
- DEBUGP (("HTML parser ends here (state destroyed).\n"));
- return NULL;
-/* The function returns the base reference of HTML buffer id, or NULL
- if one wasn't defined for that buffer. */
-const char *
-html_base (void)
- return global_state.base;
-/* Create a malloc'ed copy of text in the range [beg, end), but with
- the HTML entities processed. Recognized entities are <, >,
- &, ",   and the numerical entities. */
-char *
-html_decode_entities (const char *beg, const char *end)
- char *newstr = (char *)xmalloc (end - beg + 1); /* assume worst-case. */
- const char *from = beg;
- char *to = newstr;
- while (from < end)
- {
- if (*from != '&')
- *to++ = *from++;
- else
- {
- const char *save = from;
- int remain;
- if (++from == end) goto lose;
- remain = end - from;
- if (*from == '#')
- {
- int numeric;
- ++from;
- if (from == end || !ISDIGIT (*from)) goto lose;
- for (numeric = 0; from < end && ISDIGIT (*from); from++)
- numeric = 10 * numeric + (*from) - '0';
- if (from < end && ISALPHA (*from)) goto lose;
- numeric &= 0xff;
- *to++ = numeric;
- }
-#define FROB(literal) (remain >= (sizeof (literal) - 1) \
- && !memcmp (from, literal, sizeof (literal) - 1) \
- && (*(from + sizeof (literal) - 1) == ';' \
- || remain == sizeof (literal) - 1 \
- || !ISALNUM (*(from + sizeof (literal) - 1))))
- else if (FROB ("lt"))
- *to++ = '<', from += 2;
- else if (FROB ("gt"))
- *to++ = '>', from += 2;
- else if (FROB ("amp"))
- *to++ = '&', from += 3;
- else if (FROB ("quot"))
- *to++ = '\"', from += 4;
- /* We don't implement the "Added Latin 1" entities proposed
- by rfc1866 (except for nbsp), because it is unnecessary
- in the context of Wget, and would require hashing to work
- efficiently. */
- else if (FROB ("nbsp"))
- *to++ = 160, from += 4;
- else
- goto lose;
-#undef FROB
- /* If the entity was followed by `;', we step over the `;'.
- Otherwise, it was followed by either a non-alphanumeric
- or EOB, in which case we do nothing. */
- if (from < end && *from == ';')
- ++from;
- continue;
- lose:
- /* This was not an entity after all. Back out. */
- from = save;
- *to++ = *from++;
- }
- }
- *to++ = '\0';
- /* #### Should we try to do this: */
-#if 0
- newstr = xrealloc (newstr, to - newstr);
- return newstr;
-/* The function returns the pointer to the malloc-ed quoted version of
- string s. It will recognize and quote numeric and special graphic
- entities, as per RFC1866:
- `&' -> `&'
- `<' -> `<'
- `>' -> `>'
- `"' -> `"'
- No other entities are recognized or replaced. */
-static char *
-html_quote_string (const char *s)
- const char *b = s;
- char *p, *res;
- int i;
- /* Pass through the string, and count the new size. */
- for (i = 0; *s; s++, i++)
- {
- if (*s == '&')
- i += 4; /* `amp;' */
- else if (*s == '<' || *s == '>')
- i += 3; /* `lt;' and `gt;' */
- else if (*s == '\"')
- i += 5; /* `quot;' */
- }
- res = (char *)xmalloc (i + 1);
- s = b;
- for (p = res; *s; s++)
- {
- switch (*s)
- {
- case '&':
- *p++ = '&';
- *p++ = 'a';
- *p++ = 'm';
- *p++ = 'p';
- *p++ = ';';
- break;
- case '<': case '>':
- *p++ = '&';
- *p++ = (*s == '<' ? 'l' : 'g');
- *p++ = 't';
- *p++ = ';';
- break;
- case '\"':
- *p++ = '&';
- *p++ = 'q';
- *p++ = 'u';
- *p++ = 'o';
- *p++ = 't';
- *p++ = ';';
- break;
- default:
- *p++ = *s;
- }
- }
- *p = '\0';
- return res;
-/* The function creates an HTML index containing references to given
- directories and files on the appropriate host. The references are
- FTP. */
-ftp_index (const char *file, struct urlinfo *u, struct fileinfo *f)
- FILE *fp;
- char *upwd;
- char *htclfile; /* HTML-clean file name */
- if (!opt.dfp)
- {
- fp = fopen (file, "wb");
- if (!fp)
- {
- logprintf (LOG_NOTQUIET, "%s: %s\n", file, strerror (errno));
- return FOPENERR;
- }
- }
- else
- fp = opt.dfp;
- if (u->user)
- {
- char *tmpu, *tmpp; /* temporary, clean user and passwd */
- tmpu = CLEANDUP (u->user);
- tmpp = u->passwd ? CLEANDUP (u->passwd) : NULL;
- upwd = (char *)xmalloc (strlen (tmpu)
- + (tmpp ? (1 + strlen (tmpp)) : 0) + 2);
- sprintf (upwd, "%s%s%s@", tmpu, tmpp ? ":" : "", tmpp ? tmpp : "");
- xfree (tmpu);
- FREE_MAYBE (tmpp);
- }
- else
- upwd = xstrdup ("");
- fprintf (fp, "\n");
- fprintf (fp, "\n\n");
- fprintf (fp, _("Index of /%s on %s:%d"), u->dir, u->host, u->port);
- fprintf (fp, "\n\n\n
- fprintf (fp, _("Index of /%s on %s:%d"), u->dir, u->host, u->port);
- fprintf (fp, "