mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 16:20:07 +08:00
percolator: Remove canGoCommit and canGoPrewrite. (#5)
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ VARIABLES client_state
\* $client_ts[c]$ is a record of [start_ts: ts, commit_ts: ts].
VARIABLES client_ts
\* $client_keys[c]$ is a record of [primary: key, secondary: {key}].
\* $client_key[c]$ is a record of [primary: key, secondary: {key},
\* pending: {key}]. Hereby, "pending" denotes the keys that are pending for
\* prewrite.
VARIABLES client_key
\* $key_data[k]$ is the set of multi-version data timestamp of the key.
@ -36,7 +38,9 @@ VARIABLES key_lock
\* A committed version of the key is a record of [start_ts: ts, commit_ts: ts].
VARIABLES key_write \* TODO: Rename to key_rw so we can also log reads?
vars == <<next_ts, client_state, client_ts, client_key, key_data, key_lock, key_write>>
client_vars == <<client_state, client_ts, client_key>>
key_vars == <<key_data, key_lock, key_write>>
vars == <<next_ts, client_vars, key_vars>>
\* Checks whether there is a lock of key $k$, whose $ts$ is less or equal than
@ -48,17 +52,6 @@ hasLockLE(k, ts) ==
hasLockEQ(k, ts) ==
\E l \in key_lock[k] : l.ts = ts
\* Returns TRUE if the client encounters no lock, then can do pre-write.
canGoPrewrite(c) ==
start_ts == client_ts[c].start_ts
primary == client_key[c].primary
secondary == client_key[c].secondary
/\ ~hasLockLE(primary, start_ts)
/\ \A k \in secondary :
/\ ~hasLockLE(k, start_ts)
\* Returns TRUE if a lock can be cleanup up.
\* A lock can be cleaned up iff its ts is less than or equal to $ts$.
isStaleLock(k, l, ts) ==
@ -148,26 +141,20 @@ lock(c) ==
start_ts == client_ts[c].start_ts
primary == client_key[c].primary
secondary == client_key[c].secondary
pending == client_key[c].pending
IF ~hasLockEQ(primary, start_ts)
IF primary \in pending
THEN \* primary key is not locked, lock it first.
/\ canLockKey(primary, start_ts)
/\ lockKey(primary, start_ts, primary)
/\ client_key' = [client_key EXCEPT ![c].pending = @ \ {primary}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<client_state, client_ts>>
ELSE \* primary key has already been locked, choose a secondary key to lock.
\E k \in secondary :
\E k \in pending :
/\ canLockKey(k, start_ts)
/\ lockKey(k, start_ts, primary)
\* Returns TRUE if the client locks all keys.
canGoCommit(c) ==
start_ts == client_ts[c].start_ts
primary == client_key[c].primary
secondary == client_key[c].secondary
/\ hasLockEQ(primary, start_ts)
/\ \A k \in secondary :
/\ hasLockEQ(k, start_ts)
/\ client_key' = [client_key EXCEPT ![c].pending = @ \ {k}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<client_state, client_ts>>
\* Commits the primary key.
commitPrimary(c) ==
@ -186,33 +173,30 @@ Start(c) ==
/\ next_ts' = next_ts + 1
/\ client_state' = [client_state EXCEPT ![c] = "working"]
/\ client_ts' = [client_ts EXCEPT ![c].start_ts = next_ts']
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_lock, key_data, key_write, client_key>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_vars, client_key>>
\* Advances to prewrite phase if no locks, otherwise tries to clean up one stale
\* lock.
\* Advances to prewrite phase, or tries to clean up one stale lock if we are
\* going to read the corresponding key.
Get(c) ==
/\ client_state[c] = "working"
/\ IF canGoPrewrite(c)
/\ client_state' = [client_state EXCEPT ![c] = "prewriting"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, key_lock, key_data, key_write, client_ts, client_key>>
/\ cleanup(c)
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, client_state, client_ts, client_key>>
/\ \/ /\ client_state' = [client_state EXCEPT ![c] = "prewriting"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, key_vars, client_ts, client_key>>
\/ /\ cleanup(c)
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, client_vars>>
\* Enters commit phase if all locks are granted, otherwise tries to lock the
\* primary lock and secondary locks.
Prewrite(c) ==
/\ client_state[c] = "prewriting"
/\ IF canGoCommit(c)
/\ IF client_key[c].pending = {}
THEN \* all keys have been pre-written
/\ next_ts' = next_ts + 1
/\ client_state' = [client_state EXCEPT ![c] = "committing"]
/\ client_ts' = [client_ts EXCEPT ![c].commit_ts = next_ts']
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_lock, key_data, key_write, client_key>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_vars, client_key>>
/\ lock(c)
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, client_state, client_ts, client_key>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts>>
\* If we commit the primary key successfully, we can think the transaction is
\* committed.
@ -228,7 +212,7 @@ Commit(c) ==
Abort(c) ==
/\ client_state[c] # "committed"
/\ client_state' = [client_state EXCEPT ![c] = "aborted"]
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, client_ts, client_key, key_lock, key_data, key_write>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<next_ts, client_ts, client_key, key_vars>>
ClientOp(c) ==
\/ Start(c)
@ -246,7 +230,9 @@ Init ==
primary == CHOOSE k \in ks : TRUE
[primary |-> primary, secondary |-> ks \ {primary}]
[primary |-> primary,
secondary |-> ks \ {primary},
pending |-> ks]
/\ next_ts = 0
/\ client_state = [c \in CLIENT |-> "init"]
@ -270,7 +256,9 @@ ClientTsTypeInv ==
client_ts \in [CLIENT -> [start_ts : Nat, commit_ts : Nat]]
ClientKeyTypeInv ==
client_key \in [CLIENT -> [primary : KEY, secondary: SUBSET KEY]]
client_key \in [CLIENT -> [primary : KEY,
secondary : SUBSET KEY,
pending : SUBSET KEY]]
KeyDataTypeInv ==
key_data \in [KEY -> SUBSET Nat]
@ -279,7 +267,7 @@ KeyLockTypeInv ==
key_lock \in [KEY -> SUBSET [ts : Nat, primary : KEY]]
KeyWriteTypeInv ==
key_write \in [KEY -> Seq([start_ts: Nat, commit_ts: Nat])]
key_write \in [KEY -> Seq([start_ts : Nat, commit_ts : Nat])]
TypeInvariant ==
/\ NextTsTypeInv
@ -385,6 +373,7 @@ LEMMA NextKeepsTypeInvariant ==
<1> SUFFICES ASSUME TypeInvariant, Next PROVE TypeInvariant' OBVIOUS
<1> USE DEF TypeInvariant
<1> USE DEF client_vars, key_vars
<1> PICK c \in CLIENT : ClientOp(c) BY DEF Next
<1>a CASE Start(c)
<2> USE DEF Start
@ -413,11 +402,7 @@ PROOF
BY <3>a, findWriteWithStartTSTypeInv
DEF ClientTsTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, KeyWriteTypeInv,
KeyLockTypeInv, KeyDataTypeInv, cleanupStaleLock
<3>b CASE canGoPrewrite(c) = TRUE
BY <1>b, <3>b DEF KeyWriteTypeInv
<3>c CASE canGoPrewrite(c) = FALSE
BY <1>b, <3>a, <3>c DEF KeyWriteTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, ClientTsTypeInv
<3> QED BY <3>b, <3>c
<3> QED BY <1>b, <3>a DEF KeyWriteTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, ClientTsTypeInv
<2> QED BY <2>a, <2>b, <2>c, <2>d, <2>e, <2>f, <2>g
<1>c CASE Prewrite(c)
<2> USE DEF Prewrite, lock, lockKey
@ -431,19 +416,31 @@ PROOF
<2>c ClientTsTypeInv'
BY <1>c, <2>a DEF ClientTsTypeInv, NextTsTypeInv
<2>d ClientKeyTypeInv'
BY <1>c DEF ClientKeyTypeInv
<3>a CASE client_key[c].pending = {}
BY <1>c, <3>a DEF ClientKeyTypeInv
<3>b CASE client_key[c].pending # {}
<4>a \E k \in KEY :
client_key' = [client_key EXCEPT ![c].pending = @ \ {k}]
BY <1>c, <3>b DEF ClientKeyTypeInv
<4>b PICK k \in KEY : client_key' = [client_key EXCEPT ![c].pending = @ \ {k}]
BY <4>a
<4> QED BY <4>b DEF ClientKeyTypeInv
<3> QED BY <3>a, <3>b
<2>e KeyDataTypeInv'
<3>a CASE canGoCommit(c) = TRUE
<3>a CASE client_key[c].pending = {}
BY <1>c, <3>a DEF KeyDataTypeInv
<3>b CASE canGoCommit(c) = FALSE
BY <1>c, <3>b DEF KeyDataTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, ClientTsTypeInv
<3>b CASE client_key[c].pending # {}
<4>a \E k \in KEY : \E ts \in Nat :
key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \cup {ts}]
BY <1>c, <3>b DEF KeyDataTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, ClientTsTypeInv
<4> QED BY <4>a DEF KeyDataTypeInv
<3> QED BY <3>a, <3>b
<2>f KeyLockTypeInv'
<3>a CASE canGoCommit(c) = TRUE
<3>a CASE client_key[c].pending = {}
BY <1>c, <3>a DEF KeyLockTypeInv
<3>b CASE canGoCommit(c) = FALSE
<3>b CASE client_key[c].pending # {}
<4>a \E k \in KEY : \E l \in [ts : Nat, primary : KEY] :
key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = key_lock[k] \cup {l}]
key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = @ \cup {l}]
BY <1>c, <3>b DEF KeyLockTypeInv, ClientKeyTypeInv, ClientTsTypeInv
<4> QED BY <4>a DEF KeyLockTypeInv
<3> QED BY <3>a, <3>b
Reference in New Issue
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