diff --git a/src/xmalloc.c b/src/xmalloc.c
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index aaf743df..00000000
--- a/src/xmalloc.c
+++ /dev/null
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-/* Wrappers around malloc and memory debugging support.
- Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation,
- Inc.
-This file is part of GNU Wget.
-GNU Wget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-GNU Wget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Wget. If not, see .
-Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
-If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or
-combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a
-modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the
-terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the Free Software Foundation
-grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
-Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination
-shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well
-as that of the covered work. */
-#include "wget.h"
-#include "xmalloc.h"
-#include "hash.h" /* for hash_pointer */
-/* This file implements several wrappers around the basic allocation
- routines. This is done for two reasons: first, so that the callers
- of these functions need not check for errors, which is easy to
- forget. If there is not enough virtual memory for running Wget,
- something is seriously wrong, and Wget exits with an appropriate
- error message.
- The second reason why these are useful is that, if DEBUG_MALLOC is
- defined, they also provide a handy (if crude) malloc debugging
- interface that checks for memory leaks. */
-/* Croak the fatal memory error and bail out with non-zero exit
- status. */
-memfatal (const char *context, long attempted_size)
- /* Make sure we don't try to store part of the log line, and thus
- call malloc. */
- log_set_save_context (false);
- /* We have different log outputs in different situations:
- 1) output without bytes information
- 2) output with bytes information */
- if (attempted_size == UNKNOWN_ATTEMPTED_SIZE)
- {
- logprintf (LOG_ALWAYS,
- _("%s: %s: Failed to allocate enough memory; memory exhausted.\n"),
- exec_name, context);
- }
- else
- {
- logprintf (LOG_ALWAYS,
- _("%s: %s: Failed to allocate %ld bytes; memory exhausted.\n"),
- exec_name, context, attempted_size);
- }
- exit (1);
-/* These functions end with _real because they need to be
- distinguished from the debugging functions, and from the macros.
- Explanation follows:
- If memory debugging is not turned on, xmalloc.h defines these:
- #define xmalloc checking_malloc
- #define xmalloc0 checking_malloc0
- #define xrealloc checking_realloc
- #define xstrdup checking_strdup
- #define xfree checking_free
- In case of memory debugging, the definitions are a bit more
- complex, because we want to provide more information, *and* we want
- to call the debugging code. (The former is the reason why xmalloc
- and friends need to be macros in the first place.) Then it looks
- like this:
- #define xmalloc(a) debugging_malloc (a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define xmalloc0(a) debugging_malloc0 (a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define xrealloc(a, b) debugging_realloc (a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define xstrdup(a) debugging_strdup (a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- #define xfree(a) debugging_free (a, __FILE__, __LINE__)
- Each of the debugging_* functions does its magic and calls the
- corresponding checking_* one. */
-# define STATIC_IF_DEBUG static
-checking_malloc (size_t size)
- void *ptr = malloc (size);
- if (!ptr)
- memfatal ("malloc", size);
- return ptr;
-checking_malloc0 (size_t size)
- /* Using calloc can be faster than malloc+memset because some calloc
- implementations know when they're dealing with zeroed-out memory
- from the system and can avoid unnecessary memset. */
- void *ptr = calloc (1, size);
- if (!ptr)
- memfatal ("calloc", size);
- return ptr;
-checking_realloc (void *ptr, size_t newsize)
- void *newptr;
- /* Not all Un*xes have the feature of realloc() that calling it with
- a NULL-pointer is the same as malloc(), but it is easy to
- simulate. */
- if (ptr)
- newptr = realloc (ptr, newsize);
- else
- newptr = malloc (newsize);
- if (!newptr)
- memfatal ("realloc", newsize);
- return newptr;
-checking_strdup (const char *s)
- char *copy;
-#ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
- int l = strlen (s);
- copy = malloc (l + 1);
- if (!copy)
- memfatal ("strdup", l + 1);
- memcpy (copy, s, l + 1);
-#else /* HAVE_STRDUP */
- copy = strdup (s);
- if (!copy)
- memfatal ("strdup", 1 + strlen (s));
-#endif /* HAVE_STRDUP */
- return copy;
-checking_free (void *ptr)
- /* Wget's xfree() must not be passed a NULL pointer. This is for
- historical reasons: pre-C89 systems were reported to bomb at
- free(NULL), and Wget was careful to not call xfree when there was
- a possibility of PTR being NULL. (It might have been better to
- simply have xfree() do nothing if ptr==NULL.)
- Since the code is already written that way, this assert simply
- enforces the existing constraint. The benefit is double-checking
- the logic: code that thinks it can't be passed a NULL pointer,
- while it in fact can, aborts here. If you trip on this, either
- the code has a pointer handling bug or should have called
- xfree_null instead of xfree. Correctly written code should never
- trigger this assertion.
- The downside is that the uninitiated might not expect xfree(NULL)
- to abort. If the assertion proves to be too much of a hassle, it
- can be removed and a check that makes NULL a no-op placed in its
- stead. If that is done, xfree_null is no longer needed and
- should be removed. */
- assert (ptr != NULL);
- free (ptr);
-/* Crude home-grown routines for debugging some malloc-related
- problems. Featured:
- * Counting the number of malloc and free invocations, and reporting
- the "balance", i.e. how many times more malloc was called than it
- was the case with free.
- * Making malloc store its entry into a simple array and free remove
- stuff from that array. At the end, print the pointers which have
- not been freed, along with the source file and the line number.
- * Checking for "invalid frees", where free is called on a pointer
- not obtained with malloc, or where the same pointer is freed
- twice.
- Note that this kind of memory leak checking strongly depends on
- every malloc() being followed by a free(), even if the program is
- about to finish. Wget is careful to free the data structure it
- allocated in init.c. */
-static int malloc_count, free_count;
-/* Home-grown hash table of mallocs: */
-#define SZ 100003 /* Prime just over 100,000. Increase
- it to debug larger Wget runs. */
-static struct {
- const void *ptr;
- const char *file;
- int line;
-} malloc_table[SZ];
-/* Find PTR's position in malloc_table. If PTR is not found, return
- the next available position. */
-static inline int
-ptr_position (const void *ptr)
- int i = hash_pointer (ptr) % SZ;
- for (; malloc_table[i].ptr != NULL; i = (i + 1) % SZ)
- if (malloc_table[i].ptr == ptr)
- return i;
- return i;
-/* Register PTR in malloc_table. Abort if this is not possible
- (presumably due to the number of current allocations exceeding the
- size of malloc_table.) */
-static void
-register_ptr (const void *ptr, const char *file, int line)
- int i;
- if (malloc_count - free_count > SZ)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Increase SZ to a larger value and recompile.\n");
- fflush (stderr);
- abort ();
- }
- i = ptr_position (ptr);
- malloc_table[i].ptr = ptr;
- malloc_table[i].file = file;
- malloc_table[i].line = line;
-/* Unregister PTR from malloc_table. Return false if PTR is not
- present in malloc_table. */
-static bool
-unregister_ptr (void *ptr)
- int i = ptr_position (ptr);
- if (malloc_table[i].ptr == NULL)
- return false;
- malloc_table[i].ptr = NULL;
- /* Relocate malloc_table entries immediately following PTR. */
- for (i = (i + 1) % SZ; malloc_table[i].ptr != NULL; i = (i + 1) % SZ)
- {
- const void *ptr2 = malloc_table[i].ptr;
- /* Find the new location for the key. */
- int j = hash_pointer (ptr2) % SZ;
- for (; malloc_table[j].ptr != NULL; j = (j + 1) % SZ)
- if (ptr2 == malloc_table[j].ptr)
- /* No need to relocate entry at [i]; it's already at or near
- its hash position. */
- goto cont_outer;
- malloc_table[j] = malloc_table[i];
- malloc_table[i].ptr = NULL;
- cont_outer:
- ;
- }
- return true;
-/* Print the malloc debug stats gathered from the above information.
- Currently this is the count of mallocs, frees, the difference
- between the two, and the dump of the contents of malloc_table. The
- last part are the memory leaks. */
-print_malloc_debug_stats (void)
- int i;
- printf ("\nMalloc: %d\nFree: %d\nBalance: %d\n\n",
- malloc_count, free_count, malloc_count - free_count);
- for (i = 0; i < SZ; i++)
- if (malloc_table[i].ptr != NULL)
- printf ("0x%0*lx: %s:%d\n", PTR_FORMAT (malloc_table[i].ptr),
- malloc_table[i].file, malloc_table[i].line);
-void *
-debugging_malloc (size_t size, const char *source_file, int source_line)
- void *ptr = checking_malloc (size);
- ++malloc_count;
- register_ptr (ptr, source_file, source_line);
- return ptr;
-void *
-debugging_malloc0 (size_t size, const char *source_file, int source_line)
- void *ptr = checking_malloc0 (size);
- ++malloc_count;
- register_ptr (ptr, source_file, source_line);
- return ptr;
-void *
-debugging_realloc (void *ptr, size_t newsize, const char *source_file, int source_line)
- void *newptr = checking_realloc (ptr, newsize);
- if (!ptr)
- {
- ++malloc_count;
- register_ptr (newptr, source_file, source_line);
- }
- else if (newptr != ptr)
- {
- unregister_ptr (ptr);
- register_ptr (newptr, source_file, source_line);
- }
- return newptr;
-char *
-debugging_strdup (const char *s, const char *source_file, int source_line)
- char *copy = checking_strdup (s);
- ++malloc_count;
- register_ptr (copy, source_file, source_line);
- return copy;
-debugging_free (void *ptr, const char *source_file, int source_line)
- /* See checking_free for rationale of this abort. We repeat it here
- because we can print the file and the line where the offending
- free occurred. */
- if (ptr == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: xfree(NULL) at %s:%d\n",
- exec_name, source_file, source_line);
- abort ();
- }
- if (!unregister_ptr (ptr))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: bad xfree(0x%0*lx) at %s:%d\n",
- exec_name, PTR_FORMAT (ptr), source_file, source_line);
- abort ();
- }
- ++free_count;
- checking_free (ptr);
-#endif /* DEBUG_MALLOC */
diff --git a/src/xmalloc.h b/src/xmalloc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce326b1b..00000000
--- a/src/xmalloc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* xmalloc.c declarations.
- Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation,
- Inc.
-This file is part of GNU Wget.
-GNU Wget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-GNU Wget is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with Wget. If not, see .
-Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7
-If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or
-combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a
-modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the
-terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the Free Software Foundation
-grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
-Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination
-shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well
-as that of the covered work. */
-#ifndef XMALLOC_H
-#define XMALLOC_H
-/* Croak the fatal memory error and bail out with non-zero exit
- status. */
-void memfatal (const char *context, long attempted_size);
-/* Constant is using when we don`t know attempted size exactly */
-/* Define this to use Wget's builtin malloc debugging, which is crude
- but occasionally useful. It will make Wget a lot slower and
- larger, and susceptible to aborting if malloc_table overflows, so
- it should be used by developers only. */
-/* When DEBUG_MALLOC is not defined (which is normally the case), the
- allocator identifiers are mapped to checking_* wrappers, which exit
- Wget if malloc/realloc/strdup return NULL
- In DEBUG_MALLOC mode, the allocators are mapped to debugging_*
- wrappers, which also record the file and line from which the
- allocation was attempted. At the end of the program, a detailed
- summary of unfreed allocations is displayed.
- *Note*: xfree(NULL) aborts in both modes. If the pointer you're
- freeing can be NULL, use xfree_null instead. */
-#define xmalloc checking_malloc
-#define xmalloc0 checking_malloc0
-#define xrealloc checking_realloc
-#define xstrdup checking_strdup
-#define xfree checking_free
-void *checking_malloc (size_t);
-void *checking_malloc0 (size_t);
-void *checking_realloc (void *, size_t);
-char *checking_strdup (const char *);
-void checking_free (void *);
-#else /* DEBUG_MALLOC */
-#define xmalloc(s) debugging_malloc (s, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define xmalloc0(s) debugging_malloc0 (s, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define xrealloc(p, s) debugging_realloc (p, s, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define xstrdup(p) debugging_strdup (p, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define xfree(p) debugging_free (p, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-void *debugging_malloc (size_t, const char *, int);
-void *debugging_malloc0 (size_t, const char *, int);
-void *debugging_realloc (void *, size_t, const char *, int);
-char *debugging_strdup (const char *, const char *, int);
-void debugging_free (void *, const char *, int);
-#endif /* DEBUG_MALLOC */
-/* Macros that interface to malloc, but know about type sizes, and
- cast the result to the appropriate type. The casts are not
- necessary in standard C, but Wget performs them anyway for the sake
- of pre-standard environments and possibly C++. */
-#define xnew(type) (xmalloc (sizeof (type)))
-#define xnew0(type) (xmalloc0 (sizeof (type)))
-#define xnew_array(type, len) (xmalloc ((len) * sizeof (type)))
-#define xnew0_array(type, len) (xmalloc0 ((len) * sizeof (type)))
-#define alloca_array(type, size) ((type *) alloca ((size) * sizeof (type)))
-/* Free P if it is non-NULL. C requires free() to behaves this way by
- default, but Wget's code is historically careful not to pass NULL
- to free. This allows us to assert p!=NULL in xfree to check
- additional errors. (But we currently don't do that!) */
-#define xfree_null(p) if (!(p)) ; else xfree (p)
-#endif /* XMALLOC_H */