# tmux

This plugin provides aliases for [tmux](https://tmux.github.io/), the terminal multiplexer.
To use it add `tmux` to the plugins array in your zshrc file.

plugins=(... tmux)

The plugin also supports the following:

- determines if tmux is installed or not, if not, prompts user to install tmux
- determines if the terminal supports the 256 colors or not, sets the appropriate configuration variable
- sets the correct local config file to use

## Aliases

| Alias  | Command                | Description                                               |
| ------ | -----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ta`   | tmux attach -t         | Attach new tmux session to already running named session  |
| `tad`  | tmux attach -d -t      | Detach named tmux session                                 |
| `ts`   | tmux new-session -s    | Create a new named tmux session                           |
| `tl`   | tmux list-sessions     | Displays a list of running tmux sessions                  |
| `tksv` | tmux kill-server       | Terminate all running tmux sessions                       |
| `tkss` | tmux kill-session -t   | Terminate named running tmux session                      |
| `tmux` | `_zsh_tmux_plugin_run` | Start a new tmux session                                  |

## Configuration Variables

| Variable                            | Description                                                                   |
| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART`                | Automatically starts tmux (default: `false`)                                  |
| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART_ONCE`           | Autostart only if tmux hasn't been started previously (default: `true`)       |
| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOCONNECT`              | Automatically connect to a previous session if it exits (default: `true`)     |
| `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOQUIT`                 | Automatically closes terminal once tmux exits (default: `ZSH_TMUX_AUTOSTART`) |
| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM`                  | Sets `$TERM` to 256-color term or not based on current terminal support       |
| `ZSH_TMUX_ITERM2`                   | Sets the `-CC` option for iTerm2 tmux integration (default: `false`)          |
| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITHOUT_256COLOR` | `$TERM` to use for non 256-color terminals (default: `screen`)                |
| `ZSH_TMUX_FIXTERM_WITH_256COLOR`    | `$TERM` to use for 256-color terminals (default: `screen-256color`            |
| `ZSH_TMUX_CONFIG`                   | Set the configuration path (default: `$HOME/.tmux.conf`)                      |
| `ZSH_TMUX_UNICODE`                  | Set `tmux -u` option to support unicode                                       |
| `ZSH_TMUX_DEFAULT_SESSION_NAME`     | Set tmux default session name when autostart is enabled                       |