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Use IntelliJ Plugin

There are some typical operations in the process of usingTestableMock library, such as define a mock class, copy signature of the method invoked and convert it to mock method definition. While the mock result does not match expectation, we have to debug the mock affection via Self-Help Troubleshooting guide during runtime. With the help of IDE plugin, part of the patterned operations can be automatically completed to further optimize the experience of TestableMock.

Currently TestableMock provided only IntelliJ IDEA plugin. (According to the 2020 and 2021 Java Technology Trends Report released by JRebel, IntelliJ IDEA has become the IDE of choice with the highest percentage of Java developers)


Open preference dialog, search "Testable-Mock" in plugin market, reach Testable-Mock Helper plugin and click "install", then restart IDE.


1. Generate Mock Class

After plugin installed, right click in any java class, choose "Generate Testable TestClass"


A test class containing a mock container class will be automatically generated in the same package path location as the current class in the test directory of the project (named after CurrentClass + Test)

2. Create Mock Method

Select any method invocation, right click and choose "Copy Testable Mock-Method" or "Copy Mock-Method To TestClass"


The former will convert the method signature of selected invocation into a mock method definition and store it on the clipboard; the latter will directly insert the converted mock method into the corresponding mock class.

Build from source code

Beside install plugin from market, you can also build it from source.

Make sure you have jdk 11 installed, execute below command:

git clone https://github.com/zcbbpo/testable-idea
cd testable-idea
./gradlew clean build

After build, the packaged zip file is lay in build/distributions/ folder, you can install it by "Install Plugin From Disk" menu.


Finally, special thanks to the contribution of TestableMock IntelliJ IDEA plugin made by @zcbbpo.