mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 12:30:10 +08:00
percolator: refactor variables key_* to emphasize the timestamp dimension. (#13)
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, Sequences, TLC
\* The set of transaction keys.
AXIOM KeyNotEmpty == KEY # {} \* Keys cannot be empty.
ASSUME KEY # {} \* Keys cannot be empty.
\* The set of clients to execute a transaction.
@ -25,23 +24,28 @@ VARIABLES client_ts
\* prewrite.
VARIABLES client_key
\* $key_data[k]$ is the set of multi-version data timestamp of the key.
\* Only start_ts.
\* $key_data[k]$ is the set of multi-version data of the key.
\* Since we don't care about the concrete value of data, a record of
\* [ts: start_ts] is sufficient to represent one data version.
VARIABLES key_data
\* $key_lock[k]$ is the set of lock. A lock is of a record
\* [ts: ts, primary: lock]. $ts$ is for start_ts. If $primary$ equals to $k$,
\* it is a primary lock, otherwise secondary lock.
\* $key_lock[k]$ is the set of lock. A lock is of a record of
\* [ts: start_ts, primary: lock]. If $primary$ equals to $k$, it is a primary
\* lock, otherwise secondary lock.
VARIABLES key_lock
\* $key_write[k]$ is a sequence of committed version of the key.
\* A committed version of the key is a record of [start_ts: ts, commit_ts: ts].
\* A committed version of the key is a record of [ts: commit_ts,
\* start_ts: start_ts].
VARIABLES key_write
\* Two auxiliary variables for verifying snapshot isolation invariant.
\* Two auxiliary variables for verifying snapshot isolation invariant. These
\* variables should not appear in a real-world implementation.
\* $key_last_read_ts[k]$ denotes the last read timestamp for key $k$, this
\* should be monotonic.
\* $key_si[k]$ denotes the if the snapshot isolation invariant is preserved for
\* $key_si[k]$ denotes if the snapshot isolation invariant is preserved for
\* key $k$ so far.
VARIABLES key_last_read_ts, key_si
@ -49,6 +53,10 @@ client_vars == <<client_state, client_ts, client_key>>
key_vars == <<key_data, key_lock, key_write, key_last_read_ts, key_si>>
vars == <<next_ts, client_vars, key_vars>>
Range(m) ==
{m[i] : i \in DOMAIN m}
\* Checks whether there is a lock of key $k$, whose $ts$ is less or equal than
\* $ts$.
@ -61,20 +69,20 @@ hasLockEQ(k, ts) ==
\* Returns TRUE if a lock can be cleanup up.
\* A lock can be cleaned up iff its ts is less than or equal to $ts$.
isStaleLock(k, l, ts) ==
isStaleLock(l, ts) ==
l.ts <= ts
\* Returns TRUE if we have a stale lock for key $k$.
hasStaleLock(k, ts) ==
\E l \in key_lock[k] : isStaleLock(k, l, ts)
\E l \in key_lock[k] : isStaleLock(l, ts)
\* Returns the writes with start_ts equals to $ts$.
findWriteWithStartTS(k, ts) ==
{key_write[k][w] : w \in {w \in DOMAIN key_write[k] : key_write[k][w].start_ts = ts}}
{w \in Range(key_write[k]) : w.start_ts = ts}
\* Returns the writes with commit_ts equals to $ts$.
findWriteWithCommitTS(k, ts) ==
{key_write[k][w] : w \in {w \in DOMAIN key_write[k] : key_write[k][w].commit_ts = ts}}
{w \in Range(key_write[k]) : w.ts = ts}
\* Updates $key_si$ for key $k$. If a new version of key $k$ is committed with
\* $commit_ts$ < last read timestamp, consider the snapshot isolation invariant
@ -93,37 +101,37 @@ checkSnapshotIsolation(k, commit_ts) ==
\* 2. Otherwise, clean up the stale data too.
cleanupStaleLock(k, ts) ==
\E l \in key_lock[k] :
/\ isStaleLock(k, l, ts)
/\ isStaleLock(l, ts)
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_last_read_ts>>
/\ \/ /\ l.primary = k \* this is a primary key, always rollback
\* because it is not committed.
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {l.ts}]
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {[ts |-> l.ts]}]
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {l}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_write, key_si>>
\/ /\ l.primary # k \* this is a secondary key.
/\ LET
ws == findWriteWithStartTS(l.primary, l.ts)
writes == findWriteWithStartTS(l.primary, l.ts)
IF ws = {}
IF writes = {}
\* the primary key is not committed, clean up the data.
\* Note we should always clean up the corresponding primary
\* lock first, then this secondary lock.
IF hasLockEQ(l.primary, l.ts)
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![l.primary] = @ \ {l.ts}]
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![l.primary] = @ \ {[ts |-> l.ts]}]
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![l.primary] = @ \ {l}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_write, key_si>>
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {l.ts}]
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {[ts |-> l.ts]}]
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {l}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_write, key_si>>
\* the primary key is committed, commit the secondary key.
\E w \in ws :
\E w \in writes :
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = @ \ {l}]
/\ key_write' = [key_write EXCEPT ![k] = Append(@, w)]
/\ checkSnapshotIsolation(k, w.commit_ts)
/\ checkSnapshotIsolation(k, w.ts)
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_data>>
\* Cleans up a stale lock when the client encounters one.
@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ readKey(c) ==
\* $ts$.
canLockKey(k, ts) ==
writes == {w \in DOMAIN key_write[k] : key_write[k][w].commit_ts >= ts}
writes == {w \in DOMAIN key_write[k] : key_write[k][w].ts >= ts}
/\ key_lock[k] = {} \* no any lock for the key.
/\ writes = {} \* no any newer write.
@ -164,7 +172,7 @@ canLockKey(k, ts) ==
\* Locks the key and places the data.
lockKey(k, start_ts, primary) ==
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![k] = @ \union {[ts |-> start_ts, primary |-> primary]}]
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \union {start_ts}]
/\ key_data' = [key_data EXCEPT ![k] = @ \union {[ts |-> start_ts]}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_write, key_last_read_ts, key_si>>
\* Tries to lock primary key first, then the secondary key.
@ -172,7 +180,6 @@ lock(c) ==
start_ts == client_ts[c].start_ts
primary == client_key[c].primary
secondary == client_key[c].secondary
pending == client_key[c].pending
IF primary \in pending
@ -196,7 +203,7 @@ commitPrimary(c) ==
primary == client_key[c].primary
/\ hasLockEQ(primary, start_ts)
/\ key_write' = [key_write EXCEPT ![primary] = Append(@, client_ts[c])]
/\ key_write' = [key_write EXCEPT ![primary] = Append(@, [ts |-> commit_ts, start_ts |-> start_ts])]
/\ key_lock' = [key_lock EXCEPT ![primary] = @ \ {[ts |-> start_ts, primary |-> primary]}]
/\ checkSnapshotIsolation(primary, commit_ts)
/\ UNCHANGED <<key_data, key_last_read_ts>>
@ -301,13 +308,13 @@ ClientKeyTypeInv ==
pending : SUBSET KEY]]
KeyDataTypeInv ==
key_data \in [KEY -> SUBSET Nat]
key_data \in [KEY -> SUBSET [ts : Nat]]
KeyLockTypeInv ==
key_lock \in [KEY -> SUBSET [ts : Nat, primary : KEY]]
KeyWriteTypeInv ==
key_write \in [KEY -> Seq([start_ts : Nat, commit_ts : Nat])]
key_write \in [KEY -> Seq([ts : Nat, start_ts : Nat])]
KeyLastReadTsTypeInv ==
key_last_read_ts \in [KEY -> Nat]
@ -333,10 +340,10 @@ TypeInvariant ==
WriteConsistency ==
/\ \A k \in KEY :
\A n \in 1..Len(key_write[k]) - 1 :
key_write[k][n].commit_ts < key_write[k][n + 1].start_ts
key_write[k][n].ts < key_write[k][n + 1].start_ts
/\ \A k \in KEY :
\A n \in 1..Len(key_write[k]) :
key_write[k][n].start_ts < key_write[k][n].commit_ts
key_write[k][n].start_ts < key_write[k][n].ts
LockConsistency ==
\* There should be at most one lock for each key.
@ -358,13 +365,13 @@ CommittedConsistency ==
commit_ts == client_ts[c].commit_ts
primary == client_key[c].primary
secondary == client_key[c].secondary
w == [start_ts |-> start_ts, commit_ts |-> commit_ts]
w == [ts |-> commit_ts, start_ts |-> start_ts]
client_state[c] = "committed" =>
\* The primary key lock must be cleaned up, and no any older lock.
/\ ~hasLockLE(primary, start_ts)
/\ findWriteWithCommitTS(primary, commit_ts) = {w}
/\ start_ts \in key_data[primary]
/\ [ts |-> start_ts] \in key_data[primary]
/\ \A k \in secondary :
\* The secondary key lock can be empty or not.
/\ \/ /\ ~hasLockEQ(k, start_ts)
@ -373,10 +380,11 @@ CommittedConsistency ==
\/ /\ hasLockEQ(k, start_ts)
/\ findWriteWithCommitTS(k, commit_ts) = {}
/\ (Len(key_write[k]) > 0 =>
\* Lock has not been cleaned up, so the last write
\* committed timestamp must be less than lock start_ts.
key_write[k][Len(key_write[k])].commit_ts < start_ts)
/\ start_ts \in key_data[k]
\* Lock has not been cleaned up, so the committed
\* timestamp of last write must be less than lock's
\* start_ts.
key_write[k][Len(key_write[k])].ts < start_ts)
/\ [ts |-> start_ts] \in key_data[k]
\* If one transaction is aborted, there should be no committed primary key.
AbortedConsistency ==
@ -404,4 +412,4 @@ THEOREM Safety ==
/\ AbortedConsistency
/\ SnapshotIsolation)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user