diff --git a/arm-gen.c b/arm-gen.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30e5056a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arm-gen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1293 @@
+ *  ARMv4 code generator for TCC
+ * 
+ *  Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Gl�ckner
+ *
+ *  Based on i386-gen.c by Fabrice Bellard
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+/* number of available registers */
+#define NB_REGS             9
+/* a register can belong to several classes. The classes must be
+   sorted from more general to more precise (see gv2() code which does
+   assumptions on it). */
+#define RC_INT     0x0001 /* generic integer register */
+#define RC_FLOAT   0x0002 /* generic float register */
+#define RC_R0      0x0004
+#define RC_R1      0x0008 
+#define RC_R2      0x0010
+#define RC_R3      0x0020
+#define RC_R12     0x0040
+#define RC_F0      0x0080
+#define RC_F1      0x0100
+#define RC_F2      0x0200
+#define RC_F3      0x0400
+#define RC_IRET    RC_R0  /* function return: integer register */
+#define RC_LRET    RC_R1  /* function return: second integer register */
+#define RC_FRET    RC_F0  /* function return: float register */
+/* pretty names for the registers */
+enum {
+    TREG_R0 = 0,
+    TREG_R1,
+    TREG_R2,
+    TREG_R3,
+    TREG_R12,
+    TREG_F0,
+    TREG_F1,
+    TREG_F2,
+    TREG_F3,
+int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
+    /* r0 */ RC_INT | RC_R0,
+    /* r1 */ RC_INT | RC_R1,
+    /* r2 */ RC_INT | RC_R2,
+    /* r3 */ RC_INT | RC_R3,
+    /* r12 */ RC_INT | RC_R12,
+    /* f0 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F0,
+    /* f1 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F1,
+    /* f2 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F2,
+    /* f3 */ RC_FLOAT | RC_F3,
+static int two2mask(int a,int b) {
+  return (reg_classes[a]|reg_classes[b])&~(RC_INT|RC_FLOAT);
+static int regmask(int r) {
+  return reg_classes[r]&~(RC_INT|RC_FLOAT);
+/* return registers for function */
+#define REG_IRET TREG_R0 /* single word int return register */
+#define REG_LRET TREG_R1 /* second word return register (for long long) */
+#define REG_FRET TREG_F0 /* float return register */
+/* defined if function parameters must be evaluated in reverse order */
+/* defined if structures are passed as pointers. Otherwise structures
+   are directly pushed on stack. */
+/* pointer size, in bytes */
+#define PTR_SIZE 4
+/* long double size and alignment, in bytes */
+#define LDOUBLE_SIZE  8
+#define LDOUBLE_ALIGN 4
+/* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
+#define MAX_ALIGN     8
+/* ELF defines */
+/* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
+#define R_DATA_32   R_ARM_ABS32
+#define R_COPY      R_ARM_COPY
+#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x00008000
+#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE  0x1000
+static unsigned long func_sub_sp_offset,last_itod_magic;
+void o(unsigned long i)
+  /* this is a good place to start adding big-endian support*/
+  int ind1;
+  ind1 = ind + 4;
+  if (ind1 > cur_text_section->data_allocated)
+    section_realloc(cur_text_section, ind1);
+  cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
+  i>>=8;
+  cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
+  i>>=8; 
+  cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i&255;
+  i>>=8;
+  cur_text_section->data[ind++] = i;
+static unsigned long stuff_const(unsigned long op,unsigned long c)
+  int try_neg=0;
+  unsigned long nc,negop;
+  switch(op&0x1F00000)
+  {
+    case 0x800000: //add
+    case 0x400000: //sub
+      try_neg=1;
+      negop=op^0xC00000;
+      nc=-c;
+      break;
+    case 0x1A00000: //mov
+    case 0x1E00000: //mvn
+      try_neg=1;
+      negop=op^0x400000;
+      nc=~c;
+      break;
+    case 0x200000: //xor
+      if(c==~0)
+	return (op&0xF010F000)|((op>>16)&0xF)|0x1E00000;
+      break;
+    case 0x0: //and
+      if(c==~0)
+	return (op&0xF010F000)|((op>>16)&0xF)|0x1A00000;
+    case 0x1C00000: //bic
+      try_neg=1;
+      negop=op^0x1C00000;
+      nc=~c;
+      break;
+    case 0x1800000: //orr
+      if(c==~0)
+	return (op&0xFFF0FFFF)|0x1E00000;
+      break;
+  }
+  do {
+    unsigned long m;
+    int i;
+    if(c<256) /* catch undefined <<32 */
+      return op|c;
+    for(i=2;i<32;i+=2) {
+      m=(0xff>>i)|(0xff<<(32-i));
+      if(!(c&~m))
+	return op|(i<<7)|(c<<i)|(c>>(32-i));
+    }
+    op=negop;
+    c=nc;
+  } while(try_neg--);
+  return 0;
+//only add,sub
+void stuff_const_harder(unsigned long op,unsigned long v) {
+  unsigned long x;
+  x=stuff_const(op,v);
+  if(x)
+    o(x);
+  else {
+    unsigned long a[16],nv,no,o2,n2;
+    int i,j,k;
+    a[0]=0xff;
+    o2=(op&0xfff0ffff)|((op&0xf000)<<4);;
+    for(i=1;i<16;i++)
+      a[i]=(a[i-1]>>2)|(a[i-1]<<30);
+    for(i=0;i<12;i++)
+      for(j=i+4;i<13+i;i++)
+	if((v&(a[i]|a[j]))==v) {
+	  o(stuff_const(op,v&a[i]));
+	  o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[j]));
+	  return;
+	}
+    no=op^0xC00000;
+    n2=o2^0xC00000;
+    nv=-v;
+    for(i=0;i<12;i++)
+      for(j=i+4;i<13+i;i++)
+	if((nv&(a[i]|a[j]))==nv) {
+	  o(stuff_const(no,nv&a[i]));
+	  o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[j]));
+	  return;
+	}
+    for(i=0;i<8;i++)
+      for(j=i+4;i<12;i++)
+	for(k=j+4;k<13+i;i++)
+	  if((v&(a[i]|a[j]|a[k]))==v) {
+	    o(stuff_const(op,v&a[i]));
+	    o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[j]));
+	    o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[k]));
+	    return;
+	  }
+    no=op^0xC00000;
+    nv=-v;
+    for(i=0;i<8;i++)
+      for(j=i+4;i<12;i++)
+	for(k=j+4;k<13+i;i++)
+	  if((nv&(a[i]|a[j]|a[k]))==nv) {
+	    o(stuff_const(no,nv&a[i]));
+	    o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[j]));
+	    o(stuff_const(n2,nv&a[k]));
+	    return;
+	  }
+    o(stuff_const(op,v&a[0]));
+    o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[4]));
+    o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[8]));
+    o(stuff_const(o2,v&a[12]));
+  }
+unsigned long encbranch(int pos,int addr,int fail)
+  addr-=pos+8;
+  addr/=4;
+  if(addr>=0x1000000 || addr<-0x1000000) {
+    if(fail)
+      error("FIXME: function bigger than 32MB");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return 0x0A000000|(addr&0xffffff);
+int decbranch(int pos)
+  int x;
+  x=*(int *)(cur_text_section->data + pos);
+  x&=0x00ffffff;
+  if(x&0x800000)
+    x-=0x1000000;
+  return x*4+pos+8;
+/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
+void gsym_addr(int t, int a)
+  unsigned long *x;
+  int lt;
+  while(t) {
+    x=(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + t);
+    t=decbranch(lt=t);
+    if(a==lt+4)
+      *x=0xE1A00000; // nop
+    else {
+      *x &= 0xff000000;
+      *x |= encbranch(lt,a,1);
+    }
+  }
+void gsym(int t)
+  gsym_addr(t, ind);
+static unsigned long fpr(int r)
+  return r-5;
+static unsigned long intr(int r)
+  return r==4?12:r;
+static void calcaddr(unsigned long *base,int *off,int *sgn,int maxoff,unsigned shift)
+  if(*off>maxoff || *off&((1<<shift)-1)) {
+    unsigned long x,y;
+    x=0xE280E000;
+    if(*sgn)
+      x=0xE240E000;
+    x|=(*base)<<16;
+    *base=14; // lr
+    y=stuff_const(x,*off&~maxoff);
+    if(y) {
+      o(y);
+      *off&=maxoff;
+      return;
+    }
+    y=stuff_const(x,(*off+maxoff)&~maxoff);
+    if(y) {
+      o(y);
+      *sgn=!*sgn;
+      *off=((*off+maxoff)&~maxoff)-*off;
+      return;
+    }
+    stuff_const_harder(x,*off&~maxoff);
+    *off&=maxoff;
+  }
+static unsigned long mapcc(int cc)
+  switch(cc)
+  {
+    case TOK_ULT:
+      return 0x30000000;
+    case TOK_UGE:
+      return 0x20000000;
+    case TOK_EQ:
+      return 0x00000000;
+    case TOK_NE:
+      return 0x10000000;
+    case TOK_ULE:
+      return 0x90000000;
+    case TOK_UGT:
+      return 0x80000000;
+    case TOK_LT:
+      return 0xB0000000;
+    case TOK_GE:
+      return 0xA0000000;
+    case TOK_LE:
+      return 0xD0000000;
+    case TOK_GT:
+      return 0xC0000000;
+  }
+  error("unexpected condition code");
+  return 0xE0000000;
+static int negcc(int cc)
+  switch(cc)
+  {
+    case TOK_ULT:
+      return TOK_UGE;
+    case TOK_UGE:
+      return TOK_ULT;
+    case TOK_EQ:
+      return TOK_NE;
+    case TOK_NE:
+      return TOK_EQ;
+    case TOK_ULE:
+      return TOK_UGT;
+    case TOK_UGT:
+      return TOK_ULE;
+    case TOK_LT:
+      return TOK_GE;
+    case TOK_GE:
+      return TOK_LT;
+    case TOK_LE:
+      return TOK_GT;
+    case TOK_GT:
+      return TOK_LE;
+  }
+  error("unexpected condition code");
+  return TOK_NE;
+/* load 'r' from value 'sv' */
+void load(int r, SValue *sv)
+  int v, ft, fc, fr, sign;
+  unsigned long op;
+  SValue v1;
+  fr = sv->r;
+  ft = sv->type.t;
+  fc = sv->c.ul;
+  if(fc>=0)
+    sign=0;
+  else {
+    sign=1;
+    fc=-fc;
+  }
+  v = fr & VT_VALMASK;
+  if (fr & VT_LVAL) {
+    unsigned long base=0xB; // fp
+    if(v == VT_LLOCAL) {
+      v1.type.t = VT_PTR;
+      v1.r = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL;
+      v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
+      load(base=14 /* lr */, &v1);
+      fc=sign=0;
+      v=VT_LOCAL;
+    } else if(v == VT_CONST) {
+      v1.type.t = VT_PTR;
+      v1.r = fr&~VT_LVAL;
+      v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
+      v1.sym=sv->sym;
+      load(base=14, &v1);
+      fc=sign=0;
+      v=VT_LOCAL;
+    } else if(v < VT_CONST) {
+      base=intr(v);
+      fc=sign=0;
+      v=VT_LOCAL;
+    }
+    if(v == VT_LOCAL) {
+      if(is_float(ft)) {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,1020,2);
+	op=0xED100100;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+	if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
+	  op|=0x8000;
+	o(op|(fpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
+      } else if((ft & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE || (ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,255,0);
+	op=0xE1500090;
+	if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT)
+	  op|=0x20;
+	if ((ft & VT_UNSIGNED) == 0)
+	  op|=0x40;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+	o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|(base<<16)|((fc&0xf0)<<4)|(fc&0xf));
+      } else {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,4095,0);
+	op=0xE5100000;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+        if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
+          op|=0x400000;
+        o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|fc|(base<<16));
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (v == VT_CONST) {
+      op=stuff_const(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12),sv->c.ul);
+      if (fr & VT_SYM || !op) {
+        o(0xE59F0000|(intr(r)<<12));
+        o(0xEA000000);
+        if(fr & VT_SYM)
+	  greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
+        o(sv->c.ul);
+      } else
+        o(op);
+      return;
+    } else if (v == VT_LOCAL) {
+      op=stuff_const(0xE28B0000|(intr(r)<<12),sv->c.ul);
+      if (fr & VT_SYM || !op) {
+	o(0xE59F0000|(intr(r)<<12));
+	o(0xEA000000);
+	if(fr & VT_SYM) // needed ?
+	  greloc(cur_text_section, sv->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
+	o(sv->c.ul);
+	o(0xE08B0000|(intr(r)<<12)|intr(r));
+      } else
+	o(op);
+      return;
+    } else if(v == VT_CMP) {
+      o(mapcc(sv->c.ul)|0x3A00001|(intr(r)<<12));
+      o(mapcc(negcc(sv->c.ul))|0x3A00000|(intr(r)<<12));
+      return;
+    } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
+      int t;
+      t = v & 1;
+      o(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|t);
+      o(0xEA000000);
+      gsym(sv->c.ul);
+      o(0xE3A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|(t^1));
+      return;
+    } else if (v < VT_CONST) {
+      if(is_float(ft))
+	o(0xEE008180|(fpr(r)<<12)|fpr(v));
+      else
+	o(0xE1A00000|(intr(r)<<12)|intr(v));
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  error("load unimplemented!");
+/* store register 'r' in lvalue 'v' */
+void store(int r, SValue *sv)
+  SValue v1;
+  int v, ft, fc, fr, sign;
+  unsigned long op;
+  fr = sv->r;
+  ft = sv->type.t;
+  fc = sv->c.ul;
+  if(fc>=0)
+    sign=0;
+  else {
+    sign=1;
+    fc=-fc;
+  }
+  v = fr & VT_VALMASK; 
+  if (fr & VT_LVAL || fr == VT_LOCAL) {
+    unsigned long base=0xb;
+    if(v < VT_CONST) {
+      base=intr(v);
+      v=VT_LOCAL;
+      fc=sign=0;
+    } else if(v == VT_CONST) {
+      v1.type.t = ft;
+      v1.r = fr&~VT_LVAL;
+      v1.c.ul = sv->c.ul;
+      v1.sym=sv->sym;
+      load(base=14, &v1);
+      fc=sign=0;
+      v=VT_LOCAL;   
+    }
+    if(v == VT_LOCAL) {
+       if(is_float(ft)) {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,1020,2);
+	op=0xED000100;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+	if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) != VT_FLOAT)
+	  op|=0x8000;
+	o(op|(fpr(r)<<12)|(fc>>2)|(base<<16));
+	return;
+      } else if((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_SHORT) {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,255,0);
+	op=0xE14000B0;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+	o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|(base<<16)|((fc&0xf0)<<4)|(fc&0xf));
+      } else {
+	calcaddr(&base,&fc,&sign,4095,0);
+	op=0xE5000000;
+	if(!sign)
+	  op|=0x800000;
+        if ((ft & VT_BTYPE) == VT_BYTE)
+          op|=0x400000;
+        o(op|(intr(r)<<12)|fc|(base<<16));
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  error("store unimplemented");
+static void gadd_sp(int val)
+  stuff_const_harder(0xE28DD000,val);
+/* 'is_jmp' is '1' if it is a jump */
+static void gcall_or_jmp(int is_jmp)
+  int r;
+  if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
+    unsigned long x;
+    /* constant case */
+    x=encbranch(ind,ind+vtop->c.ul,0);
+    if(x) {
+      if (vtop->r & VT_SYM) {
+	/* relocation case */
+	greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind, R_ARM_PC24);
+      } else
+	put_elf_reloc(symtab_section, cur_text_section, ind, R_ARM_PC24, 0);
+      o(x|(is_jmp?0xE0000000:0xE1000000));
+    } else {
+      if(!is_jmp)
+	o(0xE28FE004); // add lr,pc,#4
+      o(0xE51FF004);   // ldr pc,[pc,#-4]
+      if (vtop->r & VT_SYM)
+	greloc(cur_text_section, vtop->sym, ind, R_ARM_ABS32);
+      o(vtop->c.ul);
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* otherwise, indirect call */
+    r = gv(RC_INT);
+    if(!is_jmp)
+      o(0xE1A0E00F);       // mov lr,pc
+    o(0xE1A0F000|intr(r)); // mov pc,r
+  }
+/* Generate function call. The function address is pushed first, then
+   all the parameters in call order. This functions pops all the
+   parameters and the function address. */
+void gfunc_call(int nb_args)
+  int size, align, r, args_size, i;
+  Sym *func_sym;
+  args_size = 0;
+  for(i = 0;i < nb_args; i++) {
+    if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
+      size = type_size(&vtop->type, &align);
+      /* align to stack align size */
+      size = (size + 3) & ~3;
+      /* allocate the necessary size on stack */
+      gadd_sp(-size);
+      /* generate structure store */
+      r = get_reg(RC_INT);
+      o(0xE1A0000D|(intr(r)<<12));
+      vset(&vtop->type, r | VT_LVAL, 0);
+      vswap();
+      vstore();
+      args_size += size;
+    } else if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
+      r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT))<<12;
+      if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_FLOAT)
+        size = 4;
+      else if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_DOUBLE)
+        size = 8;
+      else
+        size = LDOUBLE_SIZE;
+      if (size == 12)
+	r|=0x400000;
+      else if(size == 8)
+	r|=0x8000;
+      o(0xED2D0100|r);
+      args_size += size;
+    } else {
+      /* simple type (currently always same size) */
+      /* XXX: implicit cast ? */
+      r = gv(RC_INT);
+      if ((vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LLONG) {
+	size = 8;
+	o(0xE52D0004|(intr(vtop->r2)<<12)); /* str r2,[sp,#-4]! */
+      } else {
+	size = 4;
+      }
+      o(0xE52D0004|(intr(vtop->r)<<12)); /* str r,[sp,#-4]! */
+      args_size += size;
+    }
+    vtop--;
+  }
+  save_regs(0); /* save used temporary registers */
+  if(args_size) {
+    int n;
+    n=args_size/4;
+    if(n>4)
+      n=4;
+    o(0xE8BD0000|((1<<n)-1));
+    args_size-=n*4;
+  }
+  func_sym = vtop->type.ref;
+  gcall_or_jmp(0);
+  if (args_size)
+      gadd_sp(args_size);
+  vtop--;
+/* generate function prolog of type 't' */
+void gfunc_prolog(CType *func_type)
+  Sym *sym,*sym2;
+  int n,addr,size,align;
+  sym = func_type->ref;
+  func_vt = sym->type;
+  n=0;
+  addr=12;
+  if((func_vt.t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_STRUCT) {
+    func_vc = addr;
+    addr += 4;
+    n++;
+  }
+  for(sym2=sym->next;sym2 && n<4;sym2=sym2->next) {
+    size = type_size(&sym2->type, &align);
+    size = (size + 3) & ~3;
+    n+=size/4;
+  }
+  o(0xE1A0C00D); /* mov ip,sp */
+  if(func_type->ref->c == FUNC_ELLIPSIS)
+    n=4;
+  if(n) {
+    if(n>4)
+      n=4;
+    o(0xE92D0000|((1<<n)-1)); /* save r0-r4 on stack if needed */
+  }
+  o(0xE92D5800); /* save fp, ip, lr*/
+  o(0xE1A0B00D); /* mov fp,sp */
+  func_sub_sp_offset = ind;
+  o(0xE1A00000); /* nop, leave space for stack adjustment */
+  while ((sym = sym->next)) {
+    CType *type;
+    type = &sym->type;
+    sym_push(sym->v & ~SYM_FIELD, type, VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL, addr);
+    size = type_size(type, &align);
+    size = (size + 3) & ~3;
+    addr += size;
+  }
+  last_itod_magic=0;
+/* generate function epilog */
+void gfunc_epilog(void)
+  unsigned long x;
+  o(0xE89BA800); /* restore fp, sp, pc */
+  if(loc) {
+    x=stuff_const(0xE24DD000, (-loc + 3) & -4); /* sub sp,sp,# */
+    if(x)
+      *(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + func_sub_sp_offset) = x;
+    else {
+      unsigned long addr;
+      addr=ind;
+      o(0xE59FC004); /* ldr ip,[pc+4] */
+      o(0xE04DD00C); /* sub sp,sp,ip  */
+      o(0xE1A0F00E); /* mov pc,lr */
+      o((-loc + 3) & -4);
+      *(unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + func_sub_sp_offset) = 0xE1000000|encbranch(func_sub_sp_offset,addr,1);
+    }
+  }
+/* generate a jump to a label */
+int gjmp(int t)
+  int r;
+  r=ind;
+  o(0xE0000000|encbranch(r,t,1));
+  return r;
+/* generate a jump to a fixed address */
+void gjmp_addr(int a)
+  gjmp(a);
+/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test. Stack entry is popped */
+int gtst(int inv, int t)
+  int v, r;
+  unsigned long op;
+  v = vtop->r & VT_VALMASK;
+  r=ind;
+  if (v == VT_CMP) {
+    op=mapcc(inv?negcc(vtop->c.i):vtop->c.i);
+    op|=encbranch(r,t,1);
+    o(op);
+    t=r;
+  } else if (v == VT_JMP || v == VT_JMPI) {
+    if ((v & 1) == inv) {
+      if(!vtop->c.i)
+	vtop->c.i=t;
+      else {
+	unsigned long *x;
+	int p,lp;
+	if(t) {
+          p = vtop->c.i;
+          do {
+	    p = decbranch(lp=p);
+          } while(p);
+	  x = (unsigned long *)(cur_text_section->data + lp);
+	  *x &= 0xff000000;
+	  *x |= encbranch(lp,t,1);
+	}
+	t = vtop->c.i;
+      }
+    } else {
+      t = gjmp(t);
+      gsym(vtop->c.i);
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (is_float(vtop->type.t)) {
+      r=gv(RC_FLOAT);
+      o(0xEE90F118|fpr(r)<<16);
+      vtop->r = VT_CMP;
+      vtop->c.i = TOK_NE;
+      return gtst(inv, t);
+    } else if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
+      /* constant jmp optimization */
+      if ((vtop->c.i != 0) != inv) 
+	t = gjmp(t);
+    } else {
+      v = gv(RC_INT);
+      o(0xE3300000|(intr(v)<<16));
+      vtop->r = VT_CMP;
+      vtop->c.i = TOK_NE;
+      return gtst(inv, t);
+    }   
+  }
+  vtop--;
+  return t;
+/* generate an integer binary operation */
+void gen_opi(int op)
+  int c, func;
+  unsigned long opc,r,fr;
+  c=0;
+  switch(op) {
+    case '+':
+      opc = 0x8;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case TOK_ADDC1: /* add with carry generation */
+      opc = 0x9;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case '-':
+      opc = 0x4;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case TOK_SUBC1: /* sub with carry generation */
+      opc = 0x5;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case TOK_ADDC2: /* add with carry use */
+      opc = 0xA;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case TOK_SUBC2: /* sub with carry use */
+      opc = 0xC;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case '&':
+      opc = 0x0;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case '^':
+      opc = 0x2;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case '|':
+      opc = 0x18;
+      c=1;
+      break;
+    case '*':
+      gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
+      r = vtop[-1].r;
+      fr = vtop[0].r;
+      vtop--;
+      o(0xE0000090|(intr(r)<<16)|(intr(r)<<8)|intr(fr));
+      return;
+    case TOK_SHL:
+      opc = 0;
+      c=2;
+      break;
+    case TOK_SHR:
+      opc = 1;
+      c=2;
+      break;
+    case TOK_SAR:
+      opc = 2;
+      c=2;
+      break;
+    case '/':
+    case TOK_PDIV:
+      func=TOK___divsi3;
+      c=3;
+      break;
+    case TOK_UDIV:
+      func=TOK___udivsi3;
+      c=3;
+      break;
+    case '%':
+      func=TOK___modsi3;
+      c=3;
+      break;
+    case TOK_UMOD:
+      func=TOK___umodsi3;
+      c=3;
+      break;
+    case TOK_UMULL:
+      gv2(RC_INT, RC_INT);
+      r=intr(vtop[-1].r2=get_reg(RC_INT));
+      c=vtop[-1].r;
+      vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(c));
+      vtop--;
+      o(0xE0800090|(r<<16)|(intr(vtop->r)<<12)|(intr(c)<<8)|intr(vtop[1].r));
+      return;
+    default:
+      opc = 0x15;
+      c=1;
+  }
+  switch(c) {
+    case 1:
+      if((vtop[-1].r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
+	if(opc == 4 || opc == 5 || opc == 0xc) {
+	  vswap();
+	  opc|=2; // sub -> rsb
+	}
+      }
+      vswap();
+      c=intr(gv(RC_INT));
+      vswap();
+      opc=0xE0000000|(opc<<20)|(c<<16);
+      if((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
+	unsigned long x;
+	x=stuff_const(opc|0x2000000,vtop->c.i);
+	if(x) {
+	  r=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(vtop[-1].r)));
+	  o(x|(r<<12));
+	  goto done;
+	}
+      }
+      fr=intr(gv(RC_INT));
+      r=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,two2mask(vtop->r,vtop[-1].r)));
+      o(opc|(r<<12)|fr);
+      vtop--;
+      if (op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
+        vtop->r = VT_CMP;
+        vtop->c.i = op;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      opc=0xE1A00000|(opc<<5);
+      vswap();
+      r=intr(gv(RC_INT));
+      vswap();
+      opc|=r;
+      if ((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) == VT_CONST) {
+	fr=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,regmask(vtop[-1].r)));
+	c = vtop->c.i & 0x1f;
+	o(opc|(c<<7)|(fr<<12));
+      } else {
+        fr=intr(gv(RC_INT));
+	c=intr(vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_INT,two2mask(vtop->r,vtop[-1].r)));
+	o(opc|(c<<12)|(fr<<8)|0x10);
+      }
+      vtop--;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      vpush_global_sym(&func_old_type, func);
+      vrott(3);
+      gfunc_call(2);
+      vpushi(0);
+      vtop->r = REG_IRET;
+      break;
+    default:
+      error("gen_opi %i unimplemented!",op);
+  }
+static int is_fconst()
+  long double f;
+  int r;
+  if((vtop->r & (VT_VALMASK | VT_LVAL | VT_SYM)) != VT_CONST)
+    return 0;
+  if (vtop->type.t == VT_FLOAT)
+    f = vtop->c.f;
+  else if (vtop->type.t == VT_DOUBLE)
+    f = vtop->c.d;
+  else
+    f = vtop->c.ld;
+  if(!ieee_finite(f))
+    return 0;
+  r=0x8;
+  if(f<0.0) {
+    r=0x18;
+    f=-f;
+  }
+  if(f==0.0)
+    return r;
+  if(f==1.0)
+    return r|1;
+  if(f==2.0)
+    return r|2;
+  if(f==3.0)
+    return r|3;
+  if(f==4.0)
+    return r|4;
+  if(f==5.0)
+    return r|5;
+  if(f==0.5)
+    return r|6;
+  if(f==10.0)
+    return r|7;
+  return 0;
+/* generate a floating point operation 'v = t1 op t2' instruction. The
+   two operands are guaranted to have the same floating point type */
+void gen_opf(int op)
+  unsigned long x;
+  int r,r2,c1,c2;
+  //fputs("gen_opf\n",stderr);
+  vswap();
+  c1 = is_fconst();
+  vswap();
+  c2 = is_fconst();
+  x=0xEE000180;
+  switch(op)
+  {
+    case '+':
+      if(!c2) {
+	vswap();
+	c2=c1;
+      }
+      vswap();
+      r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      vswap();
+      if(c2) {
+	if(c2>0xf)
+	  x|=0x200000; // suf
+	r2=c2&0xf;
+      } else {
+	r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      }
+      break;
+    case '-':
+      if(c2) {
+	if(c2<=0xf)
+	  x|=0x200000; // suf
+	r2=c2&0xf;
+	vswap();
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+      } else if(c1 && c1<=0xf) {
+	x|=0x300000; // rsf
+	r2=c1;
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+      } else {
+	x|=0x200000; // suf
+	vswap();
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+	r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      }
+      break;
+    case '*':
+      if(!c2 || c2>0xf) {
+	vswap();
+	c2=c1;
+      }
+      vswap();
+      r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      vswap();
+      if(c2 && c2<=0xf)
+	r2=c2;
+      else
+	r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      x|=0x100000; // muf
+      break;
+    case '/':
+      if(c2 && c2<=0xf) {
+	x|=0x400000; // dvf
+	r2=c2;
+	vswap();
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+      } else if(c1 && c1<=0xf) {
+	x|=0x500000; // rdf
+	r2=c1;
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+      } else {
+	x|=0x400000; // dvf
+	vswap();
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+	r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+      }     
+      break;
+    default:
+      if(op >= TOK_ULT && op <= TOK_GT) {
+	switch(op) {
+	  case TOK_ULT:
+	  case TOK_UGE:
+	  case TOK_ULE:
+	  case TOK_UGT:
+	    fputs("unsigned comparision on floats?\n",stderr);
+	    break;
+	  case TOK_LT:
+	    op=TOK_ULT;
+	    break;
+	  case TOK_GE:
+	    op=TOK_UGE;
+	    break;
+	  case TOK_LE:
+	    op=TOK_ULE;
+	    break;
+	  case TOK_GT:
+	    op=TOK_UGT;
+	    break;
+	}
+	x|=0x90f110;
+	if(c1 && !c2) {
+	  c2=c1;
+	  vswap();
+	  switch(op) {
+	    case TOK_ULT:
+	      op=TOK_UGT;
+	      break;
+	    case TOK_UGE:
+	      op=TOK_ULE;
+	      break;
+	    case TOK_ULE:
+	      op=TOK_UGE;
+	      break;
+	    case TOK_UGT:
+	      op=TOK_ULT;
+	      break;
+	  }
+	}
+	vswap();
+	r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	vswap();
+	if(c2) {
+	  if(c2>0xf)
+	    x|=0x200000;
+	  r2=c2&0xf;
+	} else {
+	  r2=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+	}
+	vtop[-1].r = VT_CMP;
+	vtop[-1].c.i = op;
+      } else {
+	error("unknown fp op %x!\n",op);
+	return;
+      }
+  }
+  if(vtop[-1].r == VT_CMP)
+    c1=15;
+  else {
+    c1=vtop->r;
+    if(r2&0x8)
+      c1=vtop[-1].r;
+    vtop[-1].r=get_reg_ex(RC_FLOAT,two2mask(vtop[-1].r,c1));
+    c1=fpr(vtop[-1].r);
+  }
+  vtop--;
+  o(x|(r<<16)|(c1<<12)|r2);
+/* convert integers to fp 't' type. Must handle 'int', 'unsigned int'
+   and 'long long' cases. */
+void gen_cvt_itof(int t)
+  int r,r2,bt;
+  r=intr(gv(RC_INT));
+  r2=fpr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
+  bt=vtop->type.t & VT_BTYPE;
+  if(bt == VT_INT || bt == VT_SHORT || bt == VT_BYTE) {
+    o(0xEE000190|(r2<<16)|(r<<12));
+    if((vtop->type.t & (VT_UNSIGNED|VT_BTYPE)) == (VT_UNSIGNED|VT_INT)) {
+      unsigned int off=0;
+      o(0xE3500000|(r<<12));
+      r=fpr(get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
+      if(last_itod_magic) {
+	off=ind+8-last_itod_magic;
+	off/=4;
+	if(off>255)
+	  off=0;
+      }
+      o(0xBD1F8100|(r<<12)|off);
+      if(!off) {
+        o(0xEA000001);
+        last_itod_magic=ind;
+        o(0x41F00000);
+        o(0);
+      }
+      o(0xBE000180|(r2<<16)|(r2<<12)|r);
+    }
+    return;
+  } else if(bt == VT_LLONG) {
+    int r3;
+    unsigned long x=0;
+    r3=intr(vtop->r2);
+    o(0xe52d0004|(r<<12));           //str     r0, [sp, -#4]!
+    o(0xe3500000|(r3<<16));          //cmp     r1, #0
+    o(0xa3800102|(r3<<16)|(r3<<12)); //orrge   r1, r1, #0x80000000
+    o(0xe59f0014|(r<<12));           //ldr     r0, [pc, #20]
+    o(0xe52d0004|(r3<<12));          //str     r1, [sp, -#4]!
+    o(0xe52d0004|(r<<12));           //str     r0, [sp, -#4]!
+    o(0xecfd0103|(r2<<12));          //ldfe    f0, [sp], #12
+    r=fpr(get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
+    if((vtop->type.t & VT_UNSIGNED) != VT_UNSIGNED)
+      x=0xE0000000;
+    o(0xaddf0101|(r<<12)|x);             //ldf(ge)e  f1, [pc, #4]
+    o(0xae280100|(r2<<16)|(r2<<12)|r|x); //suf(ge)e  f0, f0, f1
+    o(0xea000002);                       //b pc+8
+    o(0x403e);o(0x80000000);o(0);
+    if(x)
+      o(0xbe280100|(r2<<16)|(r2<<12)|r); //suflte  f0, f0, f1
+    vtop->r2=VT_CONST;
+    return;
+  }
+  error("unimplemented gen_cvt_itof %x!",vtop->type.t);
+/* convert fp to int 't' type */
+void gen_cvt_ftoi(int t)
+  int r,r2,u;
+  t&=VT_BTYPE;
+  r=fpr(gv(RC_FLOAT));
+  r2=intr(vtop->r=get_reg(RC_INT));
+  if(t==VT_INT) {
+    if(u) {
+      u=fpr(get_reg(RC_FLOAT));
+      o(0xed9f0100|(u<<12));
+      o(0xea000000);
+      o(0x4f000000);
+      o(0xee90f110|(r<<12)|u);
+      o(0x2e200180|(r<<16)|(r<<12)|u);
+      o(0x2e200180|(r<<16)|(r<<12)|u);
+      o(0xee100150|(r2<<12)|u);
+    } else
+      o(0xEE100170|(r<<12)|r);
+    return;
+  } else if(t==VT_LLONG) {
+    int Q,R;
+    Q=r2;
+    R=intr(vtop->r2=get_reg(RC_INT));
+    if(Q<R) {
+      Q=R;
+      R=r2;
+      r2=vtop->r;
+      vtop->r=vtop->r2;
+      vtop->r2=r2;
+    }
+    if(!u)
+      r2=intr(get_reg(RC_INT));
+    o(0xed6d0103|(r<<12));
+    o(0xe0dde0b4);
+    o(0xe8bd0000|(1<<Q)|(1<<R));
+    if(!u)
+      o(0xe20e0902|(r2<<12));
+    o(0xe3cee902);
+    o(0xe24eec3f);
+    o(0xe25ee0ff);
+    if(!u) {
+      o(0xb3a00000|(R<<12));
+      o(0xb3a00000|(Q<<12));
+    }
+    o(0xba000000|(u?5:9));
+    o(0xe25ee03f);
+    o(0xaa000000|(u?5:3));
+    o(0xe1b000a0|(R<<12)|R);
+    o(0xe1a00060|(Q<<12)|Q);
+    o(0xe29ee001);
+    o(0x1afffffb);
+    if(u) {
+      o(0x13a00000|(R<<12));
+      o(0x13a00000|(Q<<12));
+    } else {
+      o(0xe3500000|(r2<<12));
+      o(0x0a000001);
+      o(0xe2700000|(Q<<16)|(Q<<12));
+      o(0xe2e00000|(R<<16)|(R<<12));
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  error("unimplemented gen_cvt_ftoi!");
+/* convert from one floating point type to another */
+void gen_cvt_ftof(int t)
+  /* all we have to do on i386 and ARM is to put the float in a register */
+  gv(RC_FLOAT);
+/* computed goto support */
+void ggoto(void)
+  gcall_or_jmp(1);
+  vtop--;
+/* end of ARM code generator */
diff --git a/i386-gen.c b/i386-gen.c
index 4d1d954b..07049652 100644
--- a/i386-gen.c
+++ b/i386-gen.c
@@ -70,8 +70,18 @@ int reg_classes[NB_REGS] = {
 /* maximum alignment (for aligned attribute support) */
 #define MAX_ALIGN     8
+/* ELF defines */
+#define EM_TCC_TARGET EM_386
 /* relocation type for 32 bit data relocation */
-#define R_DATA_32 R_386_32
+#define R_DATA_32   R_386_32
+#define R_JMP_SLOT  R_386_JMP_SLOT
+#define R_COPY      R_386_COPY
+#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x08048000
+#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE  0x1000
diff --git a/tcc.c b/tcc.c
index cda15727..889380d2 100644
--- a/tcc.c
+++ b/tcc.c
@@ -61,18 +61,21 @@
 /* target selection */
 //#define TCC_TARGET_I386   /* i386 code generator */
+//#define TCC_TARGET_ARM    /* ARMv4 code generator */
 /* default target is I386 */
-#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
+#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_I386) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
 #define TCC_TARGET_I386
-#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(TCC_UCLIBC)
+#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(TCC_UCLIBC) && !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
 #define CONFIG_TCC_BCHECK /* enable bound checking code */
 /* define it to include assembler support */
+#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
 /* path to find crt1.o, crti.o and crtn.o. Only needed when generating
    executables or dlls */
@@ -471,6 +474,7 @@ struct TCCState {
 #define VT_BITFIELD   0x0040  /* bitfield modifier */
 #define VT_CONSTANT   0x0800  /* const modifier */
 #define VT_VOLATILE   0x1000  /* volatile modifier */
+#define VT_SIGNED     0x2000  /* signed type */
 /* storage */
 #define VT_EXTERN  0x00000080  /* extern definition */
@@ -684,6 +688,7 @@ void vpop(void);
 void vswap(void);
 void vdup(void);
 int get_reg(int rc);
+int get_reg_ex(int rc,int rc2);
 static void macro_subst(TokenString *tok_str, Sym **nested_list, 
                         const int *macro_str, int can_read_stream);
@@ -704,8 +709,11 @@ static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad);
 static void type_decl(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad, int *v, int td);
 static int is_compatible_types(CType *type1, CType *type2);
+int ieee_finite(double d);
 void error(const char *fmt, ...);
 void vpushi(int v);
+void vrott(int n);
+static void vpush_global_sym(CType *type, int v);
 void vset(CType *type, int r, int v);
 void type_to_str(char *buf, int buf_size, 
                  CType *type, const char *varstr);
@@ -785,6 +793,10 @@ static inline int is_float(int t)
 #include "i386-gen.c"
+#include "arm-gen.c"
 #define RTLD_LAZY       0x001
@@ -2220,15 +2232,18 @@ static void tok_str_add2(TokenString *s, int t, CValue *cv)
     case TOK_CDOUBLE:
     case TOK_CLLONG:
     case TOK_CULLONG:
+#if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
+    case TOK_CLDOUBLE:
         str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
         str[len++] = cv->tab[1];
-    case TOK_CLDOUBLE:
 #if LDOUBLE_SIZE == 12
+    case TOK_CLDOUBLE:
         str[len++] = cv->tab[0];
         str[len++] = cv->tab[1];
         str[len++] = cv->tab[2];
+#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE != 8
 #error add long double size support
@@ -2257,6 +2272,10 @@ static void tok_str_add_tok(TokenString *s)
         cv.tab[0] = p[0];                       \
         cv.tab[1] = p[1];                       \
         cv.tab[2] = p[2];
+#elif LDOUBLE_SIZE == 8
+#define LDOUBLE_GET(p, cv)                      \
+        cv.tab[0] = p[0];                       \
+        cv.tab[1] = p[1];
 #error add long double size support
@@ -4335,6 +4354,29 @@ void save_reg(int r)
+/* find a register of class 'rc2' with at most one reference on stack.
+ * If none, call get_reg(rc) */
+int get_reg_ex(int rc, int rc2) 
+    int r;
+    SValue *p;
+    for(r=0;r<NB_REGS;r++) {
+        if (reg_classes[r] & rc2) {
+            int n;
+            n=0;
+            for(p = vstack; p <= vtop; p++) {
+                if ((p->r & VT_VALMASK) == r ||
+                    (p->r2 & VT_VALMASK) == r)
+                    n++;
+            }
+            if (n <= 1)
+                return r;
+        }
+    }
+    return get_reg(rc);
 /* find a free register of class 'rc'. If none, save one register */
 int get_reg(int rc)
@@ -4905,10 +4947,13 @@ void gen_opl(int op)
             if (a == 0) {
                 b = gtst(0, 0);
             } else {
-#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
+#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
                 b = psym(0x850f, 0);
+#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+		b = ind;
+		o(0x1A000000 | encbranch(ind, 0, 1));
-                error("not implemented");
+#error not supported
@@ -5447,7 +5492,11 @@ static void gen_cast(CType *type)
             } else {
+#if !defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+                gen_cvt_itof(dbt);
         } else if (sf) {
             /* convert fp to int */
@@ -6302,6 +6351,9 @@ static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad)
         case TOK_SIGNED2:
         case TOK_SIGNED3:
             typespec_found = 1;
+	    t |= VT_SIGNED;
+	    next();
+	    break;
         case TOK_REGISTER:
         case TOK_AUTO:
         case TOK_RESTRICT1:
@@ -6361,6 +6413,14 @@ static int parse_btype(CType *type, AttributeDef *ad)
         type_found = 1;
+      error("signed and unsigned modifier");
+      t |= VT_UNSIGNED;
+    t &= ~VT_SIGNED;
     /* long is never used as type */
     if ((t & VT_BTYPE) == VT_LONG)
         t = (t & ~VT_BTYPE) | VT_INT;
@@ -8838,7 +8898,9 @@ void tcc_undefine_symbol(TCCState *s1, const char *sym)
+#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
 #include "i386-asm.c"
 #include "tccasm.c"
@@ -9013,7 +9075,14 @@ static int rt_get_caller_pc(unsigned long *paddr,
-#error add arch specific rt_get_caller_pc()
+#warning add arch specific rt_get_caller_pc()
+static int rt_get_caller_pc(unsigned long *paddr,
+                            ucontext_t *uc, int level)
+    return -1;
 /* emit a run time error at position 'pc' */
@@ -9207,6 +9276,19 @@ TCCState *tcc_new(void)
 #if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
     tcc_define_symbol(s, "__i386__", NULL);
+#if defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__ARM_ARCH_4__", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf__", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm_elf", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm_elf", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm__", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__arm", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "arm", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__APCS_32__", NULL);
+    tcc_define_symbol(s, "__CHAR_UNSIGNED__", NULL);
 #if defined(linux)
     tcc_define_symbol(s, "__linux__", NULL);
     tcc_define_symbol(s, "linux", NULL);
@@ -9359,11 +9441,14 @@ static int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s1, const char *filename, int flags)
         fd = file->fd;
         /* assume executable format: auto guess file type */
-        if (read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) != sizeof(ehdr)) {
+        ret = read(fd, &ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));
+        lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+        if (ret <= 0) {
             error_noabort("could not read header");
             goto fail;
+        } else if (ret != sizeof(ehdr)) {
+            goto try_load_script;
-        lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
         if (ehdr.e_ident[0] == ELFMAG0 &&
             ehdr.e_ident[1] == ELFMAG1 &&
@@ -9393,6 +9478,7 @@ static int tcc_add_file_internal(TCCState *s1, const char *filename, int flags)
             ret = tcc_load_archive(s1, fd);
         } else {
             /* as GNU ld, consider it is an ld script if not recognized */
+        try_load_script:
             ret = tcc_load_ldscript(s1);
             if (ret < 0) {
                 error_noabort("unrecognized file type");
diff --git a/tccelf.c b/tccelf.c
index 91a9a7e5..e31b4127 100644
--- a/tccelf.c
+++ b/tccelf.c
@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@ static void relocate_section(TCCState *s1, Section *s)
         /* CPU specific */
         switch(type) {
+#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
         case R_386_32:
             if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL) {
                 esym_index = s1->symtab_to_dynsym[sym_index];
@@ -513,6 +514,43 @@ static void relocate_section(TCCState *s1, Section *s)
             /* we load the got offset */
             *(int *)ptr += s1->got_offsets[sym_index];
+#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+	case R_ARM_PC24:
+	case R_ARM_PLT32:
+	    {
+                int x;
+                x = (*(int *)ptr)&0xffffff;
+                (*(int *)ptr) &= 0xff000000;
+                if (x & 0x800000)
+                    x -= 0x1000000;
+                x *= 4;
+                x += val - addr;
+                if((x & 3) != 0 || x >= 0x4000000 || x < -0x4000000)
+                    error("can't relocate value at %x",addr);
+                x >>= 2;
+                x &= 0xffffff;
+                (*(int *)ptr) |= x;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	case R_ARM_ABS32:
+	    *(int *)ptr += val;
+	    break;
+	case R_ARM_GOTPC:
+	    *(int *)ptr += s1->got->sh_addr - addr;
+	    break;
+        case R_ARM_GOT32:
+            /* we load the got offset */
+            *(int *)ptr += s1->got_offsets[sym_index];
+            break;
+	case R_ARM_COPY:
+            break;
+	default:
+	    fprintf(stderr,"FIXME: handle reloc type %x at %lx [%.8x] to %lx\n",
+                    type,addr,(unsigned int )ptr,val);
+            break;
+#error unsupported processor
     /* if the relocation is allocated, we change its symbol table */
@@ -646,6 +684,7 @@ static void put_got_entry(TCCState *s1,
         sym = &((Elf32_Sym *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
         name = symtab_section->link->data + sym->st_name;
         offset = sym->st_value;
+#ifdef TCC_TARGET_I386
         if (reloc_type == R_386_JMP_SLOT) {
             Section *plt;
             uint8_t *p;
@@ -684,6 +723,40 @@ static void put_got_entry(TCCState *s1,
             if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
                 offset = plt->data_offset - 16;
+#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+	if (reloc_type == R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT) {
+            Section *plt;
+            uint8_t *p;
+            /* if we build a DLL, we add a %ebx offset */
+            if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_DLL)
+                error("DLLs unimplemented!");
+            /* add a PLT entry */
+            plt = s1->plt;
+            if (plt->data_offset == 0) {
+                /* first plt entry */
+                p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
+		put32(p     , 0xe52de004);
+		put32(p +  4, 0xe59fe010);
+		put32(p +  8, 0xe08fe00e);
+		put32(p + 12, 0xe5bef008);
+            }
+            p = section_ptr_add(plt, 16);
+	    put32(p  , 0xe59fc004);
+	    put32(p+4, 0xe08fc00c);
+	    put32(p+8, 0xe59cf000);
+	    put32(p+12, s1->got->data_offset);
+            /* the symbol is modified so that it will be relocated to
+               the PLT */
+            if (s1->output_type == TCC_OUTPUT_EXE)
+                offset = plt->data_offset - 16;
+        }
+#error unsupported CPU
         index = put_elf_sym(s1->dynsym, offset, 
                             size, info, 0, sym->st_shndx, name);
         /* put a got entry */
@@ -717,6 +790,7 @@ static void build_got_entries(TCCState *s1)
             rel++) {
             type = ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
             switch(type) {
+#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
             case R_386_GOT32:
             case R_386_GOTOFF:
             case R_386_GOTPC:
@@ -735,6 +809,28 @@ static void build_got_entries(TCCState *s1)
+#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+	    case R_ARM_GOT32:
+            case R_ARM_GOTOFF:
+            case R_ARM_GOTPC:
+            case R_ARM_PLT32:
+                if (!s1->got)
+                    build_got(s1);
+                if (type == R_ARM_GOT32 || type == R_ARM_PLT32) {
+                    sym_index = ELF32_R_SYM(rel->r_info);
+                    sym = &((Elf32_Sym *)symtab_section->data)[sym_index];
+                    /* look at the symbol got offset. If none, then add one */
+                    if (type == R_ARM_GOT32)
+                        reloc_type = R_ARM_GLOB_DAT;
+                    else
+                        reloc_type = R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT;
+                    put_got_entry(s1, reloc_type, sym->st_size, sym->st_info, 
+                                  sym_index);
+                }
+                break;
+#error unsupported CPU
@@ -916,9 +1012,6 @@ static char elf_interp[] = "/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1";
 static char elf_interp[] = "/lib/ld-linux.so.2";
-#define ELF_START_ADDR 0x08048000
-#define ELF_PAGE_SIZE  0x1000
 /* output an ELF file */
 /* XXX: suppress unneeded sections */
 int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
@@ -1005,7 +1098,7 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
                             esym = &((Elf32_Sym *)s1->dynsymtab_section->data)[sym_index];
                             type = ELF32_ST_TYPE(esym->st_info);
                             if (type == STT_FUNC) {
-                                put_got_entry(s1, R_386_JMP_SLOT, esym->st_size, 
+                                put_got_entry(s1, R_JMP_SLOT, esym->st_size, 
                                               sym - (Elf32_Sym *)symtab_section->data);
                             } else if (type == STT_OBJECT) {
@@ -1017,7 +1110,7 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
                                                     esym->st_info, 0, 
                                                     bss_section->sh_num, name);
                                 put_elf_reloc(s1->dynsym, bss_section, 
-                                              offset, R_386_COPY, index);
+                                              offset, R_COPY, index);
                                 offset += esym->st_size;
                                 bss_section->data_offset = offset;
@@ -1306,6 +1399,7 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
                 p = s1->plt->data;
                 p_end = p + s1->plt->data_offset;
                 if (p < p_end) {
+#if defined(TCC_TARGET_I386)
                     put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + s1->got->sh_addr);
                     put32(p + 8, get32(p + 8) + s1->got->sh_addr);
                     p += 16;
@@ -1313,6 +1407,17 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
                         put32(p + 2, get32(p + 2) + s1->got->sh_addr);
                         p += 16;
+#elif defined(TCC_TARGET_ARM)
+		    int x;
+		    x=s1->got->sh_addr - s1->plt->sh_addr - 12;
+		    p +=16;
+		    while (p < p_end) {
+		        put32(p + 12, x + get32(p + 12) + s1->plt->data - p);
+			p += 16;
+		    }
+#error unsupported CPU
@@ -1415,6 +1520,9 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
     ehdr.e_ident[6] = EV_CURRENT;
 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
     ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_FREEBSD;
+    ehdr.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_ARM;
     switch(file_type) {
@@ -1428,7 +1536,7 @@ int tcc_output_file(TCCState *s1, const char *filename)
         ehdr.e_type = ET_REL;
-    ehdr.e_machine = EM_386;
+    ehdr.e_machine = EM_TCC_TARGET;
     ehdr.e_version = EV_CURRENT;
     ehdr.e_shoff = file_offset;
     ehdr.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr);
@@ -1543,7 +1651,7 @@ static int tcc_load_object_file(TCCState *s1,
         goto fail1;
     /* test CPU specific stuff */
     if (ehdr.e_ident[5] != ELFDATA2LSB ||
-        ehdr.e_machine != EM_386) {
+        ehdr.e_machine != EM_TCC_TARGET) {
         error_noabort("invalid object file");
         return -1;
@@ -1881,7 +1989,7 @@ static int tcc_load_dll(TCCState *s1, int fd, const char *filename, int level)
     /* test CPU specific stuff */
     if (ehdr.e_ident[5] != ELFDATA2LSB ||
-        ehdr.e_machine != EM_386) {
+        ehdr.e_machine != EM_TCC_TARGET) {
         error_noabort("bad architecture");
         return -1;
diff --git a/tcctok.h b/tcctok.h
index 81b6ba23..cfefb095 100644
--- a/tcctok.h
+++ b/tcctok.h
@@ -111,9 +111,20 @@
      DEF(TOK___moddi3, "__moddi3")
      DEF(TOK___udivdi3, "__udivdi3")
      DEF(TOK___umoddi3, "__umoddi3")
+     DEF(TOK___divsi3, "__divsi3")
+     DEF(TOK___modsi3, "__modsi3")
+     DEF(TOK___udivsi3, "__udivsi3")
+     DEF(TOK___umodsi3, "__umodsi3")
+     DEF(TOK___sardi3, "__ashrdi3")
+     DEF(TOK___shrdi3, "__lshrdi3")
+     DEF(TOK___shldi3, "__ashldi3")
+     /* XXX: same names on i386 ? */
      DEF(TOK___sardi3, "__sardi3")
      DEF(TOK___shrdi3, "__shrdi3")
      DEF(TOK___shldi3, "__shldi3")
      DEF(TOK___tcc_int_fpu_control, "__tcc_int_fpu_control")
      DEF(TOK___tcc_fpu_control, "__tcc_fpu_control")
      DEF(TOK___ulltof, "__ulltof")