From 98762faa0762e1f0ede05149c1f6b3a9db93e074 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Estelle <>
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2021 13:41:57 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] fix(vi-mode): control cursor, restore and use visual mode and
 speed up mode changes (#8004)

 plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh b/plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh
index c91ba05ba..7ff826ea3 100644
--- a/plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/vi-mode/vi-mode.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,33 +1,61 @@
+# Control whether to force a redraw on each mode change.
+# Resetting the prompt on every mode change can cause lag when switching modes.
+# This is especially true if the prompt does things like checking git status.
+# Set to "true" to force the prompt to reset on each mode change.
+# Set to "false" to force the prompt *not* to reset on each mode change.
+# (The default is not to reset, unless we're showing the mode in RPS1).
+typeset -g VI_KEYMAP=main
+function _vi-mode-set-cursor-shape-for-keymap() {
+  #
+  local _shape=0
+  case "${1:-${VI_KEYMAP:-main}}" in
+    main)    _shape=6 ;; # vi insert: line
+    viins)   _shape=6 ;; # vi insert: line
+    isearch) _shape=6 ;; # inc search: line
+    command) _shape=6 ;; # read a command name
+    vicmd)   _shape=2 ;; # vi cmd: block
+    visual)  _shape=2 ;; # vi visual mode: block
+    viopp)   _shape=0 ;; # vi operation pending: blinking block
+    *)       _shape=0 ;;
+  esac
+  printf $'\e[%d q' "${_shape}"
 # Updates editor information when the keymap changes.
 function zle-keymap-select() {
   # update keymap variable for the prompt
+  typeset -g VI_KEYMAP=$KEYMAP
-  zle reset-prompt
-  zle -R
+  if [ "${VI_MODE_RESET_PROMPT_ON_MODE_CHANGE:-}" = true ]; then
+    zle reset-prompt
+    zle -R
+  fi
+  _vi-mode-set-cursor-shape-for-keymap "${VI_KEYMAP}"
 zle -N zle-keymap-select
-function vi-accept-line() {
-  VI_KEYMAP=main
-  zle accept-line
+# These "echoti" statements were originally set in lib/key-bindings.zsh
+# Not sure the best way to extend without overriding.
+function zle-line-init() {
+  typeset -g VI_KEYMAP=main
+  (( ! ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) || echoti smkx
+  _vi-mode-set-cursor-shape-for-keymap "${VI_KEYMAP}"
+zle -N zle-line-init
-zle -N vi-accept-line
+function zle-line-finish() {
+  (( ! ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )) || echoti rmkx
+  _vi-mode-set-cursor-shape-for-keymap default
+zle -N zle-line-finish
 bindkey -v
-# use custom accept-line widget to update $VI_KEYMAP
-bindkey -M vicmd '^J' vi-accept-line
-bindkey -M vicmd '^M' vi-accept-line
-# allow v to edit the command line (standard behaviour)
-autoload -Uz edit-command-line
-zle -N edit-command-line
-bindkey -M vicmd 'v' edit-command-line
 # allow ctrl-p, ctrl-n for navigate history (standard behaviour)
 bindkey '^P' up-history
 bindkey '^N' down-history
@@ -45,12 +73,95 @@ bindkey '^s' history-incremental-search-forward
 bindkey '^a' beginning-of-line
 bindkey '^e' end-of-line
+if [[ "${terminfo[kpp]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kpp]}" up-line-or-history       # [PageUp] - Up a line of history
+if [[ "${terminfo[knp]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[knp]}" down-line-or-history     # [PageDown] - Down a line of history
+# start typing + [Up-Arrow] - fuzzy find history forward
+if [[ "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" != "" ]]; then
+  autoload -U up-line-or-beginning-search
+  zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" up-line-or-beginning-search
+# start typing + [Down-Arrow] - fuzzy find history backward
+if [[ "${terminfo[kcud1]}" != "" ]]; then
+  autoload -U down-line-or-beginning-search
+  zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kcud1]}" down-line-or-beginning-search
+if [[ "${terminfo[khome]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[khome]}" beginning-of-line      # [Home] - Go to beginning of line
+if [[ "${terminfo[kend]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kend]}"  end-of-line            # [End] - Go to end of line
+if [[ "${terminfo[kcbt]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kcbt]}" reverse-menu-complete   # [Shift-Tab] - move through the completion menu backwards
+bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char                     # [Backspace] - delete backward
+if [[ "${terminfo[kdch1]}" != "" ]]; then
+  bindkey "${terminfo[kdch1]}" delete-char            # [Delete] - delete forward
+  bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
+  bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char
+  bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
+() {
+  local wrap_clipboard_widgets
+  function wrap_clipboard_widgets() {
+    # NB: Assume we are the first wrapper and that we only wrap native widgets
+    # See zsh-autosuggestions.zsh for a more generic and more robust wrapper
+    local verb="$1"
+    shift
+    local widget
+    local wrapped_name
+    for widget in "$@"; do
+      wrapped_name="_zsh-vi-${verb}-${widget}"
+      if [ "${verb}" = copy ]; then
+        eval "
+          function ${wrapped_name}() {
+            zle .${widget}
+            printf %s \"\${CUTBUFFER}\" | clipcopy
+          }
+        "
+      else
+        eval "
+          function ${wrapped_name}() {
+            CUTBUFFER=\"\$(clippaste)\"
+            zle .${widget}
+          }
+        "
+      fi
+      zle -N "${widget}" "${wrapped_name}"
+    done
+  }
+  wrap_clipboard_widgets copy vi-yank vi-yank-eol vi-backward-kill-word vi-change-whole-line vi-delete
+  wrap_clipboard_widgets paste vi-put-{before,after}
+  unfunction wrap_clipboard_widgets
 # if mode indicator wasn't setup by theme, define default
 if [[ "$MODE_INDICATOR" == "" ]]; then
-  MODE_INDICATOR="%{$fg_bold[red]%}<%{$fg[red]%}<<%{$reset_color%}"
+  MODE_INDICATOR='%B%F{red}<%b<<%f'
 function vi_mode_prompt_info() {
+  # If we're using the prompt to display mode info, and we haven't explicitly
+  # disabled "reset prompt on mode change", then set it here.
+  #
+  # We do that here instead of the `if` statement below because the user may
+  # set RPS1/RPROMPT to something else in their custom config.
   echo "${${VI_KEYMAP/vicmd/$MODE_INDICATOR}/(main|viins)/}"