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synced 2025-01-14 13:50:08 +08:00
RaftMerge: body part of multi-raft region merge protocol except rollback. (#10)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
------------------------------ MODULE RaftMerge -------------------------------
------------------------------ MODULE RaftMerge -------------------------------
\* This is the formal specification for the multi-raft region merge algorithm
\* of TiKV.
\* The whole data is divided into multiple shards called regions, and each
\* region is replicated to several stores comprising a Raft group. Two regions
\* can merge into a larger one if one region is reasonably small.
\* This specification asserts two regions named A and B are replicated to the
\* same set of stores. Each region has leader on store LeaderA and LeaderB
\* respectively.
\* Notice that TiKV uses a slightly different Raft model compared with Ongaro's
\* original Raft implementation. A log is truly committed if the log is applied
\* to the state machine, and then server will return the result to client.
\* commit_index is only a marker, log may be dropped even if commit_index goes
\* beyond that log.
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Sequences, TLC
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Sequences, TLC
CONSTANTS Store, Region
CONSTANTS Store, Region
@ -40,22 +57,44 @@ VARIABLES messages
\* The data structures in C. MAXS = |Store|.
\* The data structures in C. MAXS = |Store|.
\* enum Log { LogNormal, LogPreMerge, LogMerge };
\* enum RegionState { RegionNormal, RegionTombStone, RegionMerging };
\* struct Raft {
\* struct Raft {
\* bool is_leader;
\* bool is_leader;
\* vector<Log> logs;
\* vector<Log> logs;
\* int commit_index;
\* int commit_index;
\* int apply_index;
\* int apply_index;
\* int num_applied; // number of applied normal logs
\* int match_index[MAXS]; // leader only
\* int match_index[MAXS]; // leader only
\* };
\* };
\* struct Store {
\* struct Store {
\* Raft raft[2]; // 2 for two regions
\* Raft raft[2]; // 2 for two regions
\* RegionState region[2]; // 2 for two regions
\* } stores[MAXS];
\* } stores[MAXS];
\* Note for ease of implementation, we use two 2-dimension arrays raft[MAXS][2].
\* Note for ease of implementation, we use two 2-dimension arrays raft[MAXS][2]
\* and region[MAXS][2].
\* Also note that different from a real-world implementation, we don't
\* introduce the concept of `epoch` here, which is used to figure out whether
\* the configuration of one region has changed. Epoch matters when we are
\* applying the logs into state machine, if it is stale, we will skip all
\* later non-admin logs. Epoch will be changed when we are applying admin logs.
\* Log.
\* Log types.
\* The logs are divided into two categories, normal logs and admin logs.
\* Logs apart from LogNormal are admin logs.
CONSTANTS LogNormal, \* RegionB only
\* Region state types.
CONSTANTS RegionNormal,
VARIABLES raft, region
VARIABLES raft, region
@ -164,6 +203,7 @@ Receive(m) ==
\* Leader i of region r receives a client request to append a log.
\* Leader i of region r receives a client request to append a log.
ClientRequest(i, r, log) ==
ClientRequest(i, r, log) ==
/\ raft[i][r].is_leader
/\ raft[i][r].is_leader
/\ region[i][r] = RegionNormal
/\ client_requests_index < MaxClientRequests
/\ client_requests_index < MaxClientRequests
/\ LET
/\ LET
new_logs == Append(raft[i][r].logs, log)
new_logs == Append(raft[i][r].logs, log)
@ -175,21 +215,137 @@ ClientRequest(i, r, log) ==
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region>>
\* State transitions for Raft merge, and log applying.
\* Internal requests for Raft merge.
\* Assume raft[i][r].is_leader, i.e., only leader can handle internal requests.
InternalRequest(i, r, log) ==
new_logs == Append(raft[i][r].logs, log)
new_match_index == [raft[i][r].match_index EXCEPT ![i] = @ + 1]
[raft EXCEPT ![i][r].logs = new_logs,
![i][r].match_index = new_match_index]
\* Send merge request to the leader of Region B.
ProposeMergeRequest(i) ==
/\ raft[i][RegionB].is_leader
/\ \* This request should be sent only once.
Len(SelectSeq(raft[i][RegionB].logs, LAMBDA log : log.type = LogPreMerge)) = 0
/\ raft' = InternalRequest(
i, RegionB,
[type |-> LogPreMerge,
min_index |-> 1 + Min({raft[i][RegionB].match_index[j] : j \in Store})]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region, client_vars>>
\* Return TRUE if there is a log applicable to the state machine.
\* Return TRUE if there is a log applicable to the state machine.
\* A log is applicable if it is committed, and the target region is not in
\* TombStone state.
LogAppliable(i, r) ==
LogAppliable(i, r) ==
raft[i][r].apply_index < raft[i][r].commit_index
/\ raft[i][r].apply_index < raft[i][r].commit_index
/\ region[i][r] /= RegionTombStone
\* Apply Raft logs to make apply_index catch up with commit_index.
\* Apply LogPreMerge.
\* This simply increases apply_index.
ApplyPreMergeLog(i) ==
ApplyLog(i, r) ==
next_index == raft[i][RegionB].apply_index + 1
/\ LogAppliable(i, RegionB)
/\ raft[i][RegionB].logs[next_index].type = LogPreMerge
/\ IF raft[i][RegionA].is_leader
\* If this store is the leader of regionA, make a merge proposal, and
\* advance apply_index.
min_index == raft[i][RegionB].logs[next_index].min_index
commit_index == next_index
fetch_logs == SubSeq(raft[i][RegionB].logs, min_index, commit_index)
raft' = [InternalRequest(
i, RegionA,
[type |-> LogMerge,
min_index |-> min_index,
commit_index |-> commit_index,
entries |-> fetch_logs]
EXCEPT ![i][RegionB].apply_index = next_index]
\* Otherwise, only advance apply_index.
raft' = [raft EXCEPT ![i][RegionB].apply_index = next_index]
/\ region' = [region EXCEPT ![i][RegionB] = RegionMerging]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, client_vars>>
\* Apply LogMerge.
\* This action is roughly divided into two sub-actions, and executed separately.
\* The first step copies the logs to region B, to ensure it in sync with leader
\* B. The second step waits until the copied logs in the first step are applied,
\* then advances apply_index and marks this region as tombstone.
ApplyMergeLogStep1(i) ==
next_index == raft[i][RegionA].apply_index + 1
min_index == raft[i][RegionA].logs[next_index].min_index
commit_index == raft[i][RegionA].logs[next_index].commit_index
new_logs ==
old_logs == raft[i][RegionB].logs
entries == raft[i][RegionA].logs[next_index].entries
IF commit_index <= Len(raft[i][RegionB].logs)
THEN old_logs
ELSE old_logs \o SubSeq(entries, Len(old_logs) - min_index + 2, Len(entries))
/\ raft' = [raft EXCEPT ![i][RegionB].logs = new_logs,
![i][RegionB].commit_index = Max({@, commit_index})]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region, client_vars>>
ApplyMergeLogStep2(i) ==
next_index == raft[i][RegionA].apply_index + 1
commit_index == raft[i][RegionA].logs[next_index].commit_index
/\ \* Lag logs have been applied.
raft[i][RegionB].apply_index >= commit_index
/\ raft' = [raft EXCEPT ![i][RegionA].apply_index = next_index]
/\ region' = [region EXCEPT ![i][RegionB] = RegionTombStone]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, client_vars>>
ApplyMergeLog(i) ==
next_index == raft[i][RegionA].apply_index + 1
/\ LogAppliable(i, RegionA)
/\ raft[i][RegionA].logs[next_index].type = LogMerge
/\ \/ ApplyMergeLogStep1(i)
\/ ApplyMergeLogStep2(i)
\* Apply LogNormal.
\* This log simply increases apply_index.
ApplyNormalLog(i, r) ==
next_index == raft[i][r].apply_index + 1
next_index == raft[i][r].apply_index + 1
/\ LogAppliable(i, r)
/\ LogAppliable(i, r)
/\ raft' = [raft EXCEPT ![i][r].apply_index = next_index]
/\ raft[i][r].logs[next_index].type = LogNormal
/\ LET
\* Apply this log if this region is in normal state, otherwise skip it.
\* Notice we don't check for epoch here as what is done in the real
\* world implementation, but these two approaches are equivalent to
\* check whether we have applied PreMergeLog, as applying PreMergeLog
\* will also convert the region state from normal state.
num_applied_delta == IF region[i][r] = RegionNormal THEN 1 ELSE 0
raft' = [raft EXCEPT ![i][r].apply_index = next_index,
![i][r].num_applied = @ + num_applied_delta]
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region, client_vars>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<messages, region, client_vars>>
\* Apply Raft logs to make apply_index catch up with commit_index.
ApplyLog(i) ==
\/ \E r \in Region : ApplyNormalLog(i, r)
\/ ApplyPreMergeLog(i)
\/ ApplyMergeLog(i)
\* Specification of Raft merge.
\* Specification of Raft merge.
@ -198,11 +354,14 @@ Next ==
\/ \E i, j \in Store : \E r \in Region : AppendEntries(i, j, r)
\/ \E i, j \in Store : \E r \in Region : AppendEntries(i, j, r)
\/ \E i \in Store : \E r \in Region : AdvanceCommitIndex(i, r)
\/ \E i \in Store : \E r \in Region : AdvanceCommitIndex(i, r)
\/ \E m \in messages : Receive(m)
\/ \E m \in messages : Receive(m)
\/ \E i \in Store : \E r \in Region : ApplyLog(i, r)
\* External client can send requests to region leader.
\* External client can send requests to region B leader, to add a new log
\/ \E i \in Store : \E r \in Region :
\* entry in region B.
ClientRequest(i, r, Log)
\/ \E i \in Store : ClientRequest(i, RegionB, [type |-> LogNormal])
\* Raft merge actions.
\/ ProposeMergeRequest(LeaderB)
\/ \E i \in Store : ApplyLog(i)
Init ==
Init ==
/\ messages = {}
/\ messages = {}
@ -215,6 +374,7 @@ Init ==
logs |-> << >>,
logs |-> << >>,
commit_index |-> 0,
commit_index |-> 0,
apply_index |-> 0,
apply_index |-> 0,
num_applied |-> 0,
match_index |-> [j \in Store |-> 0]
match_index |-> [j \in Store |-> 0]
@ -223,7 +383,7 @@ Init ==
raft = MarkLeader(MarkLeader(no_leader_raft, LeaderA, RegionA),
raft = MarkLeader(MarkLeader(no_leader_raft, LeaderA, RegionA),
/\ region = TRUE
/\ region = [i \in Store |-> [r \in Region |-> RegionNormal]]
/\ client_requests_index = 0
/\ client_requests_index = 0
Spec ==
Spec ==
@ -233,19 +393,33 @@ Spec ==
\* Type invariants.
\* Type invariants.
LogType ==
LogType ==
FlatLogType ==
[type : {LogNormal}]
\cup [type : {LogPreMerge}, min_index : Nat]
\cup [type : {LogMerge},
min_index : Nat,
commit_index : Nat,
entries : Seq(FlatLogType)]
RaftType ==
RaftType ==
[ is_leader : BOOLEAN,
[ is_leader : BOOLEAN,
logs : Seq(LogType),
logs : Seq(LogType),
commit_index : Nat,
commit_index : Nat,
apply_index : Nat,
apply_index : Nat,
num_applied : Nat,
match_index : [Store -> Nat] \* Only available on leader.
match_index : [Store -> Nat] \* Only available on leader.
\* Initialized to zeroes on followers.
\* Initialized to zeroes on followers.
RegionType ==
{ RegionNormal, RegionTombStone, RegionMerging }
TypeInvariant ==
TypeInvariant ==
/\ raft \in [Store -> [Region -> RaftType]]
/\ raft \in [Store -> [Region -> RaftType]]
/\ region \in [Store -> [Region -> RegionType]]
\* Some invariants for our simplified Raft model.
\* Some invariants for our simplified Raft model.
@ -294,4 +468,37 @@ SimpliedRaftInvariant ==
/\ LogInvariant
/\ LogInvariant
/\ ApplyIndexInvariant
/\ ApplyIndexInvariant
\* Some invariants for Raft region merge.
\* If a region on two different stores have applied the same logs, they should
\* also share the same region state.
RegionApplyInvariant ==
\A i, j \in Store :
/\ i /= j
/\ (\A r \in Region : raft[i][r].apply_index = raft[j][r].apply_index)
) =>
\A r \in Region : region[i][r] = region[j][r]
\* For any two stores of region B, if both done, they should have the same
\* number of applied logs.
MergeLogInvariant ==
\A i, j \in Store :
/\ i /= j
/\ region[i][RegionB] = RegionTombStone
/\ region[j][RegionB] = RegionTombStone
) =>
applied_i == raft[i][RegionB].num_applied
applied_j == raft[j][RegionB].num_applied
applied_i = applied_j
\* Combination of the above invariants.
RaftMergeInvariant ==
/\ RegionApplyInvariant
/\ MergeLogInvariant
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