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synced 2025-03-15 05:20:10 +08:00
.. | ||
_yarn | ||
README.md | ||
yarn.plugin.zsh |
Yarn plugin
This plugin adds completion for the Yarn package manager, as well as some aliases for common Yarn commands.
To use it, add yarn
to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... yarn)
Global scripts directory
It also adds yarn
global scripts dir (commonly ~/.yarn/bin
) to the $PATH
. To disable this feature, set
the following style in your .zshrc
zstyle ':omz:plugins:yarn' global-path no
Yarn Berry
If you are using Yarn berry (a.k.a. Yarn version 2 or higher) as your global Yarn version you should configure
this plugin to configure its aliases accordingly, set the following style in your .zshrc
zstyle ':omz:plugins:yarn' berry yes
- Aliases marked with
are only available when using Yarn v1 (non-berry) - Aliases marked with
are only available when using Yarn berry
Alias | Command | Description |
y | yarn |
The Yarn command |
ya | yarn add |
Install a package in dependencies (package.json ) |
yad | yarn add --dev |
Install a package in devDependencies (package.json ) |
yap | yarn add --peer |
Install a package in peerDependencies (package.json ) |
yb | yarn build |
Run the build script defined in package.json |
ycc | yarn cache clean |
Clean yarn's global cache of packages |
yd | yarn dev |
Run the dev script defined in package.json |
yf | yarn format |
Run the dev script defined in package.json |
yh | yarn help |
Show help for a yarn command |
yi | yarn init |
Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
yin | yarn install |
Install dependencies defined in package.json |
yln | yarn lint |
Run the lint script defined in package.json |
ylnf | yarn lint --fix |
Run the lint script defined in package.json to automatically fix problems |
yp | yarn pack |
Create a compressed gzip archive of package dependencies |
yrm | yarn remove |
Remove installed packages |
yrun | yarn run |
Run a defined package script |
ys | yarn serve |
Start the dev server |
yst | yarn start |
Run the start script defined in package.json |
yt | yarn test |
Run the test script defined in package.json |
ytc | yarn test --coverage |
Run the test script defined in package.json with coverage |
yui | yarn upgrade-interactive |
Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade |
yuil | yarn upgrade-interactive --latest (or see yui when using yarn berry) |
Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade to the latest available version |
yii | yarn install --frozen-lockfile (or yarn install --immutable when using yarn berry) |
Install dependencies and abort if the lockfile was to be modified |
yifl | yii |
Install dependencies and abort if the lockfile was to be modified |
yup | yarn upgrade |
Upgrade packages to their latest version |
yv | yarn version |
Update the version of your package |
yw | yarn workspace |
Run a command within a single workspace. |
yws | yarn workspaces |
Run a command within all defined workspaces. |
yy | yarn why |
Show why a package has been installed, detailing which other packages depend on it |
yga* |
yarn global add |
Install packages globally on your operating system |
ygls* |
yarn global list |
Lists global installed packages |
ygrm* |
yarn global remove |
Remove global installed packages from your OS |
ygu* |
yarn global upgrade |
Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
yls* |
yarn list |
List installed packages |
yout* |
yarn outdated |
Check for outdated package dependencies |
yuca* |
yarn global upgrade && yarn cache clean |
Upgrade global packages and clean yarn's global cache |
ydlxb |
yarn dlx |
Run a package in a temporary environment. |
ynb |
yarn node |
Run node with the hook already setup. |