mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:20:12 +08:00
avoid c++/c99 style comments in preprocessor directives avoid leadings whitespaces in preprocessor directives mention implemented variable length arrays in documentation fixed ambiguous option in texi2html call (Austin English)
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430 lines
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* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is part of the w64 mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within this package.
#ifndef _INC_STDIO
#define _INC_STDIO
#include <_mingw.h>
#pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BUFSIZ 512
#define _NFILE _NSTREAM_
#define _NSTREAM_ 512
#define _IOB_ENTRIES 20
#define EOF (-1)
struct _iobuf {
char *_ptr;
int _cnt;
char *_base;
int _flag;
int _file;
int _charbuf;
int _bufsiz;
char *_tmpfname;
typedef struct _iobuf FILE;
#ifdef _POSIX_
#define _P_tmpdir "/"
#define _wP_tmpdir L"/"
#define _P_tmpdir "\\"
#define _wP_tmpdir L"\\"
#define L_tmpnam (sizeof(_P_tmpdir) + 12)
#ifdef _POSIX_
#define L_ctermid 9
#define L_cuserid 32
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define STDIN_FILENO 0
#define FILENAME_MAX 260
#define FOPEN_MAX 20
#define _SYS_OPEN 20
#define TMP_MAX 32767
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define NULL 0
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#ifndef _OFF_T_DEFINED
#define _OFF_T_DEFINED
#ifndef _OFF_T_
#define _OFF_T_
typedef long _off_t;
#if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) || defined(_POSIX)
typedef long off_t;
#ifndef _OFF64_T_DEFINED
#define _OFF64_T_DEFINED
typedef long long _off64_t;
#if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) || defined(_POSIX)
typedef long long off64_t;
#ifdef _WIN64
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl __iob_func(void);
#ifdef _MSVCRT_
extern FILE _iob[]; /* A pointer to an array of FILE */
#define __iob_func() (_iob)
extern FILE (*_imp___iob)[]; /* A pointer to an array of FILE */
#define __iob_func() (*_imp___iob)
#define _iob __iob_func()
#undef _FPOSOFF
#if (!defined(NO_OLDNAMES) || defined(__GNUC__)) && _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS >= 64
typedef __int64 fpos_t;
#define _FPOSOFF(fp) ((long)(fp))
typedef long long fpos_t;
#define _FPOSOFF(fp) ((long)(fp))
#define stdin (&__iob_func()[0])
#define stdout (&__iob_func()[1])
#define stderr (&__iob_func()[2])
#define _IOREAD 0x0001
#define _IOWRT 0x0002
#define _IOFBF 0x0000
#define _IOLBF 0x0040
#define _IONBF 0x0004
#define _IOMYBUF 0x0008
#define _IOEOF 0x0010
#define _IOERR 0x0020
#define _IOSTRG 0x0040
#define _IORW 0x0080
#ifdef _POSIX_
#define _IOAPPEND 0x0200
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _filbuf(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _flsbuf(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
#ifdef _POSIX_
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _fsopen(const char *_Filename,const char *_Mode);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _fsopen(const char *_Filename,const char *_Mode,int _ShFlag);
void __cdecl clearerr(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl fclose(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fcloseall(void);
#ifdef _POSIX_
FILE *__cdecl fdopen(int _FileHandle,const char *_Mode);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _fdopen(int _FileHandle,const char *_Mode);
int __cdecl feof(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl ferror(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl fflush(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl fgetc(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fgetchar(void);
int __cdecl fgetpos(FILE *_File ,fpos_t *_Pos);
char *__cdecl fgets(char *_Buf,int _MaxCount,FILE *_File);
#ifdef _POSIX_
int __cdecl fileno(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fileno(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP char *__cdecl _tempnam(const char *_DirName,const char *_FilePrefix);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _flushall(void);
FILE *__cdecl fopen(const char *_Filename,const char *_Mode);
FILE *fopen64(const char *filename,const char *mode);
int __cdecl fprintf(FILE *_File,const char *_Format,...);
int __cdecl fputc(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fputchar(int _Ch);
int __cdecl fputs(const char *_Str,FILE *_File);
size_t __cdecl fread(void *_DstBuf,size_t _ElementSize,size_t _Count,FILE *_File);
FILE *__cdecl freopen(const char *_Filename,const char *_Mode,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl fscanf(FILE *_File,const char *_Format,...);
int __cdecl fsetpos(FILE *_File,const fpos_t *_Pos);
int __cdecl fseek(FILE *_File,long _Offset,int _Origin);
int fseeko64(FILE* stream, _off64_t offset, int whence);
long __cdecl ftell(FILE *_File);
_off64_t ftello64(FILE * stream);
int __cdecl _fseeki64(FILE *_File,__int64 _Offset,int _Origin);
__int64 __cdecl _ftelli64(FILE *_File);
size_t __cdecl fwrite(const void *_Str,size_t _Size,size_t _Count,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl getc(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl getchar(void);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _getmaxstdio(void);
char *__cdecl gets(char *_Buffer);
int __cdecl _getw(FILE *_File);
void __cdecl perror(const char *_ErrMsg);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _pclose(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _popen(const char *_Command,const char *_Mode);
#if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) && !defined(popen)
#define popen _popen
#define pclose _pclose
int __cdecl printf(const char *_Format,...);
int __cdecl putc(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl putchar(int _Ch);
int __cdecl puts(const char *_Str);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _putw(int _Word,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl remove(const char *_Filename);
int __cdecl rename(const char *_OldFilename,const char *_NewFilename);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _unlink(const char *_Filename);
int __cdecl unlink(const char *_Filename);
void __cdecl rewind(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _rmtmp(void);
int __cdecl scanf(const char *_Format,...);
void __cdecl setbuf(FILE *_File,char *_Buffer);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _setmaxstdio(int _Max);
_CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _set_output_format(unsigned int _Format);
_CRTIMP unsigned int __cdecl _get_output_format(void);
int __cdecl setvbuf(FILE *_File,char *_Buf,int _Mode,size_t _Size);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _scprintf(const char *_Format,...);
int __cdecl sscanf(const char *_Src,const char *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _snscanf(const char *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,const char *_Format,...);
FILE *__cdecl tmpfile(void);
char *__cdecl tmpnam(char *_Buffer);
int __cdecl ungetc(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl vfprintf(FILE *_File,const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
int __cdecl vprintf(const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
/* Make sure macros are not defined. */
#pragma push_macro("vsnprintf")
#pragma push_macro("snprintf")
# undef vsnprintf
# undef snprintf
__attribute__((format(gnu_printf, 3, 0))) __attribute__((nonnull (3)))
int __mingw_vsnprintf(char *_DstBuf,size_t _MaxCount,const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
__attribute__((format(gnu_printf, 3, 4))) __attribute__((nonnull (3)))
int __mingw_snprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, ...);
int __cdecl vsnprintf(char *_DstBuf,size_t _MaxCount,const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _snprintf(char *_Dest,size_t _Count,const char *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vsnprintf(char *_Dest,size_t _Count,const char *_Format,va_list _Args);
int __cdecl sprintf(char *_Dest,const char *_Format,...);
int __cdecl vsprintf(char *_Dest,const char *_Format,va_list _Args);
#ifndef __NO_ISOCEXT /* externs in libmingwex.a */
int __cdecl snprintf(char* s, size_t n, const char* format, ...);
__CRT_INLINE int __cdecl vsnprintf (char* s, size_t n, const char* format,va_list arg) {
return _vsnprintf ( s, n, format, arg);
int __cdecl vscanf(const char * Format, va_list argp);
int __cdecl vfscanf (FILE * fp, const char * Format,va_list argp);
int __cdecl vsscanf (const char * _Str,const char * Format,va_list argp);
/* Restore may prior defined macros snprintf/vsnprintf. */
#pragma pop_macro("snprintf")
#pragma pop_macro("vsnprintf")
/* Check if vsnprintf and snprintf are defaulting to gnu-style. */
# ifndef vsnprint
# define vsnprintf __mingw_vsnprintf
# endif
# ifndef snprintf
# define snprintf __mingw_snprintf
# endif
# endif
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vscprintf(const char *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _set_printf_count_output(int _Value);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _get_printf_count_output(void);
#ifndef WEOF
#define WEOF (wint_t)(0xFFFF)
#ifdef _POSIX_
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfsopen(const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Mode);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfsopen(const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Mode,int _ShFlag);
wint_t __cdecl fgetwc(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fgetwchar(void);
wint_t __cdecl fputwc(wchar_t _Ch,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fputwchar(wchar_t _Ch);
wint_t __cdecl getwc(FILE *_File);
wint_t __cdecl getwchar(void);
wint_t __cdecl putwc(wchar_t _Ch,FILE *_File);
wint_t __cdecl putwchar(wchar_t _Ch);
wint_t __cdecl ungetwc(wint_t _Ch,FILE *_File);
wchar_t *__cdecl fgetws(wchar_t *_Dst,int _SizeInWords,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl fputws(const wchar_t *_Str,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _getws(wchar_t *_String);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _putws(const wchar_t *_Str);
int __cdecl fwprintf(FILE *_File,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
int __cdecl wprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _scwprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
int __cdecl vfwprintf(FILE *_File,const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
int __cdecl vwprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl swprintf(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*, ...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl vswprintf(wchar_t*, const wchar_t*,va_list);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _swprintf_c(wchar_t *_DstBuf,size_t _SizeInWords,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vswprintf_c(wchar_t *_DstBuf,size_t _SizeInWords,const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _snwprintf(wchar_t *_Dest,size_t _Count,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vsnwprintf(wchar_t *_Dest,size_t _Count,const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _Args);
#ifndef __NO_ISOCEXT /* externs in libmingwex.a */
int __cdecl snwprintf (wchar_t* s, size_t n, const wchar_t* format, ...);
__CRT_INLINE int __cdecl vsnwprintf (wchar_t* s, size_t n, const wchar_t* format, va_list arg) { return _vsnwprintf(s,n,format,arg); }
int __cdecl vwscanf (const wchar_t *, va_list);
int __cdecl vfwscanf (FILE *,const wchar_t *,va_list);
int __cdecl vswscanf (const wchar_t *,const wchar_t *,va_list);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _swprintf(wchar_t *_Dest,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vswprintf(wchar_t *_Dest,const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _Args);
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <vadefs.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define swprintf _swprintf
#define vswprintf _vswprintf
#define _swprintf_l __swprintf_l
#define _vswprintf_l __vswprintf_l
_CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wtempnam(const wchar_t *_Directory,const wchar_t *_FilePrefix);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _vscwprintf(const wchar_t *_Format,va_list _ArgList);
int __cdecl fwscanf(FILE *_File,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
int __cdecl swscanf(const wchar_t *_Src,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _snwscanf(const wchar_t *_Src,size_t _MaxCount,const wchar_t *_Format,...);
int __cdecl wscanf(const wchar_t *_Format,...);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfdopen(int _FileHandle ,const wchar_t *_Mode);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfopen(const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Mode);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wfreopen(const wchar_t *_Filename,const wchar_t *_Mode,FILE *_OldFile);
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _wperror(const wchar_t *_ErrMsg);
_CRTIMP FILE *__cdecl _wpopen(const wchar_t *_Command,const wchar_t *_Mode);
#if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) && !defined(wpopen)
#define wpopen _wpopen
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _wremove(const wchar_t *_Filename);
_CRTIMP wchar_t *__cdecl _wtmpnam(wchar_t *_Buffer);
_CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fgetwc_nolock(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _fputwc_nolock(wchar_t _Ch,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP wint_t __cdecl _ungetwc_nolock(wint_t _Ch,FILE *_File);
#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(_CRT_GETPUTWCHAR_NOINLINE)
#define getwchar() fgetwc(stdin)
#define putwchar(_c) fputwc((_c),stdout)
__CRT_INLINE wint_t __cdecl getwchar() { return (fgetwc(stdin)); }
__CRT_INLINE wint_t __cdecl putwchar(wchar_t _C) { return (fputwc(_C,stdout)); }
#define getwc(_stm) fgetwc(_stm)
#define putwc(_c,_stm) fputwc(_c,_stm)
#define _putwc_nolock(_c,_stm) _fputwc_nolock(_c,_stm)
#define _getwc_nolock(_stm) _fgetwc_nolock(_stm)
#define _fgetc_nolock(_stream) (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 ? 0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr++ : _filbuf(_stream))
#define _fputc_nolock(_c,_stream) (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 ? 0xff & (*(_stream)->_ptr++ = (char)(_c)) : _flsbuf((_c),(_stream)))
#define _getc_nolock(_stream) _fgetc_nolock(_stream)
#define _putc_nolock(_c,_stream) _fputc_nolock(_c,_stream)
#define _getchar_nolock() _getc_nolock(stdin)
#define _putchar_nolock(_c) _putc_nolock((_c),stdout)
#define _getwchar_nolock() _getwc_nolock(stdin)
#define _putwchar_nolock(_c) _putwc_nolock((_c),stdout)
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _lock_file(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _unlock_file(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fclose_nolock(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fflush_nolock(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _fread_nolock(void *_DstBuf,size_t _ElementSize,size_t _Count,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fseek_nolock(FILE *_File,long _Offset,int _Origin);
_CRTIMP long __cdecl _ftell_nolock(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _fseeki64_nolock(FILE *_File,__int64 _Offset,int _Origin);
_CRTIMP __int64 __cdecl _ftelli64_nolock(FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP size_t __cdecl _fwrite_nolock(const void *_DstBuf,size_t _Size,size_t _Count,FILE *_File);
_CRTIMP int __cdecl _ungetc_nolock(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
#if !defined(NO_OLDNAMES) || !defined(_POSIX)
#define P_tmpdir _P_tmpdir
char *__cdecl tempnam(const char *_Directory,const char *_FilePrefix);
int __cdecl fcloseall(void);
FILE *__cdecl fdopen(int _FileHandle,const char *_Format);
int __cdecl fgetchar(void);
int __cdecl fileno(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl flushall(void);
int __cdecl fputchar(int _Ch);
int __cdecl getw(FILE *_File);
int __cdecl putw(int _Ch,FILE *_File);
int __cdecl rmtmp(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#pragma pack(pop)
#include <sec_api/stdio_s.h>