diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 894fab3e..7c1dd406 100644
@@ -28,24 +28,23 @@ scripts take.  The most important ones are:
   --target=TARGET         configure for TARGET [TARGET=HOST]
 --enable and --with options recognized (mostly Wget-specific):
-  --with-socks            use the socks library
   --with-ssl[=SSL_ROOT]   link with libssl [in SSL_ROOT/lib] for https: support
   --disable-opie          disable support for opie or s/key FTP login
   --disable-digest        disable support for HTTP digest authorization
   --disable-debug         disable support for debugging output
   --disable-nls           do not use Native Language Support
+  --disable-largefile     omit support for large files
+  --disable-ipv6          disable IPv6 support
 So, if you want to configure Wget for installation in your home
 directory, you can type:
-./configure --prefix=$HOME
+    ./configure --prefix=$HOME
 You can customize many default settings by editing Makefile and
 config.h.  The program will work very well without your touching these
 files, but it is useful to have a look at things you can change there.
-If you use socks, it is useful to add -L/usr/local/lib (or wherever
-the socks library is installed) to LDFLAGS in Makefile.
 If you have OpenSSL libraries installed in one of the default
 directories, such as /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/ssl/lib, you can
 simply `configure --with-ssl'.  If you have it installed elsewhere,
@@ -53,15 +52,18 @@ you need to specify your alternate OpenSSL root directory.  For
 instance, if libcrypto.* and libssl.* are in /opt/openssl/lib, you
 need to `configure --with-ssl=/opt/openssl'.
-To configure Wget on Windows, read the instructions in `windows/Readme'. 
-If this doesn't work for any reason, talk to the Windows developers 
-listed there; I do not maintain the port.
+To configure Wget on Windows, read the instructions in
+`windows/README'. If this doesn't work for any reason, talk to the
+Windows developers listed there; I do not maintain the port.  That
+does not apply to the "Cygwin" environment, where Wget should compile
+out of the box as described here.
 2) Compilation
 To compile the program, type make and cross your fingers.  If you do
 not have an ANSI compiler, Wget will try to KNR-ize its sources "on
-the fly".  This should make GNU Wget compilable virtually anywhere.
+the fly".  This should make GNU Wget compilable on almost any
+Unix-like system out there.
 After the compilation a ready to use `wget' executable should reside
 in the src directory.  I do not have any kind of test-suite as of this
@@ -71,11 +73,14 @@ works.
 3) Installation
 Use `make install' to install GNU Wget to directories specified to
-configure (/usr/local/* by default).
+configure.  The standard prefix is "/usr/local/", which can be changed
+using the `--prefix' configure option.
-The standard installation process will copy the wget binary to
-/usr/local/bin, install the info pages (wget.info*) to
-/usr/local/info.  You can customize the directories either through the
+The installation process will copy the wget binary to $PREFIX/bin,
+install the wget.info* info pages to $PREFIX/info, the autogenerated
+manual page (where available) wget.1 to $PREFIX/man/man1, and the
+default config file to $PREFIX/etc, unless a config file already
+exists there.  You can customize these directories either through the
 configuration process or making the necessary changes in the Makefile.
 To delete the files created by Wget installation, you can use make
diff --git a/src/html-parse.c b/src/html-parse.c
index 4a86627e..cde1a6b7 100644
--- a/src/html-parse.c
+++ b/src/html-parse.c
@@ -730,17 +730,15 @@ static int tag_backout_count;
    MAPFUN will be called with two arguments: pointer to an initialized
    struct taginfo, and MAPARG.
-   ALLOWED_TAG_NAMES should be a NULL-terminated array of tag names to
-   be processed by this function.  If it is NULL, all the tags are
-   allowed.  The same goes for attributes and ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES.
+   ALLOWED_TAGS and ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES are hash tables the keys of
+   which are the tags and attribute names that this function should
+   use.  If ALLOWED_TAGS is NULL, all tags are processed; if
+   ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES is NULL, all attributes are returned.
    (Obviously, the caller can filter out unwanted tags and attributes
    just as well, but this is just an optimization designed to avoid
-   unnecessary copying for tags/attributes which the caller doesn't
-   want to know about.  These lists are searched linearly; therefore,
-   if you're interested in a large number of tags or attributes, you'd
-   better set these to NULL and filter them out yourself with a
-   hashing process most appropriate for your application.)  */
+   unnecessary copying of tags/attributes which the caller doesn't
+   care about.)  */
 map_html_tags (const char *text, int size,