mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
refactor e class, add pool for member method substitution
This commit is contained in:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public class TestableClassDevRoleTranslator extends TreeTranslator {
TestableFieldAccess snMethod = new TestableFieldAccess(snClass,
cx.names.fromString(ConstPool.SN_METHOD), null);
JCTree.JCExpression classType = new TestableFieldAccess(cx.treeMaker.Ident(className),
cx.names.fromString("class"), null);
cx.names.fromString(ConstPool.TYPE_TO_CLASS), null);
ListBuffer<JCTree.JCExpression> args = ListBuffer.of(classType);
return new TestableMethodInvocation(null, snMethod, args.toList());
@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeTranslator;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.*;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Travel AST
@ -23,6 +26,8 @@ public class TestableClassTestRoleTranslator extends TreeTranslator {
private static final String ANNOTATION_TESTABLE_INJECT = "com.alibaba.testable.annotation.TestableInject";
private static final String ANNOTATION_JUNIT5_SETUP = "org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach";
private static final String ANNOTATION_JUNIT5_TEST = "org.junit.jupiter.api.Test";
private static final String TYPE_CLASS = "Class";
private static final String REF_THIS = "this";
private final TestableContext cx;
private String sourceClassName = "";
private ListBuffer<Name> sourceClassIns = new ListBuffer();
@ -96,9 +101,9 @@ public class TestableClassTestRoleTranslator extends TreeTranslator {
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<>();
for (JCVariableDecl p : jcMethodDecl.params) {
args.add(cx.treeMaker.Select(p.vartype, cx.names.fromString("class")));
args.add(cx.treeMaker.Select(p.vartype, cx.names.fromString(ConstPool.TYPE_TO_CLASS)));
JCExpression retType = cx.treeMaker.Select(jcMethodDecl.restype, cx.names.fromString("class"));
JCExpression retType = cx.treeMaker.Select(jcMethodDecl.restype, cx.names.fromString(ConstPool.TYPE_TO_CLASS));
injectMethods.add(Pair.of(jcMethodDecl.name, Pair.of(retType, args.toList())));
@ -159,21 +164,7 @@ public class TestableClassTestRoleTranslator extends TreeTranslator {
private JCBlock testableSetupBlock() {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<>();
for (Pair<Name, Pair<JCExpression, List<JCExpression>>> m : injectMethods.toList()) {
JCExpression key = nameToExpression("n.e.k");
JCExpression classType = m.snd.fst;
JCExpression parameterTypes = cx.treeMaker.NewArray(cx.treeMaker.Ident(cx.names.fromString("Class")),
List.<JCExpression>nil(), m.snd.snd);
JCNewClass keyClass = cx.treeMaker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), key,
List.of(classType, parameterTypes), null);
JCExpression value = nameToExpression("n.e.v");
JCExpression thisIns = cx.treeMaker.Ident(cx.names.fromString("this"));
JCExpression methodName = cx.treeMaker.Literal(m.fst.toString());
JCNewClass valClass = cx.treeMaker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), value,
List.of(thisIns, methodName), null);
JCExpression addInjectMethod = nameToExpression("n.e.a");
JCMethodInvocation apply = cx.treeMaker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), addInjectMethod,
List.from(new JCExpression[] {keyClass, valClass}));
if (!testSetupMethodName.isEmpty()) {
@ -182,6 +173,25 @@ public class TestableClassTestRoleTranslator extends TreeTranslator {
return cx.treeMaker.Block(0, statements.toList());
private JCStatement toGlobalNewStatement(
Pair<Name, Pair<JCExpression, List<JCExpression>>> m) {
JCExpression key = nameToExpression(ConstPool.NS_W_KEY);
JCExpression classType = m.snd.fst;
JCExpression parameterTypes = cx.treeMaker.NewArray(cx.treeMaker.Ident(cx.names.fromString(TYPE_CLASS)),
List.<JCExpression>nil(), m.snd.snd);
JCNewClass keyClass = cx.treeMaker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), key,
List.of(classType, parameterTypes), null);
JCExpression value = nameToExpression(ConstPool.NS_VAL);
JCExpression thisIns = cx.treeMaker.Ident(cx.names.fromString(REF_THIS));
JCExpression methodName = cx.treeMaker.Literal(m.fst.toString());
JCNewClass valClass = cx.treeMaker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), value,
List.of(thisIns, methodName), null);
JCExpression addInjectMethod = nameToExpression(ConstPool.NS_W_ADD);
JCMethodInvocation apply = cx.treeMaker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), addInjectMethod,
List.from(new JCExpression[] {keyClass, valClass}));
return cx.treeMaker.Exec(apply);
private List<JCAnnotation> removeAnnotation(List<JCAnnotation> annotations, String target) {
ListBuffer<JCAnnotation> nb = new ListBuffer<>();
for (JCAnnotation i : annotations) {
@ -12,9 +12,12 @@ public final class ConstPool {
public static final String SN_CLS = "e";
public static final String SN_METHOD = "w";
public static final String SN_PKG_CLS = "n.e";
public static final String NS_W_KEY = "n.e.wk";
public static final String NS_VAL = "n.e.v";
public static final String NS_W_ADD = "n.e.wa";
public static final String STUBBORN_FIELD_METHOD = "stubbornField";
public static final String TESTABLE_GET_METHOD_PREFIX = "TestableGet";
public static final String TESTABLE_SET_METHOD_PREFIX = "TestableSet";
public static final String TYPE_TO_CLASS = "class";
@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ import java.util.*;
public final class e {
public static class k {
public Class c; // target instance type
* key for contructor pool
public static class wk {
public Class c; // target instance type to new
public Class[] a; // constructor parameter types
public k(Class c, Class[] a) {
public wk(Class c, Class[] a) {
this.c = c;
this.a = a;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o.getClass().equals(e.k.class) && c.equals(((e.k)o).c) && Arrays.equals(a, ((e.k)o).a);
return o.getClass().equals(e.wk.class) && c.equals(((e.wk)o).c) && Arrays.equals(a, ((e.wk)o).a);
@ -30,9 +33,35 @@ public final class e {
* key for method pool
public static class xk {
public String m; // original member method name
public Class[] a; // member method parameter types
public xk(String m, Class[] a) {
this.m = m;
this.a = a;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o.getClass().equals(e.xk.class) && m.equals(((e.xk)o).m) && Arrays.equals(a, ((e.xk)o).a);
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * m.hashCode() + Arrays.hashCode(a);
* value for contructor and method pool
public static class v {
public Object o; // testable object
public String m; // method to create instance
public Object o; // object which provides substitution
public String m; // substitutional method name
public v(Object o, String m) {
this.o = o;
@ -40,20 +69,34 @@ public final class e {
private static Map<k, v> pool = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<wk, v> wp = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<xk, v> xp = new HashMap<>();
public static void a(k ki, v vi) {
pool.put(ki, vi);
* add item to contructor pool
public static void wa(wk k, v vv) {
wp.put(k, vv);
* add item to method pool
public static void xa(xk k, v vv) {
xp.put(k, vv);
* subsitituion entry for new
public static <T> T w(Class<T> ct, Object... as) {
Class[] cs = new Class[as.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
cs[i] = as[i].getClass();
if (!pool.isEmpty()) {
if (!wp.isEmpty()) {
try {
Pair<k, v> p = getFromPool(new k(ct, cs));
Pair<wk, v> p = gwp(new wk(ct, cs));
if (p != null) {
Method m = p.snd.o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(p.snd.m, p.fst.a);
@ -64,7 +107,7 @@ public final class e {
try {
Constructor c = getFromConstructors(ct.getConstructors(), cs);
Constructor c = gc(ct.getConstructors(), cs);
if (c != null) {
return (T)c.newInstance(as);
@ -74,56 +117,122 @@ public final class e {
return null;
private static Constructor getFromConstructors(Constructor<?>[] constructors, Class[] cs) {
for (Constructor c : constructors) {
if (typeEquals(c.getParameterTypes(), cs)) {
return c;
* subsitituion entry for member call
public static Object x(Object obj, String method, Object... as) {
Class[] cs = gcs(as);
if (!xp.isEmpty()) {
try {
Pair<xk, v> p = gxp(new xk(method, cs));
if (p != null) {
Method m = p.snd.o.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(p.snd.m, p.fst.a);
return m.invoke(p.snd.o, as);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
try {
Method m = gm(obj.getClass().getMethods(), cs);
if (m != null) {
return m.invoke(obj, as);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
return null;
private static Pair<k, v> getFromPool(k k1) {
for (k k2 : pool.keySet()) {
if (k1.c.equals(k2.c) && typeEquals(k2.a, k1.a)) {
return Pair.of(k2, pool.get(k2));
* get classes of parameter objects
private static Class[] gcs(Object[] as) {
Class[] cs = new Class[as.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
cs[i] = as[i].getClass();
return cs;
* get method by parameter matching
private static Method gm(Method[] methods, Class[] cs) {
for (Method m : methods) {
if (te(m.getParameterTypes(), cs)) {
return m;
return null;
* @param c1 fact types (can be primary type)
* @param c2 user types
* get from method pool by key
private static boolean typeEquals(Class[] c1, Class[] c2) {
private static Pair<xk, v> gxp(xk k1) {
for (xk k2 : xp.keySet()) {
if (k1.m.equals(k2.m) && te(k2.a, k1.a)) {
return Pair.of(k2, xp.get(k2));
return null;
* get contructor by parameter matching
private static Constructor gc(Constructor<?>[] constructors, Class[] cs) {
for (Constructor c : constructors) {
if (te(c.getParameterTypes(), cs)) {
return c;
return null;
* get from contructor pool by key
private static Pair<wk, v> gwp(wk k1) {
for (wk k2 : wp.keySet()) {
if (k1.c.equals(k2.c) && te(k2.a, k1.a)) {
return Pair.of(k2, wp.get(k2));
return null;
* type equeals
private static boolean te(Class[] c1, Class[] c2) {
if (c1.length != c2.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < c1.length; i++) {
if (c1[i].equals(c2[i])) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(int.class) && c2[i].equals(Integer.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(long.class) && c2[i].equals(Long.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(short.class) && c2[i].equals(Short.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(boolean.class) && c2[i].equals(Boolean.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(char.class) && c2[i].equals(Character.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(byte.class) && c2[i].equals(Byte.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(float.class) && c2[i].equals(Float.class)) {
} else if (c1[i].equals(double.class) && c2[i].equals(Double.class)) {
} else {
if (!c1[i].equals(c2[i]) && !fe(c1[i], c2[i])) {
return false;
return true;
* fuzzy equal
* @param c1 fact types (can be primary type)
* @param c2 user types
private static boolean fe(Class c1, Class c2) {
return (c1.equals(int.class) && c2.equals(Integer.class)) ||
(c1.equals(long.class) && c2.equals(Long.class)) ||
(c1.equals(short.class) && c2.equals(Short.class)) ||
(c1.equals(boolean.class) && c2.equals(Boolean.class)) ||
(c1.equals(char.class) && c2.equals(Character.class)) ||
(c1.equals(byte.class) && c2.equals(Byte.class)) ||
(c1.equals(float.class) && c2.equals(Float.class)) ||
(c1.equals(double.class) && c2.equals(Double.class));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user