/* Copyright © 1997—1999 Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc. © 2003—2017 Sam Hocevar This software is released for free use under the terms of the GNU Public License, version 2 or higher. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "match.h" int match(char const *sorig, char const *p) { return matchBody(sorig, p, 0); } int matchNoCase(char const *sorig, char const *p) { return matchBody(sorig, p, 1); } #define CASE(x) (nocase ? tolower(x) : (x)) int matchBody(char const *sorig, char const *p, int nocase) { /* Algorithm: Word separator: *. End-of-string is considered to be a word constituent. ? is similarly considered to be a specialized word constituent. Match the word to the current position in s. Empty words automatically succeed. If the word matches s, and the word and s contain end-of-string at that point, return success. \ escapes the next character, including \ itself (6.0). For each *: Find the next occurrence of the next word and advance beyond it in both p and s. If the next word ends in end-of-string and is found successfully, return success, otherwise advance past the *. If the word is not found, return failure. If the next word is empty, advance past the *. Behavior of ?: advance one character in s and p. Addendum: consider the | character to be a logical OR separating distinct patterns. */ char const *s = sorig; int escaped = 0; while (1) { char const *word; int wordLen; int wordPos; if (escaped) { /* This is like the default case, except that | doesn't end the pattern. */ escaped = 0; if ((*s == '\0') && (*p == '\0')) { return 1; } if (CASE(*p) != CASE(*s)) { goto nextPattern; } p++; s++; continue; } switch(*p) { case '\\': /* Escape the next character. */ escaped = 1; p++; continue; case '*': /* Find the next occurrence of the next word and advance beyond it in both p and s. If the next word ends in end-of-string and is found successfully, return success, otherwise advance past the *. If the word is not found, return failure. If the next word is empty, advance. */ p++; wordLen = 0; word = p; while (1) { if ((*p) == '*') { break; } wordLen++; if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '|')) { break; } p++; } wordPos = 0; while (1) { if (wordPos == wordLen) { if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '|')) { return 1; } break; } if ((((CASE(*s)) == CASE(word[wordPos])) || ((*s == '\0') && (word[wordPos] == '|'))) || (((*s != '\0') && (*s != '|')) && (word[wordPos] == '?'))) { wordPos++; s++; } else { s -= wordPos; if (!(*s)) { goto nextPattern; } s++; wordPos = 0; } } break; case '?': p++; s++; break; default: if ((*s == '\0') && ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '|'))) { return 1; } if (CASE(*p) != CASE(*s)) { goto nextPattern; } p++; s++; break; } continue; nextPattern: while (1) { if (*p == '\0') { return 0; } if (*p == '|') { p++; s = sorig; break; } p++; } } } #ifdef TEST_MATCH #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char s[1024]; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: match pattern\n"); return 1; } while (1) { if (!fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin)) { break; } while (isspace(s[strlen(s) - 1])) { s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; } printf("%s --> %s\n", s, argv[1]); if (match(s, argv[1])) { printf("Match\n"); } else { printf("No Match\n"); } } } #endif /* TEST_MATCH */