`TestableMock` is now not only a lightweight and easy-to-use unit testing mock tool, but also a comprehensive set of auxiliary tools aimed at **simplifying Java unit testing**, including the following functions:
- [Quickly mock arbitrary call](en-us/doc/use-mock.md): quickly replace any method invocation in the class under test with a mock method, solve the cumbersome use of traditional mock tools problem
- [Access private members of the class under test](en-us/doc/private-accessor.md): enable unit tests directly invoke or access private members of the class under test, solve the problems of private member initialization and private method testing
- [Quickly construct complicated parameter object](en-us/doc/omni-constructor.md):generate arbitrarily nested object instances, simplify their internal member assignment methods, solve the problem of long initialization codes for method parameters
- [Assist test void method](en-us/doc/test-void-method.md): use the mock validator to check the internal logic of method, solve the problem that unit testing is difficult to implement to the method with no return value
Add dependence of `TestableMock` inside `dependencies` field:
Finally, add the `maven-surefire-plugin` plugin to the `plugins` list in the `build` area (if this plugin is already included, just add the `<argLine>` part of the configuration):
If the project also uses the `on-the-fly` mode of `Jacoco` (default mode) to calculate the unit test coverage, you need to add a `@{argLine}` parameter in the `<argLine>` configuration, after adding it The configuration is as follows:
See the [pom.xml](https://github.com/alibaba/testable-mock/blob/master/demo/java-demo/pom.xml) file of project `java-demo` and the [pom.xml](https://github.com/alibaba/testable-mock/blob/master/demo/kotlin-demo/pom.xml) file of project `kotlin-demo`.
## Use in Gradle project
Add dependence of `TestableMock` in `build.gradle` file:
See the [build.gradle](https://github.com/alibaba/testable-mock/blob/master/demo/java-demo/build.gradle) file of project `java-demo` and the [build.gradle.kts](https://github.com/alibaba/testable-mock/blob/master/demo/kotlin-demo/build.gradle.kts) file of project `kotlin-demo`.
> If the project is using `Spock` test framework, you need to specify the bytecode version generated by `Groovy` to be 1.6 or above, the method is as follows (please modify the properties value according to the actual JVM version used).
> For Maven project, add `<maven.compiler.source>` and `<maven.compiler.target>` properties inside the `pom.xml` file, e.g.