diff --git a/plugins/jira/README.md b/plugins/jira/README.md
index 7cfb81b19..794f70607 100644
--- a/plugins/jira/README.md
+++ b/plugins/jira/README.md
@@ -43,6 +43,23 @@ starting with "_": "MP-1234_fix_dashboard". In both these cases, the issue opene
 This is also checks if the prefix is in the name, and adds it if not, so: "MP-1234" opens the issue "MP-1234",
 "mp-1234" opens the issue "mp-1234", and "1234" opens the issue "MP-1234".
+If your branch naming convention deviates, you can overwrite the jira_branch function to determine and echo the Jira issue key yourself.
+Create a file at `~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/jira-patch/jira-patch.plugin.zsh` and add `jira-patch` after `jira` in the $plugins variable
+(see https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Customization#partially-overriding-an-existing-plugin).
+# Determine branch name from naming convention 'type/KEY-123/description'.
+function jira_branch() {
+  # Get name of the branch
+  issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+  # Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
+  issue_arg=${issue_arg#*/}
+  # Strip suffixes like /some-branch-description
+  issue_arg=${issue_arg%%/*}
+  # Return the value
+  echo $issue_arg
 #### Debugging usage
diff --git a/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh b/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
index 9bcf4cc7b..22e0c82c7 100644
--- a/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/jira/jira.plugin.zsh
@@ -17,6 +17,30 @@ jira branch                     Opens an existing issue matching the current bra
+# If your branch naming convention deviates, you can partially override this plugin function
+# to determine the jira issue key based on your formatting.
+# See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Customization#partially-overriding-an-existing-plugin
+function jira_branch() {
+  # Get name of the branch
+  issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+  # Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
+  issue_arg=${issue_arg##*/}
+  # Strip suffixes starting with _
+  issue_arg=(${(s:_:)issue_arg})
+  # If there is only one part, it means that there is a different delimiter. Try with -
+  if [[ ${#issue_arg[@]} = 1 && ${issue_arg} == *-* ]]; then
+    issue_arg=(${(s:-:)issue_arg})
+    issue_arg="${issue_arg[1]}-${issue_arg[2]}"
+  else
+    issue_arg=${issue_arg[1]}
+  fi
+  if [[ "${issue_arg:l}" = ${jira_prefix:l}* ]]; then
+    echo "${issue_arg}"
+  else
+    echo "${jira_prefix}${issue_arg}"
+  fi
 function jira() {
   emulate -L zsh
   local action jira_url jira_prefix
@@ -91,24 +115,7 @@ function jira() {
     # but `branch` is a special case that will parse the current git branch
     local issue_arg issue
     if [[ "$action" == "branch" ]]; then
-      # Get name of the branch
-      issue_arg=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
-      # Strip prefixes like feature/ or bugfix/
-      issue_arg=${issue_arg##*/}
-      # Strip suffixes starting with _
-      issue_arg=(${(s:_:)issue_arg})
-      # If there is only one part, it means that there is a different delimiter. Try with -
-      if [[ ${#issue_arg[@]} = 1 && ${issue_arg} == *-* ]]; then
-        issue_arg=(${(s:-:)issue_arg})
-        issue_arg="${issue_arg[1]}-${issue_arg[2]}"
-      else
-        issue_arg=${issue_arg[1]}
-      fi
-      if [[ "${issue_arg:l}" = ${jira_prefix:l}* ]]; then
-        issue="${issue_arg}"
-      else
-        issue="${jira_prefix}${issue_arg}"
-      fi
+      issue=$(jira_branch)