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synced 2025-03-18 09:30:06 +08:00
Please respect some conventions: - tests2 filenames don't end with '..._test' - tests2 tests are meant to produce some output - the output should be somehow informative, not just "error" or "dummy". Because other people would want to know where it fails if it does. - tests2 tests should work with both GCC and TCC, except if there are specifc reasons (like testing tcc-only feature such as bounds checking) - tests2 tests should never crash or abort. Because that would cause gui dialogs to pop up on windows, and because other people would not know where it fails if it does. - tests2 tests should be somehow specific, in general. (rather than just collections of random stuff) - in general, do not use 'long' if you mean 'larger than int' Because it isn't on many platforms. - use four (4) spaces for block indention. Do not insert tab characters in files if possible. Also: - tccgen.c:gen_cast() simplify last fix.
154 lines
4.5 KiB
154 lines
4.5 KiB
TOP = ../..
include $(TOP)/Makefile
SRC = $(TOPSRC)/tests/tests2
TESTS = $(patsubst %.c,%.test,\
$(sort $(notdir $(wildcard $(SRC)/??_*.c)))\
$(sort $(notdir $(wildcard $(SRC)/???_*.c))))
# some tests do not pass on all platforms, remove them for now
SKIP = 34_array_assignment.test # array assignment is not in C standard
ifeq ($(CONFIG_arm_eabi),yes) # not ARM soft-float
SKIP += 22_floating_point.test
SKIP += 40_stdio.test 42_function_pointer.test
SKIP += 113_btdll.test # no shared lib support yet
ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
SKIP += 73_arm64.test
ifeq (,$(filter i386,$(ARCH)))
SKIP += 98_al_ax_extend.test 99_fastcall.test
ifeq (,$(filter i386 x86_64,$(ARCH)))
SKIP += 85_asm-outside-function.test # x86 asm
SKIP += 113_btdll.test # dll support needed
ifeq (,$(filter i386 x86_64 arm arm64 riscv64,$(ARCH)))
SKIP += 112_backtrace.test
SKIP += 114_bound_signal.test
SKIP += 115_bound_setjmp.test
SKIP += 116_bound_setjmp2.test
ifeq (-$(CONFIG_musl)-,-yes-)
SKIP += 112_backtrace.test
ifeq (-$(findstring gcc,$(CC))-,--)
SKIP += $(patsubst %.expect,%.test,$(GEN-ALWAYS))
ifeq (-$(CONFIG_WIN32)-$(CONFIG_i386)$(CONFIG_arm)-,--yes-)
SKIP += 95_bitfields%.test # type_align is different on 32bit-non-windows
ifeq (-$(CONFIG_WIN32)-,-yes-)
SKIP += 106_pthread.test # No pthread support
SKIP += 114_bound_signal.test # No pthread support
# Some tests might need arguments
31_args.test : ARGS = arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5
46_grep.test : ARGS = '[^* ]*[:a:d: ]+\:\*-/: $$' $(SRC)/46_grep.c
# And some tests don't test the right thing with -run
42_function_pointer.test : NORUN = true
# Some tests might need different flags
76_dollars_in_identifiers.test : FLAGS += -fdollars-in-identifiers
# These tests run several snippets from the same file one by one
60_errors_and_warnings.test : FLAGS += -dt
96_nodata_wanted.test : FLAGS += -dt
# Always generate certain .expects (don't put these in the GIT),
# GEN-ALWAYS += 95_bitfields.expect # does not work
# using the ms compiler for the really ms-compatible bitfields
95_bitfields_ms.test : GEN = $(GEN-MSC)
# this test compiles/links two files:
104_inline.test : FLAGS += $(subst 104,104+,$1)
104_inline.test : GEN = $(GEN-TCC)
# this test needs pthread
106_pthread.test: FLAGS += -pthread
106_pthread.test: NORUN = true
# constructor/destructor
108_constructor.test: NORUN = true
112_backtrace.test: FLAGS += -dt -b
112_backtrace.test 113_btdll.test: FILTER += \
-e 's;[0-9A-Fa-fx]\{5,\};........;g' \
-e 's;0x[0-9A-Fa-f]\{1,\};0x?;g'
# this test creates two DLLs and an EXE
113_btdll.test: T1 = \
$(TCC) -bt $1 -shared -D DLL=1 -o a1$(DLLSUF) && \
$(TCC) -bt $1 -shared -D DLL=2 -o a2$(DLLSUF) && \
$(TCC) -bt $1 a1$(DLLSUF) a2$(DLLSUF) -Wl,-rpath=. -o a.exe && \
114_bound_signal.test: FLAGS += -b
115_bound_setjmp.test: FLAGS += -b
116_bound_setjmp2.test: FLAGS += -b
117_builtins.test: T1 = ( $(TCC) -run $1 && $(TCC) -b -run $1 )
# Filter source directory in warnings/errors (out-of-tree builds)
FILTER = 2>&1 | sed -e 's,$(SRC)/,,g'
all test tests2.all: $(filter-out $(SKIP),$(TESTS))
@$(MAKE) clean --no-print-directory -s
%.test: %.c %.expect
@echo Test: $*...
@$(call T1,$<) $(T3)
T1 = $(TCC) $(FLAGS) $(T2) $(ARGS)
T2 = $(if $(NORUN),$1 -o a.exe && ./a.exe,-run $1)
T3 = $(FILTER) >$*.output 2>&1 || true \
&& diff -Nbu $(filter %.expect,$^) $*.output \
&& rm -f $*.output $(filter $*.expect,$(GEN-ALWAYS))
# run single test and update .expect file, e.g. "make tests2.37+"
@$(MAKE) $(call F2,$(call F1,$*)) --no-print-directory
# just run tcc to see the output, e.g. "make tests2.37-"
@$(MAKE) $(call F1,$*) T3= --no-print-directory
# run single test, e.g. "make tests2.37"
@$(MAKE) $(call F1,$*) --no-print-directory
F1 = $(or $(filter $1_%,$(TESTS)),$1_???.test)
F2 = $1 UPDATE="$(patsubst %.test,%.expect,$1)"
# automatically generate .expect files with gcc:
%.expect :
@echo Generating: $@
@$(call GEN,$(SRC)/$*.c) $(FILTER) >$@ 2>&1
@rm -f *.exe *.obj *.pdb
# using TCC for .expect if -dt in FLAGS
GEN = $(if $(filter -dt -bt -b,$(FLAGS)),$(GEN-TCC),$(GEN-CC))
GEN-CC = $(CC) -w -std=gnu99 $(FLAGS) $1 -o a.exe && ./a.exe $(ARGS)
GEN-TCC = $(T1)
GEN-MSC = $(MS-CC) $1 && ./$(basename $@).exe
MS-CC = cl
# tell make not to delete
.PRECIOUS: %.expect
# force .expect generation for these files
$(sort $(GEN-ALWAYS) $(UPDATE)) : force
clean :
rm -f fred.txt *.output a.exe *.dll *.so *.def $(GEN-ALWAYS)