2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
#compdef brew
2016-02-10 07:17:18 +08:00
# imported from https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/29f73d2212c2b202fe25f69dcbf440d8391fa4c9/Library/Contributions/brew_zsh_completion.zsh
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
# Brew ZSH completion function
# Drop this somewhere in your $fpath (like /usr/share/zsh/site-functions)
# and rename it _brew
# altered from _fink
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
_brew_all_formulae() {
formulae=(`brew search`)
_brew_installed_formulae() {
installed_formulae=(`brew list`)
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
_brew_installed_taps() {
installed_taps=(`brew tap`)
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
_brew_official_taps() {
official_taps=(`brew tap --list-official`)
_brew_pinned_taps() {
pinned_taps=(`brew tap --list-pinned`)
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
_brew_outdated_formulae() {
outdated_formulae=(`brew outdated`)
2015-09-03 01:29:17 +08:00
_brew_installed_services() {
installed_services=(`brew services list | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n+2`)
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
local -a _1st_arguments
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'audit:check formulae for Homebrew coding style'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'cat:display formula file for a formula'
'cleanup:uninstall unused and old versions of packages'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'commands:show a list of commands'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'config:show homebrew and system configuration'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'create:create a new formula'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'deps:list dependencies and dependants of a formula'
'desc:display a description of a formula'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'doctor:audits your installation for common issues'
'edit:edit a formula'
2014-11-08 17:58:52 +08:00
'fetch:download formula resources to the cache'
'gist-logs:generate a gist of the full build logs'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'home:visit the homepage of a formula or the brew project'
'info:information about a formula'
'install:install a formula'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'reinstall:install a formula anew; re-using its current options'
2014-10-21 00:53:57 +08:00
'leaves:show installed formulae that are not dependencies of another installed formula'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'link:link a formula'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'linkapps:symlink .app bundles provided by formulae into /Applications'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'list:list files in a formula or not-installed formulae'
'log:git commit log for a formula'
2011-05-28 22:57:48 +08:00
'missing:check all installed formuale for missing dependencies.'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'migrate:migrate renamed formula to new name'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'outdated:list formulae for which a newer version is available'
'pin:pin specified formulae'
2014-11-08 17:58:52 +08:00
'postinstall:perform post_install for a given formula'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'prune:remove dead links'
'remove:remove a formula'
'search:search for a formula (/regex/ or string)'
2015-09-03 01:29:17 +08:00
'services:manage services'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'switch:switch between different versions of a formula'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'tap:tap a new formula repository from GitHub, or list existing taps'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'tap-info:information about a tap'
'tap-pin:pin a tap'
'tap-unpin:unpin a tap'
2014-11-08 17:58:52 +08:00
'test-bot:test a formula and build a bottle'
2014-08-26 02:05:13 +08:00
'uninstall:uninstall a formula'
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'unlink:unlink a formula'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'unlinkapps:remove symlinked .app bundles provided by formulae from /Applications'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'unpin:unpin specified formulae'
'untap:remove a tapped repository'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
'update:fetch latest version of Homebrew and all formulae'
2011-04-22 05:16:29 +08:00
'upgrade:upgrade outdated formulae'
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'uses:show formulae which depend on a formula'
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
`brew commands --quiet --include-aliases`
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
local expl
2015-09-03 01:29:17 +08:00
local -a formulae installed_formulae installed_taps official_taps outdated_formulae installed_services
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
_arguments \
2011-05-28 22:57:48 +08:00
'(-v)-v[verbose]' \
'(--cellar)--cellar[brew cellar]' \
'(--env)--env[brew environment]' \
'(--repository)--repository[brew repository]' \
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
'(--version)--version[version information]' \
'(--prefix)--prefix[where brew lives on this system]' \
'(--cache)--cache[brew cache]' \
'*:: :->subcmds' && return 0
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands "brew subcommand" _1st_arguments
case "$words[1]" in
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
_wanted formulae expl 'all formulae' compadd -a formulae ;;
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
_arguments \
'(--local)--local[operate on ~/Applications instead of /Applications]' \
'1: :->forms' && return 0
if [[ "$state" == forms ]]; then
_wanted installed_formulae expl 'installed formulae' compadd -a installed_formulae
fi ;;
2011-05-28 22:57:48 +08:00
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
_arguments \
'(--unbrewed)--unbrewed[files in brew --prefix not controlled by brew]' \
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'(--pinned)--pinned[list all versions of pinned formulae]' \
2011-05-28 22:57:48 +08:00
'(--versions)--versions[list all installed versions of a formula]' \
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
'1: :->forms' && return 0
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
if [[ "$state" == forms ]]; then
2011-05-28 22:57:48 +08:00
_wanted installed_formulae expl 'installed formulae' compadd -a installed_formulae
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
fi ;;
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00
_wanted installed_formulae expl 'installed formulae' compadd -a installed_formulae ;;
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
_arguments \
'(--macports)--macports[search the macports repository]' \
'(--fink)--fink[search the fink repository]' ;;
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
2016-02-09 12:43:17 +08:00
_wanted installed_taps expl 'installed taps' compadd -a installed_taps ;;
_wanted official_taps expl 'official taps' compadd -a official_taps ;;
_wanted pinned_taps expl 'pinned taps' compadd -a pinned_taps ;;
2014-02-12 11:45:41 +08:00
_wanted outdated_formulae expl 'outdated formulae' compadd -a outdated_formulae ;;
2015-09-03 01:29:17 +08:00
_arguments -C \
'1: :->command' \
'2: :->service' && return 0
local -a commands
'cleanup:Get rid of stale services and unused plists'
'list:List all services managed by brew services'
'restart:Gracefully restart selected service'
'start:Start selected service'
'stop:Stop selected service'
case $state in
_describe -t commands 'Action' commands
_describe -t subcommands 'Services' installed_services
2010-08-21 00:55:30 +08:00