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synced 2024-12-28 13:30:10 +08:00
Signed-off-by: Neil Shen <overvenus@gmail.com>
241 lines
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241 lines
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----------------------------- MODULE ResolvedTS -----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, Sequences
\* RM is a set of keys in a region
rmState, \* State of each region keys.
reState, \* ResolvedTS resolver state.
nextTS, \* TSO.
resolvedQueue, \* A queue where resolved ts saves.
outputTSQueue, \* A queue where commit ts saves.
chan, \* A channel forwards messages to a resolver.
chanOffset \* An offset indicates how many messages have been handled.
vars == <<rmState, reState, nextTS,
resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue,
chan, chanOffset>>
Messages ==
[type: {"Prewrite", "Commit", "Rollback"}, rm: RM, ts: Nat]
[type: {"FetchTS"}, ts: Nat]
\* A pair of resolved ts and a index to the outputQueue.
ResolvedItem == [ts: Nat, index: Nat]
RTTypeOK ==
/\ rmState \in [RM -> [state: {"prewrited", "committed"},
pTS: Nat, cTS: Nat,
msgs: Seq(Messages), appliedOffset: Nat]]
/\ reState \in [RM -> [minPTS: Nat]]
/\ nextTS \in Nat
/\ resolvedQueue \in Seq([ts: Nat, index: Nat])
/\ outputTSQueue \in Seq(Nat)
/\ chan \in Seq(Messages)
/\ chanOffset \in Nat
RTInit ==
/\ rmState = [r \in RM |-> [state |-> "committed",
pTS |-> 0, cTS |-> 0,
msgs |-> << >>, appliedOffset |-> 0]]
/\ reState = [r \in RM |-> [minPTS |-> 0]]
/\ nextTS = 100 \* In practical, nextTS should be a nonzero value.
/\ resolvedQueue = << >>
/\ outputTSQueue = << >>
/\ chan = << >>
/\ chanOffset = 0
PessimisticPrewrite(r) ==
LET t == nextTS - 2 \* Pessimistic Txns start TS can be stale.
IN /\ rmState[r].state = "committed"
/\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r].state = "prewrited",
![r].pTS = t,
![r].msgs = Append(rmState[r].msgs,
[type |-> "Prewrite",
rm |-> r, ts |-> t])]
/\ nextTS' = nextTS + 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue, reState, chan, chanOffset>>
Prewrite(r) ==
LET t == nextTS + 1
IN /\ rmState[r].state = "committed"
/\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r].state = "prewrited",
![r].pTS = t,
![r].msgs = Append(rmState[r].msgs,
[type |-> "Prewrite",
rm |-> r, ts |-> t])]
/\ nextTS' = nextTS + 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue, reState, chan, chanOffset>>
\* Before taking Commit or Rollback action,
\* it must ensure all previous prewrites have been applied.
HasLastPrewriteApplied(r) ==
LET rm == rmState[r]
IN /\ rm.state = "prewrited"
/\ Len(rm.msgs) = rm.appliedOffset
/\ rm.msgs[Len(rm.msgs)].type = "Prewrite"
Commit(r) ==
LET t == nextTS + 1
IN /\ HasLastPrewriteApplied(r) \* prewrite applied
/\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r].state = "committed",
![r].cTS = t,
![r].msgs = Append(rmState[r].msgs,
[type |-> "Commit",
rm |-> r, ts |-> t])]
/\ nextTS' = nextTS + 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue, reState, chan, chanOffset>>
Rollback(r) ==
/\ HasLastPrewriteApplied(r) \* prewrite applied
/\ rmState' = [rmState EXCEPT ![r].state = "committed",
![r].pTS = 0,
![r].msgs = Append(rmState[r].msgs,
[type |-> "Rollback",
rm |-> r, ts |-> 0])]
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue, reState,
chan, chanOffset>>
\* Apply advances appliedOffset and forward corresponding message to the chan.
Apply ==
/\ \E r \in RM:
LET appliedOffset == rmState[r].appliedOffset
IN /\ appliedOffset < Len(rmState[r].msgs)
/\ rmState' =
[rmState EXCEPT ![r].appliedOffset = appliedOffset + 1]
/\ chan' = Append(chan, rmState[r].msgs[appliedOffset + 1])
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue, reState, chanOffset>>
TxnEventsWithPessimistic ==
\/ \E r \in RM:
\/ PessimisticPrewrite(r)
\/ Prewrite(r)
\/ Commit(r)
\/ Rollback(r)
\/ Apply
TxnEvents ==
\/ \E r \in RM:
\/ Prewrite(r)
\/ Commit(r)
\/ Rollback(r)
\/ Apply
Min(s) ==
IF s = {} THEN 0
ELSE CHOOSE n \in s: \A m \in s: n \leq m
Max(s) ==
IF s = {} THEN 0
ELSE CHOOSE n \in s: \A m \in s: n \geq m
FetchTS ==
/\ nextTS' = nextTS + 1 \* Try not to blew up
\* state space by increasing nextTS
/\ LET resolvedTS == IF Len(resolvedQueue) = 0 THEN 0
ELSE resolvedQueue[Len(resolvedQueue)].ts
cTS == nextTS - 0 \* A random offset, means cTS may be stale.
IN /\ chan' = Append(chan, [type |-> "FetchTS", ts |-> cTS])
/\ UNCHANGED <<rmState, reState, chanOffset,
resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue>>
TryResolve(cTS) ==
LET nonZero == {r \in RM: reState[r].minPTS > 0}
min == Min({reState[re].minPTS: re \in nonZero} \cup {cTS})
IN LET nextIndex == Len(outputTSQueue) + 1
lastResolvedTS == IF resolvedQueue = << >> THEN 0
ELSE resolvedQueue[Len(resolvedQueue)].ts
newResolvedTS == Max({lastResolvedTS, min})
IN IF newResolvedTS # lastResolvedTS
THEN /\ outputTSQueue' = Append(outputTSQueue, newResolvedTS)
/\ resolvedQueue' = Append(resolvedQueue,
[ts |-> newResolvedTS,
index |-> nextIndex + 1])
ELSE UNCHANGED <<resolvedQueue, outputTSQueue>>
\* Check if the type of the next message in the chan equals to ty.
CanHandleMsg(ty) ==
/\ chanOffset < Len(chan)
/\ chanOffset' = chanOffset + 1
/\ chan[chanOffset + 1].type = ty
HandleMsgFetchTS ==
/\ CanHandleMsg("FetchTS")
/\ LET m == chan[chanOffset + 1]
IN /\ TryResolve(m.ts)
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, rmState, reState, chan>>
HandleMsgPrewrite ==
/\ CanHandleMsg("Prewrite")
/\ LET m == chan[chanOffset + 1]
IN /\ reState' = [reState EXCEPT ![m.rm].minPTS = m.ts]
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, rmState, outputTSQueue, resolvedQueue, chan>>
HandleMsgCommit ==
/\ CanHandleMsg("Commit")
/\ LET m == chan[chanOffset + 1]
IN /\ reState' = [reState EXCEPT ![m.rm].minPTS = 0]
/\ outputTSQueue' = Append(outputTSQueue, m.ts)
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, rmState, resolvedQueue, chan>>
HandleMsgRollback ==
/\ CanHandleMsg("Rollback")
/\ LET m == chan[chanOffset + 1]
IN /\ reState' = [reState EXCEPT ![m.rm].minPTS = 0]
/\ UNCHANGED <<nextTS, rmState, resolvedQueue, chan>>
HandleMsg ==
\/ HandleMsgPrewrite
\/ HandleMsgCommit
\/ HandleMsgFetchTS
RTNext ==
\/ TxnEvents
\/ FetchTS
\/ HandleMsg
RTNextWithPessimistic ==
\/ TxnEventsWithPessimistic
\/ FetchTS
\/ HandleMsg
RTSpec == RTInit /\ [][RTNext]_vars
RTSpecWithPessimistic == RTInit /\ [][RTNextWithPessimistic]_vars
\* Even if there is no write, it can always output
\* resolved ts solely by FetchTS.
ResolveLiveness ==
(/\ \A rm \in RM: /\ reState[rm].minPTS = 0
/\ \E i \in 1..Len(chan): chan[i].type = "FetchTS" /\ i < chanOffset)
~> Len(resolvedQueue) # 0
CommitConsistency ==
\A rm \in RM:
rmState[rm].state = "committed" =>
\/ (/\ rmState[rm].pTS < rmState[rm].cTS)
\/ (/\ rmState[rm].pTS = rmState[rm].cTS
/\ rmState[rm].pTS = 0)
ResolvedConsistency ==
\A i \in 1..Len(resolvedQueue):
LET resolved == resolvedQueue[i]
index == resolved.index
resolvedTS == resolved.ts
IN index \geq Len(outputTSQueue) =>
\A j \in index..Len(outputTSQueue):
resolvedTS < outputTSQueue[j]
THEOREM Safety ==
RTSpec => [](/\ CommitConsistency
/\ ResolvedConsistency
/\ RTTypeOK)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sat Oct 19 16:12:36 CST 2019 by neil
\* Created Sat Oct 12 14:01:32 CST 2019 by neil