1 CSteamSharedFile
Alex Corn edited this page 2023-06-24 03:00:01 -04:00

A class which represents a shared file on Steam, including artwork, screenshots, and guides. This class cannot be instantiated directly; it must be received from a call to getSteamSharedFile.



The shared file's unique ID.


A value from the ESharedFileType enum.

You can compare values like this:

const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');

let sharedFile = getSomeSharedFileSomehow();
if (sharedFile.type == SteamCommunity.ESharedFileType.Screenshot) {
	console.log('This file is a screenshot');


The ID of the Steam app to which this shared file belongs.


A SteamID object representing the account that owns this shared file.


A string containing a human-readable representation of the size of the file, if applicable.


A Date object representing the date and time when this file was posted.


A string containing a human-readable representation of the resolution of the file, if applicable.


A count of how many unique people have viewed this file.


A count of how many people have favorited this file.


A count of how many people have voted this file up.


A count of how many people have rated this file, if the file is a guide.


A bool indicating whether the logged-in account has upvoted this file.


A bool indicating whether the logged-in account has downvoted this file.



  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Adds this shared file to your favorites.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.favoriteSharedFile(sharedFileId, fileAppId, callback);


  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Removes this shared file from your favorites.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.unfavoriteSharedFile(sharedFileId, fileAppId, callback);

comment(message[, callback])

  • message - The message you want to post as a comment
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Posts a comment on this shared file.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.postSharedFileComment(sharedFileOwnerSteamId, sharedFileId, message, callback);

deleteComment(cid[, callback])

  • cid - The ID of the comment you want to delete
  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Deletes a comment on this shared file, provided you have privilege to do so.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.deleteSharedFileComment(sharedFileOwnerSteamId, sharedFileId, cid, callback);


  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Subscribes to this shared file's comment section.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.subscribeSharedFileComments(sharedFileOwnerSteamId, sharedFileId, callback);


  • callback - Optional. Called when the request completes.
    • err - An Error object on failure, or null on success

Unsubscribes from this shared file's comment section.

You can also call this directly on a SteamCommunity instance, like so:

community.unsubscribeSharedFileComments(sharedFileOwnerSteamId, sharedFileId, callback);