diff --git a/tccpp.c b/tccpp.c
index 718401d5..024f9de9 100644
--- a/tccpp.c
+++ b/tccpp.c
@@ -3711,6 +3711,12 @@ ST_FUNC int tcc_preprocess(TCCState *s1)
     define_start = define_stack;
+    /* Credits to Fabrice Bellard's initial revision to demonstrate its
+       capability to compile and run itself, provided all numbers are
+       given as decimals. tcc -E -P10 will do. */
+    if (s1->Pflag == 1 + 10)
+        parse_flags |= PARSE_FLAG_TOK_NUM, s1->Pflag = 1;
 #ifdef PP_BENCH
     /* for PP benchmarks */
     do next(); while (tok != TOK_EOF); return 0;