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--------------------------------- MODULE Raft ---------------------------------
\* This is the formal specification for the Raft consensus algorithm.
\* Copyright 2014 Diego Ongaro.
\* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-4.0
\* International License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, Sequences, TLC
\* The set of server IDs
\* The set of requests that can go into the log
\* Server states.
CONSTANTS Follower, Candidate, Leader
\* A reserved value.
\* Message types:
CONSTANTS RequestVoteRequest, RequestVoteResponse,
AppendEntriesRequest, AppendEntriesResponse
\* Global variables
\* A bag of records representing requests and responses sent from one server
\* to another. TLAPS doesn't support the Bags module, so this is a function
\* mapping Message to Nat.
VARIABLE messages
\* A history variable used in the proof. This would not be present in an
\* implementation.
\* Keeps track of successful elections, including the initial logs of the
\* leader and voters' logs. Set of functions containing various things about
\* successful elections (see BecomeLeader).
VARIABLE elections
\* A history variable used in the proof. This would not be present in an
\* implementation.
\* Keeps track of every log ever in the system (set of logs).
\* The following variables are all per server (functions with domain Server).
\* The server's term number.
VARIABLE currentTerm
\* The server's state (Follower, Candidate, or Leader).
\* The candidate the server voted for in its current term, or
\* Nil if it hasn't voted for any.
serverVars == <<currentTerm, state, votedFor>>
\* A Sequence of log entries. The index into this sequence is the index of the
\* log entry. Unfortunately, the Sequence module defines Head(s) as the entry
\* with index 1, so be careful not to use that!
\* The index of the latest entry in the log the state machine may apply.
VARIABLE commitIndex
logVars == <<log, commitIndex>>
\* The following variables are used only on candidates:
\* The set of servers from which the candidate has received a RequestVote
\* response in its currentTerm.
VARIABLE votesResponded
\* The set of servers from which the candidate has received a vote in its
\* currentTerm.
VARIABLE votesGranted
\* A history variable used in the proof. This would not be present in an
\* implementation.
\* Function from each server that voted for this candidate in its currentTerm
\* to that voter's log.
candidateVars == <<votesResponded, votesGranted, voterLog>>
\* The following variables are used only on leaders:
\* The next entry to send to each follower.
VARIABLE nextIndex
\* The latest entry that each follower has acknowledged is the same as the
\* leader's. This is used to calculate commitIndex on the leader.
VARIABLE matchIndex
leaderVars == <<nextIndex, matchIndex, elections>>
\* End of per server variables.
\* All variables; used for stuttering (asserting state hasn't changed).
vars == <<messages, allLogs, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Helpers
\* The set of all quorums. This just calculates simple majorities, but the only
\* important property is that every quorum overlaps with every other.
Quorum == {i \in SUBSET(Server) : Cardinality(i) * 2 > Cardinality(Server)}
\* The term of the last entry in a log, or 0 if the log is empty.
LastTerm(xlog) == IF Len(xlog) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE xlog[Len(xlog)].term
\* Helper for Send and Reply. Given a message m and bag of messages, return a
\* new bag of messages with one more m in it.
WithMessage(m, msgs) ==
IF m \in DOMAIN msgs THEN
[msgs EXCEPT ![m] = msgs[m] + 1]
msgs @@ (m :> 1)
\* Helper for Discard and Reply. Given a message m and bag of messages, return
\* a new bag of messages with one less m in it.
WithoutMessage(m, msgs) ==
IF m \in DOMAIN msgs THEN
[msgs EXCEPT ![m] = msgs[m] - 1]
\* Add a message to the bag of messages.
Send(m) == messages' = WithMessage(m, messages)
\* Remove a message from the bag of messages. Used when a server is done
\* processing a message.
Discard(m) == messages' = WithoutMessage(m, messages)
\* Combination of Send and Discard
Reply(response, request) ==
messages' = WithoutMessage(request, WithMessage(response, messages))
\* Return the minimum value from a set, or undefined if the set is empty.
Min(s) == CHOOSE x \in s : \A y \in s : x <= y
\* Return the maximum value from a set, or undefined if the set is empty.
Max(s) == CHOOSE x \in s : \A y \in s : x >= y
\* Define initial values for all variables
InitHistoryVars == /\ elections = {}
/\ allLogs = {}
/\ voterLog = [i \in Server |-> [j \in {} |-> <<>>]]
InitServerVars == /\ currentTerm = [i \in Server |-> 1]
/\ state = [i \in Server |-> Follower]
/\ votedFor = [i \in Server |-> Nil]
InitCandidateVars == /\ votesResponded = [i \in Server |-> {}]
/\ votesGranted = [i \in Server |-> {}]
\* The values nextIndex[i][i] and matchIndex[i][i] are never read, since the
\* leader does not send itself messages. It's still easier to include these
\* in the functions.
InitLeaderVars == /\ nextIndex = [i \in Server |-> [j \in Server |-> 1]]
/\ matchIndex = [i \in Server |-> [j \in Server |-> 0]]
InitLogVars == /\ log = [i \in Server |-> << >>]
/\ commitIndex = [i \in Server |-> 0]
Init == /\ messages = [m \in {} |-> 0]
/\ InitHistoryVars
/\ InitServerVars
/\ InitCandidateVars
/\ InitLeaderVars
/\ InitLogVars
\* Define state transitions
\* Server i restarts from stable storage.
\* It loses everything but its currentTerm, votedFor, and log.
Restart(i) ==
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower]
/\ votesResponded' = [votesResponded EXCEPT ![i] = {}]
/\ votesGranted' = [votesGranted EXCEPT ![i] = {}]
/\ voterLog' = [voterLog EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in {} |-> <<>>]]
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Server |-> 1]]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in Server |-> 0]]
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = 0]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, currentTerm, votedFor, log, elections>>
\* Server i times out and starts a new election.
Timeout(i) == /\ state[i] \in {Follower, Candidate}
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Candidate]
/\ currentTerm' = [currentTerm EXCEPT ![i] = currentTerm[i] + 1]
\* Most implementations would probably just set the local vote
\* atomically, but messaging localhost for it is weaker.
/\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = Nil]
/\ votesResponded' = [votesResponded EXCEPT ![i] = {}]
/\ votesGranted' = [votesGranted EXCEPT ![i] = {}]
/\ voterLog' = [voterLog EXCEPT ![i] = [j \in {} |-> <<>>]]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Candidate i sends j a RequestVote request.
RequestVote(i, j) ==
/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ j \notin votesResponded[i]
/\ Send([mtype |-> RequestVoteRequest,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
mlastLogTerm |-> LastTerm(log[i]),
mlastLogIndex |-> Len(log[i]),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j])
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Leader i sends j an AppendEntries request containing up to 1 entry.
\* While implementations may want to send more than 1 at a time, this spec uses
\* just 1 because it minimizes atomic regions without loss of generality.
AppendEntries(i, j) ==
/\ i /= j
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ LET prevLogIndex == nextIndex[i][j] - 1
prevLogTerm == IF prevLogIndex > 0 THEN
\* Send up to 1 entry, constrained by the end of the log.
lastEntry == Min({Len(log[i]), nextIndex[i][j]})
entries == SubSeq(log[i], nextIndex[i][j], lastEntry)
IN Send([mtype |-> AppendEntriesRequest,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
mprevLogIndex |-> prevLogIndex,
mprevLogTerm |-> prevLogTerm,
mentries |-> entries,
\* mlog is used as a history variable for the proof.
\* It would not exist in a real implementation.
mlog |-> log[i],
mcommitIndex |-> Min({commitIndex[i], lastEntry}),
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j])
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Candidate i transitions to leader.
BecomeLeader(i) ==
/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ votesGranted[i] \in Quorum
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Leader]
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i] =
[j \in Server |-> Len(log[i]) + 1]]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i] =
[j \in Server |-> 0]]
/\ elections' = elections \cup
{[eterm |-> currentTerm[i],
eleader |-> i,
elog |-> log[i],
evotes |-> votesGranted[i],
evoterLog |-> voterLog[i]]}
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, currentTerm, votedFor, candidateVars, logVars>>
\* Leader i receives a client request to add v to the log.
ClientRequest(i, v) ==
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ LET entry == [term |-> currentTerm[i],
value |-> v]
newLog == Append(log[i], entry)
IN log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = newLog]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, serverVars, candidateVars,
leaderVars, commitIndex>>
\* Leader i advances its commitIndex.
\* This is done as a separate step from handling AppendEntries responses,
\* in part to minimize atomic regions, and in part so that leaders of
\* single-server clusters are able to mark entries committed.
AdvanceCommitIndex(i) ==
/\ state[i] = Leader
/\ LET \* The set of servers that agree up through index.
Agree(index) == {i} \cup {k \in Server :
matchIndex[i][k] >= index}
\* The maximum indexes for which a quorum agrees
agreeIndexes == {index \in 1..Len(log[i]) :
Agree(index) \in Quorum}
\* New value for commitIndex'[i]
newCommitIndex ==
IF /\ agreeIndexes /= {}
/\ log[i][Max(agreeIndexes)].term = currentTerm[i]
IN commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] = newCommitIndex]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, log>>
\* Message handlers
\* i = recipient, j = sender, m = message
\* Server i receives a RequestVote request from server j with
\* m.mterm <= currentTerm[i].
HandleRequestVoteRequest(i, j, m) ==
LET logOk == \/ m.mlastLogTerm > LastTerm(log[i])
\/ /\ m.mlastLogTerm = LastTerm(log[i])
/\ m.mlastLogIndex >= Len(log[i])
grant == /\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ logOk
/\ votedFor[i] \in {Nil, j}
IN /\ m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ grant /\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = j]
\/ ~grant /\ UNCHANGED votedFor
/\ Reply([mtype |-> RequestVoteResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
mvoteGranted |-> grant,
\* mlog is used just for the `elections' history variable for
\* the proof. It would not exist in a real implementation.
mlog |-> log[i],
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<state, currentTerm, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Server i receives a RequestVote response from server j with
\* m.mterm = currentTerm[i].
HandleRequestVoteResponse(i, j, m) ==
\* This tallies votes even when the current state is not Candidate, but
\* they won't be looked at, so it doesn't matter.
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ votesResponded' = [votesResponded EXCEPT ![i] =
votesResponded[i] \cup {j}]
/\ \/ /\ m.mvoteGranted
/\ votesGranted' = [votesGranted EXCEPT ![i] =
votesGranted[i] \cup {j}]
/\ voterLog' = [voterLog EXCEPT ![i] =
voterLog[i] @@ (j :> m.mlog)]
\/ /\ ~m.mvoteGranted
/\ UNCHANGED <<votesGranted, voterLog>>
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, votedFor, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Server i receives an AppendEntries request from server j with
\* m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]. This just handles m.entries of length 0 or 1, but
\* implementations could safely accept more by treating them the same as
\* multiple independent requests of 1 entry.
HandleAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m) ==
LET logOk == \/ m.mprevLogIndex = 0
\/ /\ m.mprevLogIndex > 0
/\ m.mprevLogIndex <= Len(log[i])
/\ m.mprevLogTerm = log[i][m.mprevLogIndex].term
IN /\ m.mterm <= currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ /\ \* reject request
\/ m.mterm < currentTerm[i]
\/ /\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] = Follower
/\ \lnot logOk
/\ Reply([mtype |-> AppendEntriesResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msuccess |-> FALSE,
mmatchIndex |-> 0,
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, logVars>>
\/ \* return to follower state
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] = Candidate
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower]
/\ UNCHANGED <<currentTerm, votedFor, logVars, messages>>
\/ \* accept request
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ state[i] = Follower
/\ logOk
/\ LET index == m.mprevLogIndex + 1
IN \/ \* already done with request
/\ \/ m.mentries = << >>
\/ /\ Len(log[i]) >= index
/\ log[i][index].term = m.mentries[1].term
\* This could make our commitIndex decrease (for
\* example if we process an old, duplicated request),
\* but that doesn't really affect anything.
/\ commitIndex' = [commitIndex EXCEPT ![i] =
/\ Reply([mtype |-> AppendEntriesResponse,
mterm |-> currentTerm[i],
msuccess |-> TRUE,
mmatchIndex |-> m.mprevLogIndex +
msource |-> i,
mdest |-> j],
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, logVars>>
\/ \* conflict: remove 1 entry
/\ m.mentries /= << >>
/\ Len(log[i]) >= index
/\ log[i][index].term /= m.mentries[1].term
/\ LET new == [index2 \in 1..(Len(log[i]) - 1) |->
IN log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] = new]
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, commitIndex, messages>>
\/ \* no conflict: append entry
/\ m.mentries /= << >>
/\ Len(log[i]) = m.mprevLogIndex
/\ log' = [log EXCEPT ![i] =
Append(log[i], m.mentries[1])]
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, commitIndex, messages>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<candidateVars, leaderVars>>
\* Server i receives an AppendEntries response from server j with
\* m.mterm = currentTerm[i].
HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm = currentTerm[i]
/\ \/ /\ m.msuccess \* successful
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = m.mmatchIndex + 1]
/\ matchIndex' = [matchIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] = m.mmatchIndex]
\/ /\ \lnot m.msuccess \* not successful
/\ nextIndex' = [nextIndex EXCEPT ![i][j] =
Max({nextIndex[i][j] - 1, 1})]
/\ UNCHANGED <<matchIndex>>
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, logVars, elections>>
\* Any RPC with a newer term causes the recipient to advance its term first.
UpdateTerm(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm > currentTerm[i]
/\ currentTerm' = [currentTerm EXCEPT ![i] = m.mterm]
/\ state' = [state EXCEPT ![i] = Follower]
/\ votedFor' = [votedFor EXCEPT ![i] = Nil]
\* messages is unchanged so m can be processed further.
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Responses with stale terms are ignored.
DropStaleResponse(i, j, m) ==
/\ m.mterm < currentTerm[i]
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Receive a message.
Receive(m) ==
LET i == m.mdest
j == m.msource
IN \* Any RPC with a newer term causes the recipient to advance
\* its term first. Responses with stale terms are ignored.
\/ UpdateTerm(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteRequest
/\ HandleRequestVoteRequest(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = RequestVoteResponse
/\ \/ DropStaleResponse(i, j, m)
\/ HandleRequestVoteResponse(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesRequest
/\ HandleAppendEntriesRequest(i, j, m)
\/ /\ m.mtype = AppendEntriesResponse
/\ \/ DropStaleResponse(i, j, m)
\/ HandleAppendEntriesResponse(i, j, m)
\* End of message handlers.
\* Network state transitions
\* The network duplicates a message
DuplicateMessage(m) ==
/\ Send(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* The network drops a message
DropMessage(m) ==
/\ Discard(m)
/\ UNCHANGED <<serverVars, candidateVars, leaderVars, logVars>>
\* Defines how the variables may transition.
Next == /\ \/ \E i \in Server : Restart(i)
\/ \E i \in Server : Timeout(i)
\/ \E i,j \in Server : RequestVote(i, j)
\/ \E i \in Server : BecomeLeader(i)
\/ \E i \in Server, v \in Value : ClientRequest(i, v)
\/ \E i \in Server : AdvanceCommitIndex(i)
\/ \E i,j \in Server : AppendEntries(i, j)
\/ \E m \in DOMAIN messages : Receive(m)
\/ \E m \in DOMAIN messages : DuplicateMessage(m)
\/ \E m \in DOMAIN messages : DropMessage(m)
\* History variable that tracks every log ever:
/\ allLogs' = allLogs \cup {log[i] : i \in Server}
\* The specification must start with the initial state and transition according
\* to Next.
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars