update doc to fit version 0.6

This commit is contained in:
金戟 2021-03-24 23:51:19 +08:00
parent 3acf341d1f
commit df7e641a0c
14 changed files with 215 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ The functionality of `TestabledMock` is basically the same as that of `PowerMock
The main disadvantage of the current `TestableMock` is that the IDE cannot promptly prompt whether the method parameters are matched correctly when writing the mock method. If the mocking effect does not meet expectation, it has to be verified during runtime through the method provided in the [self-help troubleshooting](en-us/doc/troubleshooting.md) document. This feature needs to be provided by extending IDE plugins in the future.
In addition, because `TestableMock` uses the mock mechanism based on a single method in a unique way, it decouples the mock method definition from the unit test cases. Thus, the mock methods are by default reusable, and the unit test cases become cleaner and purer. On the other hand, the mock methods become fragmented, and life cycle management is relatively difficult. Therefore, it may take some time for developers get used to it.
In addition, because `TestableMock` uses the mechanism based on "each source class binding to its own mock class" in a unique way, it decouples the mock method definition from the unit test cases. Thus, the mock methods are by default reusable, and the unit test cases become cleaner and purer. On the other hand, the mock methods become fragmented, and life cycle management is relatively difficult. Therefore, it may take some time for developers get used to it.

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Use TestableMock
- [Quickly mock arbitrary call](en-us/doc/use-mock.md): quickly replace any method invocation in the class under test with a mock method, solve the cumbersome use of traditional mock tools problem
- [Access private members of the class under test](en-us/doc/private-accessor.md): enable unit tests directly invoke or access private members of the class under test, solve the problems of private member initialization and private method testing
- [Quickly construct complicated parameter object](en-us/doc/omni-constructor.md)generate arbitrarily nested object instances, simplify their internal member assignment methods, solve the problem of long initialization codes for method parameters
- [Auxiliary test void method](en-us/doc/test-void-method.md): use the mock validator to check the internal logic of method, solve the problem that unit testing is difficult to implement to the method with no return value
- [Quickly construct complicated parameter object](en-us/doc/parameter-constructor.md)generate arbitrarily nested object instances, simplify their internal member assignment methods, solve the problem of long initialization codes for method parameters
## Use in Maven project

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@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
Upgrade To Version 0.5
Upgrade Guide
After nearly a month of design and development, the `0.5` version of TestableMock has finally come out. Compared with the `0.4` version, the new version solves the three historical problems left over before:
### Upgrade to v0.6
In version `0.6``TestableMock` provided a new [quick complicated class construction](en-us/doc/omni-constructor.md) capability. Meanwhile, it includes a modification that is incompatible with the `0.5` version: class `PrivateAccessor` have been moved from `com.alibaba.testable.core.accessor` package to `com.alibaba.testable.core.tool` package.
If you are using `PrivateAccessor` and having import statement like this:
import com.alibaba.testable.core.accessor.PrivateAccessor;
When upgrade `TestableMock` to `0.6` version, please replace it as
import com.alibaba.testable.core.tool.PrivateAccessor;
### Upgrade to v0.5
The `0.5` version solves the three historical problems left over before:
1. <s>**Mock method cannot call other non-static methods**</s>. The mock method in the new version no longer has any difference from the ordinary method, and can access any external method and member variable.
2. <s>**Mock method always acts on the entire test life cycle**</s>. From now on, the mock method supports restricting the effective scope to the test cases in the test class of which it belongs, so there is no need to worry about accidentally mocking cross-class test invocations.
3. <s>**The MOCK_CONTEXT needs manually cleaned up and only supports class-level parallel testing**</s>. Now each test case has an independent `MOCK_CONTEXT` variable, no need to clean up after used, and you can use unit test with any parallel level.
In order to better realize the reuse of Mock methods, we have made a clear boundary between the mock class and the test class in the new version. When upgrading from `0.4` to `0.5`, the only change required is to wrap all mock methods in the test class with a `public static class Mock {}`.
In order to better realize the reuse of Mock methods, the version `0.5` have made a clear boundary between the mock class and the test class in the new version. When upgrading from `0.4` to `0.5`, the only change required is to wrap all mock methods in the test class with a `public static class Mock {}`.
For example, the original test class definition was as follows:
@ -46,4 +64,4 @@ public class DemoMockTest {
Then upgrade the `TestableMock` dependency in the `pom.xml` or `build.gradle` file to `0.5.0` or above.
Finally, upgrade the `TestableMock` dependency in `pom.xml` or `build.gradle` file to the new version.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Compared with the class-granularity mocking practices of existing mock tools, `T
The detail mock method definition convention is as follows.
#### 0. Pre-step, prepare the mock class
### 0. Pre-step, prepare the mock class
First, create a mock class as the container for mock methods associated with the test class. The simplest way is to add a static inner class named `Mock` to the test class. E.g:
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class DemoTest {
#### 1. Mock method calls of any class
### 1.1 Mock method calls of any class
Define an ordinary method annotated with `@MockMethod` in the mock class with exactly the same signature (name, parameter, and return value type) as the method to be mocked, and then add the type of target object (which the method originally belongs to) as `targetMethod` parameter of `@MockMethod` annotation.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ private String substring(String self, int i, int j) {
For complete code examples, see the `should_mock_common_method()` test cases in the `java-demo` and `kotlin-demo` sample projects. (Because Kotlin has made magical changes to the String type, the method under test in the Kotlin example adds a layer of encapsulation to the `BlackBox` class)
#### 2. Mock the member method of the class under test itself
### 1.2 Mock the member method of the class under test itself
Sometimes, when testing certain methods, it is desirable to mock out some other member methods of the class under test itself.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Similarly, if the method in the above example needs to access the original teste
For complete code examples, see the `should_mock_member_method()` test case in the `java-demo` and `kotlin-demo` sample projects.
#### 3. Mock static methods of any class
### 1.3 Mock static methods of any class
Mock for static methods is the same as for any ordinary methods.
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ private BlackBox secretBox() {
For complete code examples, see the `should_mock_static_method()` test case in the `java-demo` and `kotlin-demo` sample projects.
#### 4. Mock `new` operation of any type
### 1.4 Mock `new` operation of any type
Define an ordinary method annotated with `@MockContructor` in the mock class, make the return value type of the method the type of the object to be created, and the method parameters are exactly the same as the constructor parameters to be mocked, the method name is arbitrary.
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ private BlackBox createBlackBox(String text) {
For complete code examples, see the `should_mock_new_object()` test case in the `java-demo` and `kotlin-demo` sample projects.
#### 5. Identify different invocation source in mock method
### 2. Identify different invocation source in mock method
In the mock method, you can use the `TestableTool.SOURCE_METHOD` variable to identify **the method name of the class under test before entering the mock method**; in addition, the `TestableTool.MOCK_CONTEXT` variable can **inject additional context parameters into the mock method**, to distinguish and process different calling scenarios.
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ private Data mockDemo() {
For complete code examples, see the `should_get_source_method_name()` and `should_get_test_case_name()` test cases in the `java-demo` and `kotlin-demo` sample projects.
#### 6. Verify the sequence and parameters of the mock method being invoked
### 3. Verify the sequence and parameters of the mock method being invoked
In test cases, you can use the `TestableTool.verify()` method, and cooperate with `with()`, `withInOrder()`, `without()`, `withTimes()` and other methods to verify the mock call situation.

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- [Use TestableMock](en-us/doc/setup.md)
- [Fast Mocking](en-us/doc/use-mock.md)
- [Private Accessor](en-us/doc/private-accessor.md)
- [Omni Constructor](en-us/doc/omni-constructor.md)
- [Test Void Method](en-us/doc/test-void-method.md)
- [Parameter constructor](en-us/doc/parameter-constructor.md)
- Usage Guide
- [Verify Mock Invocation](en-us/doc/invoke-matcher.md)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- [Testable Maven Plugin](en-us/doc/use-maven-plugin.md)
- Technical Reference
- [Upgrade To Version 0.5](en-us/doc/upgrade-to-v05.md)
- [Upgrade Guide](en-us/doc/upgrade-guide.md)
- [Available Global Arguments](zh-cn/doc/javaagent-args.md)
- [Available Annotations](zh-cn/doc/annotations.md)
- [How Mock Works](zh-cn/doc/design-and-mechanism.md)

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@ -21,6 +21,6 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
### 1. 一行代码构造任何对象
- `newInstance(任意类型)` ➜ 指定任意类型,返回一个该类型的对象
- `newArray(任意类型, 数组大小)` ➜ 指定任意类型,返回一个该类型的数组
// 构造一个ComplicatedClass类型的对象
ComplicatedClass obj = OmniConstructor.newInstance(ComplicatedClass.class);
// 构造一个ComplicatedClass[]类型容量为5的数组
ComplicatedClass[] arr = OmniConstructor.newArray(ComplicatedClass.class, 5);
> **注意**:在`0.6.0`版本中,类型为接口或抽象类的成员字段依然会被初始化为`null`,此问题将在近期版本修复
// 使用构造函数创建对象
Parent parent = new Parent();
// 内部成员未初始化直接访问报NullPointerException异常
// 使用OmniConstructor创建对象
Parent parent = OmniConstructor.newInstance(Parent.class);
// 无需顾虑,安心访问任意子成员
### 2. 一行代码访问任意深度成员
- `get(任意对象, "访问路径")` ➜ 返回根据路径匹配搜索到的所有成员对象
- `set(任意对象, "访问路径", 新的值)` ➜ 根据路径匹配为指定位置的对象赋值
- `getFirst(任意对象, "访问路径")` ➜ 返回根据路径匹配搜索到的第一个成员对象
// 返回parent对象中所有符合类型是GrandChild的子对象中叫做content的成员对象
OmniAccessor.get(parent, "{GrandChild}/content");
// 将parent对象中符合名称为children的数组第3位的任意子成员的value字段赋值为100
OmniAccessor.set(parent, "children[2]/*/value", 100);
**1. 匹配成员名**
- `child`: 匹配任意名字为`child`的子孙成员
- `child/grandChild`: 匹配名字为`child`的子孙成员里,名为`grandChild`的子成员
**2. 匹配成员类型**
- `{Child}`: 匹配所有类型是`Child`的子孙成员
- `{Children[]}`: 匹配所有类型是`Children`数组的子孙成员
- `{Child}/{GrandChild}`: 匹配所有类型是`Child`的子孙成员里,所有类型是`GrandChild`子成员
- `child/{GrandChild}`: 匹配名字为`child`的子孙成员里,所有类型是`GrandChild`的子成员
- `{Child}/grandChild/content`: 匹配所有类型是`Child`的子孙成员里,名为`grandChild`子成员里的,名为`content`的子成员
**3. 使用下标访问数组成员**
- `children[1]/content`: 匹配名称为`children`的数组类型子孙成员,取其中第`2`个对象中名为`content`的子成员
- `parent/children[1]`: 匹配名称为`parent`的子孙成员里,名为`children`的数组类型子成员,取其中第`2`个对象
**4. 使用通配符**
- `child*`: 匹配名称以`child`开头的所有子孙成员
- `{*Child}`: 匹配类型以`Child`结尾的所有子孙成员
- `c*ld/{Grand*ld}`: 匹配名称以`c`开头`ld`结尾的子孙成员里,类型以`Grand`开头`ld`结尾的成员
- `child/*/content`: 此时`*`将匹配任意成员,即`child`对象任意子成员中,包含的`content`子成员
### 3. 特别说明
> **你真的需要用到`OmniAccessor`吗?**
> `OmniAccessor`具有基于Fail-Fast机制的防代码重构能力当用户提供的访问路径无法匹配到任何成员时`OmniAccessor`将立即抛出异常,使单元测试提前终止。然而相比常规的成员访问方式,`OmniAccessor`在IDE重构方面的支持依然偏弱。
> 对于复杂对象的内容赋值,大多数情况下,我们更推荐使用[构造者模式](https://developer.aliyun.com/article/705058)或者暴露Getter/Setter方法实现。这些常规手段虽然稍显笨拙尤其在需要为许多相似的成员批量赋值的时候但对业务逻辑的封装和重构都更加友好。
> 仅当原类型不适合改造,且没有其它可访问目标成员的方法时,`OmniAccessor`才是最后的终极工具。
> 出于相同的原因,虽然技术上可行,但我们并不推荐在除单元测试之外的场景使用`OmniAccessor`方式来读写业务类的成员字段。

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
不论被测方法所需的参数结构多么错综复杂、甚至没有合适的构造方法、甚至需要私有内部类对象... 呼唤TestableMock马上递给您~

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@ -5,31 +5,9 @@
### 方法一:使用`@EnablePrivateAccess`注解
### 1.1 使用`PrivateAccessor`工具类
- 调用**被测类**的私有方法(包括静态方法)
- 读取**被测类**的私有字段(包括静态字段)
- 修改**被测类**的私有字段(包括静态字段)
- 修改**被测类**的常量字段使用final修饰的字段包括静态字段
> 此功能默认假设测试类与被测类同包,且名称为`被测类+Test`。当不符合此约定时,可在测试类的`@EnablePrivateAccess`注解上使用`srcClass`参数指定实际的被测类。例如:
> ```java
> @EnablePrivateAccess(srcClass = DemoServiceImpl.class)
> class DemoServiceTest() { ... }
> ```
### 方法二:使用`PrivateAccessor`工具类
- `PrivateAccessor.get(任意对象, "私有字段名")` ➜ 读取任意类的私有字段
- `PrivateAccessor.set(任意对象, "私有字段名", 新的值)` ➜ 修改任意类的私有字段(或常量字段)
@ -39,12 +17,38 @@
- `PrivateAccessor.invokeStatic(任意类型, "私有静态方法名", 调用参数...)` ➜ 调用任意类的**静态**私有方法
- `PrivateAccessor.construct(任意类型, 构造方法参数...)` ➜ 调用任意类的私有构造方法
> 使用`PrivateAccessor`工具类并不需要测试类具有`@EnablePrivateAccess`注解,但加上此注解将开启被测类私有成员的编译期校验功能
### 1.2 防代码重构机制
### 私有成员编译期校验
**注意 1.**:当私有成员校验功能开启时,`PrivateAccessor`工具类将只能用于访问**被测类**的私有成员,从某种角度而言,这也有助于限制将`PrivateAccessor`工具类用于与当前测试无关的“越权”操作。
**注意 2.**`TestableMock`默认约定测试类与**被测类**的包路径相同,且名称为`被测类+Test`。若测试类名称不符合此约定时,在使用`@EnablePrivateAccess`注解时,需用`srcClass`参数显式指明实际的**被测类**位置。
**注意 3** 此机制目前只针对`Java`语言实现,对于`Kotlin`以及其他JVM方言均无效。
> 将`DemoPrivateAccessorTest`示例代码稍加修改,添加`@EnablePrivateAccess`注解(注意此时测试类名不符合约定,需加`srcClass`参数):
> ```java
> @EnablePrivateAccess(srcClass = DemoPrivateAccess.class) // <- 添加此行
> class DemoPrivateAccessorTest() { ... }
> ```
> 然后将任意一处通过`PrivateAccessor`访问的目标名称改为实际不存在的成员名,再次编译时即可发现该行有编译错误,提示信息为访问目标不存在。
### 2.1 直接访问私有成员
- 调用**被测类**的私有方法(包括静态方法)
- 读取**被测类**的私有字段(包括静态字段)
- 修改**被测类**的私有字段(包括静态字段)
- 修改**被测类**的常量字段(使用`final`修饰的字段,包括静态常量字段)

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@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
- [快速Mock任意调用](zh-cn/doc/use-mock.md)使被测类的任意方法调用快速替换为Mock方法实现"指哪换哪"解决传统Mock工具使用繁琐的问题
- [访问被测类私有成员](zh-cn/doc/private-accessor.md):使单元测试能直接调用和访问被测类的私有成员,解决私有成员初始化和私有方法测试的问题
- [快速构造参数对象](zh-cn/doc/omni-constructor.md):生成任意复杂嵌套的对象实例,并简化其内部成员赋值方式,解决被测方法参数初始化代码冗长的问题
- [辅助测试void方法](zh-cn/doc/test-void-method.md)利用Mock校验器对方法的内部逻辑进行检查解决无返回值方法难以实施单元测试的问题
- [快速构造参数对象](zh-cn/doc/parameter-constructor.md):生成任意多层嵌套的对象实例,并简化其内部成员赋值方式,解决被测方法参数初始化代码冗长的问题
## 在Maven项目中使用

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@ -1,13 +1,31 @@
### 升级到0.6.x版本
import com.alibaba.testable.core.accessor.PrivateAccessor;
import com.alibaba.testable.core.tool.PrivateAccessor;
### 升级到0.5.x版本
1. <s>**Mock方法无法调用其他非静态方法**</s>。新版中的Mock方法与普通方法不再有任何差别可以访问任意外部方法和成员变量。
2. <s>**Mock方法总是作用于整个测试生命周期**</s>。从现在开始Mock方法支持将生效范围限定为**所属测试类里的测试用例**不用担心跨类测试调用被意外Mock掉了。
3. <s>**需手工清理MOCK_CONTEXT且只支持类粒度的并行测试**</s>。现在每个测试用例拥有了独立的`MOCK_CONTEXT`变量,无需清理也不会串号,而且可以放心使用**任意粒度**的并行单元测试啦。
在使用方式上,`0.5`版本延续`TestableMock`简洁轻量的原则同时为了更好的实现Mock方法复用新版本的Mock类与测试类之间有了明确的边界。从`0.4`版本升级到`0.5`时唯一需要的改变是将测试类中的所有Mock方法使用一个`public static class Mock { }`包裹起来。
在使用方式上,`0.5`版本延续了简洁轻量原则同时为了更好的实现Mock方法复用新版本的Mock类与测试类之间有了明确的边界。从`0.4`版本升级到`0.5`时唯一需要的改变是将测试类中的所有Mock方法使用一个`public static class Mock { }`包裹起来。
@ -46,4 +64,4 @@ public class DemoMockTest {

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@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
> 归纳起来就两条:
> 规则归纳起来就两条:
> - Mock非构造方法拷贝原方法定义到Mock容器类加`@MockMethod`注解
> - Mock构造方法拷贝原方法定义到Mock容器类返回值换成构造的类型方法名随意加`@MockContructor`注解
#### 0. 前置步骤准备Mock容器
### 0. 前置步骤准备Mock容器
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class DemoTest {
#### 1. 覆写任意类的方法调用
### 1.1 覆写任意类的方法调用
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ private String substring(String self, int i, int j) {
#### 2. 覆写被测类自身的成员方法
### 1.2 覆写被测类自身的成员方法
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ private String innerFunc(String text) {
#### 3. 覆写任意类的静态方法
### 1.3 覆写任意类的静态方法
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ private BlackBox secretBox() {
#### 4. 覆写任意类的new操作
### 1.4 覆写任意类的new操作
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ private BlackBox createBlackBox(String text) {
#### 5. 在Mock方法中区分调用来源
### 2. 在Mock方法中区分调用来源
@ -159,13 +159,14 @@ private Data mockDemo() {
#### 6. 验证Mock方法被调用的顺序和参数
### 3. 验证Mock方法被调用的顺序和参数
#### 特别说明
### 4. 特别说明
> **Mock只对被测类的代码有效**
@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ private Data mockDemo() {
> 除去这种情况若Mock未生效请参考[自助问题排查](zh-cn/doc/troubleshooting.md)提供的方法对比<u>Mock方法签名</u><u>目标位置的调用方法签名</u>。若依然无法定位原因欢迎提交Issues告诉我们。
> **测试类和Mock容器的命名约定**
> **测试类和Mock容器的命名约定**
> 默认情况下,`TestableMock`假设测试类与被测类的<u>包路径相同,且名称为`被测类名+Test`</u>(通常采用`Maven`或`Gradle`构建的Java项目均符合这种惯例
> 同时约定测试类关联的Mock容器为<u>在其内部且名为`Mock`的静态类</u>,或<u>相同包路径下名为`被测类名+Mock`的独立类</u>

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- [使用TestableMock](zh-cn/doc/setup.md)
- [快速Mock任意方法](zh-cn/doc/use-mock.md)
- [直接访问私有成员](zh-cn/doc/private-accessor.md)
- [快速构造复杂入参](zh-cn/doc/omni-constructor.md)
- [测试无返回值的方法](zh-cn/doc/test-void-method.md)
- [快速构造复杂入参](zh-cn/doc/parameter-constructor.md)
- 使用指南
- [校验Mock调用](zh-cn/doc/invoke-matcher.md)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- [使用Maven插件](zh-cn/doc/use-maven-plugin.md)
- 技术参考
- [升级到0.5版本](zh-cn/doc/upgrade-to-v05.md)
- [版本升级说明](zh-cn/doc/upgrade-guide.md)
- [全局运行参数](zh-cn/doc/javaagent-args.md)
- [注解参数清单](zh-cn/doc/annotations.md)
- [Mock的设计和原理](zh-cn/doc/design-and-mechanism.md)