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All the current themes can be found in the `themes/` directory. [See list here.](http://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/tree/master/themes/)
In order to enable a theme, set `ZSH_THEME` to the name of the theme in your `~/.zshrc`, before sourcing Oh My Zsh. If you do not want any theme enabled, just set `ZSH_THEME` to `""` (empty string).
Here is a collection of screenshots of themes that have been contributed to Oh My Zsh. There are many missing from this page, if you have a moment, feel free to help us complete the list.
(*in alphabetical order*)
**robbyrussell** *the (default) that Robby uses* 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `robbyrussell`.
To use: set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `af-magic`.
To use: set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `afowler`.
**agnoster** ([more info](https://gist.github.com/3712874))

(Shown with [Solarized Dark colorscheme](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) and [patched Menlo 14pt](https://gist.github.com/1595572) in [iTerm 2](http://www.iterm2.com/))
To use:
- install one of the [patched fonts from Vim-Powerline](https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts) or [patch your own](https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/fontpatching.html#font-patching) for the special characters.
- set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `agnoster`.
- *optionally* set `DEFAULT_USER` in `~/.zshrc` to your regular username to hide the “user@hostname” info when you’re logged in as yourself on your local machine.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `alanpeabody`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `amuse`. You might need to install one of the patched powerline fonts for it to look the same, get it here - https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `arrow`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `aussiegeek`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `avit`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `bira`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `blinks`, and set up [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized).
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `bureau`. In the right prompt you see git status and (if you use nvm) the Node.js version. (I’m using Solarized color scheme in this screenshot)
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `candy`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `clean`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `cloud`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `crunch`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `cypher`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dallas`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `darkblood`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `daveverwer`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dieter` and get this small [[fix|https://github.com/Dieterbe/oh-my-zsh/commit/7ca0afd6861fe0c9e6903a08f0e469746df627e0]] if you don’t have it yet. (Fix was [[pulled|https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/commit/8294cf44d1d348fd1590ee28b5be8483fb012153]] into robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh on 2011-01-08.)
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dogenpunk`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `dpoggi`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `eastwood`.
**evan** - *a skinny, topless prompt* 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `evan`.
**flazz** - has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled) 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `flazz`.
**fishy** - the fish shell prompt with git support 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `fishy`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `frisk`.
**funky** - it’s funky… 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `funky`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gallifrey`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gallois`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `garyblessington`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gianu`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gentoo`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `geoffgarside`.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kphoen`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `imajes`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jnrowe`. This theme requires at least **v4.3.6** of `zsh`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jreese`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `jtriley`.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `juanghurtado`.
**junkfood** ([more info](http://www.tylercipriani.com/2012/12/18/zsh-prompt-customization.html))

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `junkfood`.
**kafeitu**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kafeitu`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kardan`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kennethreitz`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `kolo`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `linuxonly`. (As the name states, this only works on linux.)
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `lukerandall`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `macovsky`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `maran`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mh`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `miloshadzic`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `minimal`.
**mortalscumbag** - also tells you when logged in over ssh 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mortalscumbag`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `mrtazz`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `muse`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nanotech`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nebirhos`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `nicoulaj`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `norm`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `philips`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `pygmalion`. (Shown with [Solarized Dark colorscheme](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized))
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rachel`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `risto`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rixius`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sammy`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `simple`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `smt`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sorin`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sporty_256`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `steeef`.
**sunaku** - exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, `pwd` always 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sunaku`.
**sunrise** - Lightweight prompt with exit status and `git status` consistent mode line 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `sunrise`.
**superjarin** - git status, git branch, and RVM, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Screenshot uses 14 pt Inconsolata (antialiased). 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `superjarin`.
**suvash** - username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `suvash`.
**terminalparty** - There is a party every day. 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `terminalparty`
**theunraveler** - Minimal, informative when it needs to be. 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `theunraveler`
**tjkirch** - Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes. 
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `tjkirch`
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `tonotdo`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `trapd00r`
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wedisagree` Instructions to further customise the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wezm`.

To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `wuffers`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `xiong-chiamiov`.
To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `xiong-chiamiov-plus`.
**rkj-repos**   To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `rkj-repos`.
**zhann**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `zhann`.
### ys
Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful. ([more info](http://blog.ysmood.org/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/))
[](http://ysmood.org/wp/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/) To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `ys`.
**gnzh**  To use: Set `ZSH_THEME` in `~/.zshrc` to `gnzh`.
(Don’t) Send us your theme! (for now)
We have enough themes for the time being. Please fork the project and add on in there, you can let people know how to grab it from there.
Screenshots of Each Theme
[Screenshots of each theme](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u532agyv1hyash1/LS9yNESRlQ?lst) (as of 2013-04-10), in OS X Terminal.app using Consolas 13pt and Pro color scheme, inside a folder containing both a git and a mercurial repo. Each screenshot displays the output of the `pwd` command. It has shortcomings (plugins for some themes might be missing), but it offers a convenient and uniform overview of each theme. Plugins used were battery, rvm, hg prompt, among others.
@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
All the current themes can be found in the @themes/@ directory. "See list here.":http://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/tree/master/themes/
In order to enable a theme, set @ZSH_THEME@ to the name of the theme in your @~/.zshrc@, before sourcing Oh My Zsh. If you do not want any theme enabled, just set @ZSH_THEME@ to @""@ (empty string).
Here is a collection of screenshots of themes that have been contributed to Oh My Zsh. There are many missing from this page, if you have a moment, feel free to help us complete the list.
(_in alphabetical order_)
*robbyrussell* _the (default) that Robby uses_
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @robbyrussell@.
To use: set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @af-magic@.
To use: set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @afowler@.
*agnoster* ("more info":https://gist.github.com/3712874)
(Shown with "Solarized Dark colorscheme":http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized and "patched Menlo 14pt":https://gist.github.com/1595572 in "iTerm 2":http://www.iterm2.com/)
To use:
* install one of the "patched fonts from Vim-Powerline":https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts or "patch your own":https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/fontpatching.html#font-patching for the special characters.
* set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @agnoster@.
* _optionally_ set @DEFAULT_USER@ in @~/.zshrc@ to your regular username to hide the "user@hostname" info when you're logged in as yourself on your local machine.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @alanpeabody@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @amuse@. You might need to install one of the patched powerline fonts for it to look the same, get it here - https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline-fonts
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @arrow@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @aussiegeek@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @avit@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @bira@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @blinks@, and set up "Solarized":http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @bureau@.
In the right prompt you see git status and (if you use nvm) the Node.js version.
(I'm using Solarized color scheme in this screenshot)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @candy@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @clean@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @cloud@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @crunch@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @cypher@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dallas@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @darkblood@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @daveverwer@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dieter@ and get this small [[fix|https://github.com/Dieterbe/oh-my-zsh/commit/7ca0afd6861fe0c9e6903a08f0e469746df627e0]] if you don't have it yet. (Fix was [[pulled|https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/commit/8294cf44d1d348fd1590ee28b5be8483fb012153]] into robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh on 2011-01-08.)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dogenpunk@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @dpoggi@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @eastwood@.
*evan* - _a skinny, topless prompt_
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @evan@.
*flazz* - has git and vi-command mode support (when enabled)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @flazz@.
*fishy* - the fish shell prompt with git support
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @fishy@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @frisk@.
*funky* - it's funky...
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @funky@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gallifrey@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gallois@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @garyblessington@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gianu@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gentoo@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @geoffgarside@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kphoen@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @imajes@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jnrowe@. This theme requires at least *v4.3.6* of @zsh@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jreese@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @jtriley@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @juanghurtado@.
*junkfood* ("more info":http://www.tylercipriani.com/2012/12/18/zsh-prompt-customization.html)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @junkfood@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kafeitu@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kardan@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kennethreitz@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @kolo@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @linuxonly@.
(As the name states, this only works on linux.)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @lukerandall@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @macovsky@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @maran@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @mh@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @miloshadzic@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @minimal@.
*mortalscumbag* - also tells you when logged in over ssh
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @mortalscumbag@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @mrtazz@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @muse@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nanotech@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nebirhos@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @nicoulaj@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @norm@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @philips@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @pygmalion@. (Shown with "Solarized Dark colorscheme":http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized)
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rachel@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @risto@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rixius@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sammy@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @simple@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @smt@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sorin@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sporty_256@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @steeef@.
*sunaku* - exit status if nonzero, status & branch if git, @pwd@ always
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sunaku@.
*sunrise* - Lightweight prompt with exit status and @git status@ consistent mode line
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @sunrise@.
*superjarin* - git status, git branch, and RVM, all in a no muss, no fuss prompt! Screenshot uses 14 pt Inconsolata (antialiased).
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @superjarin@.
*suvash* - username, host, directory, git branch and rvm gemset
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @suvash@.
*terminalparty* - There is a party every day.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @terminalparty@
*theunraveler* - Minimal, informative when it needs to be.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @theunraveler@
*tjkirch* - Based on dst, plus a lightning bolt and return codes.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @tjkirch@
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @tonotdo@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @trapd00r@
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wedisagree@
Instructions to further customise the theme are available as comments in the theme file.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wezm@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @wuffers@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @xiong-chiamiov@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @xiong-chiamiov-plus@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @rkj-repos@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @zhann@.
h3. ys
Clean, simple, compatible and meaningful. ("more info":http://blog.ysmood.org/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/)
"!https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/1415488/252783/25a3055e-8bb4-11e2-9b9f-95c0d6f870fb.jpg(How it looks like on Mac.)!":http://ysmood.org/wp/2013/03/my-ys-terminal-theme/
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @ys@.
To use: Set @ZSH_THEME@ in @~/.zshrc@ to @gnzh@.
h2. (Don’t) Send us your theme! (for now)
We have enough themes for the time being. Please fork the project and add on in there, you can let people know how to grab it from there.
h2. Screenshots of Each Theme
"Screenshots of each theme":https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u532agyv1hyash1/LS9yNESRlQ?lst (as of 2013-04-10), in OS X Terminal.app using Consolas 13pt and Pro color scheme, inside a folder containing both a git and a mercurial repo. Each screenshot displays the output of the @pwd@ command. It has shortcomings (plugins for some themes might be missing), but it offers a convenient and uniform overview of each theme. Plugins used were battery, rvm, hg prompt, among others.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user