From cdd2d6efc612b75577db49604eeb7dc35ba5f9b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sed-i <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2021 16:31:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] feat(juju): introduce additional juju aliases (#10426)

 plugins/juju/       | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 plugins/juju/juju.plugin.zsh | 12 +++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/juju/ b/plugins/juju/
index 2417c4669..918c08de5 100644
--- a/plugins/juju/
+++ b/plugins/juju/
@@ -18,26 +18,36 @@ Naming convention:
 ### General
-| Alias  | Command                                     | Description                                            |
-| `jdl`  | `juju debug-log --ms`                       | Display log, with millisecond resolution               |
-| `jdlr` | `juju debug-log --ms --replay`              | Replay entire log                                      |
-| `jh`   | `juju help`                                 | Show help on a command or other topic                  |
-| `jssl` | `juju juju show-status-log`                 | Output past statuses for the specified entity          |
-| `jstj` | `juju status --format=json`                 | Show status in json format (more detailed)             |
-| `jst`  | `juju status --relations --storage --color` | Show status, including relations and storage, in color |
+| Alias   | Command                                     | Description                                            |
+| `j`     | `juju`                                      | The juju command                                       |
+| `jcld`  | `juju clouds`                               | Lists all clouds with registered credentials           |
+| `jclda` | `juju clouds --all`                         | Lists all clouds available to Juju                     |
+| `jdl`   | `juju debug-log --ms`                       | Display log, with millisecond resolution               |
+| `jdlr`  | `juju debug-log --ms --replay`              | Replay entire log                                      |
+| `jh`    | `juju help`                                 | Show help on a command or other topic                  |
+| `jssl`  | `juju show-status-log`                      | Output past statuses for the specified entity          |
+| `jstj`  | `juju status --format=json`                 | Show status in json format (more detailed)             |
+| `jst`   | `juju status --relations --color`           | Show status, including relations, in color             |
+| `jsts`  | `juju status --relations --storage --color` | Show status, including relations and storage, in color |
 ### Bootstrap
-| Alias | Command                   | Description                               |
-| `jb`  | `juju bootstrap`          | Initializing a Juju cloud environment     |
-| `jbm` | `juju bootstrap microk8s` | Initializing a MicroK8s cloud environment |
+| Alias   | Command                             | Description                                           |
+| `jb`    | `juju bootstrap`                    | Initializing a Juju cloud environment                 |
+| `jbng`  | `juju bootstrap --no-gui`           | Initializing a Juju cloud environment without GUI     |
+| `jbl`   | `juju bootstrap localhost`          | Initializing an lxd cloud environment                 |
+| `jblng` | `juju bootstrap --no-gui localhost` | Initializing an lxd cloud environment without GUI     |
+| `jbm`   | `juju bootstrap microk8s`           | Initializing a MicroK8s cloud environment             |
+| `jbmng` | `juju bootstrap --no-gui microk8s`  | Initializing a MicroK8s cloud environment without GUI |
 ### Controller
 | Alias    | Command                                                                               | Description                                                       |
+| `jctl`   | `juju controllers`                                                                    | List all controllers                                              |
+| `jctlr`  | `juju controllers --refresh`                                                          | List all controllers (download latest details)                    |
 | `jdc`    | `juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models`                                        | Destroy a controller                                              |
 | `jdc!`   | `juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --force --no-wait -y`                   | Destroy a controller                                              |
 | `jdcds`  | `juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage`                      | Destroy a controller and associated storage                       |
diff --git a/plugins/juju/juju.plugin.zsh b/plugins/juju/juju.plugin.zsh
index cf89418c6..81fcd6376 100644
--- a/plugins/juju/juju.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/juju/juju.plugin.zsh
@@ -17,11 +17,20 @@ unset completion_file
 #   - `!` means --force --no-wait -y                         #
 #   - `ds` suffix means --destroy-storage                    #
 # ---------------------------------------------------------- #
+alias j="juju"
 alias jam="juju add-model --config logging-config=\"<root>=WARNING; unit=DEBUG\"\
  --config update-status-hook-interval=\"60m\""
 alias jb='juju bootstrap'
+alias jbng='juju bootstrap --no-gui'
+alias jbl='juju bootstrap localhost'
+alias jblng='juju bootstrap --no-gui localhost'
 alias jbm='juju bootstrap microk8s'
+alias jbmng='juju bootstrap --no-gui microk8s'
 alias jc='juju config'
+alias jcld='juju clouds'
+alias jclda='juju clouds --all'
+alias jctl='juju controllers'
+alias jctlr='juju controllers --refresh'
 alias jdc='juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models'
 alias 'jdc!'='juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --force --no-wait -y'
 alias jdcds='juju destroy-controller --destroy-all-models --destroy-storage'
@@ -61,7 +70,8 @@ alias jshc='juju ssh --container'
 alias jshm='juju show-model'
 alias jssl='juju show-status-log'
 alias jstj='juju status --format=json'
-alias jst='juju status --relations --storage --color'
+alias jst='juju status --relations --color'
+alias jsts='juju status --relations --storage --color'
 alias jsu='juju show-unit'
 alias jsw='juju switch'