Go to file
2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
demo split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
docs split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
testable-agent split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
testable-core split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
testable-maven-plugin 0.2.0 released, bump everything to 0.2.1-snapshot 2020-10-25 21:15:26 +08:00
testable-processor split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
.gitignore add agent module 2020-05-30 00:28:07 +08:00
pom.xml split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00
README.md split core package into core and processor 2020-10-27 06:55:32 +08:00



  • 使单元测试能直接调用和访问被测类的私有成员,解决私有方法无法测试的问题
  • 使被测类的任意方法调用快速替换为Mock实现"指哪换哪"解决传统Mock工具使用繁琐的问题


|-- testable-core         ➜ 核心组件,提供注解和工具类
|-- testable-processor    ➜ 编译期代码预处理组件,提供测试辅助功能
|-- testable-agent        ➜ JavaAgent组件提供Mock测试相关功能
|-- testable-maven-plugin ➜ Maven插件组件用于简化JavaAgent注入
|-- demo
|   |-- java-demo         ➜ Java语言的示例代码
|   `-- kotlin-demo       ➜ Kotlin语言的示例代码
`-- docs                  ➜ 项目使用文档


主项目使用JDK 1.6+和Maven 3+版本构建,其中demo子项目需要JDK 1.8+版本。

mvn clean package