mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 08:20:06 +08:00
tcc.c: process.h:177:20: note: expected 'char * const*' but argument is of type 'char const*const*' tccpe.c: Add the possibility to use noname functions by ordinal. use def file: "AliasName @n" build-tcc.bat: 1. Enable 32 bits mode on 64 bits OS. 2. build doc. _parseLibs.bat: Convenient to use "*.def + *.c" instead of *.a, just use -l* _tcc.bat: a practice of _parseLibs.bat Signed-off-by: YX Hao <lifenjoiner@163.com>
80 lines
1.3 KiB
80 lines
1.3 KiB
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd %~dp0
::Define as main parameters
set _Args_=
set _LIBs_=
set LIBi=
set ARGSO=-IExt\include -LExt\lib %*
::This is for the .def file also have a similar name .c file
::.a file will be larger than .def + .c
::*-uuid.c files are suitable to form libuuid.a
for %%i in (%ARGSO%) do (
set ARG=%%i
set OPT=!ARG:~0,2!
if "!OPT!"=="-l" (
set LIB=!ARG:~2!
set LIBi=
if "!LIB!"=="uuid" (
set LIBi= lib\*uid.c
) else (
if "!LIB!"=="vfw32" (
set LIBi= lib\msvfw32.def lib\avifil32.def lib\avicap32.def
) else (
call :GetLibS
if "!LIBi!"=="" (
set _Args_=!_Args_! %%i
) else (
set LIBi=!LIBi:%~dp0=!
set _LIBs_=!_LIBs_! !LIBi!
echo For lib !LIB! will use:
echo !LIBi!
) else (
set _Args_=!_Args_! %%i
::GetRLib End
tcc.exe !_Args_! !_LIBs_!
exit /b
for %%D in (-Llib %ARGSO%) do (
set ARG_=%%D
set OPT_=!ARG_:~0,2!
set LIBD=
if "!OPT_!"=="-L" (
set LIBD=!ARG_:~2!
if exist "!LIBD!" call :GetDLib
set LIBD=
set OPT_=
set ARG_=
exit /b
::GetLibD End
pushd !LIBD!
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%I in (`"dir /b /s !LIB!.c !LIB!_*.c !LIB!.def !LIB!_*.def 2>nul"`) do (
set LIBi=!LIBi! "%%I"
exit /b
::GetDLib End