mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 03:30:07 +08:00
Show screenshot on next line
@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ Here is a collection of screenshots of themes that have been contributed to Oh M
(*in alphabetical order*)
**robbyrussell** *the (default) that Robby uses* 
### robbyrussell
*the (default) that Robby uses*

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `robbyrussell`.
### af-magic

To use: set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `af-magic`.
### afowler

To use: set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `afowler`.
**agnoster** ([more info](https://gist.github.com/3712874))
### agnoster
([more info](https://gist.github.com/3712874))


(Shown with [Solarized Dark colorscheme](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) and [patched Menlo 14pt](https://gist.github.com/1595572) in [iTerm 2](http://www.iterm2.com/))
@ -30,353 +36,463 @@ To use:
- set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `agnoster`.
- *optionally* set `DEFAULT_USER` in `~/.zshrc` to your regular username to hide the “user@hostname” info when you’re logged in as yourself on your local machine.
### alanpeabody

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `alanpeabody`.
### amuse

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `amuse`. You might need to install one of the patched powerline fonts for it to look the same, get it here - https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts
### arrow

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `arrow`.
### aussiegeek

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `aussiegeek`.
### avit

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `avit`.
### bira

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `bira`.
### blinks

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `blinks`, and set up [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized).
### bureau

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `bureau`. In the right prompt you see git status and (if you use nvm) the Node.js version. (I’m using Solarized color scheme in this screenshot)
### candy

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `candy`.
### clean

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `clean`.
### cloud

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `cloud`.
### crunch

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `crunch`.
### cypher

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `cypher`.
### dallas

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dallas`.
### darkblood

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `darkblood`.
### daveverwer

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `daveverwer`.
### dieter

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dieter` and get this small [[fix|https://github.com/Dieterbe/oh-my-zsh/commit/7ca0afd6861fe0c9e6903a08f0e469746df627e0]] if you don’t have it yet. (Fix was [[pulled|https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/commit/8294cf44d1d348fd1590ee28b5be8483fb012153]] into robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh on 2011-01-08.)
### dogenpunk

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dogenpunk`.
### dpoggi

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dpoggi`.
### eastwood

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `eastwood`.
**evan** - *a skinny, topless prompt* 
### evan
*a skinny, topless prompt*

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `evan`.
**flazz** - has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled) 
### flazz
has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled)

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `flazz`.
**fishy** - the fish shell prompt with git support 
### fishy
the fish shell prompt with git support

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `fishy`.
### frisk

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `frisk`.
**funky** - it’s funky… 
### funky
it’s funky…

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `funky`.
### gallifrey

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gallifrey`.
### gallois

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gallois`.
### garyblessington

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `garyblessington`.
### gianu

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gianu`.
### gentoo

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gentoo`.
### geoffgarside

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `geoffgarside`.
### kphoen

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kphoen`.
### imajes

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `imajes`.
### jnrowe

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jnrowe`. This theme requires at least **v4.3.6** of `zsh`.
### jreese

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jreese`.
### jtriley

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jtriley`.
### juanghurtado

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `juanghurtado`.
**junkfood** ([more info](http://www.tylercipriani.com/2012/12/18/zsh-prompt-customization.html))
### junkfood
([more info](http://www.tylercipriani.com/2012/12/18/zsh-prompt-customization.html))

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `junkfood`.
**kafeitu**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kafeitu`.
### kafeitu
 To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kafeitu`.
### kardan

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kardan`.
### kennethreitz

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kennethreitz`.
### kolo

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kolo`.
### lambda

### linuxonly

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `linuxonly`. (As the name states, this only works on linux.)
### lukerandall

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `lukerandall`.
### macovsky

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `macovsky`.
### maran

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `maran`.
### mh

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mh`.
### miloshadzic

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `miloshadzic`.
### minimal

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `minimal`.
**mortalscumbag** - also tells you when logged in over ssh 
### mortalscumbag
also tells you when logged in over ssh

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mortalscumbag`.
### mrtazz

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mrtazz`.
### muse

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `muse`.
### nanotech

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nanotech`.
### nebirhos

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nebirhos`.
### nicoulaj

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nicoulaj`.
### norm

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `norm`.
### philips

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `philips`.
### pygmalion

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `pygmalion`. (Shown with [Solarized Dark colorscheme](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized))
### rachel

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rachel`.
### risto

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `risto`.
### rixius

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rixius`.
### sammy

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sammy`.
### simple

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `simple`.
### smt

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `smt`.
### sorin

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sorin`.
### sporty_256

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sporty_256`.
### steeef

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `steeef`.
**sunaku** - exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, `pwd` always 
### sunaku
exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, `pwd` always

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sunaku`.
**sunrise** - Lightweight prompt with exit status and `git status` consistent mode line 
### sunrise
Lightweight prompt with exit status and `git status` consistent mode line

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sunrise`.
**superjarin** - git status, git branch, and RVM, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Screenshot uses 14 pt Inconsolata (antialiased). 
### superjarin
git status, git branch, and RVM, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Screenshot uses 14 pt Inconsolata (antialiased).

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `superjarin`.
**suvash** - username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset 
### suvash
username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `suvash`.
**terminalparty** - There is a party every day. 
### terminalparty
There is a party every day.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `terminalparty`
**theunraveler** - Minimal, informative when it needs to be. 
### theunraveler
Minimal, informative when it needs to be.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `theunraveler`
**tjkirch** - Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes. 
### tjkirch
Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `tjkirch`
### tonotdo

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `tonotdo`.
### trapd00r

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `trapd00r`
### wedisagree

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wedisagree` Instructions to further customise the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wedisagree`
Instructions to further customise the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
### wezm

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wezm`.
### wuffers

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wuffers`.
### xiong-chiamiov

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `xiong-chiamiov`.
### xiong-chiamiov-plus

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `xiong-chiamiov-plus`.
**rkj-repos**   To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rkj-repos`.
### rkj-repos

**zhann**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `zhann`.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rkj-repos`.
### zhann

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `zhann`.
### ys
Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful. ([more info](http://blog.ysmood.org/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/))
[](http://ysmood.org/wp/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/) To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `ys`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `ys`.
**gnzh**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gnzh`.
### gnzh

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gnzh`.
(Don’t) Send us your theme! (for now)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user