From 24492a2fdb6feed1b529459dbd97061460aa968f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Janke <>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 01:21:29 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Update github plugin to work with current hub versions

Removes old completion setup that breaks with current _git and _hub completions.
Ruby is no longer required by hub; removes that test.
Does not define new completions for hub; they are now defined by hub itself.
Change the functions to use hub to create the repos on GitHub.
Add error checking to the functions.
Removes apparently-unused _github completion definition.
 plugins/github/         |  46 ++++++++++++++
 plugins/github/_github           |  40 ------------
 plugins/github/github.plugin.zsh | 101 +++++++++++++------------------
 3 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 plugins/github/
 delete mode 100644 plugins/github/_github

diff --git a/plugins/github/ b/plugins/github/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21b7367f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/github/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#  github
+This plugin supports working with GitHub the command line. It provides a few things:
+* Sets up the `hub` wrapper and completions for the `git` command if you have `hub` installed.
+* Completion for the `github` Ruby gem.
+* Convenience functions for working with repos and URLs.
+###  Functions
+* `empty_gh` - Creates a new empty repo (with a ``) and pushes it to GitHub
+* `new_gh` - Initializes an existing directory as a repo and pushes it to GitHub
+* `exist_gh` - Takes an existing repo and pushes it to GitHub
+* `` - Shortens a URL using [](
+##  Installation
+[Hub]( needs to be installed if you want to use it. On OS X with Homebrew, this can be done with `brew install hub`. The `hub` completion definition needs to be added to your `$FPATH` before initializing OMZ.
+The [`github` Ruby gem]( needs to be installed if you want to use it.
+###  Configuration
+These settings affect `github`'s behavior.
+#### Environment variables
+#### Git configuration options
+* `github.user` - GitHub username for repo operations
+See `man hub` for more details.
+###  Homebrew installation note
+If you have installed `hub` using Homebrew, its completions may not be on your `$FPATH` if you are using the system `zsh`. Homebrew installs `zsh` completion definitions to `/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions`, which on `$FPATH` for the Homebrew-installed `zsh`, but not for the system `zsh`. If you want it to work with the system `zsh`, add this to your `~/.zshrc` before it sources ``.
+if (( ! ${fpath[(I)/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions]} )); then
+  FPATH=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions:$FPATH
diff --git a/plugins/github/_github b/plugins/github/_github
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e1713c7..000000000
--- a/plugins/github/_github
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#compdef github
-# in order to make this work, you will need to have the github gem installed
-# github zsh completion, based on homebrew completion
-local -a _1st_arguments
-  'browse:Open this repo in a web browser'
-  'clone:Clone a repo'
-  'config:Automatically set configuration info, or pass args to specify'
-  'create-from-local:Create a new GitHub repository from the current local repository'
-  'create:Create a new empty GitHub repository'
-  'fetch:Fetch from a remote to a local branch'
-  'fetch_all:Fetch all refs from a user'
-  'fork:Forks a GitHub repository'
-  'home:Open this repos master branch in a web browser'
-  'ignore:Ignore a SHA from github network commits'
-  'info:Info about this project'
-  'issues:Project issues tools'
-  'network:Project network tools - sub-commands : web [user], list, fetch, commits'
-  'open:Open the given user/project in a web browser'
-  'pull-request:Generate the text for a pull request'
-  'pull:Pull from a remote'
-  'search:Search GitHub for the given repository name'
-  'track:Track another users repository'
-local expl
-local -a pkgs installed_pkgs
-_arguments \
-  '*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
-if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
-  _describe -t commands "github subcommand" _1st_arguments
-  return
diff --git a/plugins/github/github.plugin.zsh b/plugins/github/github.plugin.zsh
index bd69b1bd5..ca19901fd 100644
--- a/plugins/github/github.plugin.zsh
+++ b/plugins/github/github.plugin.zsh
@@ -1,56 +1,25 @@
-# Setup hub function for git, if it is available;
-if [ "$commands[(I)hub]" ] && [ "$commands[(I)ruby]" ]; then
-    # Autoload _git completion functions
-    if declare -f _git > /dev/null; then
-      _git
-    fi
-    if declare -f _git_commands > /dev/null; then
-        _hub_commands=(
-            'alias:show shell instructions for wrapping git'
-            'pull-request:open a pull request on GitHub'
-            'fork:fork origin repo on GitHub'
-            'create:create new repo on GitHub for the current project'
-            'browse:browse the project on GitHub'
-            'compare:open GitHub compare view'
-        )
-        # Extend the '_git_commands' function with hub commands
-        eval "$(declare -f _git_commands | sed -e 's/base_commands=(/base_commands=(${_hub_commands} /')"
-    fi
-    # eval `hub alias -s zsh`
-    function git(){
-        if ! (( $+_has_working_hub  )); then
-            hub --version &> /dev/null
-            _has_working_hub=$(($? == 0))
-        fi
-        if (( $_has_working_hub )) ; then
-            hub "$@"
-        else
-            command git "$@"
-        fi
-    }
+# Set up hub wrapper for git, if it is available;
+if [ "$commands[(I)hub]" ]; then
+  if hub --version &>/dev/null; then
+    eval $(hub alias -s zsh)
+  fi
 # Functions #################################################################
+# Based on
-# empty_gh [NAME_OF_REPO]
+# empty_gh <NAME_OF_REPO>
 # Use this when creating a new repo from scratch.
+# Creates a new repo with a blank in it and pushes it up to GitHub.
 empty_gh() { # [NAME_OF_REPO]
-    repo=$1
-    ghuser=$(  git config github.user )
+  emulate -L zsh
+  local repo=$1
-    mkdir "$repo"
-    cd "$repo"
-    git init
-    touch README
-    git add README
-    git commit -m 'Initial commit.'
-    git remote add origin${ghuser}/${repo}.git
-    git push -u origin master
+  mkdir "$repo"
+  touch "$repo/"
+  new_gh "$repo"
 # new_gh [DIRECTORY]
@@ -58,16 +27,25 @@ empty_gh() { # [NAME_OF_REPO]
 # Use this when you have a directory that is not yet set up for git.
 # This function will add all non-hidden files to git.
 new_gh() { # [DIRECTORY]
-    cd "$1"
-    ghuser=$( git config github.user )
+  emulate -L zsh
+  local repo="$1"
+  cd "$repo" \
+    || return
-    git init
-    # add all non-dot files
-    print '.*'"\n"'*~' >> .gitignore
-    git add ^.*
-    git commit -m 'Initial commit.'
-    git remote add origin${ghuser}/${repo}.git
-    git push -u origin master
+  git init \
+    || return
+  # add all non-dot files
+  print '.*'"\n"'*~' >> .gitignore
+  git add [^.]* \
+    || return
+  git add .gitignore \
+    || return
+  git commit -m 'Initial commit.' \
+    || return
+  hub create \
+    || return
+  git push -u origin master \
+    || return
 # exist_gh [DIRECTORY]
@@ -75,13 +53,13 @@ new_gh() { # [DIRECTORY]
 # Use this when you have a git repo that's ready to go and you want to add it
 # to your GitHub.
 exist_gh() { # [DIRECTORY]
-    cd "$1"
-    name=$( git config )
-    ghuser=$( git config github.user )
-    repo=$1
+  emulate -L zsh
+  local repo=$1
+  cd "$repo"
-    git remote add origin${ghuser}/${repo}.git
-    git push -u origin master
+  hub create \
+    || return
+  git push -u origin master
 # "GitHub URL"
@@ -91,7 +69,10 @@ exist_gh() { # [DIRECTORY]
 # source:
 # documentation:
 # {curl -i -s -F "url=$1" | grep "Location" | cut -f 2 -d " "} {
+  emulate -L zsh
+  curl -i -s -F "url=$1" | grep "Location" | cut -f 2 -d " "
 # End Functions #############################################################